55 results on '"Septri"'
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2. Pembinaan kebugaran jasmani dan pelatihan keterampilan kreativitas sebagai upaya mencegah demensia
- Author
Dessi Novita Sari, Sonya Nelson, null Septri, and Fahmil Haris
- Abstract
Daerah binaan PKM ini adalah Nagari Painan Selatan Kecamatan Koto IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, yang memiliki populasi lansia cukup besar. Adapun permasalahan mitra: (1) Kegiatan pada posyandu lansia tergolong monoton sehingga kurangnya minat peserta untuk datang, kegiatan posyandu hanya tergambar pada proses pemeriksaan kesehatan lansia saja, misalnya pada penimbangan berat badan, cek tekanan darah kadang juga cek kolesterol dan asam urat. Belum ada kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk peningkatan kebugaran jasmani dan senam lansia yang hingga saat ini jarang dilakukan. Hal ini disebabkan juga karena masih kurangnya instruktur yang berkompeten dalam memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang sehat jasmani dan rohani. Kegiatan pada Posyandu kurang bervariasi dan belum ada penekanan khusus bagi partisipan lansia dalam melaksanakan senam. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan pelatihan tentang kebugaran jasmani khususnya senam lansia. Hasil yang dicapai adalah pemahaman terhadap 1) olahraga khususnya senam lansia 2) pentingnya tes kebugaran 3) pelaksanaan senam lansia yang baik dan benar. Adapun Permasahan yang ke dua (2), mengenai ketenagakerjaan terutama untuk lansia tidak potensial, mayoritas dari mereka adalah lansia yang kini sudah tidak lagi bekerja meskipun mereka masih ingin bekerja. Masih kurang produktifnya sebagian lansia sehingga membawa konsekuensi berkurangnya pendapatan yang dapat menyebabkan kemiskinan lansia. Banyak waktu luang yang dimiliki oleh lansia dirumah, karena mereka hanya melakukan kegiatan seputar RT. Oleh sebab itu perlu diberikan pelatihan keterampilan kreativitas dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan serat alam dan tali macrame sebagai upaya mencegah demensia, meningkatkan produktivitas lansia, meningkatkan interaksi sosial antar lansia, sekaligus mengisi waktu luang lansia dengan kegiatan bermanfaat. Hasil yang di dapat adalah menambah keterampilan dan berpeluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi sebuah usaha yang mampu memberikan nilai tambah bagi keluarga dengan modal yang tidak besar tetapi mampu menghasilkan nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan Training of Trainer (TOT) dengan cara memberikan materi melalui ceramah, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan praktek langsung
- Published
- 2023
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3. Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan Rumah Sewa Mahasiswa Untuk Budidaya Sayuran Pada Media Tanam Portabel
- Author
Nusril Nusril, Septri Widiono, and M. Mustopa Romdhon
- Abstract
Pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan di rumah sewa mahasiswa yang terbatas harus terpadu (Lakitan, 2012), kontinu (Suryana et al, 1997) serta sumber bahan pangan tambahan (Novitasari, 2011).Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan mahasiswa tinggal dirumah sewa dalam waktu relatif lama menimbulkan rasa jenuh dan stres yang dapat menurunkan imunitas tubuh. Mahasiswa perlu mengisi waktu luang dengan kegiatan positif, salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah sewa mahasiswa untuk budidaya sayuranpada media tanam portable. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode observasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Alat dan bahandigunakan terdiri dari Pot/polybag/kantong besar, Benih sayur kangkung dan pokcay, Pupuk kandang, pupuk urea dan tanah, Spanduk Pelatihan serta kamera untuk pembuatan dokumentasi dan video kegiatan.Hasil dari kegiatan ini diketahui mahasiswa pionir peserta program telah menguasai budidaya kangkung dan pokcay pada media tanam portable di rumah sewa.Hasil ini merokemdasikan kegiatan sejenis perlu diperluas kepada mahasiswa yang berada di rumah tinggal bersama orang tua.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Penyuluhan Pentingnya Vaksinasi dan Pola Hidup Bersih Sehat di masa Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
Septri Damayanti, Siska Yosmar, and Nur Afandi
- Abstract
Dalam menanggulangi pandemi COVID-19, upaya vaksinasi dilakukan tidak hanya menjadi satu-satunya upaya untuk melindungi masyarakat dari penularan COVID-19. Selama belum mencapai kekebalan kelompok (herd immunity), maka pencegahan yang efektif saat ini adalah pola hidup bersih sehat. Adapun tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di Desa Kota Padang Kecamatan Manna Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan adalah agar masyarakat setempat dapat mengetahui pentingnya vaksinasi dan mengedukasi diri bagaimana cara untuk melaksanakan pola hidup bersih sehat di masa pandemi COVID-19. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini yaitu dengan adanya kegiatan ini telah mengedukasi dan membantu masyarakat untuk memahami apa itu vaksinasi dan pentingnya vaksinasi, serta bagaimana menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih sehat di masa pandemic Covid-19 di lingkungan masyarakat Desa Kota Padang Kecamatan Manna Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Dilihat dari evaluasi, masyarakat Desa Kota Padang 94% telah melaksanakan vaksinasi Covid-19, dan 50% telah mengetahui bagaimana perilaku hidup bersih sehat, serta 94% juga yang telah menerapkan protocol kesehatan di kehidupan sehari-hari.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Pengaruh Metode Latihan Medicine Ball dan Push-Up Terhadap Daya Ledak Otot lengan Atlet Karate
- Author
Dwi Happy anggia Sari, Jeki Haryanto, and Septri Septri
- Abstract
Penelitian ini berasal dari masalah daya ledak maksimum yang rendah dan kecepatan maksimum dalam waktu cepat di atlet Karate UKA Universitas Negeri Padang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh metode pelatihan menggunakan Push-Up dan menggunakan Medicine Ball Throw pada ledakan otot lengan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen kuasi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 orang adalah atlet Karate UKA Karate dari Universitas Negeri Padang Sampling menggunakan Purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: Ada efek latihan Medicine Ball Throw terhadap daya ledak otot lengan Karate UKA Universitas Negeri Padang dengan nilai 6,94 > ttabel 2.093. Push up latihan melawan ledakan otot lengan Karate UKA Universitas Negeri Padang dengan nilai thitung 6,77 > ttabel. Perbedaan pengaruh latihan Medicine Ball Throw dengan latihan push up dimana latihan latihan Medicine Ball Throw lebih baik dari pada push up exercise dengan nilai 8,93 > ttabel 2.093
- Published
- 2022
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6. Eleven Icebreaking Games Online for Distance Training Realizing ASN Free Learning
- Author
null Riana Antika Amahoroe and null Septri Rahayu
- Abstract
Introduction/Main Objective: The Distance Training (PJJ) pattern or blended learning has become a popular training alternative. Changes in training practices by utilizing online platforms are expected to be a means of independence for ASN in education and developing their competencies. Therefore, the instructor must adapt icebreaking, often applied in classical activities, to online icebreaking. So that PJJ can take place in a fun and meaningful way even though it is carried out virtually without involving the physical interaction of the participants. Background Problems: Icebreaking is applied in face-to-face or classical learning, but not all can be used in PJJ or online training. Widyaiswara needs an educative and interactive online icebreaking training reference. Research Method: Literature study. Novelty: This study presents 11 educational and interactive online Icebreaking games. Findings/Results: The eleven icebreaking online create an online learning atmosphere that is educative, interactive, exciting, and fun, thus creating training that is interesting, active, creative, fun, and meaningful. Eleven icebreaking fosters the interest and motivation of the training participants in the training subjects to be studied. Conclusion: Researchers believe that eleven icebreaking is an interactive and educational icebreaker that Widyaiswara can apply in online training. Glad that PJJ makes training fun and exciting, eliminates awkwardness between participants, improves concentration and focus, and creates creative and innovative activity that increases participants' learning motivation.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Winalia Agwil, Ulfasari Rafflesia, Ramya Rachamawati, and Septri Damayanti
- Abstract
Kebersihan lingkungan pantai menjadi salah satu hal penting agar pantai menjadi menarik di mata para pengunjung atau wisatawan. Namun, di pantai panjang kota bengkulu masih ditemukan sampah-sampah bertebaran. Sampah-sampah tersebut berasal dari limbah rumah tangga dan juga aktivitas pengunjung di pantai. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut salah satu kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen adalah dengan melakukan gerakan lingkungan bersih dan asri. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengurangi sampah-sampah yang berserakan dan menimbulkan rasa peduli lingkungan. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat dilihat mahasiswa dan beberapa masyarakat setempat sangat antusias berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan.
