29 results on '"Sweet, H."'
Search Results
2. Pavement Pumping Correlated with Traffic Loads
- Author
Woods, K B, Green, F H, and Sweet, H S
- Published
- 1948
3. Pavement Blowups Correlated With Source of Coarse Aggregate
- Author
Woods, K B and Sweet, H S
- Published
- 1946
4. Blastomere isolation and transplantation
- Author
Sweet, H., Amemiya, S., Ransick, A., Takuya Minokawa, Mcclay, D. R., Wikramanayake, A., Kuraishi, R., Kiyomoto, M., Nishida, H., and Henry, J.
5. Phyllogeiton trachybasis R. G. C. Boon & A. E. van Wyk 2023, sp. nov
- Author
Boon, Richard G. C. and Van Wyk, Abraham E.
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Phyllogeiton ,Rhamnaceae ,Phyllogeiton trachybasis ,Biodiversity ,Rosales ,Plantae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Phyllogeiton trachybasis R.G.C.Boon & A.E.van Wyk, sp. nov. (Figs 1–4) Diagnosis:— Morphologically most similar to Phyllogeiton discolor from which it differs particularly by the following characters: bark on the bole of mature trees almost black, very rough, exfoliating in large pieces; leaves fresh green and without a bloom, ± concolorous, apex acuminate; petals spreading to somewhat ascending at anthesis; fruit oblong-ellipsoid, up to 25 × 19 mm, exocarp often indistinctly longitudinally ribbed, bright orange-yellow; disc-shaped receptacle at point of fruit stalk’s attachment to base of fruit plane. Type:— SOUTH AFRICA. KwaZulu-Natal: Hluhluwe, Bonamanzi Game Park [Reserve], game lodge car park, (2832AA/AB) [2832AB], 5 March 1996, Abbott 6929 (holotype PRU: 081091; isotypes NH, PCE). “ Berchemia sp. nov. ” in Coates Palgrave (2002: 669); Boon (2010: 332); Van Wyk & Van Wyk (2013: 410); Du Randt (2018: 316). “ Berchemia sp. A ” in Schmidt (2018: 546). Illustrations: Boon (2010: 333, Berchemia sp. nov. one photograph in second row from top, two in third row from the top); Van Wyk et al. (2011: 125, Berchemia sp. nov.); Du Randt (2018: 317, Berchemia sp. nov.); Schmidt (2018: 546, Berchemia sp. A). Semi-deciduous, erect tree up to 12(–15) m tall. Trunk single-stemmed and forking below 2.5 m or double-stemmed from near ground level, individual stems up to 0.55 m diam. at breast height (dbh). Bark very rough at the base of old trees, flaking in large pieces, flakes very often persistent, dark, almost black, sometimes with pale grey patches of crustose lichen, bark on upper bole and large branches thick, grey, tessellate, revealing dark bark below where peeling, fissured but fairly smooth on young branches. Heartwood (from dead branch ca. 130 mm in diam.) yellowish brown with a reddish or pinkish tinge towards the sapwood. Branchlets pendent, terete to ± longitudinally ribbed, smooth, lenticellate, initially green, becoming dark brown and then grey, glabrous. Stipules intrapetiolar, base broad, apex acute at first but fugacious, 2–3 mm long, green at first, basal remains becoming dark brown. Leaves opposite, sub-opposite (or occasionally alternate), distichous, simple, ovate to broadly elliptic, (35–)55–100(–115) × (20–)30–40(–50) mm, base rounded, apex broadly acuminate, occasionally acute, very occasionally obtuse, glabrous, firmly chartaceous, glossy, pale green at first, becoming fresh green, slightly paler but without a bloom below and very often with a yellowish tinge, margin entire, undulate, venation craspedodromous, usually slightly impressed above and slightly raised below, yellowish and paler than the lamina, principal lateral veins in (6–)7–9(–10) alternate pairs, tertiary venation minutely reticulate. Petiole canaliculate above, (7–)11–12(–20) mm long, glabrous. Inflorescences axillary (or terminal), flowers solitary or in 2–5(–7)-flowered sub-fascicles. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, ca. 8 mm diameter, pedicel ca. 10 mm long, receptacle flattish. Sepals 1-seriate, 5, free, ascending at anthesis, ovate to deltate, keeled on the adaxial surface, 3.0–3.5 × 2.0– 2.5 mm, pale green to yellow-green, glabrous. Petals 1-seriate, 5, free, alternate with sepals, somewhat spreading to ascending at anthesis, narrow and longitudinally folded upwards to clasp the filament, equal in length to sepals or slightly shorter, base unguiculate, apex cucullate, pale green, glabrous. Stamens 5, haplostemonous. Filaments inserted under the disc, ± equal in length to and clasped by the petals, whitish. Anthers basifixed, extrorse, whitish. Ovary superior, 2-locular, largely enveloped by the swollen, pale yellow disc, style apex 2-fid. Fruit a drupe, remains of disc and receptacle prominent at the base, oblong-ellipsoid, often faintly ribbed longitudinally, this being more pronounced in young and dry fruit, 18–25 × 16–19 mm, but often narrower (from ca. 12 mm) in dried material, receptacle at point of fruit stalk’s attachment to base of fruit disc-shaped and plane, exocarp glabrous, green ripening bright orange-yellow, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp woody, stone ellipsoid-ovoid, 15–20 × 10–12 mm. Phenology:— Flowering is mainly in spring from late October to early December at the same time that the new leaves are produced. Fruits are present from November to May and begin ripening in March. Distinguishing characters:— The new species is frequently confused with Phyllogeiton discolor, but the two species’ ranges are allopatric with a gap of ca. 300 km between the closest populations. Phyllogeiton trachybasis is easily distinguished from P. discolor by usually growing on dry, sandy soils (vs. usually adjacent to rivers or on termitaria), bark on the bole of mature trees almost black, very rough, exfoliating in large pieces (vs. grey-brown, rough, tessellated), branchlets and leaves glabrous (vs. glabrous or minutely and densely pubescent; on leaves pubescence mainly on the abaxial surface, but the adaxial surface may also be minutely pubescent about the midrib), leaf blade fresh green, without a bloom, ± concolorous (vs. dark green, distinctly paler with a greyish bloom below), leaf apex acuminate (vs. acute to obtuse), petals spreading to somewhat ascending at anthesis (vs. spreading to reflexed), fruit oblong-ellipsoid (vs. slightly or markedly ovoid), up to 25 × 19 mm (vs. up to 20 × 11 mm), exocarp often indistinctly longitudinally ribbed (vs. plane), bright orange-yellow, even when overripe (vs. yellow but very often pale yellow; often brownish yellow when overripe), and disc-shaped receptacle at point of fruit stalk’s attachment to base of fruit plane (vs. concave). Etymology:— The specific epithet “ trachybasis ” is derived from the Greek τραχυς, trachys, rough or shaggy, and βασις, basis, base or pedestal, referring to the bark towards the base of the trunk in old trees that becomes very thick, rough and flaking in large pieces (Figs 1 & 2A–D). The epithet is used here as a noun in apposition: “the shaggy base” and therefore does not necessarily agree in gender with the genus name. Distribution:— Phyllogeiton trachybasis is only known with certainty from the southern part of the Maputaland Centre of Endemism, an area rich in restricted-range plants and animals (Van Wyk 1996, Van Wyk & Smith 2001). The Maputaland Centre is at the southern end of the tropics in Africa (Van Wyk 1996) and at the northern end of the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Hotspot, one of 36 global biodiversity hotspots (Steenkamp et al. 2004). Within the Maputaland Centre, P. trachybasis is known from 10 localities in KwaZulu-Natal (Fig. 5). These localities range from Hluhluwe and Lake St Lucia in the south to Tembe Elephant Park and Ndumo Game Reserve just south of the South African and Mozambican border in the north. There are no specimens of P. trachybasis at the Institute for Agricultural Research of Mozambique herbarium (LMA) and its presence in Mozambique needs confirmation. The species is, however, almost certainly present in the far south of Mozambique’s Maputo Province considering that trees of the new species were found in Tembe Elephant Park on the South African side directly next to the border between the two countries. A sight record (E. Schmidt, pers. comm.) and information supplied by a traditional healer (C. Hanekom, pers. comm.) suggest that it may occur at the Maputo Special Reserve south of Maputo, but confirmation is required. Two other possible localities for the new species should be mentioned. The first is ca. 60 km from Caia in Sofala Province, Mozambique, on the EN1 route to Gorongosa (grid 1834BA), where a sterile specimen (J.E. & S.M. Burrows 8807 in Herb. BNRH) was collected by botanists familiar with the tree. This location