Loss or impaired sense of smell is a symptom of viral illnesses, including the common cold (Pellegrino et al., 2017) and SARS-CoV-2 (Gerkin et al., 2020; Pellegrino et al., 2020), sinonasal disease (Dalton, 2004), traumatic brain injury (Collet et al., 2009), drugs or toxins (Schiffman, 2018; Upadhyay & Holbrook, 2004), neurodegenerative diseases (Ponsen et al., 2009; Solomon, 1994), surgery (Deems et al., 1991), and chemotherapy (Amézaga et al., 2018), among others (Nordin & Brämerson, 2008). Prior to 2020, over 200,000 people sought treatment for olfactory impairment annually (Pellegrion et al., 2020), primarily caused by viral illnesses (Dalton, 2004). COVID-19 has increased the known prevalence for post-viral smell loss by ~30% (Hummel et al., 2016), and ~20% for all forms of smell loss (Hannum et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2016; Mullol et al., 2012). However, subjective measurements may underestimate the true prevalence of smell loss by about 26% (Hannum et al., 2020) in part due to general lack of awareness of chemosensory changes in the general population. Objective measurements can more accurately identify changes in smell function, but are not always feasible due to scaling, time or budget constraints (Parma et al., 2021). Yet they represent the best way to track recovery from smell loss. A quick recovery would minimize the negative effects associated with smell loss, such as a reduced quality of life (Boesveldt et al., 2017), depression (Rochet et al., 2018), malnutrition (Gopinath et al., 2016) and exposure to toxins such as smoke and natural gas (Pence et al., 2014). However, the time to recovery is variable: 85% of people recover from post-COVID smell loss within 3 weeks (Cecchetto et al., 2021; Chiesa-Estomba et al., 2020; Reiter et al., 2020; Vaira et al., 2020), while 15% of people do not recover and their smell loss persists long after the rest of their COVID-19 symptoms subside (Borsetto et al., 2020; Cecchetto et al., 2021; Chiesa-Estomba et al., 2020; Vaira et al., 2020). Others with post-viral smell loss have reportedly taken years to recover (Lee et al., 2014). Other etiologies of smell loss may also have longer or more permanent effects on smell loss, such as traumatic brain injury (Reden et al., 2006) or neurodegenerative diseases (Hummel et al., 2016; Whitcroft et al., 2017). Recovery may also differ depending on age and sex of the person (Amer et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2014; Mullol et al., 2012). There is currently no cure for smell loss, however some interventions have been effective in improving smell recovery, such as olfactory training (Sorokowska et al., 2017) and pharmacological interventions (Hummel et al., 2016; Yan et al., 2019). Due to the rapid influx of studies assessing smell loss from COVID-19, the time is mature for a metanalytic analysis to synthesize the factors influencing recovery from post-viral smell loss, and compare it recovery following smell loss due to other etiologies (e.g. post-traumatic, neurodegenerative, sinonasal, toxins, surgery, and chemotherapy). A comprehensive analysis of recovery from smell loss due to COVID-19 and how it compares to other etiologies of smell loss does not currently exist. The aim of the study is to determine the recovery prevalence and recovery time from smell loss based on the available literature. Etiology of smell loss, time since etiological event (for prevalence), type of test (subjective vs objective), presence/absence of an intervention, type of intervention, age, and sex will be used as moderators. With this literature search and analysis, we will answer the following experimental questions if data from 4 or more articles per condition can be included: 1. What is the prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery overall (all etiologies with minimal intervention combined)? 2. What is the prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery from post-COVID smell loss compared to other etiologies of smell loss (if 4 or more articles are available per etiology). 3. How does the prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery differ among etiologies of smell loss (if 4 or more articles are available per etiology). ● Exploratory analysis: How does the prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery differ among acute (12 weeks) cases of smell loss (if >4 of each case are available). 4. Does the prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery differ based on type of assessment (objective vs. subjective)? 5. Do certain demographics (age and sex) have a higher prevalence (percent) of smell loss recovery than others? 6. Do interventions improve smell loss recovery prevalence (percent)? 7. What is the recovery time (days) from smell loss overall (all etiologies with minimal intervention combined)? 8. What is the recovery time (days) from post-COVID smell loss compared to other etiologies of smell loss (if 4 or more articles are available per etiology). 9. How does the recovery time (days) from smell loss differ among etiologies of smell loss (if 4 or more articles are available per etiology). ● Exploratory analysis: How does the recovery time (days) from smell loss differ among acute and chronic cases of smell loss (if >4 of each case are available). 10. How does the recovery time (days) from smell loss differ based on type of assessment (objective vs. subjective)? 11. Do certain demographics (age and sex) have a reduced recovery time (days) from smell loss than others? 12. What is the impact of interventions on recovery time (days) from smell loss? Recovery includes any reported improvement in smell function.