- Published
- 2022
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8. PPUPIK Pusat Layanan Fisioterapi Olahraga Dan Kebugaran FIKUNP TahapII (Promosi, Kualitas, Ekspektasi)
- Author
Endang Sepdanius, null Donal Syafrianto, null Umar, Iit Selviani, Rini Afriani, null Septri, and null April
- Abstract
Tujuan utama dalam program PPUPIK pusat layanan fisioterapi olahraga dan kebugaran ini adalah untuk mendorong Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan menghasilkan produk jasa berupa penatalaksanaan fisioterapi dan kebugaran olahraga bagi semua kalangan. Pada tahun ke dua ini Pusat layanan fisioterapi dan kebugaran lebih memfokuskan pada aspek promosi, kualitas dan pemenuhan harapan dari pengguna jasa ini. Dalam pelaksanaanya digunakan metode pendekatan secara bertahap. Tahap pertama dengan melakukan penjajakan ke instansi-instasi pemerintahan maupun swasta, kedua: mengenalkan fisioterapi olahraga kemudian melakukan penjejakan Mou, tahap ketiga; mengundang atlet-atlet dari kabupaten merasakan layanan fisioterapi olahraga. Tahap keempat: menata manajemen lebih baik lagi dengan merekrut karyawan baru, tahap kelima: melakukan pembaruan promosi menggunakan media baju serta media social yang ada. Hasil yang didapat setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan: 1) Terdapat beberapa stake holder yang ingin melakukan Kerjasama, 2) MoU dengan stake holder, 3) Pelaksanaan fisioterapi bagi atlet yang ada di Sumatera Barat, 4) Penerimaan mahasiswa magang, 5) video promosi dimedia sosial.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Pengaruh Perbedaan Salinitas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Sintasan Larva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)
- Author
Septri Legitasari Lere Jayanti, Andi Arham Atjo, Reski Fitriah, Dian Lestari, and Muh Nur
- Abstract
Salah satu parameter kualitas air yang sangat mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva udang vaname adalah salinitas. Salinitas sangat berpengaruh terhadap organisme perairan untuk mengontrol keseimbangan air dan ion antara tubuh dengan lingkungannya. Jika kondisi salinitas mengalami fluktuasi, maka semakin banyak pula energi yang dibutuhkan larva untuk proses metabolismenya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengarauh perbedaan salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva udang vaname. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu perlakuan A (salinitas 13 ppt), perlakuan B (salinitas 19 ppt), perlakuan C (salinitas 25 ppt) dan perlakuan D sebagai kontrol (salinitas 31 ppt). Parameter yang diamati yaitu laju pertumbuhan harian, pertumbuhan berat mutlak dan sintasan. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan salinitas berpengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap laju pertumbuhan harian tetapi perbedaan salinitas tidak berpengaruh nyata (p > 0,05) terhadap pertumbuhan berat mutlak dan sintasan. Salinitas 25 ppt memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap laju pertumbuhan harian yaitu sebesar 3,4%, pertumbuhan berat mutlak yaitu sebesar 1,02 gram dan sintasan yaitu sebesar 94,44%.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Tinjauan Sistem Pelayanan Pendaftaran Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Ernaldi Bahar Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
- Author
Party Elliyanti and Popin Septri Badoriasari
- Abstract
Efforts to improve the quality of outpatient registration services can be carried out properly if they are in accordance with the procedure flow and must meet the average standard of service time at registration. In reality, there are often inhibiting factors that often occur. Find out why outpatient registration services are banned. The research method used is descriptive analysis, namely by observing the overall registration service of the outpatient unit. The population of this study were patients who came to visit the outpatient unit and outpatient registration officers by calculating the average service time provided to patients who came in accordance with established standard procedures. Based on the results that the authors examined, the average time for outpatient registration services obtained a sample of 133 patients, old patients consisted of 120 people and 13 new patients. For old patients, the average service time is about 7 minutes at most and new patients are on average about 11 minutes. The results showed that the outpatient registration service system at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province, can be said to be still not optimal because there are still constraint factors that occur when registering, such as interference with the internet network, and delays in searching for outpatient medical record files because of the printing machine. the tracer is jammed so you have to wait for the SJP/SEP first before the outpatient medical record file can be searched/retrieved to be submitted to the outpatient polyclinic.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Masalah Psikososial Anak dengan Penyakit Kanker Selama Pandemi COVID-19
- Author
Septri Nadya, Hellena Deli, and Wasisto Utomo
- Published
- 2021
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12. An Analysis of Sumbawa Language Shift in Tatebal Village
- Author
Yomi Septri and Supriadin Supriadin
- Abstract
This study aims to obtain a types of sumbawa language shift in Sumbawa, especially in Tatebal village. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method which aims to provide an overview of the various types of sumbawa language shift in Sumbawa, especially in Tatebal village. In collecting data, the researcher used direct observation techniques and interviews with Tatebal society. Observation used to know the way of teenagers, adults and old people in Tatebal village during doing a daily conversation. Interviews were conducted with teenagers, adult and old people in the village and interviews with informants,to add information to the research. Based on the research, the sumbawa language shift that occured in Tatebal village very diverse, for example the word maming to adress their father became bapak, mambo became sendal, jelaja became jendela etc.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Effect Of Nutritional Status On Object Ability Of Children's Object Controls Aged 5 To 6 Years
- Author
Risky Syahputra, Septri Septri, Anggri Dwi Nata, Lucy Pratama Putri, Oktarifaldi Oktarifaldi, Syahrial Bakthiar, Zumroni Zumroni, and Ibnu Andli Marta
- Subjects
Gerontology ,control object capabilities ,lcsh:LC8-6691 ,education.field_of_study ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,Population ,Physical activity ,lcsh:Recreation. Leisure ,Nutritional status ,lcsh:GV1-1860 ,Object control ,Object (computer science) ,nutritional status ,Sports activity ,education ,Psychology ,Research method - Abstract
Low basic mobility skills in children aged 5 to 6 years in the 2x11 Kayu Tanam sub-district are difficult. Whereas this basic movement skill is the initial foundation in realizing more complex movements in the future, such as physical activity and more specific sports activities. Basic motion skills are divided into two, the ability of object control and locomotor. One aspect that supports basic movement skills is nutritional status. This study aims to determine the effect of nutritional status on the ability of object control children aged 5 to 6 years in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District. The research method used is simple linear regression. The population in this study were children aged 5 to 6 years and samples were taken by random sampling with a total of 83 children. Nutrition status data is obtained through height and weight measurements and the ability of the control object using the TGMD-2 instrument. The results showed that there was an influence of nutritional status on the ability of object control children aged 5 to 5 years in 2x11 Kayu Tanam District with sig 0,000
- Published
- 2020
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14. Pembinaan Anak Jalanan oleh Rumah Singgah Al-Ma’un