is nearly 1000 km north of confirmed localities in KwaZulu-Natal. The second locality is near Siteki in Scarp Forest at an elevation of 450 m in the Lebombo [Lubombo] Mountains of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), about 40 km north of Ndumo Game Reserve (grid 2631BD). A specimen collected here (P. & L. Loffler s.n. in Herb. BNRH) and photographs supplied by L. Loffler appear to match P. trachybasis, but the five trees seen were all sterile.Another collection from this same locality is also sterile (Schmidt 4054 in Ernst Schmidt Private Herbarium). Given that these specimens lack reproductive material, the presence of the species in Mozambique and Eswatini still needs to be confirmed. Ecology:— Phyllogeiton trachybasis is a sub-canopy or canopy tree found mainly on well-drained, deep sandy soils at low elevations to about 100 m above sea level. Trees grow mainly in Tembe Sandy Bushveld (SVl 18) in open to closed woodland (codes of vegetation types follow Mucina & Rutherford 2006 and SANBI 2006–2018). They also grow in Sand Forest (FOz 8) patches in a mosaic with Tembe Sandy Bushveld (Fig. 1). The species may also occur in Western Maputaland Sandy Bushveld (SVI19) at Ndumo Game Reserve, but information recorded on collecting labels is insufficient to confirm its presence in this vegetation type. Phyllogeiton trachybasis has also been collected between Cape Vidal and Lake Sibaya in dune forest, which is included in the broader category Northern Coastal Forest (FOz 7). The most recent of these collections was in 1997, but the demographics of the species in dune forest are unknown. Besides its normal sandy habitat, the species was collected once (Moll 5291 in Herbs K, NH, PRE) in 1971 from riverine forest embedded in Zululand Lowveld (SVl 23). This was on the Mansiya River in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park where the presence of eight trees growing in the river’s floodplain was recently confirmed (F. du Randt, S. Louw, and S. Mabongwa, pers. comm.). The new species also apparently occurs occasionally in Scarp Forest (FOz 5). It was collected in this forest type in 1959 in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park on a steep, southwest-facing rocky slope at an elevation of about 500 m (Ward 2947 in Herb. NU). A visit by F. du Randt, S. Louw, and S. Mabongwa on 18 May 2021 to try and relocate this plant or plants was unsuccessful. Flowers are visited by honey bees. The fruit is eaten by birds, notably Trumpeter Hornbills, Bycanistes bucinator Temminck (1824: livr. 48, pl. 284), at Nibela and Vervet Monkeys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus Cuvier (1821: 2) (Pooley 1978, C. Hanekom, pers. comm.), although at Nibela it is reported that monkeys and people don’t feed on the fruit (G. Linforth, pers. comm.). African Elephants, Loxodonta africana Blumenbach (1797: 125), damage trees and this has killed at least one tree at Tembe Elephant Park (C. Hanekom, pers. comm.). Nyala antelope, Tragelaphus angasii Angas (1849: 89), quickly removed fresh leaves from a cut branch at Bonamanzi Game Reserve (D. Bishop, pers. comm.) and are therefore suspected to browse on low-growing plants of the species. No young plants are known in the wild, but the species is, despite the hard endocarp of the stone, easy to grow without any special treatment besides removal of the fleshy part of the pericarp (G. Nichols, pers. comm.). Possible reasons for the apparent lack of recruits are herbivory, disease or that conditions suitable for germination and establishment on sandy soils are rare. The tree is an occasional host to the epiphytic orchids Ansellia africana Lindley (1844: sub t. 12) and Polystachya concreta (Jacquin 1760: 30) Garay & Sweet (1974: 206). Common names:— English and Afrikaans names in use include “sand ivory” and sandivoor respectively. These are also the names recommended by the Dendrological Society of South Africa (Von Dürckheim et al. 2014). There are several Zulu names recorded for Berchemia discolor in literature pertinent to KwaZulu-Natal (Pooley 1980, Moll 1981, Pooley 1993, Hutchings et al. 1996). These names are likely to be applicable to P. trachybasis. The name ubalatsheni or ubaletsheni is recorded in all of these publications and means “marks” or “make marks on the stone or rock” (A. Koopman, pers. comm.). Semantic links to the names umuma and umumu (Moll 1981, Pooley 1993, Hutchings et al. 1996), uvuka (Pooley 1993, Hutchings et al. 1996), and umbenduza (Tinley 416B in Herbs NH, NU, PRE) are not clear (A. Koopman, pers. comm.). A herbarium specimen collected at Lake Sibaya bears the name umadlozane (Cunningham 2200 in Herb. NU), which is derived from the word amadlozi and refers to ancestral spirits (A. Koopman, pers. comm.). The name umhungu is used at Nibela, which is at the northern end of Lake St. Lucia near Hluhluwe (G. Linforth, pers. comm.). This name and the similar umhungulo (Gerstner 5222 in Herb. PRE) and umhlungulo (Hutchings et al. 1996) probably mean enticing, alluring, and deceiving (A. Koopman, pers. comm.). In far northern KwaZulu-Natal an informant, M. Tembe, reports that the names vukakwabafileyo or vukakwabafile are used (C. Hanekom, pers. comm.). These names mean “to wake up at the place of those who have died” or “arise from the cemetery”, but A. Koopman (pers. comm.) suggests that their correct form may be vusabafileyo, which means “wake up the dead or unconscious”. Conservation status: —The EOO of P. trachybasis was estimated at 5951 km 2. The AOO calculated was 60 km 2 for the 2 km cell width recommended by the IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee (2019) and 350 km 2 for a 5 km cell width. The actual AOO probably lies at the lower end of this range, because even the 2 km 2 cell width includes aquatic environments and unsuitable, degraded or transformed terrestrial habitats. The distinct bark of P. trachybasis also means that accessible specimens are unlikely to be overlooked. The species occurs in 10 severely fragmented populations as defined by the IUCN (2012). Phyllogeiton trachybasis may occur in patches too small to support a viable population in the long-term and sub-populations are separated from other suitable habitat by large distances, thus genetic or demographic exchange seems unlikely. There are 70 known mature individuals in the six sub-populations surveyed during field work, namely at Bonamanzi Game Reserve (35 trees), Tembe Elephant Park and surrounds (15 trees), Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (8 trees), Nibela Peninsula (8 trees), False Bay Park (2 trees), and Phinda Private Game Reserve (2 trees). At least eight of these trees are in poor condition and appear to be dying and no young plants (Phyllogeiton trachybasis appears to be almost entirely confined to protected areas. Bark of the few trees growing outside of these areas is heavily used for medicinal purposes, the removal of which kills individuals or limits growth (Cunningham 2200 in Herb. NU; L. Loffler, G. Linforth, C. Hanekom, pers. comm.). Even within some protected areas trees may not be safe from harvesting (Groenewald 2010) or they may be damaged or killed by elephants (C. Hanekom, pers. comm.). It is probable that the current scarcity of trees resulted, at least in part, from the excessive stripping of bark for use in traditional medicine (locally referred to by the generic term umuthi, also spelled muti or muthi) over many years (see under “Uses” below). Taking into account that the overall number of mature individuals is small, the known sub-populations are very small and the population is declining due to natural mortality, harvesting and lack of recruitment, application of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2012) suggest that the species should be classified as Endangered (EN) B2(v); C2a(i); D. There is an urgent need to survey populations more fully and to try and establish and address the reasons for the lack of recruitment. Uses:— On the oldest known herbarium specimens of the species (Gerstner 5222 in Herb. PRE), collected at False Bay Park in 1944, it is recorded that a tree had 90% of its bark removed by traditional healers. The label of another specimen collected in 1993 in the corridor between Ndumu Game Reserve and Tembe Elephant Park (Van Wyk BSA 748 in Herbs PRE and PRU) reads: “This is a ‘muti’ tree. The old trunk (about 1 m high) is regularly stripped of its bark—in patches”. A collection from dune forest at Lake Sibaya (Cunningham 2200 in Herb. NU) also records that the bark is heavily