21 results on '"didaktika"'
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- Author
Valiyev, A’Zamjon Ne’Matovich and Otabekov, Ulugʻbek Gʻayrat O’G’Li
- Subjects
pedagogy ,markaziy proyeksiyalash ,pedagogika ,perspective ,klasster ,central projection ,interactive method ,sinkveyn strategiyasi ,classster ,pedagogik texnologiya ,didaktika ,interaktiv metod ,didactics ,descriptive geometry ,pedagogical technology ,perspektiva ,cinquain strategy ,chizma geometriya - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada talabalarning perspektiva fani (markaziy proyeksiyalash)ni sifatli oʻzlashtirishini ta’minlashda interaktiv metodlardan foydalanishning didaktik imkoniyatlari yoritib berilgan., This article describes the didactic possibilities of using interactive methods to ensure high-quality assimilation by students of the subject of perspective (central projection).
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Abduakimova, Sabina Abdukaxar Qizi
- Subjects
innovatsiya ,didactics ,communication ,malaka ,methodology ,innovation ,chet tili ,foreign language ,metodika ,ko���nikma ,didaktika ,qualification ,kommunikatsiya ,skill - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada chet til orqali ta���lim-tarbiya berish jarayoni va usullari, chet tilini o���rgatish ilmi, muallim va o���quvchi faoliyatini o���rganish metodi jumladan chet tilini o���qitish metodikasi haqida, chet tilini o���qitish metodikasida qo���llanilayotgan zamonaviy metod turlari va ulardan foydalanish xususida so���z boradi., This article deals with the process and methods of teaching through a foreign language, the science of foreign language teaching, the method of studying the activities of teachers and students, the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the methods of teaching a foreign language types of modern methods and their use.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Rabbim Shuhratovich Sariyev and G���Iyos Xamza Og���Li Panjiyev
- Subjects
Perspektiva ,didaktika ,variant ,Aksonometrik proyeksiya ,Grafika ,grafik madaniyat - Abstract
Chizmachilk va chizmageometriya fanlaridan o���quvchilarning amaliy va nazariy bilimlarini yanada yaxshilash va oshirish maqsadida dars mashg���ulotlarini takomillashtirish deganda, ushbu fanlardan tashkil qilinadigan darslar davomida o���qituvchining o���quvchilarga ham amaliy, ham nazariy ta���sir doirasini kuchaytirish nazarda tutiladi. Buning uchun esa o���qituvchi o���zidagi mavjud bo���lgan amaliy va nazariy bilimlarini bevosita hayotiy jarayonlarga tadbiq eta bilishi va yangicha g���oyalarni shakillantira olishi lozim. Shunday ekan bugunki kun chizmachilik fani o���qituvchisi faqat grafikaviy bilim egasigina bo���lib qolmasdan, ushbu bilimlarni texnika texnalogiyalarni takomillashtirishda yangi texnalogiyalar barpo etuvchi, enjiner, mehaynik, quruvchi, elektirik, bir so���z bilan aytganda ser qirra ijodkorga aylanishi lozim.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Baxromjon Joraboyev and Zayniddin Sanaqulov
- Subjects
chet tili ,innovatsiya ,didaktika ,metodika ,malaka ,kommunikatsiya ,ko‟nikma ,madaniyatlararo muloqot - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada chet til o‟qitish metodikasi haqida, uning fan sifatida rivojlanish tarixi, chet til o‟qitish metodikasida qo‟llanilayotgan zamonaviy metod turlari va ulardan foydalanish xususida so‟z boradi.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Xurshida Xasanova
- Subjects
amaliy mashg‘ulot ,reaktiv ,qiziqarli ,education ,kichik guruh ,training ,experiment ,practical lesson ,lesson ,dars ,methodology ,teaching ,reagent ,didaktika ,metodika ,didactics ,o‘qitish ,tarbiya ,tajriba ,small group - Abstract
Bugungi kunda kimyo fanidan amaliy mashg‘ulotlarni tashkil qilishda o‘quvchilar bilimida bo‘shliqlar aniqlanmoqda. Ana shu bo‘shliqlarni bartaraf etish uchun qo‘llash mumkin bo‘lgan tavsiyalar keltirilgan., The article provides examples and recommendations that can be used to eliminate these gaps when organizing practical works in chemistry. The article provides examples of didactic materials that can be used to eradicate gaps.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Luxmanov, Dilshod Baxtiyorovich
- Subjects
didaktika ,qadriyat ,Mehnat tarbiyasi ,konsepsiya - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada o`quvchilarning mehnat tarbiyasida xalq milliy an`analaridan foydalanish metodikasining muommolari yuzasidan olib borilgan tadqiqot jarayoni yoritilgan bo'lib yakunda bir qancha xulosalar berilgan
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Х. Gulyamova
- Subjects
integratsiya ,didaktika ,metodika ,san‟at hodisasi ,adabiy ta‟lim ,badiiy-estetik tafakkur qonuniyatlari ,uzviylik va uzluksizlik - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada boshlang‟ich sinflarda o‟qish metodikasi umumiy o‟rta ta‟lim maktablarida adabiy ta‟limning boshlang‟ich bosqichi hisoblanib, unda o`qishdan umumlashtiruvchi darslarni zamonaviy o`qitish usullaridan foydalangan holda tashkil etish yuzasidan so‟z yuritiladi
- Published
- 2021
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9. Recepce – percepce – porozumění – interpretace ve vyučování cizímu jazyku