- Author
Yola Septri Sagita, Rufran Zulkarnain, and Sofino Sofino
- Abstract
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan secara rinci mengenai profil seorang anak jalanan yang menjalani kegiatan belajar atau proses Pembinaan dengan pemberdayaan bernama Nurul Aulia yang dilakukan di Rumah Singgah Al-Ma’un Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deksriptif-kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pada proses pemeriksaan keabsahan data adalah dengan menggunakan trianggulasi berupa trianggulasi waktu, trianggulasi subjek, dan trianggulasi teknik. Manfaat yang didapatkan di Rumah Singgah Al-Ma’un yaitu manfaat Kognitif dan afektif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Rumah Singgah Al-Ma’un sebagai lembaga pendidikan nonformal memang benar adanya sebagai salah satu lembaga yang melaksanakan pemberdayaan masyarakat salah satunya adalah kepada anak jalanan yang bernama Nurul Aulia.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Septri Widiono, Satria Putra Utama, and Novianti Novianti
- Subjects
Medical education ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Basic education ,Tobit model ,Extension (predicate logic) ,business ,Civil servants ,Training (civil) ,Work experience ,Agricultural extension - Abstract
The objectives of this research to measure the effectiveness and analyze the factors that influence the effectiveness of basic training agricultural extension experts organized by the Secretariat Bakorluh Bengkulu Province. This research was conducted in March through June 2015 and used slovin methods. The study population was defined as many as 36 people of 40 people from the extension of existing civil servants. Data analysis was done by using tobit models. The results showed that : 1) some characteristics of extension that is age and work experience significantly influence the effectiveness of training 2) several factors including the method of training, facilities and trainers significantly influence the effectiveness of training. 3) The level of effectiveness basic education and training of agricultural extension experts by secretariat of Bakorluh Bengkulu province in middle category or sufficiently effective;.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Hermansyah Amir, Salastri Rohiat, and Septri Nurjaya Ningsih
- Published
- 2021
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17. Adoption Of Hazton Technology By Farmers It In Semidang Alas Maras Subdistrict Seluma Regency
- Author
Nick Oktavelly, Ketut Sukiyono, and Septri Widono
- Subjects
Access to information ,Agricultural science ,Data collection ,Geography ,Rice farming ,Land area ,Multinomial logistic regression - Abstract
This study aims to determine the level of adoption of hazton technology by farmers and the factors that influence it in Semidang Alas Maras Subdistrict, Seluma Regency. This research was carried out in Gunung Kembang Village and its surroundings, which was conducted in June - July 2019. This study used a descriptive method and direct interviews using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data collected in this study include areas (land tenure), inc (income), exp (rice farming experience), cons (counseling), tech (technology), and ol (internet). The analysis used in this study is multinomial logistic regression with SPSS. The results showed that the Tech (technology / innovation) significantly affected the adoption of hazton technology in Semidang Alas Maras Subdistrict, Seluma Regency. The value of the likelihood ratio test (sig) from Tech (technology / innovation) is less than the value of ? = 0.05 and the value of ?2 count> ?2 table (0.05; 2). Meanwhile, the variable Area (land area), Inc (income), Exp (Experience), Cons (counseling) and Ol (access to information) did not significantly affect the adoption of hazton technology in Semidang Alas Maras District, Seluma Regency.
- Published
- 2020
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18. The Implementation of Integrated Cropping Calendar on Lowland Rice Farming in Bengkulu City
- Author
Septri Widono, Nola Windirah, and Muhammad Zulkarnain Yuliarso
- Subjects
Geography ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Agroforestry ,Lowland rice ,business ,Cropping - Abstract
Bengkulu Province has rice productivity that is able to keep up with Lampung and West Sumatra (Top Five in production and on top three in land ownership throughout Sumatra), although rice farmland ownership is relatively low (less than 0.8 hectares) ). The climate change issue in the last two decades has impacted a significant decrease in rice production in Bengkulu Province. The government offers the Cropping Calendar (Katam) program, a technology that is able to provide a various information related to the croping such as the prediction of the beginning of the rainy season, the beginning of the cropping season, cropping patterns, potential cropping area and others to overcome these problems and the City of Bengkulu has begun to implement the program. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of application of integrated Cropping calendar by lowland rice farmers in Bengkulu City and analyze the correlation between internal and external factors of farmers with the level of Cropping calendar application. The basic method of this research is explanatory with a combined approach (quantitative and qualitative). The results showed that the level of application of integrated cropping calendar innovations in rice farmers was low. Farming experience, knowledge about cropping calendar, communication behavior, and social strengthening are significantly related to the level of application of cropping calendar innovation in rice farmers.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Determinant Factors of the Household Poverty Probability: Study on Household around the Taman Nasional Kerinci Sebelat (TNKS) Lebong Regency
- Author
Septri Widiono, Gustin Rizki Utariyanto, and Ketut Sukiyono
- Subjects
Embryology ,Geography ,Poverty ,National park ,Dominance (economics) ,Occurrence probability ,Cell Biology ,Anatomy ,Land area ,Socioeconomics ,Logistic regression ,Poverty status ,Developmental Biology - Abstract
This research aims to determine the factors that influence the probability of occurrence of poverty of households around Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Kerinci Sebelat National Park (TNKS) Lebong District. The location of this research selected purposively by categorizing the 6 villages into 3 typologies, namely, Sawah dominance, plantation Dominance, and rice fields and plantation. From each village, 20 households as respondents were selected randomly, so the total respondents were 120 households. Sayogjo poverty line was applied to determine household poverty status. In examining the factors that affect the probability of the household poverty, a logit model is applied. From the analysis, land area ownership is the main factor influencing the occurrence probability of poverty of households, while education level, number of family dependents, and household head age are not.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Tingkat Partisipasi Petani pada Program Penguatan Kelembagaan Masyarakat Tani Berbasis Karet di Kabupaten Musi Rawas
- Author
Andry Andry, Septri Widiono, and Satria Putra Utama
- Abstract
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengetahui bagaimana tingkat partisipasi petani peserta program penguatan kelembagaan masyarakat tani berbasis karet di Kabupaten Musi Rawas, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi petani sebagai peserta program kelembagaan masyarakat tani bebasis karet di Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan mewawancarai 46 responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik skor dan regresi logit. Tingkat partisipasi ditentukan oleh kategori delapan tangga Arnstein. Sedangkan regresi logit digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi. Tingkat partisipasi petani berada pada tangga Consultation nilainya 17. Dari faktor internal dan eksternal hanya faktor usia yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat partisipasi petani, hal tersebut terlihat dari hasil signifikansi X3 sekitar 0,033
