9 results on '"finansiering"'
Search Results
2. Modeller for kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene
- Author
Hagen, Terje P.
- Subjects
jel:I18 ,samhandling ,primærhelsetjenesten ,spesialisthelsetjenesten ,finansiering ,somatiske sykehus ,Norge - Abstract
Våren 2009 lanserte helseministeren ønsket om en reform som kan bedre samhandlingen mellom primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten. Gjennom den forutgående politiske prosessen har initiativet mer fått karakter av å bli en reform for å styrke kommunehelsetjenesten: Mer av behandlingen skal skje i kommunene, og kommunene skal få en mer sentral rolle i den samlede helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Målet er både høyere kvalitet og lavere framtidig utgiftsvekst i helsetjenesten som helhet enn det vi har hatt siste årene. For å nå målene må både organisatoriske, lovmessige og finansielle virkemidler tas i bruk. Dette notatet gir en diskusjon av ett av elementene som er under vurdering i statsrådens reformpakke – kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene. Kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene innebærer at kommunene belastes for en andel av behandlingskostnadene i spesialisthelsetjenesten. Begrunnelsen for en slik ordning er at den skal gi kommunene insentiv til å utvikle alternative tilbud til sykehusbehandling og til å satse mer på forebygging. Videre skal ordningen gi kommunene en sentral ansvars- og oppgavemessig rolle i den samlede helse- og omsorgstjenesten og understøtte forebygging, tidlig intervensjon, riktig behandling av pasienter som har behov for koordinerte tjenester og riktigere bruk av ressurser for samhandlingspasientene.
- Published
- 2009
3. En bred kartlegging av sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon
- Author
Bjørnenak, Trond, Hagen, Terje P., Iversen, Tor, and Magnussen, Jon
- Subjects
jel:I18 ,effektivitet ,finansiering ,sykehusenes undervisningsoppgaver ,ISF [Sykehusøkonomi ,lønnsutvikling] - Abstract
I forbindelse med behandlingen av statsbudsjettet for år 2000 ba Stortinget Regjeringen om å foreta en bred gjennomgang av sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon, og å legge frem et dokument for Stortinget i vårsesjonen før revidert nasjonalbudsjett. Til hjelp i dette arbeidet knyttet Sosial- og helsedepartementet til seg en forskergruppe i helseøkonomi. "En bred kartlegging av sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon", er et sammendrag av enkeltbidrag fra forskerne i gruppen. Rapporten er omfattende bestående av i alt 11 enkeltbidrag er ma.; "Den finansielle situasjonen i fylkeskommunene, 1995-99", "Lønnsutviklingen i somatiske sykehus", og "Kompleksitetens økonomi: Dimensjoner, effekter og finansiering". Rapporten og en www-side http://www.hero.uio.no/publicat/2000/Bakgrunnsnotat/bakgrunnsnotat.htm ble presentert av Helse og sosialdepartementet på en pressekonferanse angående sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon den 14. april 2000.
- Published
- 2009
4. Analysmodell för sektorsöverskridande statistik. Fallet vård och omsorg
- Author
Einarsson, Torbjörn and Wijkström, Filip
- Subjects
officiell statistik ,samhällssektorer ,vård och omsorg ,reglering ,finansiering ,produktion ,välfärdsregimer ,ideell sektor - Abstract
Delvis i det tysta pågår sedan ett drygt decennium omfattande förändringar i den svenska välfärden. I många fall saknas dock både analysverktyg och relevant statistik för att kunna följa utvecklingen. I Sverige har sedan länge den förhärskande föreställningen varit att samhället består av två sektorer – den offentliga (stat, kommun och landsting) respektive den privata (företag och näringsliv). I denna modell av samhället har vidare ansvar för såväl produktion som finansiering och reglering inom vård och omsorg i huvudsak legat på den offentliga sektorn. En av de viktigaste förändringarna vi kan spåra sedan början av 1990-talet är att ideella och idéburna organisationer i allt högre grad har kommit att ta på sig eller förväntas ta ansvar för delar av välfärden. Organisationerna i det civila samhället har också i forskningen sedan mitten av 1990-talet allt tydligare lyfts fram som en egen sektor i samhället – den ideella sektorn. Ett ökat intresse från såväl politiker som forskare har dock än så länge inte lämnat några mer bestående avtryck i svensk officiell statistik. Författarna hävdar att man i existerande system inte lyckas fånga upp och beskriva de förändringar som pågår. Om man däremot i den officiella statistiken införde så kallade satelliträkenskaper för den ideella sektorn skulle detta öppna upp för bättre analyser. Rapporten är resultat av ett projekt där Socialstyrelsen, Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting samt forskare vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm har samarbetat. Det övergripande målet har varit en modell för analys av de pågående förändringarna i välfärden.