utilised for medicinal purposes. Trees which may belong to this species observed at Siteki, Eswatini (see under “Distribution” above) were debarked. Bark and the roots are heavily utilised east of Tembe Elephant Park and according to a local resident are mixed with material from other species to treat chest ailments (C. Hanekom, pers. comm.). There are few surviving trees in the community area surrounding Nibela at Lake St. Lucia because they have all been debarked and the majority have already died (G. Linforth, pers. comm.). At Nibela evil spirits are believed to be extracted by boiling and steaming bark, and fruit is used to treat impotence (G. Linforth, pers. comm.). At nearby False Bay Park, bark is used as a love charm (Hutchings et al. 1996). There are no records of the fruit being eaten by humans, which is surprising as the fruits of other Phyllogeiton species are popular (e.g. Pooley 1980, Van Wyk & Gericke 2000), with fruit of P. discolor even having potential in terms of commercialisation and domestication (Lusepani 1999). Additional collections (paratypes): — SOUTH AFRICA. KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumu [Ndumo] Game Reserve, (2632CD), 9 May 1956, Hancock 9 (NU!); Ndumu [Ndumo] Game Reserve, (2632CD), 23 February 1959, Tinley 416B (NH!, NU!, PRE!); 3 miles S of Makane’s Drift, (2632CD), 28 February 1968, Ross & Moll 1820 (PRE!); Ingwavuma District, Ndumu [Ndumo] Game Reserve, Matini Forest, E. area, (2732AA), 8 February 1964, Tinley 943 (NH!, NU!); Makatini Flats, Makani’s [Makane’s] Pont, (2732AA), 26 February 1968, Venter 4614 (PRE!); Corridor between Ndumu [Ndumo] and Tembe, (2732AB), 15 March 1993, Van Wyk BSA748<, Published as part of Boon, Richard G. C. & Van Wyk, Abraham E., 2023, A new species of Phyllogeiton (Rhamnaceae: Rhamneae) from Maputaland, South Africa, pp. 193-209 in Phytotaxa 585 (3) on pages 195-206, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.585.3.2, http://zenodo.org/record/7690757, {"references":["Palgrave, M. (2002) Keith Coates Palgrave trees of southern Africa, 3 rd ed. Struik, Cape Town, 1212 pp.","Boon, R. [R. G. C.] (2010) Pooley's trees of eastern South Africa. A complete guide. Flora and Fauna Publications Trust, Durban, 626 pp.","Van Wyk, B. [A. E.] & Van Wyk, P. (2013) Field guide to trees of southern Africa, 2 nd ed. Struik Nature, Cape Town, 732 pp.","Du Randt, F. (2018) The sand forest of Maputaland. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, 416 pp.","Schmidt, E. (2018) Rhamnaceae. In: Burrows, J. E., Burrows, S. M., Lotter, M. C. & Schmidt, E. (Eds.) Trees and shrubs Mozambique. Publishing Print Matters, Noordhoek, Cape Town, pp. 544 - 552.","Van Wyk, B. [A. E.], Van den Berg, E., Coates Palgrave, M. & Jordaan, M. (2011) Dictionary of names for southern African trees. Scientific names of indigenous trees, shrubs and climbers with common names from 30 languages. Briza Academic Books, Briza Publications, Pretoria, 956 pp.","Van Wyk, A. E. (1996) Biodiversity of the Maputaland Centre. In: Van der Maesen, L. J. G., Van der Burgt, X. M. & Van Medenbach de Rooy, J. M. (Eds.) The biodiversity of African plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 198 - 207.","Van Wyk, A. E. & Smith, G. F. (2001) Regions of floristic endemism in southern Africa: a review with emphasis on succulents. Umdaus Press, Hatfield, Pretoria, 199 pp.","Steenkamp, Y., Van Wyk, B. [A. E.], Victor, J., Hoare, D., Smith, G., Dold, T. & Cowling, R. (2004) Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany. In: Mittermeier, R. A., Robles Gil, P., Hoffmann, M., Pilgrim, J., Brooks, T., Goettsch Mittermeier, C., Lamoreux, J. & da Fonseca, G. A. B. (Eds.) Hotspots revisited: Earth's biologically richest and most threatened terrestrial ecoregions. Cemex & Conservation International, Washington, pp. 219 - 228.","Mucina, L. & Rutherford, M. C. (Eds.) (2006) The vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, 807 pp.","Temminck, C. J. (1824) Calao trompette Buceros bucinator. In: Nouveau recueil de planches colorieies d'oiseaux: pour servir de suite et de compleiment aux planches enlumineies de Buffon, eidition in-folio et in- 4 r de l'Imprimerie royale, 1770 (1838), vol. 2, livr. 48, pl. 284. Chez Legras Imbert et Comp, Strasbourgh, p. 99. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 51468","Cuvier, F. (1821) Le vervet. In: Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, E. & Cuvier, F. (Eds.) Histoire naturelle des mammiferes 3 [1824], part 24, Chez A. Belin, Paris, pp. 1 - 2. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 78766","Pooley, E. S. (1978) A checklist of the plants of Ndumu Game Reserve, north-eastern Zululand. Journal of South African Botany 44: 1 - 54. [https: // archive. org / details / journalofsouthaf 44 unse / page / n 11 / mode / 2 up]","Blumenbach, J. F. (1797) Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, 5 th ed. Johan Christian Dieterich, Gottingen, 749 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 79937","Angas, G. F. (1849) Description of Tragelaphus angasii, Gray, with some account of its habits. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1848: 89 - 90. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 46216 # page / 125 / mode / 1 up]","Lindley, J. (1844) Ansellia africana. Edwards's Botanical Register 30: sub t. 12. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 9067 # page / 48 / mode / 1 up]","Jacquin, N. J. von (1760) Enumeratio systematica plantarum, quas in insulis Caribaeis vicinaque Americes continente detexit novas, aut jam cognitas emendavit. Theodorum Haak, Leiden, 41 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 737","Garay, L. J. & Sweet, H. R. (1974) Terminilogia de orchidearum Jacquinii. Orquideologia 9: 200 - 210.","Von Durckheim, H., Van Wyk, B. [A. E.], Van den Berg, E., Coates Palgrave, M. & Jordaan, M. (2014) Saklys van Suider-Afrikaanse inheemse bome / Pocket list of southern African indigenous trees, 5 th ed. Briza Academic Books, Briza Publications, Pretoria, 634 pp.","Pooley, E. S. (1980) Some notes on the utilization of natural resources by the tribal people of Maputaland. In: Bruton, M. N. & Cooper, K. H. (Eds.) Studies on the ecology of Maputaland. Rhodes University, Grahamstown and the Natal Branch of the Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, Durban, pp. 467 - 479.","Moll, E. J. (1981) Trees of Natal. Eco-lab Trust Fund, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 570 pp.","Pooley, E. [E. S.] (1993) The complete field guide to trees of Natal, Zululand & Transkei. Natal Flora Publications Trust, Durban, 512 pp.","Hutchings, A., Scott, A. H., Lewis, G. & Cunningham, A. B. (1996) Zulu medicinal plants an inventory. University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg in association with University of Zululand, KwaDlangeswa and National Botanical Institute, Claremont, 450 pp.","IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee (2019) Guidelines for using the IUCN Red List categories and criteria, version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Committee. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org / documents / RedListGuidelines. pdf (accessed 23 August 2021)","IUCN (2012) IUCN Red List categories and criteria, version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, iv + 32 pp. Available from: https: // portals. iucn. org / library / node / 10315 (accessed 23 August 2021)","Groenewald, Y. (2010) Ndumo reserve hit by invasion, crime. Mail and Guardian. Available from: https: // mg. co. za / article / 2010 - 10 - 15 - ndumo-reserve-hit-by-invasion-crime / (accessed 23 August 2021)","Van Wyk, B. - E. & Gericke, N. (2000) People's plants - a guide to useful plants of southern Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria, 351 pp.","Lusepani, N. E. (1999) Reproductive biology and utilisation of Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsley (Rhamnaceae). Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 109 pp.","Loffler, L. & Loffler, P. (2005) Swaziland tree atlas - including shrubs and climbers, 2 nd ed. South African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 35, SABONET, Pretoria, 196 pp.","Dyer, S. T. (1988) Wood fluorescence of indigenous South African trees. IAWA Bulletin n. s. 9: 75 - 87.","Dyer, S., James, B. & James, D. (2016) Guide to the properties and uses of southern African wood. Briza Publications, Pretoria, 336 pp."]}
- Published
- 2023
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6. Isochilus pauciflorus Cogn
- Author
Maddi, Franck A.
