I: Surface Diffusion at Equilibrium. Quasielastic Helium Scattering Studies of Surface Diffusion: The Diffusion Barrier A.P. Graham, J.P. Toennies. Experimental Aspects of Metal Particle Diffusion on a Silicon Surface J. Slezak, et al. Surface Dynamics of Stepped Si(001) Studied by Temporal LEED Spectroscopy K. Kammler. Electric Current Induced Asymmetry of Surface Diffusion - Instability of Vicinal Crystal Surfaces S.S. Stoyanov, et al. Memory Effects and Memory Functions in Surface Diffusion T. Hjelt, et al. Driven Diffusion in a Model of the O/W(110) System M.A. Zaluska-Kotur, et al. Surface Diffusion and Real-Space Renormalization Group A.A. Tarasenko, et al. Surface Diffusion Near Phase Transitions F. Nieto, et al. II: Surface Diffusion from Profile Evolution Methods. Surface Heterodiffusion in Adsorbed and Coadsorbed Overlayers of Li, Sr, and Cu on the W and Mo (112) Surfaces A.T. Loburets, et al. Metal Heterodiffusion on Metallic Surfaces: Case of Pb on Cu C. Cohen, et al. Step Effects on Surface Diffusion: A Comprehensive Study of CO on Pt(111) X. Xiao. Adsorption, Desorption, and Diffusion of Potassium on Metal and Oxide Surfaces G. Kerner, et al. III: Surface Diffusion Under Non-equilibrium Conditions. Dynamics of Interacting Adparticles Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions Z. Chvoj. Statistical-Mechanical Description of Nonequilibrium Processes in Interacting Lattice Gases V.S. Vikhrenko, et al. Model Studies of Collective Diffusion I. Vattulainen. Study of Non-Equilibrium Surface Diffusion From an Initial Step-Concentration Profile With a New Probability-Based Continuum Method M.R. Dudek, M.C. Tringides. IV: Diffusion Mechanisms in Growth Processes. Diffusion on and IN Surfaces: The Atomic Slide Puzzle J.W.M. Frenken, et al. Decay of Two-Dimensional Islands on Ag(110) K. Morgenstern, et al. Surface Morphology and dynamics: Using Ab-initio Total Energies to make the Most of STM Data P.J. Feibelman. Substrate-Mediated Interaction on Ag(111) Surfaces From First Principles K.A. Fichthorn, M. Scheffler. Diffusion of Adatoms and Small Clusters on Missing-Row-Reconstructed Surfaces F. Montalenti, R. Ferrando. Effects of Adsorbates on Submonolayer Growth M. Kotrla, et al. Surfactants in Semiconductor Heteroepitaxy: Thermodynamics and/or Kinetics? I. Markov. V: Substrate Effects and Surface Diffusion. Nonlinear Diffusion and Sliding Friction S.C. Ying, et al. Selective Activation Dynamics: A Minimal Path Approach L.Y. Chen, et al. Long Jumps in Surface Diffusion Investigated by Stochastic Equations R. Ferrando, et al. Analytical Kinetic Theory of Single-Particle and Collective Surface Diffusion S.Y. Krylov. Adatom Island Diffusion on Metal FCC(100) Surfaces O.S. Trushin, et al. Paths, Barriers, and Prefactors for Adatom Descent from Ag Clusters on Ag(111) T.S. Rahman, et al. Correlated Diffusion of Adatoms and Islands on the Low indexed Surfaces of Noble Metals and Alloys A.E. Evangelakis.