- Author
Fenclová, Marie
- Subjects
recepce ,reception ,understanding ,cizí jazyky ,didaktika ,porozumění ,didactics ,interpretace ,percepce ,foreign languages ,perception ,interpretation - Abstract
Článek definuje pojmy recepce, percepce, porozumění a interpretace z hlediska didaktiky cizích jazyků. The paper defines the concepts of reception, perception, understanding and interpretation from the point of view of the didactics of foreign languages.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Challenges and Trends in Multimedia Didactics
- Author
Tomislav Topolovčan and Milan Matijević
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,didaktika, digitalni mediji, koncepti, konstruktivizam, miskoncepti, nastava, poučavanje, učenje ,History and Philosophy of Science ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,Constructivism (psychological school) ,didaktika ,digitalni mediji ,koncepti ,konstruktivizam ,miskoncepti ,nastava ,poučavanje ,učenje ,didactics ,digital media ,concepts ,constructivism ,misconcepts ,classes ,teaching ,learning ,business ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Epistemology ,Digital media - Abstract
U radu su kritički analizirane spoznaje empirijskih, povijesnih, metaanalitičkih i teorijskih istraživanja u multimedijskoj didaktici, odnosno organizaciji nastave usmjerene na učenika uz pomoć različitih medija. Stoga su definirani značaj i obilježja multimedijske nastave, gdje s obzirom na suvremeno multimedijsko okruženje posebno mjesto zauzimaju i digitalni mediji. Razmatrajući obilježja multimedijske nastave prikazana je i objašnjena uloga didaktičkih i psiholoških teorija učenja u implementaciji pojedinih medija u organizaciji učenja i poučavanja. Ukazano je da u trenutno dominantnom kontekstu konstruktivističkih teorija učenja, naglasak je stavljen na ono što se naziva okolinom učenja, odnosno multimedijskom okolinom učenja. Konstruktivističke strategije učenja dodatno naglašavaju i funkcionalne mogućnosti i novitete koje nude digitalni mediji u nastavi. Odnosno, omogućuju digitalno prezentiranje, posredovanje i pohranjivanje sadržaja, obavljanje poslova s digitalnom tehnologijom te digitalno posredovanu komunikaciju. U tom pogledu do izražaja dolazi suradničko, kontekstualno i samoregulirano učenje, odnosno učenje istraživanjem, učenje rješavanjem problema, suradničko učenje, projektno učenje, učenje igrom i djelovanjem usmjereno učenje, ali i učenje pomagano digitalnim medijima. Dodatnu didaktičku vrijednost ovih strategija učenja uz pomoć različitih medija potvrđuju i spoznaje neuroznanstvenih istraživanja. Na temelju analiziranih znanstvenih činjenica te njihovih objašnjenja i tumačenja, moguće je ponuditi zaključak koji ukazuje da (digitalni) mediji sami po sebi nisu ti koji podižu kvalitetu nastave i razinu postizanja željenih ishoda učenja. Pokazuje se da su jedan od najbitnijih čimbenika postizanja željenih ishoda učenja didaktički aranžmani učenja iz domene konstruktivističke, odnosno nastave usmjerene na učenika., The paper offers a critical analysis of the knowledge gained in empirical, historical, meta-analytical and theoretical research in multimedia didactics, or rather in the organization of student-oriented teaching with the help of various media. It defines the importance and characteristic features of multimedia teaching, in which – considering modern multimedial environment – digital media play a major role too. In the context of analyzing the features of multimedial teaching, the role of didactic and psychological learning theories in the context of the implementation of individual media in the organization of learning and teaching has been presented and explained. It has been indicated that in the currently predominant context of constructivist learning theories, the emphasis has been put on the so-called learning environment, or rather on the multimedial learning environment. Constructivist learning strategies additionally stress functional possibilities and novelties provided through digital media in teaching, such as: digital presentation, mediating and storing of the content, performing tasks by using digital technology, and digitally mediated communication. In this context, the following learning types have been stressed: peer, contextual and self-regulated learning, i.e. learning through research; learning through problem solving; peer learning; project learning; learning through playing and operation-directed learning; learning assisted by digital media. The knowledge gained through research in neuroscience confirms that the media-assisted learning strategies carry an additional didactic value. Based on the analyzed scientific facts, their explanations and interpretations, it may be concluded that (digital) media cannot by themselves elevate the quality of teaching and the level of achieving the attempted learning results. Didactic learning concepts from the domain of constructivist teaching, or rather student-oriented teaching, have proven to be one of the key factors in achieving the attempted learning results.