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Isochilus pauciflorus ,Liliopsida ,Asparagales ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Orchidaceae ,Isochilus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Isochilus pauciflorus Cogn. Symbolae Antillanae: seu fundamenta florae Indiae occidentalis 6 (3): 459 (Cogniaux 1910). ��� Type: Guadeloupe, Haut Matouba, ��� supra arbores in sylvis Bonbariman, 850 m. alt., m. April. fl. ��� (sic), A. Duss 4193 (holo-, B [destroyed]). LECTOTYPE (designated by Garay & Sweet 1974: 169). ��� Original drawing by A. Cogniaux (lecto-, BR [BR0000013217891]; Fig. 2A). EPITYPE (here designated). ������ s.l., s.d., s.coll. (H. G. Reichenbach scripsit), s.n. (epi-, K [K000079638]; Fig. 3)., Published as part of Maddi, Franck A., 2021, Revised typifications of Isochilus pauciflorus Cogn. (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) and its synonyms, pp. 257-268 in Adansonia (3) (3) 43 (24) on page 264, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2021v43a24, http://zenodo.org/record/5764343, {"references":["COGNIAUX A. 1910. - Orchidaceae, in URBAN I., Symbolae Antillanae: seu fundamenta florae Indiae occidentalis 6 (3): 293 - 696. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 144","GARAY L. A. & SWEET H. R. 1974. - Orchidaceae, in HOWARD R. A. (ed.), Flora of the Lesser Antilles, Leeward and Windward Islands. Vol. 1. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 235 p."]}
- Published
- 2021
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7. Isochilus pauciflorus Cogn. 1910
- Author
Maddi, Franck A.
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Isochilus pauciflorus ,Liliopsida ,Asparagales ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Orchidaceae ,Isochilus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
NOMENCLATURAL NOTES The synonymy of Isochilus pauciflorus differs among authors and is widely debated. Although I. pauciflorus matches the characteristics of the genus Scaphyglottis, this species cannot be transferred to S. pauciflora because this name was published earlier by Schlechter (1906) and is a synonym of S. behrii (Rchb. f.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Hemsl. 1884. The consequence is that all synonyms are heterotypic: Ponera punctulata Rchb. f. Bonplandia 3 (15-16): 220-221 (Reichenbach 1855); for typification, see citation below. Scaphyglottis punctulata (Rchb. f.) C. Schweinf. Botanical Museum Leaflets 17 (2): 47 (Schweinfurth 1955); nomen usitum. Helleriella punctulata (Rchb. f.) Garay & Sweet Flora of the Lesser Antilles: Leeward and Windward Islands 1: 167-169 (Garay & Sweet 1974). REMARKS The diagnosis of I. pauciflorus is in accordance with S. punctulata and many authors accept it in synonymy (Garay & Sweet 1974; Fournet 1978; Adams 1993; Feldmann & Barr�� 2001; Feldmann 2002, 2012; Maddi 2014). Epidendrum dussii Cogn. Symbolae Antillanae: seu fundamenta florae Indiae occidentalis 6 (3): 482-483 (Cogniaux 1910). ��� Types: Guadeloupe. ��� supra arbores in sylvis Nez-Cass�� ��� (sic), s.d., A. Duss 4170; Grenada ��� supra arbores locis elevatis ��� (sic), s.d., Broadway 1097. LECTOTYPE (designated by Garay & Sweet 1974: 169). ��� Guadeloupe. ��� supra arbores in sylvis Nez-Cass�� ��� (sic), s.d., A. Duss 4170 (lecto-, NY [NY00008795]). REMARKS The relationship between I. pauciflorus and Epidendrum dussii differs between authors too. Garay & Sweet (1974), Feldmann & Barr�� (2001) and Feldmann (2002) subscribed to the synonymy, but Stehl�� (1939) and Adams (1993) did not. Of course, the diagnoses for these species differ on a few points regarding leaves, labellum, disc and column. Despite these noticeable differences pointed out by Cogniaux, the specimen of E. dussii, Duss 4170 (NY00008795), looks very similar to that of P. punctulata (K000079638) and does not match better other orchids occurring in Guadeloupe than S. punctulata, a rather variable species. The lectotypification by Garay & Sweet (1974: 169) is valid because the publication was effective (Turland et al. 2018: arts 7.10, 7.11, 9.22), so the lectotypification by Nir (2014: 473) is superfluous., Published as part of Maddi, Franck A., 2021, Revised typifications of Isochilus pauciflorus Cogn. (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) and its synonyms, pp. 257-268 in Adansonia (3) (3) 43 (24) on page 258, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2021v43a24, http://zenodo.org/record/5764343, {"references":["SCHLECHTER R. 1906. - Orchidaceae novae et criticae. Decas V. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis. Centralblatt fur Sammlung und Veroffentlichung von Einzeldiagnosen neuer Pflanzen. Vol. 3. Fedde F. (ed.), Berlin: 47. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 233291","REICHENBACH H. G. 1855. - Symbolae Orchidaceae. Bonplandia 3 (15 - 16): 212 - 227. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 28141446","SCHWEINFURTH C. 1955. - Further notes on American orchids. BotanicalMuseumLeaflets 17 (2): 37 - 64. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / p. 168497","GARAY L. A. & SWEET H. R. 1974. - Orchidaceae, in HOWARD R. A. (ed.), Flora of the Lesser Antilles, Leeward and Windward Islands. Vol. 1. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 235 p.","FOURNET J. (ED.) 1978. - Flore illustree des phanerogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Institut national de la Recherche agronomique, Paris, 1654 p.","ADAMS B. R. 1993. - A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Scaphyglottis Poeppig & Endl. (Orchidaceae-Epidendroideae). Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, vi + 405 p.","FELDMANN P. & BARRE N. 2001. - Atlas des orchidees sauvages de la Guadeloupe. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; Cirad, Paris, 232 p. (Patrimoines naturels; 48).","FELDMANN P. 2002. - Scaphyglottis, in FOURNET J., Flore illustree des phanerogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Gondwana editions, Montpellier: 2180.","FELDMANN P. 2012. - Revision et mise a jour taxonomique de la liste et de la distribution des orchidees des Petites Antilles. L'Orchidophile 193: 109 - 127.","MADDI F. A. 2014. - Nouvelles considerations sur la presence de Scaphyglottis dunstervillei (Garay) Foldats (Orchidaceae) a la Guadeloupe. L'Orchidophile 201 (2): 171 - 176.","COGNIAUX A. 1910. - Orchidaceae, in URBAN I., Symbolae Antillanae: seu fundamenta florae Indiae occidentalis 6 (3): 293 - 696. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 144","STEHLE H. 1939. - Flore descriptive des Antilles francaises, tome 1: Les Orchidales, Orchidacees et Burmanniacees. Imprimerie du Gouvernement, Fort-de-France, Martinique, 305 p.","TURLAND N. J., WIERSEMA J. H., BARRIE, F. R., GREUTER W., HAWKSWORTH D. L., HERENDEEN P. S., KNAPP S., KUSBER W. - H., LI D. - Z., MARHOLD K., MAY T. W., MCNEILL J., MONRO A. M., PRADO J., PRICE M. J. & SMITH G. F. (EDS) 2018. - International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (Shenzhen Code) Adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashutten, xxxviii + 254 p. (Regnum Vegetabile; 159). https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / Code. 2018","NIR M. A. 2014. - Scaphyglottis, in ACKERMAN J. D., BROWN P. M., DIAZ M. A., GREENHOOD E., HAGSATER E., LUER C. A., BENITEZ E. M., NIR M., ROMERO- GONZALEZ G., SOSA V. & ANGELL B. (eds), Orchid Flora of the Greater Antilles. The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, New York: 472 - 474. (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden; 109)."]}
- Published
- 2021
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8. Pleurothallis bilobulata M. M. Jimenez, Ocupa & Velez-Abarca 2021, sp. nov
- Author
Jim��nez, Marco M., Horna, Luis Ocupa, and V��lez-Abarca, Leisberth
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Pleurothallis bilobulata ,Liliopsida ,Asparagales ,Pleurothallis ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Orchidaceae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Pleurothallis bilobulata M.M.Jim��nez, Ocupa & V��lez-Abarca, sp. nov. Figs. 1���6. Type:��� ECUADOR. Zamora Chinchipe: Flank of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, near Zamora, 4��05���23.68��� S; 78��56���30.68��� W, 992 m, 1 Aug 2019, M . Jim��nez 713 (holotype: HUTPL). Similar to P. lanigera Luer & Hirtz in Luer (1988: 146) from which it is distinguished by the narrowly ovate leaves (vs. cordate-ovate), the straight, subverrucose ovary (vs. curved, minutely papillose), the broadly elliptic dorsal sepal (vs. broadly ovate), the shortly acuminate, narrowly lanceolate, papillose-verrucose, 1-veined petals (vs. acute, elliptic, pubescent, 3- veined) and the lip with a basal, bilobed glenion (vs. lip with a central, circular glenion). Plant epiphytic, up to 16 cm tall; roots slender, flexuous, 0.6���1.3 mm in diameter. Ramicauls slender, suberect, terete, 45���112 �� 0.8���1.2 mm, enclosed by papyraceous, tubular sheaths, upper sheath 12.9���18.9 mm long, basal sheath 6.2���7.7 mm long. Leaves deflexed, coriaceous, microscopically papillate, narrowly ovate, 4.6���7.5 �� 1.4���2.2 cm, acute, shortly acuminate, sessile, cordate at the base, lobes unequal. Inflorescence a fascicle