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Kristin Daya Rohani Sianipar, Septri Wanti Siahaan, Marina Siregar, Fikrul Ilmi R.H Zer, and Dedy Hartama
- Abstract
In this increasingly developed and advanced era, information technology is increasingly needed in human life. It can be seen from the current COVID-19 pandemic, information technology is increasingly needed in carrying out human activities at home. In the scope of learning, learning activities are shifted to online or online learning. Many students feel burdened with online learning. However, some students feel that the steps taken by the government are very appropriate to avoid stopping learning activities. This research was conducted for application in determining the level of online learning satisfaction in the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study the k-means algorithm is used to determine the level of online learning satisfaction that is applied to students.Keywords - Algorithm, K-Means, Level of Satisfaction, Online Learning, COVID-19 Pandemic Abstrak - Di era teknologi yang semakin mau dan berkembang ini, teknologi informasi menjadi lebih dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Dapat dilihat dari adanya pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, teknologi informasi semakin dibutuhkan dalam melakukan aktivitas manusia di rumah. Pada ruang lingkup pembelajaran, aktivitas pembelajaran dialihkan menjadi melalui daring atau pembelajaran online. Banyak mahasiswa yang merasa terbebani dengan adanya pembelajaran online. Namun, ada juga mahasiswa yang merasa bahwa langkah yang dilakukan pemerintah ini sangat tepat untuk menghindari pemberhentian kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk penerapan dalam menentukan tingkat kepuasan pembelajaran online di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan algoritma k-means untuk menentukan tingkat kepuasan pembelajaran online yang diterapkan kepada mahasiswa. Kata kunci - Algoritma, K-Means, Tingkat Kepuasan, Pembelajaran Online, Pandemi COVID-19
- Published
- 2020
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22. Conflict Among Fishers: A Case Study of Conflict in Using Fishing Gears in Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province - Indonesia
- Author
Indah Novi Utami, Septri Widiono, and Muhammad Mustofa Romdhon
- Published
- 2022
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23. Designing and developing optical learning module based Al-Qur'an and contextual teaching and learning
- Author
Chintia Septri Ningsih, Marjoni Imamora Ali Umar, Ariesya Ananda Putri, Venny Haris, and Artha Nesa Chandra
- Published
- 2022
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24. How Fast are Junior Karateka Athlate
- Author
Jeki Haryanto, Padli Padli, Septri Septri, Donie Donie, and M. Razaq Mukhlis
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Published
- 2022
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- Author
Fajar Tyas Adi, Afrizal Afrizal, and Septri Rahayu
- Abstract
Metode draft survey merupakan metode perhitungan yang diakui dunia sehingga menjadi acuan penerapan perhitungan muatan di kapal. Variabel koreksi meliputi; koreksi draft, koreksi trim (TC1 & TC2), koreksi kemiringan, serta koreksi berat jenis air yang merupakan tahapan yang harus dilalui sesuai kaidah draft survey. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa jumlah muatan dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan variabel koreksi berdasarkan kaidah draft survey pada tongkang SS2409. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode observasi, catatan lapangan, dokumentasi, dan survey. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kuantitatif yaitu membandingkan hasil perhitungan jumlah muatan tongkang SS2409 berdasarkan kaidah draft survey. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan jumlah muatan yang signifikan antara perhitungan metode draft survey tanpa menerapkan variabel koreksi dengan menerapkan variabel koreksi, yaitu 26.705 ton atau 0.65 % lebih besar dari perhitungan tanpa koreksi, perbedaan tersebut dihasilkan dari perhitungan: Initial → (1) Koreksi draft: Koreksi draft depan -0.0258 m, koreksi draft belakang +0.0222 m, koreksi draft tengah -0.0029 m, (2) TC1: +0.444 ton, (3) TC2: +0.256 ton, (4) Kemiringan: +0.0876 ton. Final → (1) Koreksi draft: Koreksi draft depan -0.4132 m, koreksi draft belakang +0.3556 m, koreksi draft tengah -0.0466 m. (2) TC1: +46.880 ton. (3) TC2: +41.710 ton, (4) Kemiringan: +0 ton. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terbukti variabel koreksi dalam perhitungan draft survey sangat perlu diterapkan.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Hardiness dan Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua dengan Academic Stress di SMK Negeri 1 Way Panji
- Author
Nur Septri Lestari and Dian Kinayung
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Septri Amalia Rosanti, Irman Irawan, Ita Zuraida, Seftylia Diachanty, and Bagus Fajar Pamungkas
- Abstract
Good characteristics of surimi can be seen from its ability to form a gel, one of which is the temperature setting. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the setting temperature on the surimi gel of moonfish (Megalops cyprinoides). The study used a completely randomized design with treatments of five temperature setting with three replications. Parameters observed were gel strength, folding test, whiteness and expressible moisture content. The results showed that setting temperature had a significant effect on gel strength, folding test, whiteness degree and expressible moisture content (p
- Published
- 2022
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28. The Role of Full-Day School in Student Character Building in Primary School
- Author
Retno Winarni, Tri Murwaningsih, and Septri Wahyuningrum
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Population ,Context (language use) ,National curriculum ,Personal development ,Character (mathematics) ,Documentation ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Mathematics education ,business ,Psychology ,education ,Curriculum ,Qualitative research - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation, and control of a full-day school in building student character. This research is qualitative research with a case study model. This research was conducted at SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. The population in this study were all school residents with a sample of several teachers, students, employees, and guardians of students. This research strategy uses a single embedded strategy. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data in this study uses source triangulation. Data analysis techniques using interactive model analysis. The results of this study indicate: 1) Full day school planning in building the character of students starts from the preparation of the academic calendar so that learning time can be received in full; environmental conditioning and school facilities become facilities to shape the character of students; developing learning tools that contain character values; and the integration of the national curriculum, the ministry's curriculum, and the independent curriculum in the context of developing student character. 2) The implementation of the full-day school in building the character of students is done through the collaboration of all teachers and education personnel; build communication with parents of students; integrating character values into subjects; personal development through extracurricular activities; and the implementation of school culture programs. 3) Full-day school control in building the character of students is done through monitoring and observation activities for teachers and education staff; collaboration with students' parents by forming IOM managers; and the provision of student contact books and daily grade books.