- Published
- 2017
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11. Nola erabili itzulpena euskarazko irakaskuntza elebi/eleaniztunean: testuliburu bateko adibideen azterketa eta proposamen didaktiko zenbait
- Author
Nere Etxezarraga Ortuondo
- Subjects
Itzulpena ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,Linguistics and Language ,didaktika ,elebitasuna ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,translanguaging ,Language and Linguistics ,eleaniztasuna ,hizkuntza murgilketa - Abstract
Itzulpena hizkuntzen irakaskuntzatik baztertuta egon da, izan ere, indarrean izan diren metodoek hizkuntzak modu bereizian irakatsi beharra azpimarratu dute haien arteko interferentziak saihesteko asmoz. Alabaina, itzulpena baliabide didaktiko egokia izan daiteke, gogoeta metalinguistikoa eta hizkuntzen arteko konparazioa ahalbidetzen baititu. Balio hori are interesgarriagoa izan daiteke hezkuntza sistema eleaniztunetan: euskarazko murgilketa ereduan, adibidez. Halere, gaia gutxi ikertu da eta ez dakigu itzulpena nola erabiltzen den. Lan honetan, lehen hurbilpen bat egin nahi izan dugu: itzulpenak bigarren hezkuntzako euskara irakasgaiko testuliburu batean zer leku duen eta nola lantzen den ikustea da artikulu honen xedea. Horretarako, testuliburuko adibide batzuk aztertzeaz gain, itzulpenaren balio didaktikoa hobeto ustiatzeko zenbait proposamen didaktiko zehatz ere egin ditugu.
- Published
- 2016
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12. English for SCE 2 Didactic Programme
- Author
Estibariz Milla, Anabell, Garay Ruiz, Urtza, and Gordillo, Mertxe
- Subjects
hezkuntza ,programazio ,didaktika ,ingelesa - Abstract
Graduondoko proiektu honetan, Bigarren Hezkuntzako bigarren mailako ikasleentzat zuzenduta dagoen ingelera irakasgaia lantzeko programazio didaktikoa aurkezten da (web orri honetan eskuragarri dago: http://anabellestibariz.wixsite.com/mysite). Hau, arlo ezberdinetan banatzen da: Hasteko, programazio didaktiko hau burutzen den herrialdearen kontestua, marko linguistikoa eta hezkuntza eskaintza aztertzen dira. Bigarrenik, eskolak parte hartzen duen proiektuen azalpen labur bat egiten da. Hirugarren, dokumentu honen bi oinarriak (Heziberri eta DIGCOMP) zehatz-mehatz adierazten dira beraien osagaiak azalduz. Laugarren, programazio didaktikoa burutzeko erabiltzen den metodologia azaltzen da (diziplinarteko ikuspuntua, gela iraulia, arazoetan oinarritutako ikaskuntza, ikaskuntza kooperatiboa, ikasten ikastea, IKTen erabilera, pentsamendu bisuala eta gamifikazioa). Bosgarren, programazio honetan aniztasuna nola landu esplikatzen da. Hemen eduki minimoak finkatzen dira eta errefortzu ariketak, hala nola ataza gehigarriak proposatzen dira oinarrizko ikasle eta maila altuagoa agertzen duten ikasleentzat. Ondoren, helburuen ebaluazioa nola egin adierazten da. Azkenik, programazio hau osatzen duten 6 zeharkako unitate didaktikoak aurkezten dira, hauei dagokien konpetentziak, etapako helburuak, helburu orokorrak, edukiak, ariketak (hauen irakas materialekin), ebaluazio irizpideak eta ebaluazio adierazleak deskribatuaz. Programazio didaktiko hau 79 saioetan aurrera eramateko diseinatu da. Ebaluazio bakoitzean, hiru unitateetan banatzen den gai bat jorratuko da, arazo bat azalduaz, ebaluazio amaieran produktu bat garatzeko. Dokumentu honetan sarrerako unitate bat ere proposatzen da, ikasleak kurtso honetan garrantzitsuak diren elementuetan trebatzeko. Proiektu honen helburua Bigarren Hezkuntzako bigarren mailan Ingelera irakasgaia lantzeko eraginkorra den programazio didaktiko bat sortzea da.
