Amac: Dunya Saglik Orgutu tarafindan pandemi olarak ilan edilen, 10 Nisan 2020 itibariyla dunyada yaklasik 100 000 olen, 1 700 000 dogrulanan, Turkiye’de ise yaklasik 1 000 olen, 50 000 dogrulanan vakasi bulunan COVID-19 salginina iliskin verileri, “COVID19Takip” adli arayuz ile anlasilir sekilde sunmak ve Turkiye’ye ozel gunluk degisimi ve salginin seyrini modellemektir Gerec ve Yontemler: Arayuz, Johns Hopkins Universitesi resmi web sitesinde gercek zamanli derlenen verileri, bu verilerden olusan web servisleri ve salgin ile ilgili ulusal haberleri anlik guncellemektedir Acik kaynakli R yazilimi kullanilarak, SIR modeli ve Otomatik Regresif Entegre Hareketli Ortalama (ARIMA) modeli ile Turkiye’ye iliskin modelleme ve tahmin, T C Saglik Bakanligi tarafindan gunluk sunulan verilerle yenilenmektedir Onerilen web aracini gelistirmek icin ve Asp NET MVC C# #, Ajax, Javascript ve R dilleri kullanilmistir Bulgular: Dunyada, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri, Ispanya, Italya’nin salgindan en cok etkilenen ulkeler oldugu;salgini en iyi kontrol eden ulkelerin basinda Japonya, Singapur ve Guney Kore’nin geldigi, Turkiye’nin ilk 4 haftalik surec itibariyla toplam vaka sayisi acisindan Ispanya’ya, olen sayisi acisindan ise Almanya’ya benzedigi gozlenmektedir Epidemik modelimize gore gunluk vaka sayisinin onumuzdeki gunlerde de artarak devam etmesi ve salginin 20 Haziran 2020’den sonra azalmasi beklenmektedir Sonuc: Turkiye’deki salgin hakkinda bilgi almak isteyen tum kullanicilar icin tasarlanmis olan COVID19Takip sistemi tanitilmistir Arayuz ile, tum dunya hakkinda gercek zamanli bilgilere ulasmak ve Turkiye’deki salgin durumunu ongormek mumkundur Bu arayuzun, gunden gune artacak verilerle, salgina iliskin erken tedbirler almak konusunda saglik otoritelerine ve topluma faydali olacagina inaniyoruz Alternate abstract:Objective: Declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, as of April 2;around 100 000 people, out of 1 700 000 confirmed cases out of the world have died because of COVID-19 In Turkey aroung 1 000 people have died out of 50 000 confirmed cases In this study, we aim to introduce an interface, called “COVID19Takip” to model the daily change and the epidemic trend in Turkey Material and Methods: The interface updates the official data and web services, acquired from the website of the Johns Hopkins University in real time;along with the national news about this epidemic SIR and Automatic Regressive Integrated Moving Average models are implemented in the open-source software, R;and the outputs are updated daily with as the Turkish Republic Ministry of Health reports mew cases The web interface is built by using Asp Net MVC C#, Ajax ve Javascript and R languages Results: By 2020 April,10, USA, Spain and Italy are seem to have more cases, whereas the countries that best control the outbreak are Japan, Singapore, and South Korea In the first four week period, Turkey's total case trend is similar to that observed in Spain and death toll is similar to that observed in Germany The number of daily cases in Turkey is expected to increase in the upcoming days and drop as of June, 20 2020 based on our epidemic model Conclusion: COVID19Takip is introduced, which is designed for users with various backgrounds, who want to get information about the outbreak in Turkey With the interface, it is possible to access real-time information about the whole world and model-based forecasts for Turkey We believe that this interface, with the data accummulated day by day, will be beneficial to health authorities and the society in taking early precautions regarding the epidemic