Production and operations management (POM) is an important activity in all organizations which can make use now of protocols and networking technologies for providing more efficient tools. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a set of primitives suitable for supporting production management (PM) applications. The PM service is based on the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) protocol of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP) architecture. The MMS is modeled according with its companion standard and the solution is oriented for manufacturing., {"references":["Jay Heizer and Larry Render.Production & Operations Management.Prentice Hall, 4 edition edition, February 1996.","Kusiak and S.S. Heragu. Computer Integrated Manufacturing: AStructural Perspective.IEEE Network, 2(3):14–22, May 1988.","L.J. McGuffin, L.O. Reid, and S.R. Sparks.MAP/TOP in CIMDistributed Computing.IEEE Network, 2(3):23–31, May 1988.","G. G Wood. Survey of LANs and Standards.Computer Standards &Interfaces, 6(1):27–36, January 1987.","ISO International Standars Organization. ISO - ISO/IEC 7498-1 - Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — BasicReference Model: The Basic Model, 1994.","Andrew S. Tanenbaum.Computer Networks. Prentice Hall, 1 editionedition, 1981.","Joberto S. B. Martins. Redes Industriais: O Estado da Arte da Tecnologia. In: Seminário sobre Redes de Comunicação Industrial, pages 1–10, São Paulo, 1990. SOBRACON.[","ISO International Organization for Standardization/ IEC InternationalElectrotechnical Commission 9506. Manufacturing Message Specifica-tion - MMS, 1998.","General Motors. Manufacturing Automation Protocol - MAP, 1982.","A. K. Rae.An MMS Companion Standard for Production Management.Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1991.","ISO International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 9506-4 -Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification- Companion Standard for Numerical Control, 1992.","ISO International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 9506-3 Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification- Companion Standard for Robotics, 1991.","ISO International Standars Organization. ISO-IEC 9506-5 IndustrialAutomation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification - Part 5:Companion Standard for Programmable Controller, 1999.","ISA International Standards Association. ISA DS72.02 Process Message Service, 1987.","Mônica V. C. Aguiar, Elizabeth Sphor, Joberto S. B. Martins. Aspectos de Implementação de um Servidor MMS. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, pages 331–342, Florianópolis,1991. Brazilian Computer Society - SBC.","SISCO Systems Integration Specialists Company. Overview and Introduction to the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS). Techical Report 11/95, 1995.","Elizabeth Sphor, Mônica V. C. Aguiar, Joberto S. B. Martins. Programação de CPs em Redes Industriais com Suporte MMS. In: Anais da IX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, volume 1, pages 1–2. Sociedade Brasileira de Automação - SBA, June 1992.","Fernando W. Cruz and Joberto S. B. Martins. Uma Abordagem para a Gerência de Produção em Redes Industriais. In: Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores - SBRC, pages 121–132. Brazilian Computer Society - SBC, May 1992.","Fernando W. Cruz and Joberto S. B. Martins. PAGP - Um Padrão Associado para a Gerência de Produção. In: Anais da Conferência Internacional sobre Aplicação Industrial de Eletricidade - INDUSCON, São Paulo, 1992. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.","Sun Microsystems. Network Programming Guide. Manuals. Sun Microsystems, USA, 1990."]}