- Published
- 2017
13. Different attitudes towards the assessment of learning rezults
- Author
Algimantas Šventickas
- Subjects
Didaktika ,pažymys ,Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region) ,Notice ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Teaching method ,Cognition ,lcsh:Education (General) ,vertinimas ,Education ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Feeling ,Pedagogy ,Mathematics education ,Fetishism ,Cognitively Guided Instruction ,Consciousness ,mokymosi rezultatai ,mokinio pažanga ,lcsh:L7-991 ,Objectivity (science) ,Psychology ,media_common - Abstract
Mokymosi rezultatų vertinimas nėra vien didaktikos problema, jis sietinas su visa mokinio psichosocialine raida. Pasitaiko atvejų, kai mokytojai, neobjektyviai vertindami mokinius, griauna mokinių ir mokytojų santykius, mokymas(is) tampa nemėgstamas, net vengiamas. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti mokymosi rezultatų vertinimo teigiamus ir neigiamus aspektus, parodyti įvairų požiūrį į šį svarbų didaktikos elementą. Pritaikyta literatūros ir šiuolaikinių straipsnių apžvalga ir analizė, stebėjimas, anketinė apklausa, ekspertų metodas. Skirtingos kompetencijos ekspertams buvo pateikti įvairūs tų pačių teiginių pedagoginiu požiūriu priimtini variantai. Vertinime dalyvavo Vilniaus miesto Žemynos ir M. Biržiškos gimnazijos bei Fabijoniškių, Šeškinės, "Sietuvos", Jono Pauliaus II vidurinės mokyklos. Ekspertinius įverčius pateikė 247 mokytojai ir 662 mokinių įverčiai. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad vertinimo objektyvumas padidėja, kai mokiniai suvokia ir supranta tikrinimo turinį, tvarką, vertinimo sistemą, ypač normas. Didesnių mokymosi gebėjimų mokiniams priimtinesnis vertinimas pažymiu (balu) vieną du kartus per mėnesį ar net per trimestrą, t. y. tada, kai jie jaučiasi pasirengę atsiskaityti; silpnesniesiems mokiniams aktualus jų pastangų pedagoginis stimuliavimas vertinant visas pastangas geriau išmokti. Tėvams itin palankus neformalusis mokymo rezultatų vertinimas. Taikant tokį vertinimą, tėvai ir mokiniai rečiau būtų nepatenkinti mokymosi rezultatų vertinimo neobjektyvumu, mažiau būtų nesutarimų tarp mokytojų, mokinių ir jų tėvų. Reformuojant Lietuvos mokyklą ir ugdymo turinį, reikėtų parengti vertinimo sistemą, kurioje atsispindėtų ne tik mokinio žinios bei mokėjimai, bet ir mokytojo pasirengimas mokyti ir vertinti. Evaluation of learning results is not just a problem of didactics; it is related to the psychosocial development of all pupils. There are cases when it destroys student-teacher relationship because such evaluation of students is unfair, teaching (and learning) becomes unpopular and even avoided. The aim of research is to reveal positive and negative aspects of the evaluation of learning results, to show different views on this important element of didactics. Reviews of modern literature and articles, analysis, observation, questionnaire survey as well as expert approach have been applied. Various options of the same educationally acceptable concepts have been submitted to the experts of different expertise. Žemyna and M. Biržiška gymnasiums, and Fabijoniškių, Šeskinės, "Sietuvos", John Paul II High Schools of Vilnius city took part in the evaluation process. Expert estimates have been presented by 247 teachers and estimates of 662 students. The research showed that the objectivity of evaluation is enhanced when students perceive and understand the contents of verification, procedures, evaluation system, especially the norms. Evaluation in grades (marks) once or twice a month or even during a quarter is more acceptable for the students of higher learning ability, i.e. when they feel ready to report; educational stimulation of their efforts is relevant to weaker students during the evaluation of their every effort to learn better. Informal evaluation of learning results is quite advantageous for the parents. Through the application of such evaluation, parents and students would be unhappy with acceptance of persons of learning results more sparsely, disagreements between teachers, pupils and their parents would be less. During the process of reformation of Lithuanian school and curriculum, the evaluation system that reflects not only the student's knowledge and skills, but also the readiness of teachers to teach and evaluate should be prepared
- Published
- 2002
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14. Una experiencia didáctica con teléfonos móviles en el aula de lengua castellana
- Author
