1. Antiaritmički efekti novosintetisanih derivata propafenona
- Author
Branka Ivković, Dragan Opačić, Boris Džudović, Milkica Crevar, and Ljiljana Gojković-Bukarica
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,rats ,experimental arrhythmia ,propafenone derivatives ,derivati propafenona ,pacovi ,akonitin ,aconitine ,Pharmaceutical Science ,eksperimentalna aritmija - Abstract
It is well known that the presence of different chemical groups in drug molecules influences their pharmacological properties. The aim of our study is to investigate whether newly synthesized derivatives of propafenone, with changes in benzyl moiety, have a different effect upon arrhythmia, compared to propafenone. 5OCl-PF and 5OF-PF are derivatives of propafenone with-Cl or –F substituent on the ortho position of the benzyl moiety. For verification of their antiarrhythmic effect, we used an in vivo rat model of aconitine-induced arrhythmia. 5OCl-PF speeded the appearance of supraventricular premature beats (SVPB) and death more than aconitine. All animals treated with 5OCl-PF developed ventricular premature beats in salvos (VPBS), bigeminies (VPBB) and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (PVT). 5OF-PF had a negative chronotropic effect and potentiated atrial excitability (more SVPB). It had a positive effect on the occurrence and onset time of supraventricular tachycardia, VPBS, and PVT. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that newly synthesized propafenone derivatives have no better antiarrhythmic effect than the parent compound. In the future, our research will be focused on the synthesis of different derivatives and examining their antiarrhythmic effects. Dobro je poznato da prisustvo različitih hemijskih grupa u molekulima leka utiče na njegova farmakološka svojstva. Cilj našeg istraživanja je ispitati da li novosintetisani derivati propafenona, s promenama u benzilnoj grupi, imaju drugačiji efekat na aritmiju u odnosu na propafenon. 5OCl-PF i 5OF-PF su derivati propafenona sa -Cl ili –F supstituentom na orto položaju benzilnog dela. Za proveru njihovog antiaritmičnog efekta koristili smo in vivo model na pacovima sa aritmijom izazvanom akonitinom. 5OCl-PF je ubrzao pojavu supraventrikularnih prevremenih otkucaja (SVPB) i smrt više nego akonitin. Sve životinje lečene sa 5OCl-PF razvile su ventrikularne prevremene otkucaje (VPBS i VPBB) i paroksizmalnu ventrikularnu tahikardiju (PVT). 5OF-PF je imao negativan hronotropni efekat i potencirao atrijalnu ekscitabilnost (više SVPB). Pozitivno je uticao na pojavu i vreme početka supraventrikularne tahikardije, VPBS i PVT. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da novosintetisani derivati propafenona nemaju bolji antiaritmijski efekat od polaznog jedinjenja. U budućnosti, istraživanje će biti usmereno ka sintezi hemijski drugačijih derivata i ispitivanju njihovog antiaritmijskog efekta.
- Published
- 2022