Rutz, D., Janssen, R., Worm, J., Doczekal, C., Zweiler, R., Puksec, T., Duic, N., Doracic, B., Sunko, R., Sunko, B., Gjogievski, V., Dimov, L., Markovska, N., Bozikaliev, V., Rajkovic, N., Bjelic, I. B., Kazagic, A., Redzic, E., Tresnjo, D., Jerotic, S., Mladenović, B., Fejzovic, E., Babić, A., Marin Petrovic, and Kolbl, M.
The CoolHeating project promoted the implementation of "small modular renewable heating and cooling grids" for communities in South-Eastern Europe. The objective of CoolHeating was to support the implementation of "small modular renewable heating and cooling grids" for communities in South-Eastern Europe. CoolHeating transferred knowledge from partners in countries where renewable district heating and cooling examples exist (Austria, Denmark, Germany) to countries where there are less examples in the sector (Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina). Core activities, besides techno-economical assessments, included measures to stimulate the interest of communities and citizens to set-up renewable district heating systems as well as the capacity building about financing and business models. The outcome was the initiation of new small renewable district heating and cooling grids in 5 target communities up to the investment stage., Proceedings of the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1762-1764