Pino de la Nava, Jasmina, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Giza eta Gizarte Zientzien Fakultatea, and Rubio Navarro, Gabriel
- Subjects
Didaktika ,Teléfonos móviles ,Sakelako telefonoak ,Mobile telephones ,Lengua castellana ,Teaching ,Hizkuntza ,Methodology ,Metodologia ,Spanish language ,Didáctica ,Metodología - Abstract
En una sociedad en la que la información puede suponer diferencias económicas entre países, cada vez más escuelas consideran las Nuevas Tecnologías parte importante del currículo y vehículo de cualquier enseñanza; pero no todos los dispositivos se han acogido con el mismo entusiasmo. Por eso, este estudio pretende evaluar las posibilidades en las aulas de Lengua Castellana de los teléfonos móviles, elementos tabú en el entorno educativo. Para ello, hemos valorado las condiciones de nuestro centro, la opinión de docentes y alumnado y, finalmente, desarrollado una secuencia didáctica con diferentes actividades relacionadas con la lengua (comprensión, búsqueda y creación), para observar las consecuencias del empleo de estos dispositivos. El resultado manifiesta que estos elementos son extremadamente útiles como sustitutos de tecnologías más costosas o de difícil acceso, pero también que los resultados son mejores en ejercicios simples (comprensión, búsqueda puntual…) que en aquellos más elaborados (búsqueda extensa o creación). Gizarte batean non informazioa herrialdeen arteko alde ekonomikoak ekar dezake, gero eta ikastetxe gehiago Teknologia Berriak curriculumaren parte garrantzitsutzat edota edozein jakintzaren garraiatzaile bezala hartzen dituzte; baina gailu guztiak ez dira berotasun berdinarekin hartu. Horregatik, azterlan honen helburua sakelako telefonoak, hezkuntza- ingurunean tabu direnak, gaztelania klasetan duten potentziala balioztatzea da.Horretarako, gure ikastetxearen baldintzak eta ikasle-irakasleen ikuspuntuak balioztatu ditugu, azkenean sekuentzia didaktiko bat garatzeko non hizkuntzarekin zerikusia duten jarduera ezberdinak lantzen dira (ulermena, bilaketa eta sormena) sakelakoen erabileraren ondorioak behatu ahal izateko. Emaitzak erakusten dutenez, elementu hauek oso interesgarriak dira beste teknologia garestiak edo eskuraezinak ordezkatzeko, baina aldi berean ikusi dezakegu emaitzak ariketa errazetarako (ulermena, bilaketa puntualak ...) hobeak direla ariketa landuetarako (bilaketa zabala edo sorkuntza) baino. In a society in which information may incur economic differences between countries, more and more schools consider new technologies an important part of the curriculum and vehicle of any instruction; but not all devices have been welcomed with the same enthusiasm. Therefore this study aims to assess the possibilities of bringing mobile phones, which are taboo elements in the educational environment, to Spanish language classrooms. To do this, we evaluated the conditions of our center, the opinion of teachers and students and eventually developed a teaching sequence with different activities related to language (comprehension, searching and creation), to observe the consequences of using these devices. The result shows that these elements are extremely useful as substitutes for more expensive or inaccesible technologies, but also that the results are better in simple exercises (understanding, punctual searching ...) than in more developed ones (extensive searching or creation). Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de Navarra Bigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan
- Published
- 2014
15. Erreferentzia mekanismoen lanketarako proposamen didaktikoa Lehen Hezkuntzako bigarren zikloan
- Author
Almandoz Eliceche, Ainhoa, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Giza eta Gizarte Zientzien Fakultatea, and Soto Valle, Roberto
- Subjects
Didaktika ,Lehen Hezkuntza ,Teaching ,Aditz aldiaren koherentzia ,Pronominalizazioa ,Didáctica ,Erreferentzia mekanismoak ,Primary Education ,Coherence on verb tenses ,Pronominalización ,Educación primaria ,Reference mechanisms ,Mecanismos de referencia ,Pronominalization ,Coherencia del tiempo verbal - Abstract
