1. New record of Metaxytherium (Mammalia, Sirenia) from the lower Miocene of Manosque (Provence, France)
- Author
Sorbi, Silvia
- Subjects
Mammalia ,Animalia ,Dugongidae ,Biodiversity ,Chordata ,Sirenia ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Sorbi, Silvia (2008): New record of Metaxytherium (Mammalia, Sirenia) from the lower Miocene of Manosque (Provence, France). Geodiversitas 30 (2): 433-444, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5376713, {"references":["BAJPAI S. & DOMNING D. P. 1997. - A new dugongine sirenian from the early Miocene of India. Journa-l of Vertebra-te Pa-leontology 17 (1): 219-228.","BIANUCCI G. & LANDINI W. 2003. - Meta-xytherium medium (Mammalia: Sirenia) from upper Miocene sediments of the Arenaria di Ponsano Formation (Tuscany, Italy). Rivista- Ita-lia-na- di Pa-leontologia- e Stra-tigra-fia- 109 (3): 567-573.","BIANUCCI G., CARONE G., DOMNING D. P., LANDINI W. & ROOK L. 2004. - Peri-Messinian dwarfing in Mediterranean Meta-xytherium (Mammalia: Sirenia): evidence of habitat degradation related to Mediterranean desiccation. Abstra-cts, Third Symposium on Geology of Ea-st Libya-, Benghazi, Nov. 21-23: 21.","BLAINVILLE H. M. D. 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- 2008
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