- Published
- 2020
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29. Peran Parik Paga Dalam Menjaga Ketertiban Dan Keamanan Nagari Sungai Pua
- Author
Akmal Akmal and Septri Aizil
- Abstract
Parik paga sebagai lembaga yang menjaga ketertiban dan keamanan yang kurang berjalan merupakan alasan utama dalam penelitian ini, dalam pelaksanaanya masih ada kekurangan-kerungan jika dilihat dari data yang ada. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengekspolrasi pelaksanaan peran parik paga dalam menjaga ketertiban dan keamanan, hambatan-hamabatan hingga upaya mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan informan walinagari, ketua parik paga, anggota parik paga, Datuak Penghulu, dan masyarakat yang dipilih secara purposive. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan wawancara dengan menggunakan langkah – langkah pengolahan data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan peran parik paga masih kurang optimal karena masih belum melakukan sosilisasi secara langsung kepada masyarakat, kualitas sumber daya manusiapun masih minim terlihat dari perekrutan anggota tidak melalui seleksi. Sedangkan hambatan parik paga tersebut yaitu anggaran dana tidak ada faslititas sarana dan prasarana masih kurang dan regulasi belum diatur. Mengatasi hal tersebut beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintahan nagari dan parik paga hamabatan-hambatan tersebut terselesaikan adalah mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat secara langsung parik paga tersebut, membuat regulasi-regulasi tentang anggaran dana, fasilitas sarana prasarana maupun regulasi yang belum diatur serta mengadakan pelatihan untuk parik paga.
- Published
- 2019
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30. Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap Makanan Tradisional Suku Serawai di Kecamatan Pino Raya Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan
- Author
Apri Andani, Elza Tri Sentia, and Septri Widiono
- Abstract
Traditional food has recently lost its meaning due to the penetration of modern food into rural areas. This study aims to identify the types of traditional food of the Serawai tribe in South Bengkulu Regency, explaining the community's level of cognitive and affective towards its traditional food. The research was conducted by applying in-depth interviews followed by a quantitative survey. Data analysis uses domain analysis technique and Bloom Taxonomy theory. The research found 34 types of traditional food based on their method of presentation. The community cognitive domains of traditional food are categorized as good, but the average value of each level is decreasing. The first four levels of cognitive domains that have good categories are knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis. For the level of synthesis included in the medium, whereas the highest level one, evaluation, is a low category. The affective domains of the community to its traditional food are good category, and the values of each level are also decreasing. Each level of the affective domain which consists of receiving, responding, valuing, organization and characterization, is included in the good category.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Elia Damayanti, Satria Putra Utama, and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Embryology ,Key informants ,Fishing ,Subsistence agriculture ,Production (economics) ,Context (language use) ,Cell Biology ,Mode of production ,Business ,Anatomy ,Modernization theory ,Agricultural economics ,Developmental Biology - Abstract
Modernization in catch fisheries sector by mean machinary application for fishing could be devided into some phases. Every phases showed some production relation between the ship owners and their labours. In the Marxist tradition of thought, the study about these relationship could be gained by elaborate the mode of production. For more specific, this study were elaboratethe mode of production in every phases of modernization. Mode of production consisted force of production and relation of production. In this context, force of production was mean of production like ships, net and seine. While relation of production wasthe organization of fishermen, power and control by the owners to their labours. The study was conducted by using qualitative method so depth interviewed of some key informants had been main method in collecting datas. The results of the study indicated that fisheries modernization in research area held into four phases. We called them as period oflancang, trawl, bagan, and purseseine. Further more, the mode of production in every phases as follow namely, lancang was subsistence production, trawl was commercialist production, and bagan was commercialist production. While purseseine had has two mode of production, namely commercialist production for Bengkulu’s owner and capitalist production for Chinese’s owner.Keywords : mode of production, Pulau Baai, Lancang, Trawl, Bagan, and Purse Seine.
- Published
- 2018
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32. Pendampingan Latihan Berbasis Online Pada Atlet Cricket Sumatera Barat Dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19
- Author
Jeki Haryanto, Septri Septri, Romi Mardela, and Yendrizal Yendrizal
- Abstract
Disaat wabah pandemi Covid-19 melanda dunia, seluruh kegiatan masyarakat terpaksa berhenti untuk menghindari meluasnya penyebaran virus tersebut. Begitu pula dengan kegiatan latihan atlet Kriket Sumatera Barat dalam rangka persiapan Pekan Olahraga Nasional tahun 2021 di Papua juga sempat terhenti dan mengalami kendala sehubung pandemi tersebut. Kriket merupakan olahraga tim, jadi ketika latihan harus bersama-sama (14-20 orang dalam satu tim) agar maksimal dalam mencapai tujuan latihan. Untuk mengumpulkan semua atlet dalam satu sesi latihan menjadi sulit dengan adanya protokol kesehatan untuk pembatasan jarak dan jumlah orang yang berkumpul dalam suatu kegiatan. Hal ini berimbas pada tujuan latihan yang menjadi sulit tercapai. Terhadap persoalan yang dialami mitra tersebut maka perlu untuk dicarikan solusi agar atlet dapat terus latihan tanpa harus berkumpul bersama (dengan menjaga jarak) dan tujuan latihan dapat terus tercapai. Salah satu solusi yang diberikan yaitu dengan melaksanakan distance training berbasis online (latihan secara terpisah) menggunakan aplikasi Cricket Conditioning Physical Workload Monitoring. Fasilitas ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para atlet dalam menjalankan program latihan mereka terutama bagi para pelatih dapat dijadikan rujukan dan pedoman dalam mengontrol latihan para atlet dengan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Melalui program Kemitraan Masyarakat dari Universitas Negeri Padang pada tahun 2020, beserta dengan kepakaran yang dimiliki oleh para dosen di Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, persoalan yang dialami Tim PON Kriket Sumatera Barat tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini diantaranya melalui beberapa tahapan. Pertama, sosialisasi dan pengenalan program aplikasi tersebut kepada atlet dan pelatih. Kedua mengujicobakan untuk beberapa kali pertemuan, dan ketiga evaluasi terhadap penerapan aplikasi tersebut. Dan terakhir revisi program/aplikasi. Sehingga luaran yang diharapkan nantinya akan ada kemudahan bagi atlet dan pelatih dalam menjalankan program latihan pada masa kebiasaan baru ini.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Ecosystem Monitoring on Leaves of Leaf Rust Disease of Maize (Zea mays L.)