En nuestro idioma, con frecuencia, para no hacer repeticiones lexicales empleamos mecanismos de referencia, los cuales, hacen referencia a un elemento mencionado en la oración u oraciones anteriores. En este trabajo, como mecanismos de referencia, se han utilizado, por un lado, el tiempo verbal y por otro, la pronominalización, que consiste en sustituir mediante un pronombre o un adverbio una palabra. En este trabajo lo primero que se ha analizado ha sido el papel que desempeñan esos aspectos en el texto. Luego, se ha expuesto el desarrollo que tienen los niños en los aspectos mencionados. Además, se ha analizado el tratamiento metodológico del tema mediante libros de euskera de segundo ciclo de primaria. Finalmente, se ha propuesto una programa didáctica para trabajar los mecanismos de referencia. En la programa, al principio se han especificado los elementos de un programa, y finalmente se han planteado diversos ejercicios, que trabajan la correlación de las oraciones Gure hizkuntzan, askotan errepikapen lexikalik ez egiteko erreferentzia mekanismoak erabiltzen ditugu, zeinak lehendik aipatutako elementu bati hurrengo perpausean berriro erreferentzia egiten duten. Lan honetan, erreferentzia mekanismo bezala, aditzaren aldia eta pronominalizazioa, hitz baten ordezkapena izenordain eta aditzondoekin, erabili da. Horretarako, hasieran bi alderdi horiek testuetan duten zeregina azaldu da. Ondoren, haurren garapena alderdi horietan nolakoa den azaldu da. Horretaz gain, gaiaren trataera metodologikoa aztertzen da Lehen Hezkuntzako Bigarren zikloko euskara liburu ezberdinak aintzat hartuz, eta azkenik, erreferentzia mekanismoen lanketarako programa didaktiko bat proposatu da. Bertan, hasiera batean, programa baten elementuak zehaztu dira eta azkenik, ariketa ezberdinak planteatu dira, batez ere perpaus arteko korrelazioa lantzen dutenak In our language, we often make use of reference mechanisms in order to avoid lexical repetitions. These reference mechanisms are used to make reference again to an item previously used in a previous sentence. In this work, as reference mechanisms, we use verb tenses and pronominalization together with substitution of a word with a pronoun and also adverbs. To do this, first, we have explained the tasks of these two aspects. Then, children’s development in the use of these two aspects has been described. In addition, the methodological treatment of this subject has been analyzed taking into account different primary language books of Basque, and finally, we have expounded a didactic program designed to work these reference mechanisms. Here, in principle, we have determined the elements of a program, and finally, different exercises have been proposed, especially those which work on the correlation between sentences Graduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Primaria por la Universidad Pública de Navarra Lehen Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan
- Published
- 2014
16. Memoria eta historiaren arteko harremana bat eta erabilpena Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasgelan: analisi teorikoa eta proposamen didaktikoa
- Author
Alcelay Urdaniz, Eider, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Giza eta Gizarte Zientzien Fakultatea, and Sáinz Pascual, Zuriñe
- Subjects
Didaktika ,Frankismoa ,History ,Memory ,Didactics ,Memoria ,Ciencias sociales ,Didáctica ,Franquismo ,Francoism ,Historia ,Gizarte zientziak ,Social sciences - Abstract
La memoria histórica está recobrando una importancia cada vez mayor en la Historia y en su didáctica. Es importante, por una parte al construir la historia de los países, al ser un complemento de la Historia, ya que da voz a individuos que la protagonizan. Trabajar la Memoria Histórica en el aula de Educación Primaria nos ofrece una gran oportunidad a la hora de construir conocimiento. Por un lado, nos brinda la oportunidad de construir la Historia contemporánea de cada pueblo, mediante la metodología de pensar históricamente. Método que nos permite un acercamiento hacia el trabajo del historiador, trabajando las fuentes históricas y construyendo un aprendizaje significativo. Por todo esto, en la primera sección se reflexiona sobre los conceptos de Memoria Histórica e Historia, analizando también el recorrido de la Didáctica de la Historia, y finalmente, se hace una propuesta didáctica dirigida a alumnos y alumnas de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Memoria historikoak garrantzi gero eta handiagoa du Historian eta honen didaktikan. Garrantzitsua da, alde batetik edozein herrialderen historia eraikitzerako garaian, historiaren osagarria den aldetik, historiaren protagonistei hitza ematen baitie. Gainera, Memoria Historikoa Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasgelan lantzeak aukera paregabea ematen digu, ezagutza eraikitzerako garaian. Alde batetik, bakoitzaren herrialdeari buruzko historia garaikidea eraikitzeko aukera ematen du, honek dakarren historikoki