of successive flowers produced from a suberect, scabrous spathaceous bract, 4.8���7.4 mm long; floral bract infundibuliform, 4.4���4.6 mm long; pedicel subflexuous, 2.4���3.5 mm long; ovary subverrucose, straight, 2.6���3.0 �� 1.0 mm. Flowers resupinate or not; dorsal sepal chestnut, broadly elliptic, acute, 6.9���8.0 �� 4.1���4.3 mm, 5���veined, pubescent-verruculose, glossy externally; the lateral sepals fused in an ovoid synsepal, burgundy-chestnut, acute, 5.7���6.5 �� 3.9���4.1 mm, concave centrally, 4-veined, verruculose. Petals burgundy to chestnut, narrowly lanceolate, shortly acuminate, 4.7���5.3 �� 1.0��� 1.2 mm, 1-veined, microscopically papillose-verruculose, margin shortly dentate-ciliate, constricted and oblique at the base. Lip burgundy chestnut, stout, thick, ovate, obtuse, 2.6���2.8 �� 2.2���2.3 mm, diffusely cellular verrucose, convex, slightly concave at the apex and to either side of the glenion; the base subtruncate, hinged to the column-foot, with short, obtuse angles and a large, deep, obovoid, bilobed glenion occupying the basal third of the lip. Column stout, pale green suffused with purple, 1.3���1.4 �� 1.5���1.7 mm, papillose, stigma bilobed, ventral, reniform, minutely ciliate on margins, rostellar flap 0.4 mm long. Anther narrowly deltoid, white, apical, 0.6 mm long, bilobed at the base. Pollinarium with 2 narrowly obovoid, yellow pollinia, 0.6 mm long, brought together by a drop-like viscidium. Etymology: ���From the Latin bi, ���two���, and lobulatus, ���small lobes���, referring to two lobes in the glenion of the lip. Distribution and habitat: ��� Pleurothallis bilobulata is only known from the type locality type on the steep hillsides near Zamora, in the Zamora Chinchipe province (Fig. 6). The species grows on hill-tops in the premontane rainforest at around 900 m in elevation, on the Eastern slope of the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. It is a rare species that grows in primary forests, on understory lianas, together with other orchid species such as Elleanthus blatteus Garay (1978: 71), E. oliganthus (Poeppig & Endlicher 1836: 33) Reichenbach (1863: 481), Masdevallia strobelii Sweet & Garay (1966: 377), Peristeria ephippium Reichenbach (1883: 198), Pleurothallis lanigera. The local flora is dominated by Hedyosmum cuatrecazanum Occhioni (1954: 23), Pleroma ochypetalum (Ruiz & Pav��n 1802: 86) Don (1823: 295), Piptocoma discolor (Kunth 1818: 35���36) Pruski (1996: 97), Ladenbergia oblongifolia (Humboldt ex Mutis 1793: 465) Andersson (1994: 19), Lacistema aggregatum (Bergius 1772: 131���132) Rusby (1907: 447) and Miconia albicans (Swartz 1788: 70) Steudel (1841: 139). The species may be considered as threatened given the destruction of the habitat where the only individuals have been found. It is not currently known to occur in any protected areas. Comments: ���The new species is reminiscent of P. lanigera (Fig. 3B) in the pubescent sepals that are similar in length to the petals and the papillose lip. Both occur in southeastern Ecuador and may be found growing in sympatry at around 1000 m near Zamora. The lack of intermediate specimens suggests they are reproductively isolated and don���t hybridize. Pleurothallis bilobulata can be distinguished from P. lanigera by the narrowly ovate leaves, the straight, subverrucose ovary, the broadly elliptic dorsal sepal, the shortly acuminate, narrowly lanceolate, papillose-verrucose, 1-veined petals and the lip with a basal, bilobed glenion (Figs. 4, 5). The bilobed glenion is an uncommon feature among the members of Pleurothallis subsect. Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae. It is only known to occur in the distantly related Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter (1922: 22) and P. nangaritzae M.M.Jim��nez, Tobar & Mark Wilson in Wilson et al. (2016: 358), and the closely related P. cardiostola Reichenbach (1854: 26) (Wilson, pers. comm.)., Published as part of Jim��nez, Marco M., Horna, Luis Ocupa & V��lez-Abarca, Leisberth, 2021, A new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Zamora in the Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, pp. 79-86 in Phytotaxa 518 (1) on pages 79-85, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.518.1.11, http://zenodo.org/record/5447959, {"references":["Luer, C. A. (1988) A revision of some sections of subgenus Pleurothallis. Lindleyana 3: 133 - 149.","Garay, L. A. (1978) Orchidaceae. Cypripedioideae Orchidoideae Neottioideae. In: Harling, G. & Sparre, B. (Eds.) Flora of Ecuador. Volume 9. Goteborg University, Riksmuseum, pp. 1 - 305.","Poeppig, E. F. & Endlicher, S. F. (1836) Nova genera ac species plantarum, quas in regno Chilensi Peruviano et in terra Amazonica, vol. 1. Hofmeister, Leipzig, 100 pp.","Reichenbach, H. G. (1863) Orchides Juss. Annales Botanices Systematicae 6: 167 - 930.","Sweet, H. R. & Garay, L. A. (1966) A new Masdevallia from Ecuador. American Orchid Society Bulletin 35: 377 - 378.","Reichenbach, H. G. (1883) New garden plants. Gardeners' Chronicle, new series 20: 198.","Occhioni, P. (1954) Contribuicao ao estudo da familia Chloranthaceae com especial referencia ao genero Hedyosmum Sw. Tese (Professor Catedratico). Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Brasil, 176 pp.","Ruiz, H. & Pavon, J. (1802) Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis: Tomus III. Madrid: Gabrielis de Sancha.","Don, D. (1823) An illustration of the natural family of plants called Melastomaceae. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society 4: 276 - 329.","Kunth, K. S. (1818) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (folio ed.), vol. 4. N. Maze, Paris, 301 - 412.","Pruski, J. F. (1996) Compositae of the Guayana Highland: X. Reduction of Pollalesta to Piptocoma (Vernonieae: Piptocarphinae) and Consequent Nomenclatural Adjustments. Novon 6: 96 - 102. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 3392220","Mutis, J. C. (1793) El Arcano de la Quina. Papel Periodico de Santa Fe de Bogota 111: 461 - 465.","Andersson, L. (1994) Rubiaceae: Ladenbergia. In: Harling, G. & Andersson, L. (Eds.) Flora of Ecuador. Volume 50: Goteborg University, Riksmuseum, pp. 16 - 33.","Bergius, P. J. (1772) Piper aggregatum. Acta Helvetica, Physico-Mathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica Figuris Aeneis Illustrata, et in usus publicos exarata 7: 131 - 132.","Rusby, H. H. (1907) An enumeration of the plants collected by Miguel Bang. Part 4. With descriptions of new genera and species. Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden 4: 309 - 470.","Swartz, O. (1788) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum. Prodromus 5: 70.","Steudel, E. G. von (1841) Nomenclator Botanicus (Vol. 2). Typis et sumptibus J. G. Cottae, Stuttgartiae & Tubingae, 810 pp.","Schlechter, R. (1922) Beitrage Zur Orchideenkunde von Zentralamerika. I. Orchidaceae Powellianae Panamenses. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte. Band 17: 22 - 23.","Wilson, M., Baquero, L., Dupree, K., Jimenez, M. M., LeBlanc, C. M., Merino, G., Portilla, J., Salas Guerrero, M., Tobar Suarez, F., Werner, J. D. (2016) Three new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae from northern South America. Lankesteriana 16: 349 - 350. https: // doi. org / 10.15517 / lank. v 16 i 3.27314","Reichenbach, H. G. (1854) Die Wagener'schen Orchideen. Bonplandia, Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Botanik 2: 9 - 26."]}
- Published
- 2021
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9. The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, Related by Herself
- Author
Sue Thomas
- Subjects
Chose ,Insubordination ,History ,Servant ,Narrative ,Residence ,Ancient history ,West indian ,Title page ,Test (assessment) - Abstract
In early 1831, a particular conjunction of people and events encouraged and enabled Thomas Pringle, the Secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society in Britain, to publish on his own undertaking The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, Related by Herself, generally remembered today as the only slave narrative of a West Indian woman. Within months, three editions of the narrative had been published; plans for a fourth edition were dropped after Mary Prince’s owner in Antigua John Wood instigated libel action against Pringle over his handling of Wood’s response to Anti-Slavery Society interventions to secure Prince’s freedom in Antigua as well as Britain. Prince’s owners John and Margaret Wood, who lived in Antigua and had acquired Prince in c. 1817, had brought her to England in June 1828. She left their temporary home in London in 1828 in the midst of disputes over her alleged poor conduct and insubordination. By the terms of Lord Stowell’s 1827 decision in the test case of Grace Jones, Prince’s status as a slave was temporarily suspended during her continued residence in England. Knowing that “[t]o be free is very sweet” (H, 31), she chose to stay in England rather than return to slavery in Antigua (where her husband Daniel James lived). Since 1829 she had worked as a servant in the home of Thomas and Margaret Pringle. “The idea of writing Mary Prince’s history,” Pringle states in his Preface, “was first suggested by herself” (H, 3).