- Author
Sopialena Sopialena, Suyadi Suyadi, and Septri Alfian Noor
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Endemic leaf rust disease always occurs in almost all maize plantations in Indonesia. Furthermore, the development of this disease differs concurrently and is greatly influenced by the ecological conditions of maize cultivation. Therefore, this study fills the epidemiological gap of diseases that has not been conducted against the epidemiology of maize rust. This identifies the causes of leaf rust that attacked the maize plants in two locations, namely Bayur and Muang Dalam, Lempake, Samarinda, Indonesia. This study also analyzed the relationship or model between ecological factors of temperature, humidity, and soil fertility on the intensity of leaf rust and the infection rate of maize leaf rust. Measurement of disease intensity, the rate at which it developed, soil fertility and temperature and humidity of the area are conducted in this study. Meanwhile, soil fertility also influenced disease progression and the nutrient-poor soils in two sites cause leaf rust disease to develop well. The identification results showed that the cause of maize leaf rust was Puccinia sorghi Schw. Therefore, the temperature accompanied by the increased humidity is directly proportional to the development of the leaf rust.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Redy Badruddin, Febrina Hasibuan, and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Extreme weather ,Geography ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Fishing ,Vulnerability ,Sociology of the family ,Climate change ,Context (language use) ,Psychological resilience ,Participant observation ,Socioeconomics ,media_common - Abstract
A study in addresing the resilience of the family structure of fishermen to the impacts of climate change was necessary in the context survival strategy of fishermen family. This research was conducted in the beach of Pasar Bawah, Pasar Manna South Bengkulu by using the case study strategy. Primary data was collected by in-deepth interviewing some key informant and participant observation some specific location.The research found that the impact of climate change experienced by fishermen were a tidal wave, a change in wind direction, extreme weather, the shifting seasons and shifting fishing area. The vulnerability of fishermen community were seen from the level of exposure, the sensitivity and adaptability. This vulnerability affected the family structure of fishermen so that they have to take action in order to survive and able to achieve resilience family. But the impact of climate change did not affected the family structure became disturb. The structure of family such as differentiation of roles, allocation of economic, political allocation, allocation allocation solidarity andintegration were functional.Keywords: climate change, vulnerability, social resilience, sociology of family,fisherman
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Evanila Sivia, Septri Widiono, and Yessilia Osira
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,Product (business) ,capacity building ,Socialization ,lcsh:S ,Capacity building ,Community service ,Business ,village superior products ,Marketing - Abstract
Community capacity building is an effort to increase the ability, skills, understanding, attitudes, values, relationships, behavior, motivation, resources, and conditions that enable each individual, organization, network and wider system to carry out functions them and achieve the stated development goals from time to time. Based on this understanding, Bengkulu University through community service activities made efforts to increase the capacity of residents of Rindu Hati Village in Processing Superior Products. The method used in the activity was the socialization of a Home Industry Product (PIRT) permit and the introduction and practice of packaging superior products in the form of processed papaya foods and processed red picking coffee. The results of this activity show that there is a growing awareness that packaging superior village products and PIRT management are requirements that the products produced can be widely marketed to the community.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Siska Yosmar and Septri Damayanti
- Abstract
Sektor industri penerbangan Indonesia mengalami dampak negatif yang cukup hebat akibat COVID-19. Hal tersebut membuat performa finansial maskapai-maskapai di Indonesia memburuk, terutama berimbas kepada merosotnya close price index industri penerbangan milik pemerintah, khususnya PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (GIAA). Model intervensi merupakan suatu model time series yang digunakan untuk memodelkan dan meramalkan data yang mengandung intervensi baik dari faktor internal maupun eksternal. data harga Adapun tujuan penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai model intervensi fungsi step untuk menentukan model terbaik dan meramalkan saham PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk untuk periode berikutnya. Data yang digunakan adalah data harian close price index dari tanggal 2 Januari 2020 sampai dengan tanggal 8 Januari 2021. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh model intervensi fungsi step terbaik untuk data saham PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk adalah model ARIMA (3,1,3) dengan orde intervensi b = 2, s = 0, dan r = 0. Pada penelitian menggunakan model tersebut didapatkan hasil peramalan data saham menggunakan model intervensi fungsi step yang berada dalam ambang batas 95% confidence interval dengan nilai peramalan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) sebesar 5,02, artinya tingkat kesalahanya 5,02%.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Indra Cahyadinata, Lidia Yuliana, and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Kaur ,Economic growth ,Geography ,Resource (biology) ,Vulnerability ,%22">Fish ,Context (language use) ,Livelihood ,Socioeconomics - Abstract
This research aimed to explore the household adaptation of Sekunyit fishermen to the fisheries modernasation in terms of livelihood strategies as a strategy for survival. This research was conducted in the Sekunyit Village, South Kaur District, Kaur regency by using case studies of two traditional fish erm e n households and two modern fisherm e n household s . It is found that livelihood strategies both of the traditional and modern fisherm e n includes a multiple sources income, the involvement of family members, and applying their social networks and out-migration as coping strategy . The livelihood strategies conducted in the context of three vulnerability namely the vulnerability of ecology, price system, and single fishery resource were run. Keywords: livelihood strategy, fishermen community
- Published
- 2016
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38. Application of C4.5 Algorithm in Improving English Skills in Students
- Author
Septri Wanti Siahaan, Kristin Daya Rohani Sianipar, P.P.P.A.N.W Fikrul Ilmi R.H Zer, and Dedy Hartama
- Subjects
C4.5 algorithm ,Computer science ,Factor (programming language) ,Mathematics education ,Position (finance) ,computer ,nobody ,computer.programming_language - Abstract
In this world, many languages from other countries can be used as a communication tool. One of them is English. Students who has qualification must know that learning English is very much needed. Because nobody knows what will happen in the next few years. It could be one factor to obtain a position the next few years is our expertise in speaking English. English is a global language used by people to communicate with other people. On this occasion, researchers conducted research to determine what factors can improve students' ability to speak English. To complete this research, researchers resolve by applying the existing algorithm in data mining, namely C4.5 Algorithm. The result of this research can be concluded that the factors that influence to improve students ability in English are hearing from the environment.