pentsatzearen metodologiarekin. Metodo honek, beraz, historialariaren lanarekiko hurbilpen bat eskainiko digu, iturri historikoak erabiltzen ikasiz, ezagutza esanguratsu bat eraikitzeko aukera emanez. Arrazoi hauengatik, lehenik Memoria Historikoaren eta Historiaren kontzeptuen arteko erlazio eta azalpena ematen da, ondoren historiaren didaktikara hurbilduz, eta amaieran, Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren ziklorako bideratua egongo den proposamen didaktiko bat aurkezten da. The historical memory is recovering an increasingly value, in the history and in the teaching of history. It is important, in one hand, at the time of building the history of a country, as a complement, because it helps to give voice to the individuals who staged it. The subject of the Historical memory in Primary School, bring us a huge opportunity at the time of acquiring knowledge. It helps us building the contemporary history of each country, with the methodology of thinking historically. A method in which the student can learn the historian´s work, using the historical sources and building a meaningful learning. Therefore, in the first sections we talk about the concepts of historical Memory and History, analyzing the lines of the teaching of the History, and finally, we propose a didactic project oriented to the students in the third cycle of Primary Education. Graduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Primaria por la Universidad Pública de Navarra Lehen Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan
- Published
- 2014
17. Globální změna klimatu: možnosti didaktického zpracování tématu na úrovni středních škol
- Author
Barbora Duží
- Subjects
globální změna klimatu ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,lcsh:LC8-6691 ,didaktika ,Geography ,Secondary education ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,environmentální výchova ,Humanities ,lcsh:Environmental sciences - Abstract
Text se zabývá možnostmi zpracování tématu globální změny klimatu ve výuce na úrovni středního školství. v první části se zaměřuje na téma globální změny klimatu a jeho využití v environmentální výchově. Představuje zde koncept "social amplification" a jakým způsobem souvisí s percepcí a interpretací environmentálních témat. Další část obsahuje návrh pracovní metodiky pro hodnocení a analýzu různorodých informačních zdrojů pro potřeby výuky. Využívá několik hodnotících kritérií, například hodnotící škálu alarmistický - skeptický. Nakonec představuje praktickou aplikaci metodiky analýzy na příkladě několika informačních pramenů. Obsahuje také dvě přílohy - didaktickou analýzu učebnice „Environmentální výchova“ a ukázku výukové jednotky „Planeta Země: seznamte se“.
- Published
- 2012
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18. Teacher's function & learner's function: Is the division sustainable?
- Author
Dubljanin, Saša
- Subjects
učenik ,learner ,didaktika ,teaching process ,nastavnik ,didactics ,teacher ,nastava - Abstract
U radu se raspravlja o potrebi da se u nastavnoj praksi prevaziđe postojeća tradicionalna podela na funkcije nastavnika i funkcije učenika i diskutuje sa stavovima teoretičara po ovim pitanjima Istaknuto je da najznačajnije refleksivne funkcije u nastavi koje se odnose na postavku zadatka, kontrolu i ocenu obavlja isključivo nastavnik, iako postoje realne pretpostavke da ih delom obavlja i učenik. Nasuprot tom shvatanju u inovacionim modelima nastave akcenat je pre svega na organizaciji i stimulisanju učenika na aktivnost, a manje na predmetu i sadržaju. Raspravlja se takođe o mogućnosti učenika da prihvati određene nastavne funkcije, kao i eventualnim teškoćama koje u takvim situacijama mogu nastati. The main consideration of the paper is the need to overcome the existing traditional division of functions between teachers and learners and it discusses the prevailing attitudes of theorists toward these issues. Highlighted is the assumption that the most important reflexive functions in the teaching process, related to task implementation, control and evaluation of performance are performed by the teacher exclusively, although there are realistic indications that, in part, learners are also engaged in the process. Opposite to the traditional view, the innovative teaching models stress organization and learners' active participation more than the contents. The possibility of the learners' taking over certain teaching functions is also discussed, as well as eventual difficulties which might arise in such circumstances.
