- Author
Puidokienė, Dalia, Purvaneckienė, Giedrė, Sakalauskienė, Vaida, Žukauskaitė, Vilija, and Šeduikienė, Jūratė
- Subjects
Socialinė pagalba. Globa / Social assistance. Care ,Socialinė apsauga. Pensijos / Social security. Pensions ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Moterys / Women ,Socialinės problemos / Social problems ,General Medicine - Abstract
Straipsnyje analizuojama moterų, patiriančių seksualinę prievartą artimoje aplinkoje, pagalbos prieinamumas problemų, su kuriomis jos susiduria, nustatymo kontekste. Smurto prieš moteris problema Lietuvoje pradėta kelti santykinai neseniai, tik atkūrus Lietuvos Nepriklausomybę. Pirmieji tyrimai atlikti dar XX amžiaus paskutiniajame dešimtmetyje, bet visuomenė problemos mastą įsisąmonino gerokai vėliau. 2011 m. priimtas LR Apsaugos nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje įstatymas, nuo kurio prasidėjo sisteminė valstybinė pagalba smurto artimoje aplinkoje (toliau – SAA) aukoms. Tik pastaraisiais metais pradėta kalbėti apie smurto problemas specifinėse grupėse (pvz., seksualinis SAA). Be to, pastebėta, kad tiek tyrimuose, tiek kovos su smurtu praktikoje dominuoja viena smurto rūšis – fizinis smurtas, o bene labiausiai nutylimas seksualinis smurtas tiek artimoje aplinkoje, tiek už jos ribų. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti problemas, su kuriomis susiduria moterys, patiriančios seksualinę prievartą artimoje aplinkoje, ir pagalbos prieinamumo galimybes. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: smurtas, artima aplinka, seksualinis smurtas artimoje aplinkoje, apsaugos nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje įstatymas. The article analyses the situation of access to help for women who have experienced sexual abuse, and identifies the problems they face after experiencing sexual abuse in a close relationship. The European Commission’s Strategy on the Rights of Victims of Crime 2020–2025 identifies the need to improve assistance and support for the most vulnerable victims of crime. Domestic violence has recently become one of the most debated topics in the field of human rights protection and criminal justice in Lithuania. Violence is directly linked to a complicated phenomenon, the categories of force, power and authority. The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Protection against Violence in a Close Relationship ‘aims to protect people from violence in a close relationship, which is classified as an act of public importance due to its damage to society, to react quickly to the threat, to take preventive measures, to apply protective measures, and to provide appropriate assistance’. In order to assess the problems faced by women experiencing sexual violence in a close relationship, from 2020 to 2023 the Klaipeda Social and Psychological Support Centre, together with its partners, implemented the project # StopNow! of assistance for victims of gender-based violence, aiming to increase accessibility to the specialised complex assistance provided, by empowering specialists from Specialised Complex Assistance Centres to provide assistance to women experiencing sexual violence in a close relationship. The aim of the article: to highlight the problems faced by women experiencing sexual violence in a close relationship and the possibilities of access to assistance. The subject of the article: the problems faced by women experiencing sexual abuse in a close relationship and the possibilities of access to help. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, legal documents and statistical data, analysis of secondary data sources, questionnaire survey of specialists working in the field of protection from violence, assistance, provision of services and prevention, focus group interviews with experts, and interviews with women who have experienced sexual violence in a close relationship. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part provides a brief overview of the issues, scope, legal and policy context, and research on domestic violence in Lithuania. The second part describes how the empirical material was handled, and the principles of the analysis. The third part analyses data from a survey of professionals working in the fields of protection from violence, assistance, service provision and prevention. The fourth part provides an overview of the specificities in the provision of assistance to female victims of sexual violence and the experience of professionals. The fifth part analyses the experience of women victims of sexual violence, based on an interpretation of the data obtained. There are many studies or parts of studies on the prevalence of sexual violence against women, but it is difficult to know how reliable they are, as women tend to hide these crimes. In a 1994 study, 20% of women and 3.6% of men responded positively to the question of whether the respondent had experienced an attempted rape. In a 2000 survey, 14% of women and 1% of men said they had experienced attempted rape. According to the Victimology Survey in Lithuania, 26.5% of adult women have been sexually assaulted at least once by strangers since they were 16 years old, 18.2% by men they know, and 17% have been forced to have sex by their dating partners. Sexual violence is also prevalent in families: 8.6% of married or cohabiting women were forced to have sex by their spouse or partner, and 14% by an ex-spouse or partner, either by pushing them or by inflicting pain in some way. Researchers who have studied criminal legal protection in the context of violence in a close relationship argue that sexual violence is particularly latent, and this is due to a number of factors: the extremely private nature of sexual relationships, stereotypical attitudes towards gender roles, and inadequate criminal justice responses. The research was based on quantitative (a survey) and qualitative research methodologies proposed by the social sciences, using mixed purposive sampling and three sampling methods: survey, individual interviews, and focus group interviews. The first group of respondents were professionals working in the field of protection, assistance, service provision and prevention of violence. The second group of respondents were expert professionals who have provided assistance or services to victims of violence in a close relationship. The third group of respondents were women who have experienced sexual violence in a close relationship. Almost half the respondents confirmed that their workplaces have certain algorithms or guidelines on how to provide protection or assistance to women victims of sexual violence, while just over half said that there are none. The most aware of such algorithms or instructions are health-care workers and law enforcement officials, while the least aware are employees of SKPCs and social service providers, and those in management positions. [...] Keywords: violence, close environment, sexual violence in a close environment, law on protection against violence in a close environment, Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Protection against Violence in a Close Environment.
- Published
- 2022
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