- Published
- 2020
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39. The Updating of the Nautical Chart Number 69 on Java Sea Area for Safety Navigation of Sailing
- Author
Bambang Cahyono and Dwi Septri Hastuti
- Subjects
Database ,Java ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Nautical chart ,lcsh:Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,lcsh:G1-922 ,computer.software_genre ,Notice to mariners ,Electronic navigation ,Software ,lcsh:G ,Chart ,Backup ,Linear scale ,business ,computer ,lcsh:Geography (General) ,computer.programming_language - Abstract
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world that has become one of the main routes in international marine trade by contributing 40% of all international marine trade routes. The importance of waterways in international trading demands the existence of nautical chart for navigation. Time after time, the sea changes, therefore nautical chart needs to be update especially on the area that has a high marine traffic density such as Java Sea which currently has developed an electronic map for navigation, however paper charts are still needed for planning shipping line, the navigation on small boats and backup of charts on large ships. The aim to be achieved from this research is the availability of the latest paper chart which is appropriate with IHO standard S-4, INT1 (symbols, abbreviations and terms used on charts), INT2 (the boundary lines, gradient, grid and linear scale) and Chart Number 1. Updating chart number 69 was created by using data Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) Northen part of Central Java region, data raster paper chart number 69 the ninth edition of the second expenditure, survey data 2017 in Cirebon and the Eastern part of Java Sea and Indonesian Notice to Mariners number 11-29 year 2017. Data obtained from the Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi TNI-AL. The software used in production of nautical chart is Paper Chart Composer (PCC). Then it was added the updated data and information to the chart. The result of production a chart were corrected using digital and manual quality control analysis to eliminate errors in the process of production chart. As a result of updating nautical chart number 69 is that some of the objects that had been corrected have errors so it needs to be repaired until no more errors occur. The updating paper chart was already matched to standard IHO S-4 and INT1. The visualization of paper chart in accordance with the standard IHO INT2 and Chart number 1. The avaibility of paper chart number 69 with the update of data on the area of the Java Sea has been accomplished and can be used by mariner to navigation.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Herman Sinaga, Irnad, and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Fishery ,Engineering ,Client relationship ,Trammel of Archimedes ,business.industry ,Fishing ,Advertising ,business - Abstract
This research aimed to describe the characteristic of fishing activities in Malabro Municipal, Teluk Segara District, Bengkulu city and to describe the pattern of patron- client relationship between wholesaler, vessel owner and fishermen. This researh conducted using qualitative method. Data collected using obsevation, interview, and documantes information related to this research. Thi result shows that fishermen are using three fishing tools, such as gillnets, payang and trammel nets. These fishing tools will be influence many things like type of vessel, amount of fishermen, and production sharing system. In patron-client relations between wholesaler and boat owner. Wholesaler has a role as patron and the boat owner has a role as client. Patron-client relation is mutual benefit. While, relation between wholesaler or vessel owner and fishermen hasn’t shown patron- client relationship but only shown relation of fishing activities. Keywords: Fishing gears, Patron-Client
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Septri Septri
- Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa SMK Taruna 2 Padang dengan SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang Jenis penelitian ini adalah expost facto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa-siswi pada SMK Taruna 2 Padang dan SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang kecuali siswa kelas XII karena persiapan menghadapi ujian akhir nasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini 55 orang siswa SMK Taruna Padang dan 118 orang siswa SMA Pertiwi Padang, dengan jumlah keseluruhan 173 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik stratified porputional ramdom sampling sehingga sampel penelitian berjumlah 28 orang. Teknik analisis data yang menggunakan analisis Uji t.Dari analisis data menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesegaran jasmani antara siswa SMK Taruna 2 Padang dengan siswa SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang yang ditunjukan dengan skor X1 = 33,98 > X2 = 27,27 dan dengan menggunakan t test didapatkan thitung = -4,09 > ttabel 1,76. Jadi dapat disimpulkan kesegaran jasmani siswa SMK Taruna 2 Padang lebih baik dari siswa SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang. Hal ini juga ditujukkan dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,001
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Septri Mizliati, Ediwar Ediwar, and Suherni Suherni
- Abstract
Tulisan ini membahas tentang tari Andun dalam upacara adat Nundang padi di Desa Selali Kecamatan Pino Raya Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis yaitu mencoba mendeskripsikan aspek-aspek pertunjukan tari Andun dan menganalisis upacara adat Nundang padi sesuai dengan prosesi pelaksanaanya. Upacara adat Nundang padi ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Desa Selali setiap lima tahun sekali, kegiatan upacara ini merupakan ritus kesuburan untuk pembenihan padi, yang didalamnya terkandung aspek spiritual yang mencerminkan semangat kebersamaan dan kegotong-royongan masyarakat Desa Selali dalam melakukkan aktifitasnya bertani.Tari Andun adalah tari tradisional masyarakat Bengkulu selatan, tari ini didalam upacara adat Nundang padi sebagai rangkaian dari upacara adat. Tari Andun ditampilkan pada hari pertama dan hari ketiga, hari pertama berfungsi sebagai hiburan diitarikan oleh masyarakat selali, selanjutnya hari ketiga ditarikan oleh remaja dan berfunggsi sebagai kesuburan. Kata kunci: Tari Andun, Nundang padi. ABSTRACTThis paper, discusses the ceremonial dance Andun Nundang rice in Pino Raya village Selali District of South Bengkulu. This study is a descriptive analysis that tries to describe aspects of dance perpormance and tries to describe aspects of dance performance and analyze Andun ceremonial procession Nundang rice according to the implementation. The traditional ceremony was conducted by Nundang rice of fertility for rice seeding, in which there are spiritual aspects that reflect the spirit of togedherness and community Selali vilage in conducting farming activities.Dance is a traditional dance community Andun south Bengkulu, this dance Nundang rice in traditional ceremonies as a series of traditional ceremonies. Andun dance show on the first day and the third day, the first day of intertainment serves as danced by the community Selali. theree days later danced by teenagers and serves as fertility. Keywords: Andun dance, Nundang rice
- Published
- 2017
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43. RAGAM PENDAPATAN RUMAH TANGGA DAN FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI: Studi kasus di Desa-Desa Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu
- Author
Ketut Sukiyono, Nola Windirah, and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Agricultural land ,Economics ,Household income ,respiratory system ,Socioeconomics ,human activities ,Analysis method ,Diversity (business) - Abstract
This research is aimed at exploring level of household income diversity based on agricultural land typology and examining factors that affect household income diversity in villages around TNKS, Regency of Lebong, Province of Bengkulu. This research uses secondary and primary data. Respondents of this research were determined randomly as much as 400 respondents in 20 villages. Analysis method diversity used are F test and t test to infestigate the differences of household income and multiple linear regression to examining the factors that affect the diversity of household income by applying and developing Minot. et al (2006) model. Result of this research showed that there are differences of household income diversity agricultural land typology, eventhing the existing are not significant among typologies and the factors that affect the household income diversity are education of the head of the family, agricultural land area, and amount of main income household.Keywords: household income diversity, Determinant Factors, TNKS
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
Septri Widiono, M. Zulkarnain Yuliarso, and Apri Andani
- Subjects