- Published
- 2011
19. Problemi i perspektive geografskog obrazovanja u Srbiji
- Author
Grčić, Mirko and Grčić, Ljiljana
- Subjects
didaktika ,metodika ,geographic education ,didactics ,geografsko obrazovanje ,methodology ,teaching ,nastava - Abstract
This paper work exposed educationally function of geography, formulated strategic goals and objectives, highlighted priorities of teaching geography in the spirit of contemporary social needs. Traditional aim of geography is aware of the reality (our country and the world). According to the International Charter of Geographical education the basic function of geography is to give people hope, beliefs, and ability to fight for a better world and to the world peace, freedom, democracy and harmony. It is the goal of modern geographical science and teaching, which should be reconcile with the teaching content, methods and means. U radu su izložene obrazovno-vaspitne funkcije nastave geografije, formulisani strateški ciljevi i zadaci, istaknuti prioriteti razvoja nastave geografije u duhu savremenih društvenih potreba. Tradicionalni cilj geografije je upoznavanje stvarnosti (naše zemlje i sveta). Prema Međunarodnoj povelji o geografskom obrazovanju osnovna funkcija geografije je da daje ljudima nadu, uverenja i sposobnosti da se bore za jedan bolji svet a to je svet mira, slobode, demokratije i harmonije. To je ujedno cilj savremene geografske nauke i nastave, sa kojim treba usaglasiti nastavne sadržaje, metode i sredstva. Da bi geografija kao nastavni predmet mogla da izvrši postavljene ciljeve i zadatke, ona mora biti modernizovana i zastupljena sa dovoljnim brojem časova.
- Published
- 2010
20. Noun cohesion in pupils’ opinion letters. Some texts’ analysis
- Author
García Azkoaga, Inés Mª
- Subjects
argumentazioa ,didactique ,anafora ,discurso ,kohesioa ,texte écrit ,anaphore ,argumentación ,cohésion ,didaktika ,argumentation ,cohesión ,anáfora ,diskurtsoa ,testu idatzia ,texto escrito ,discours ,didáctica - Abstract
[EUS]Argudiatzeko orduan izen kohesiorako mekanismoak nola erabiltzen diren aztertzen du lan honek. Horretarako 12 eta 14 urteko ikasleek iritzia emateko idazten dituzten gutunak hartzen dira kontuan, bi alderdi hauei erreparatuz: aurrekaria aurkeztu eta mantentzeko erabiltzen diren adierazpide anaforikoen ezaugarriei, eta adinaren arabera adierazpide horien erabileran egon daitezkeen ezberdintasunei. Adibide batzuen bitartez ikusiko dugunaren arabera, 14 urteko ikasleek estrategia diskurtsibo hobeak erabiltzen dituzte gutunari izen kohesioa emateko, besteak beste testuaren gestio globala eta planifikazioa ere hobeak direlako. [ES]En este trabajo se analiza el uso de los mecanismos de cohesión en la argumentación. Para ello se tienen en cuenta las cartas de opinión escritas por alumnos de 12 y 14 años, y se observan los siguientes aspectos: por un lado, las expresiones anafóricas que se utilizan para presentar y mantener el antecedente; por otro lado, las diferencias que pueden encontrarse en el uso de esas expresiones en función de la edad. Por medio de unos ejemplos veremos que los alumnos de 14 años emplean mejores estrategias discursivas para dotar al texto de cohesión nominal, entre otras cosas porque la gestión global del texto y la planificación del mismo también son mejores. [FR]Ce travail analyse la manière dont sont utilisés les mécanismes de cohésion nominale au moment d’argumenter. A cette fin, on a pris en compte les lettres écrites par des élèves de 12 et 14 ans pour donner leur opinion, compte tenu des aspects suivants: caractéristiques des formes d’expression anaphoriques employées pour présenter l’antécédent et le maintenir, et des différences qu’il peut y avoir dans l’usage de ces expressions selon l’âge. Comme nous l’observons au moyen de quelques exemples, les élèves de 14 ans utilisent de meilleures stratégies discursives pour donner une cohésion nominale à leurs écrits, car, entre autres choses, leur gestion globale du texte et leur planification son aussi meilleures.
- Published
- 2005
21. Oratio Iohannis Schroderi Skytte Sveci, Sine Eloqventia Ad Ervditionis fastigium perveniri non posse
- Author
Skytte, Johann
- Subjects
didaktika ,Wilhelm I, Braunschweig-Lüneburgi hertsog, 1535-1592 ,Dehn, J. H., omanik. TÜR (R Est.A-5085 (konvoluut)) ,retoorika ,õpetamine ,kõned ,17. saj - Abstract
- Published
- 1603
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