- Published
- 2014
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10. Characterization of the peripheral neuropathy in neonatal and adult mice that are homozygous for the fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation
- Author
Kevin A. Roth, Roderick T. Bronson, C A Langner, Jeffrey I. Gordon, and E H Birkenmeier
- Subjects
Apolipoprotein E ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Lipoprotein lipase ,fungi ,Fatty liver ,Dystrophy ,Cell Biology ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Biochemistry ,Myelin ,Endocrinology ,Peripheral neuropathy ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Hepatic lipase ,Sciatic nerve ,Molecular Biology - Abstract
In a previous report (Langner, C. A., Birkenmeier, E. H., Ben-Zeev, O., Schotz, M. C., Sweet, H. O., Davisson, M. T., and Gordon, J. I. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7994-8003), we characterized the early developmental phenotype of mice that were homozygous for the autosomal recessive fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation. Shortly after birth, these mice can be distinguished from their +/? littermates by large pale livers, hypertriglyceridemia, elevations in hepatic apolipoprotein A-IV and apoC-II mRNA levels, and tissue-specific decreases in lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities. These traits resolve by the early weaning period. We have now characterized a second feature of this mutation: a peripheral neuropathy that becomes manifest by an abnormal gait at the end of the second postnatal week and persists through adulthood. Electron microscopic studies of sciatic nerves from 4-day-to 1-year-old fld/fld mice demonstrated a variety of abnormalities including thin, poorly compacted myelin sheaths, active myelin breakdown, and enlarged Schwann cell mitochondria and nuclei. Western blot analysis of sciatic nerve homogenates prepared from 1 to 3-month-old fld/fld mice and their +/? littermates indicated that homozygous animals have striking reductions in two peripheral nerve myelin-associated proteins, P0 and P2. The steady-state level of apoE, a protein induced during nerve regeneration, is markedly elevated. Furthermore, two axon-specific proteins, neurofilament 68K and growth-associated 43 protein, display altered expression in adult fld/fld sciatic nerves. High performance thin-layer chromatography revealed deficiencies in phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, and some neutral lipids in fld/fld sciatic nerves harvested during the first several months of life (compared to their +/? littermates). Cholesterol esters were elevated in homozygotes. By contrast, no differences in brain lipids were noted between fld/fld animals and their +/? littermates. These data suggest that the fld mutation is associated with an abnormality of myelin formation (dysmyelination) as well as demyelination and axonal degeneration that persists despite apparent resolution of the neonatal hypertriglyceridemia and associated lipase abnormalities. These findings establish the fld/fld mouse as an excellent model system for analyzing homeostatic mechanisms that modulate lipid metabolism in newborn mice and for examining the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathies associated with dyslipidemias.
- Published
- 1991
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11. Constructing constrained invariant sets in multiscale continuum systems
- Author
Erik M. Bollt, David S. Morgan, and Ira B. Schwartz
- Subjects
Manifold alignment ,Invariant polynomial ,Slow manifold ,Mathematical analysis ,Invariant manifold ,Homoclinic orbit ,Invariant (mathematics) ,Center manifold ,Homoclinic connection ,Mathematics - Abstract
We present a method that we name the constrained invariant manifold method, a visualization tool to construct stable and unstable invariant sets of a map or flow, where the invariant sets are constrained to lie on a slow invariant manifold. The construction of stable and unstable sets constrained to an unstable slow manifold is exemplified in a singularly perturbed model arising from a structural-mechanical system consisting of a pendulum coupled to a viscoelastic rod. Additionally, we extend the step and stagger method [D. Sweet, H. Nusse, and J. Yorke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2261 (2001)] to calculate a delta pseudoorbit on a chaotic saddle constrained to the slow manifold in order to be able to compute the Lyapunov exponents of the saddle.
- Published
- 2003
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12. Characterization of the peripheral neuropathy in neonatal and adult mice that are homozygous for the fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation
- Author
C A, Langner, E H, Birkenmeier, K A, Roth, R T, Bronson, and J I, Gordon
- Subjects
Brain Chemistry ,Aging ,Blotting, Western ,Homozygote ,Sciatic Nerve ,Fatty Liver ,Mice ,Microscopy, Electron ,Apolipoproteins E ,Mutation ,Animals ,Chromatography, Thin Layer ,Peripheral Nerves ,Nervous System Diseases ,Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid ,Myelin Proteins ,Phospholipids - Abstract
In a previous report (Langner, C. A., Birkenmeier, E. H., Ben-Zeev, O., Schotz, M. C., Sweet, H. O., Davisson, M. T., and Gordon, J. I. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7994-8003), we characterized the early developmental phenotype of mice that were homozygous for the autosomal recessive fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation. Shortly after birth, these mice can be distinguished from their +/? littermates by large pale livers, hypertriglyceridemia, elevations in hepatic apolipoprotein A-IV and apoC-II mRNA levels, and tissue-specific decreases in lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities. These traits resolve by the early weaning period. We have now characterized a second feature of this mutation: a peripheral neuropathy that becomes manifest by an abnormal gait at the end of the second postnatal week and persists through adulthood. Electron microscopic studies of sciatic nerves from 4-day-to 1-year-old fld/fld mice demonstrated a variety of abnormalities including thin, poorly compacted myelin sheaths, active myelin breakdown, and enlarged Schwann cell mitochondria and nuclei. Western blot analysis of sciatic nerve homogenates prepared from 1 to 3-month-old fld/fld mice and their +/? littermates indicated that homozygous animals have striking reductions in two peripheral nerve myelin-associated proteins, P0 and P2. The steady-state level of apoE, a protein induced during nerve regeneration, is markedly elevated. Furthermore, two axon-specific proteins, neurofilament 68K and growth-associated 43 protein, display altered expression in adult fld/fld sciatic nerves. High performance thin-layer chromatography revealed deficiencies in phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, and some neutral lipids in fld/fld sciatic nerves harvested during the first several months of life (compared to their +/? littermates). Cholesterol esters were elevated in homozygotes. By contrast, no differences in brain lipids were noted between fld/fld animals and their +/? littermates. These data suggest that the fld mutation is associated with an abnormality of myelin formation (dysmyelination) as well as demyelination and axonal degeneration that persists despite apparent resolution of the neonatal hypertriglyceridemia and associated lipase abnormalities. These findings establish the fld/fld mouse as an excellent model system for analyzing homeostatic mechanisms that modulate lipid metabolism in newborn mice and for examining the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathies associated with dyslipidemias.