- Published
- 2007
5. Die aanspreeklikheid van banke as geldskieters vir skade aan die omgewing : 'n regsvergelykende studie / deur G.C. Muller
- Author
Muller, Gert Cornelius
- Subjects
Skade ,Beheer ,Bank ,Operateur ,Projekte ,Besigheid ,Volhoubare ontwikkeling ,Omgewing ,Finansiering - Abstract
Banks play an increasingly important role in the economy because they are in a position to, inter alia, promote development of the environment by utilising their financial resources. In some instances lenders who took up finance from banks are responsible for damage to the environment. Why should banks that financed projects, in the normal course of events, be held liable for damage to the environment caused by borrowers? The question may be answered by a comparative legal study of the 2002 European Union Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Environmental Liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage; the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) of the United States; Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act of 1990 (EPA) of the United Kingdom and section 28 of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998 (NEM A). NEMA, has its foundation in section 24 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. It incorporates sustainable development as a tool to harmonise the necessity to develop with the need to protect the environment. At the same time NEMA emphasises the role of the principle of intergenerational equity, which presupposes the duty of the current generation to hand over the earth in a better condition than in which it was received from the previous generation. In the future banks, when finance is considered for projects that may harm the environment, must take environmental as well as economical factors into account. Purely economical reasons cannot be the only relevant factor. Development that is financially sound will have to be weighed up against social factors as well as the impact that it will have on the environment. Section 28 of NEMA places a general duty of care on every person who causes, has caused or may cause significant pollution or degradation of the environment to prevent such pollution or degradation from occurring, continuing or recurring. The persons saddled with the duty of care are the owner, the person in control, or the person who has the right to use land or premises. Banks may, under certain circumstances, be considered to be the owner, person in control, or even the person who has the right use land or premises. The polluter pays principle is introduced by section 28 as a basis for liability but the principle is expanded to include, not only the polluter, but also entities, such as banks, who in no way whatsoever, contributed to pollution or degradation. NEMA affords no protection to banks in cases where banks became owner of land by virtue of their security interest in the property. By following established commercial practices, banks may be held liable for environmental damage caused by their clients or erstwhile clients. The traditional role of banks as financial institutions has to change because of the duty placed on banks by the Constitution and NEMA to act as instruments in the protection of the environment. By exerting their influence and by implementing new procedures banks will be able to draw the attention of prospective clients to the need to comply with environmental legislation. In terms of the 2002 Directive of the European Union, the operator who directs an operation by which damage is caused can be held liable for environmental damage. It is necessary to prove that the bank exercised operational control over the business of the borrower. The 2002 Directive is more restrictive than section 28 of NEMA. CERCLA is the primary federal legislation dealing with pollution of hazardous substances. The Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to recover the costs for the reparation of damage to the environment. After the US v Fleet Factors Corporation decision the position was that banks might be held liable if their involvement with the management decisions of the borrower are such that they are in a position to influence the decisions of the borrower. The Asset Conservation Lender Liability and Deposit Insurance Protection Act of 1996 (ACA) changed the magnitude of the Fleet Factors decision. Provision is made by ACA to exempt lenders who held security in terms of a secured creditor exemption, on the condition that the property is alienated at the earliest practicable commercially reasonable time after acquiring it. The requirement for liability is that banks must exercise control over the day-to-day activities of a borrower. The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 in the United Kingdom states that the owner (other than the mortgagee in possession) is the person who has the right to receive the rent of the property if the property was let out. It includes the occupier of the property. The test is whether such a person is in control of the property. If the inference can be drawn that the lender is in control then it can be held liable for environmental damage. EPA, CERCLA as well as the Directive makes it clear that if sufficient control is exercised by a lender over the business of a borrower it may be held liable for damage to the environment. The emphasis should rather be placed on the ability of banks, generally, to influence borrowers than to hold them liable for damage caused to the environment by borrowers. Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
- Published
- 2004
6. Devolusie van finansiële verantwoordelikheid vir die onderwys in die RSA : 'n verkennende studie
- Author
King, Tersia Johanna, Du Preez, N.P., and Heese, D.C.F.