Risk analysis ,food.ingredient ,biology ,business.industry ,Financial risk ,Environmental engineering ,Tilapia ,biology.organism_classification ,Business risks ,Agricultural science ,food ,Geography ,Aquaculture ,Agriculture ,Freshwater fish ,Revenue ,business - Abstract
The main objective of this study is to determine the income and financial risks of freshwater aquaculture, especially tilapia. The study was conducted in Seginim, South Bengkulu, with consideration that Seginim is an area of aquaculture centers in South Bengkulu. Samples have been taken as many as 50 tilapia farmers. Data analysis was using quantitative and qualitative models. Approach starts from the calculation of operating cost, revenue, and income, and then the study of risk analysis approached by variance analysis. The results show that the income of freshwater fish farming, tilapia in particular, is Rp 59,512,743.75 per period of production per farming unit, and the level of business risk is quite high with the number of CV more than 50% (>0,5) and it has opportunity losing of income as much as minus Rp 7,127,386.37 per period of production. Keywords: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fish, Income, and Risk
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
Kristin Daya Rohani Sianipar, Septri Wanti Siahaan, Marina Siregar, and Indra Gunawan
- Abstract
Pada era ini, perkembangan dan kemajuan dari teknologi informasi semakin meningkat dengan pesat. Sehingga membuat lebih mengerti dalam bidang teknologi. Dengan semakin majunya teknologi saat ini, kita dapat membuat sebuah program untuk mengamankan file seperti : file gambar, file dokumen, file suara, dan lain-lain. Kita dapat mengamankan file kita dengan menggunakan kriptografi algoritma rijndael. Dengan menggunakan algoritma ini kita dapat mengamankan file menggunakan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Kata kunci: pengamanan data, kriptografi, algoritma rijndael, enkripsi, dekripsi
- Published
- 2019
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Septri Wanti Siahaan, lia cintia purba, Kristin Daya Rohani Sianipar, and Indra Gunawan
- Abstract
Pada perkembangan ilmu teknologi saat ini, sangat penting untuk kita menjaga keamanan dari keaslian data yang kita miliki. Karena perkembangan ilmu teknologi bukan hanya dimanfaatkan untuk hal positif, namun banyak pihak yang telah menyalahgunakannya. Dengan cara, mengubah data-data yang asli atau mencuri data tersebut untuk kepentingan pribadi yang sangat merugikan dari pihak pemiliknya, Contohnya seperti data teks. Untuk mengurangi rasa khawatir kita pada data yang kita punya, kita dapat mengamankan data kita dengan menggunakan Algoritma Kriptografi RC4 dari serangan-serangan yang membahayakan data milik kita. Seperti serangan Brute Force.Kata kunci: brute force, kriptografi, RC4, data teks, pengamanan data
- Published
- 2019
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Septri Widiono, Ketut Sukiyono, and Enggar Apriyanto
- Subjects
Economic growth ,Geography ,National park ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Systematic sampling ,Diversification (marketing strategy) ,Financial development ,Socioeconomics ,business - Abstract
Economic diversity has often been promoted as a means to achieve the economic goal of stability. Many empirical studies have also concluded that greater diversification in economic can reduce vulnerability and engendering financial development. The objective of this paper is to analyze the degree of economic diversification at village level. This research was conducted at twenty villages located around Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS) and determined purposively and surveyed. Twenty households from each selected village were selected using systematic random sampling method, so the total respondents were 400 households. Economic diversity at the village level was estimated using EDI suggested by Dewi, et al (2005).Research found that EDI value for each village studied varies from 0.20 to 1.00 with no village reaches 1.099, which is an ideal condition. The lowest EDI, i.e. 0.20, occurs in the village of Karang Dapo Atas and Karang Dapo Bawah, subdistrict of Bingin Kuning and the village of Ujung Tanjung II Subdistrict Embong Uram Karang. This value indicates that households in the village surveyed simply rely on one type of work, especially in the agricultural sector. This also means that not many households get into other employment sectors such as mining and or services/stalls/stores. By simply relying on agriculture as its main source of income, households tend to be vulnerable if there is a change in the agricultural sector, especially in sectors such as coffee and rubber plantations. Keywords: Economic Diversity, Kerinci Seblat National Park
- Published
- 2013
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Septri Widiono, M. Agus Maryanto, and Musriyadi Nabiu
- Subjects
Agricultural science ,Horticulture ,Index (economics) ,Commodity ,Economics ,Regression analysis ,Land area ,Simple random sample - Abstract
This study aims to understand the process, reasons for the actions of farmers and analyze the factors that influence farmers to switch commodities. The number of respondents is 46 farmers selected using Simple Random Sampling. Description and multiple regression are used in this research. The results showed that the commodities convertion is done in some stages. The main reason is that farmers are able to earn income from their initial plants while they wait their new crops starting to produce. There are three reasons that farmers switch of social, economic, and agronomists. Social reasons, namely, to see the success of a friend of 41.30%, follow friends 39.13%, and their-owned beliefs 26.08%. Economic reasons is the high price of cocoa 60.86%, continuity of production 100% and marketing easy in 93.47%. Agronomic reasons, namely cocoa seedlings are easy to get 95.65%, maintenance / cultivation is easy 89.13%, and easy in post- harvest handling 93.47%. The results of regression analysis showed the number of dependents, a price comparison index, previous farm receipts, the coffee plant age, perception of control of the commodity, ease of cultivation and post harvest simultaneously significantly affect the percentage of land area converted. While the partial factors of coffee plant age and the perception of the commodity rather have real impact on the land area converted commodities. K eyword s : Commodities Convertion, Converion Process,Influenced Factors
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Eeen Supriyadi, Septri Widiono, and Musriyadi Nabiu
- Subjects
Agricultural science ,Geography ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Farm income ,Palm oil ,Forestry ,business ,Palm - Abstract
The research was conducted in two places ; in Tunggang village and Padang Gading Village subdistrict of Sungai Rumbai, Mukomuko District, Bengkulu Province on February 5 to March 5, 2011. These research areas were selected purposively. Tunggang village is just exactly the same as the plant location of PT Bumi Mentari Katya while Padang Gading Village, as comparison village. The objective of this research is to examine the impact of establishment of PT Bumi mentari Karya on farming income in the communities around the oil palm plant. In this study, the palm oil farmers which are being sampled are 69 people. On regard with it, this study only performs with and without analysis; the initial state of the palm oil farmers (before the company) is described qualitatively which is Padang Gading Village as the comparison village and the state of palm oil farmers after the company is established. Income farming Crude plam more the after PT. Bumi Mentari karya means were statistically difference These results indicate presence of the oil palm industry PT. Bumi Mentari Karya Giving a positive impact on farm income of oil palm Tunggang Village. Keywords: income, palm planters
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Redy Badrudin and Septri Widiono
- Subjects
Kaur ,Geography ,Socioeconomics ,Livelihood ,Cartography ,Focus group - Abstract
This research is aimed to identif y the local institutions as a basic for DPL-BM implementation, located in Sekunyit village, Kaur Selatan sub-district, district of Kaur. Q ualitatif data obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key persons who are resourceable dan knowlegeble in the term of local institutions. This research was done in February and December 2009. The results are (1) As a general the condition of Socio-Economics of Desa Sekunyit People doing the occupation Fishermen dan Farmers, especially rainfed paddy, (2) Local institusion which is existing Farmer Group, coopperatives, Fishermen grou p , PKK, and religius group (pengajian), dan (3) DPL-BM institution founded is the modification of local institution. DPL-BM consisfs of DPL institution for men, Nafkah ganda group for women. (4) Rural goverment back up the DPl-BM through publishing the village rule about DPL-BM. Key words: local institution, DPL-BM, household livelihood
- Published
- 2011
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