- Published
- 1991
13. Gender and Germanness: Cultural Productions of Nation
- Author
Pamela S. Saur, Patricia Herminghouse, and Magda Mueller
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Watt ,History ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Philosophy ,Art history - Abstract
Contributors: L. Adelson, A. Taylor Allen, K. Bauer, R. Berman, B. Byg, M. Denman, E. Frederiksen, S. Friedrichsmeyer, E. Kaufmann, L. Koepnick, B. Kosta, S. Lefko, A. M.O'Sickey, B. Mennel, H. M. Muller, B. Peterson, L. Pusch, D. Sweet, H. Watt, S. Zantop.
- Published
- 2000
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14. The fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation
- Author
O Ben-Zeev, H. O. Sweet, C A Langner, M T Davisson, M C Schotz, Jeffrey I. Gordon, and E H Birkenmeier
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Lipoprotein lipase ,Triglyceride ,Apolipoprotein B ,biology ,Apolipoprotein C-II ,fungi ,Fatty liver ,Cell Biology ,White adipose tissue ,medicine.disease ,Biochemistry ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Endocrinology ,chemistry ,Internal medicine ,Brown adipose tissue ,biology.protein ,medicine ,Hepatic lipase ,Molecular Biology - Abstract
An autosomal recessive mutation, termed fatty liver dystrophy (fld), can be identified in neonatal mice by their enlarged and fatty liver (Sweet, H. O., Birkenmeier, E. H., and Davisson, M. T. (1988) Mouse News Letter 81, 69). We have examined the underlying metabolic abnormalities in fld/fld mice from postnatal days 3-40. Serum and hepatic triglyceride levels were elevated 5-fold in suckling fld/fld mice compared to their +/? littermates but abruptly resolved at the suckling/weaning transition. Blot hybridization analysis of liver and intestinal RNAs revealed a liver-specific increase in apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV and C-II mRNA concentrations (100- and 6-fold, respectively) that was limited to the suckling and early weaning stages in fld/fld mice. Resolution of these differences during the weaning period could not be delayed by prolonging suckling to the 20th postnatal day nor could the mutant phenotype be elicited in young adult animals with a high fat diet. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity was reduced 16-fold in the white adipose tissue of fld/fld mice until the onset of weaning. Heart activity was decreased less than 2-fold, but there were no deficits in brown adipose tissue or liver. Hepatic lipase (HL) mRNA levels and activity were significantly reduced in fld/fld livers and sera, respectively, during the suckling period. Mapping studies show the fld locus to be distinct from loci encoding LPL, HL, and apoA-IV, and those responsible for the combined lipase deficiencies in cld/cld and W/Wv mice. These data suggest that the fld mutation is associated with developmentally programmed tissue-specific defects in the neonatal expression of LPL and HL activities and provide evidence for a new regulatory locus which affects these lipase activities. This mutation could serve as a useful model for (i) analyzing the homeostatic mechanisms controlling lipid metabolism in newborn mice and (ii) understanding and treating certain inborn errors in human triglyceride metabolism.
- Published
- 1989
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15. Cyclic peptides. X. Bitter taste and chymotryptic hydrolysis of cyclic depsidipeptides containing a tryptophan residue
- Author
Akira Yasutake, Koichi Miyazaki, Norikazu Nishino, Nobuo Izumiya, Tetsuo Kato, and Haruhiko Aoyagi
- Subjects
Depsipeptide ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Chymotrypsin ,biology ,Chemistry ,Stereochemistry ,Hydrolysis ,Tryptophan ,food and beverages ,Stereoisomerism ,Bitter taste ,Biochemistry ,Peptides, Cyclic ,Cyclic peptide ,Residue (chemistry) ,stomatognathic system ,Casein ,Taste ,biology.protein ,Organic chemistry ,Humans - Abstract
Four stereoisomers (I-LL, I-LD, I-DL and I-DD) of a cyclic depsidipeptide (I) containing a tryptophan and a 2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoic acid residue were synthesized, and their taste and chymotryptic susceptibility were examined. Compound I-LL is a depsipeptide analog of a bitter principle BP-II, cyclo(-L-Trp-L-Leu-), obtained from casein hydrolyzate. All of the four stereoisomers of I are strongly bitter to taste. Another depsipeptide analog, L-aspartyl-L-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoic acid methyl ester, of the sweet H-L-Asp-L-Phe- OMe showed bitter taste instead of sweet. Chymotrypsin hydrolyzed I-LL and I-LD in moderate rates, and I-DL and I-DD very slowly.
- Published
- 1981
16. The fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutation. A new mutant mouse with a developmental abnormality in triglyceride metabolism and associated tissue-specific defects in lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities
- Author
C A, Langner, E H, Birkenmeier, O, Ben-Zeev, M C, Schotz, H O, Sweet, M T, Davisson, and J I, Gordon
- Subjects
Hypertriglyceridemia ,Aging ,Mice, Inbred BALB C ,Nucleic Acid Hybridization ,Lipase ,Weaning ,Mice, Mutant Strains ,Animals, Suckling ,Fatty Liver ,Lipoprotein Lipase ,Mice ,Adipose Tissue ,Liver ,Mutation ,Animals ,Apolipoprotein C-II ,RNA, Messenger ,Apolipoproteins C ,Apolipoproteins A ,Triglycerides - Abstract
An autosomal recessive mutation, termed fatty liver dystrophy (fld), can be identified in neonatal mice by their enlarged and fatty liver (Sweet, H. O., Birkenmeier, E. H., and Davisson, M. T. (1988) Mouse News Letter 81, 69). We have examined the underlying metabolic abnormalities in fld/fld mice from postnatal days 3-40. Serum and hepatic triglyceride levels were elevated 5-fold in suckling fld/fld mice compared to their +/? littermates but abruptly resolved at the suckling/weaning transition. Blot hybridization analysis of liver and intestinal RNAs revealed a liver-specific increase in apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV and C-II mRNA concentrations (100- and 6-fold, respectively) that was limited to the suckling and early weaning stages in fld/fld mice. Resolution of these differences during the weaning period could not be delayed by prolonging suckling to the 20th postnatal day nor could the mutant phenotype be elicited in young adult animals with a high fat diet. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity was reduced 16-fold in the white adipose tissue of fld/fld mice until the onset of weaning. Heart activity was decreased less than 2-fold, but there were no deficits in brown adipose tissue or liver. Hepatic lipase (HL) mRNA levels and activity were significantly reduced in fld/fld livers and sera, respectively, during the suckling period. Mapping studies show the fld locus to be distinct from loci encoding LPL, HL, and apoA-IV, and those responsible for the combined lipase deficiencies in cld/cld and W/Wv mice. These data suggest that the fld mutation is associated with developmentally programmed tissue-specific defects in the neonatal expression of LPL and HL activities and provide evidence for a new regulatory locus which affects these lipase activities. This mutation could serve as a useful model for (i) analyzing the homeostatic mechanisms controlling lipid metabolism in newborn mice and (ii) understanding and treating certain inborn errors in human triglyceride metabolism.
- Published
- 1989
17. Функциональная категоризация английского глагола : монография
- Author
Болдырев Н. Н and Болдырев Н. Н
- Abstract
Монография посвящена проблеме формирования категориальных значений английского глагола в предложении-высказывании. В ней исследуются общие вопросы функционально-семиологической грамматики и функциональной категоризации языковых единиц с использованием прототипического подхода к формированию языковых категорий. Формирование категориального значения глагола рассматривается как многофакторный процесс, анализируются различные факторы лексического и грамматического характера в их взаимодействии, выявляются основные принципы и механизмы функциональной категоризации английского глагола. Издание адресовано студентам старших курсов, преподавателям и аспирантам лингвистических специальностей.
- Published
- 2016
18. Просодическая структура русской ответной реплики в условиях кабардино-черкесской интерференции : монография
- Author
Шишимер Л.Ф and Шишимер Л.Ф
- Abstract
Монография посвящена просодической организации русской ответной реплики в условиях кабардино-черкесской интерференции, типологическим и конкретно-языковым чертам ответных реплик в трех фоновариантах (южнорусском, кабардино-черкесском и интерферированном).