- Subjects
Amerika ,Suid-Afrika ,Great Britain ,Onderwys ,Finansiering ,VSA - Abstract
Skripsie (MBA)--PU vir CHO, 1989 The demands of a fast growing third world population on the education system of the Republic of South Africa places great stress on an economy already battling against sanctions and disinvestment. The challenge is to keep up standards of education in order to supply sufficient numbers of qualified manpower to keep the economy going whilst at the same time attempting to create equal educational facilities for an exploding black school population. At the other end of the scale is the problem of dwindling numbers of well qualified white teachers, especially in certain subjects like mathematics, science and commerce as they are recruited into the private sector offering them large increases in salaries. The intention of the study was to try to find a new model for financing and the related decision making of education. The modus operandi was: - i) A theoretical basis to the study was provided by looking at the development of the growing role of the state within the education system and the implications it has for the other participants in the system. ii) A look is taken at the "new right" philosophy as practised by Mrs Thatcher in England where the position of the individual vis-a-vis the state is being re-evaluated. iii) An analysis of the situation surrounding education and the economy as it presents itself in South Africa at the present moment is made. At the same time the position of each of the participants, namely the state, the parents, the educators and employers are evaluated. iv) The English system with its new Education Reform Act and the new concept of school-based management practised in Dade County, Florida in the USA is discussed for purposes of comparison. v) In conclusion a few suggestions are made regarding a future model for financing and managing of educational institutions in the RSA. Masters
- Published
- 1989
7. A supplement to the application for financial aid the last year of research project. Third report concerning international atomic energy agency research contract
- Author
Skulberg, O. and Halvorsen, K.
- Subjects
organisme modell ,vassdrag ,Matematikk og naturvitenskap: 400 [VDP] ,eksperiment ,finansiering ,isotop ,radioaktivt avfall ,resipient ,fremdriftsrapport - Abstract
Institutt for atomenergi (IFA)
- Published
- 1961
8. Die finansiering van die onderwys van blankes in die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek / Martinus Gabriël Hoon
- Author
Hoon, Martinus Gabriël
- Subjects
endocrine system ,bacteria ,biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition ,Onderwys ,Transvaal ,Finansiering - Abstract
Proefskrif--PU vir CHO
- Published
- 1955
9. Ejendomsformidlingsloven med kommentarer
- Author
Carsten Munk-Hansen
- Subjects
erstatning for forsømmelse ,ejendomsmæglertitlen ,undersøgelsespligt ,ansvarlig mægler for opdraget ,licitationssalg ,sanktion ,frakendelse af rettigheder ,udenlandske ejendomsformidlere ,advokaters formidling ,ejendomsmæglerregulering ,finansiering ,godtgørelse for skuffede forventninger ,andre erhvervsdrivende ,vederlagsformer ,bøder ,finansielle virksomheder ,Verdensmål 16 - Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner ,forbrugsudgifter ,oplysningspligt ,biydelser ,formidlerens egeninteresse ,dobbeltrepræsentation ,salgsopstilling ,selvindtræde ,formidlingsaftalen ,Disciplinærnævnet ,Klagenævnet ,loyalitetspligt ,provenuberegning ,værdiansættelse ,opsigelse ,købsaftalen ,tilstandsrapporter ,budrunde ,forbrugerbeskyttelse i ejendomshandlen ,ejendomsformidling - Abstract
En grundig analyse af lovreguleringen af ejendomsformidlingen. Der indgår heri en analyse af lovforarbejder til den seneste og alle tidligere lovreguleringer, en analyse af retspraksis fra adskillige domssamlinger og afgørelse fra både Klagenævnet for Ejendomsformidling og Disciplinærnævnet for Ejendomsmæglere. Der inddrages samtlig bekendtgørelser udstedt på området, de såkaldte kvalitetsnormer, interne forskrifter og udtalelser fra Etisk Nævn. Endelig inddrages løbende reguleringen af ejendomsformidlingen i Norge og Sverige.
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