- Published
- 2015
19. Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain
- Author
Nila Vázquez, Editor and Nila Vázquez, Editor
- Abstract
Even before the Helsinki Corpus was published, Spain had a good amount of Historical English researchers, such as the group directed by Teresa Fanego in Santiago de Compostela. In the last couple of decades, the number of scholars working in the field of Historical Corpus Linguistics has increased, and, nowadays, there are some interesting projects in Spain that will result in the publication of valuable material for scholars throughout the world.The aim of this volume is twofold. On the one hand, the first section is devoted to describing and analyzing the aforementioned projects taking place at different Spanish Universities, such as the CoER (Corpus of Early English Recipes, University Las Palmas), the Coruña Corpus (a corpus of scientific documents, University of Coruña), the Salamanca Corpus (University of Salamanca) and the SCONE Corpus (University of Seville), among others. The output of these projects will shed light on the dialectology of early periods of the English language. This material will provide a great amount of new information for scholars who work in this field.The second part includes the findings of some of the Spanish scholars who deal with Historical English Corpora, including those in the first part of the volume, or more traditional corpora, such as the Helsinki Corpus, the Corpus of Early Correspondence or the Corpus of Late Modern English Texts, among others. With these two parts, the volume will offer a complete view of the studies on Historical English Corpora in Spain.
- Published
- 2014
20. El anzuelo de Platón: cómo inventan los lingüistas su historia
- Author
Laborda Gil, Xavier and Laborda Gil, Xavier
- Published
- 2014
21. The English Language : A Historical Introduction
- Author
Barber, Charles Laurence, Beal, Joan C., Shaw, Philip A., Barber, Charles Laurence, Beal, Joan C., and Shaw, Philip A.
- Subjects
- English language--History, Historical linguistics
- Abstract
Description based on print version record.
- Published
- 2009
22. Grammar and Context : An Advanced Resource Book
- Author
Hewings, Ann, Hewings, Martin, Hewings, Ann, and Hewings, Martin
- Subjects
- Grammar, Comparative and general, Context (Linguistics)
- Published
- 2005
23. Boy Who Drew Birds : A Story of John James Audubon
- Author
Jacqueline Davies and Jacqueline Davies
- Subjects
- Ornithologists--United States--Biography--Ju, Animal painters--United States--Biography--J
- Abstract
This fascinating picture book biography from beloved author of the Lemonade War series Jacqueline Davies and Caldecott honor–winning illustrator Melissa Sweet chronicles the life of scientist John James Audubon, who pioneered a technique essential to our understanding of birds thanks to his lifelong love for the species. If there was one thing James loved to do more than anything else, it was to be in the great outdoors watching his beloved feathered friends. In the fall of 1804, he was determined to find out if the birds nesting near his Pennsylvania home would really return the following spring. Through careful observation, James laid the foundation for all that we know about migration patterns today. Capturing the early passion of this bird-obsessed young man as well as the meticulous study and scientific methods behind his research, this lively, gorgeously illustrated biography will leave young readers listening intently for the call of birds large and small near their own home.
- Published
- 2004
24. A Thousand Days in Venice : An Unexpected Romance
- Author
De Blasi, Marlena and De Blasi, Marlena
- Subjects
- Venice (Italy)--Social life and customs
- Abstract
Fernando first sees Marlena across the Piazza San Marco and falls in love from afar. When he sees her again in a Venice café a year later, he knows it is fate. He knows little English; she, a divorced American chef traveling through Italy, speaks only food-based Italian. Marlena thought she was done with romantic love, incapable of intimacy. Yet within months of their first meeting, she has quit her job, sold her house in St. Louis, kissed her two grown sons good-bye, and moved to Venice to marry “the stranger,” as she calls Fernando. This deliciously satisfying memoir is filled with the foods and flavors of Italy and peppered with culinary observations and recipes. But the main course here is an enchanting true story about a woman who falls in love with both a man and a city, and finally finds the home she didn't even know she was missing.
- Published
- 2002
25. Welsh Phonology : Selected Readings
- Author
Ball, Martin J., Jones, Glyn E., Ball, Martin J., and Jones, Glyn E.
- Subjects
- Welsh language--Phonology
- Published
- 1984
26. Foreign/second Language Pedagogy Research : A Commemorative Volume for Claus Fµrch
- Author
Phillipson, Robert, Fµrch, Claus, Phillipson, Robert, and Fµrch, Claus
- Subjects
- Language and languages--Study and teaching, Second language acquisition
- Published
- 1991
27. Studies of Passive Clauses
- Author
Postal, Paul Martin and Postal, Paul Martin
- Subjects
- Grammar, Comparative and general--Passive voice, Grammar, Comparative and general--Clauses, Arc pair grammar, Relational grammar
- Abstract
In this work, Paul M. Postal supports the universalist theory of language by examining passive clauses. Contrary to a skeptical tradition, Postal argues that passive clauses are cross-linguistically identifiable and characterizable. This study proposes refinements of the analysis of the natural language grammatical category Passive Clause. These refinements include an account of the notion ‘dummy nominal,'central to the analysis of impersonal passive clauses; additions permitting a proper typology of the major known subtypes of Passive Clause; a generalization permitting application to clauses whose subjects are not earlier level direct objects; and, construction of precise rule concepts to represent restrictions on passive clauses.The passive domain supports the universalist approach in three distinguishable ways: (1) by permitting formulation of otherwise apparently unstatable lawful characteristics of all passive structures; (2) by facilitating statement of language-specific passive constraints holding in diverse languages; and, (3) by allowing uniform statement in grammars of recurrent constraints on passives. Each mode of support is applied to actual cases based on material from more than a dozen languages from English and French to Quiche (Mayan) and Chi-Mwi:ni (Bantu).Paul Martin Postal is a Research Staff Member at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center. He has also taught linguistics at MIT and the City University of New York. Postal has written numerous articles and books, including Constituent Structure, Cross-Over Phenomena, Arc Pair Grammar (with D.E. Johnson).
- Published
- 1986
28. Herb Garden Design
- Author
Swanson, Faith H., Rady, Virginia B., Swanson, Faith H., and Rady, Virginia B.
- Subjects
- Herb gardens--Designs and plans, Gardens--Design
- Abstract
Silvery tones of a scented garden designed for moonlight can add new dimensions to summer evenings on your patio. And careful choices of herbs can yield shades of burnished bronzes and mauves in the garden throughout the rigors of winter. These are just two samples of the information contained in more than fifty plans for novice and professional gardener alike. Herbs are already well known for their abilities to flavor, scent, dye, and medicate; in addition, when properly integrated with their surroundings they can greatly enhance the landscape. The plans offered here represent a wide range of possibilities--historic and private, large and small, modest and elaborate--that are easily adapted to one's needs. Designs created by landscape architects and members of the Herb Society of America were redrafted especially for this book. Each plan offers dimensions, structural details for paths, walls, hedges, and decorating elements in addition to full commentary and a plant list.A selection of the Garden Book Club and the Architects and Planners Book Club.
- Published
- 1984
29. Prepositions and Complement Clauses : A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Verbs Governing Prepositions and Complement Clauses in Present-Day English
- Author
Rudanko, Martti Juhani and Rudanko, Martti Juhani
- Subjects
- English language--Prepositions, English language--Complement, English language--Semantics, English language--Clauses, English language--Syntax, English language--Verb
- Abstract
Provides a pioneering and data-oriented investigation of the syntax and semantics of important prepositional complementation patterns dependent on the prepositions in, to, at, on, with, and of in present-day English.This book provides a pioneering and data-oriented investigation of the syntax and semantics of important prepositional complementation patterns dependent on the prepositions in, to, at, on, with, and of in current English. The investigation is based on a sample of matrix verbs that governs the pattern of sentential complementation. The data includes the Brown and LOB corpora, English dictionaries and grammars, and the intuitions of native speakers.Rudanko sets up taxonomies of matrix verbs and argues that they often can be based on relatively few core classes. He questions whether verbs selecting a pattern also select other patterns of sentential complementation. Noting the quantity and quality of such alternation, he observes how differences in form are linked to differences in meaning. The study of relevant matrix verbs, supplemented with discussion of alternation and other syntactic and semantic properties of the patterns, points to the semantic functions that are associated typically with each pattern of complementation.Juhani Rudanko is Associate Professor of English Philology at the University of Tampere, Finland. He is the author of Complementation and Case Grammar: A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Selected Patterns of Complementation in Present-Day English, also published by SUNY Press.
- Published
- 1996
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