Jovanović, Srđan, Popović, Ljuba, Dokmanović, Marija, Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Todorović, Ema, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
Unlike the trends in meat production in Europe and worldwide, where meat production is constantly increasing, Serbia records decrease of meat production from 1991 onwards. The aim of this paper is to investigate the differences in total number of slaughtered pigs, piglets, lean and fatty pigs in 1991, 1996 and in the period 2001-2006 in Serbia, differences in body weight before slaughtering and carcass yield of farmed pigs and pigs from households from September to December of 2006 as well as differences between leanness of male and female pigs' carcasses from farms in November of 2006 in Serbia. Pigs whose leanness was investigated were crossbreeds (F1) landrace/pietren of both sexes (castrates, sows), 6 months old and average body weight of 90-110kg (pigs from farms) and up to 120kg (pigs from individual households), fed with the concentrated feed given at will. Leanness of carcasses was determined instrumentally (FOM; Fat-o-meter), the results were processed using 'Piggy' information system. Carcasses were classified in SEUROP classes like in EU countries. Total number of slaughtered pigs between 1991 and 1996 was 7949,50 ± 508,94 thousand and was statistically significantly higher (p ≥ 0,01) compared to the period from 2001 to 2006 (7072,52 ± 197,22 thousand), while the number of slaughtered piglets between 1991 and 1996. was 3152,50 ± 210,35 thousand and was statistically significantly higher (p ≥ 0,001) compared with the period 2001-2006 (2726,33 ± 45,31 thousand). Differences between the number of slaughtered lean and fatty pigs from 1991 to 1996 and from 2001 to 2006 were not statistically significant The highest average body weight before slaughtering (114,54 kg) had pigs from individual households while the lowest average body weight before slaughtering (97,47 kg) had pigs from farm D. The highest carcass yield (81,21%) had pigs from farm B, while the lowest carcass yield was recorded in pigs from farm G. By classifying total number of carcasses of pigs from farms and individual households (9720) between September and December of 2006, it was determined that the highest number of carcasses belonged to class U (4866 or 50,06%), while class P was present in the lowest number (26 or 0,27%). There are no statistically significant differences between the leanness of male pigs' carcasses from farms A, B and V, while the differences in leanness are statistically significant (p ≥ 0,01) between the leanness of carcasses of female pigs from farm A (54,27 ± 1,84%) and farm B (51,05 ± 2,67%), Statistically significant differences were not recorded in pigs from farm V in November of 2006. . Ukupna proizvodnja svinjskog mesa u svetu na početku ovog veka porasla je na više od 100 miliona tona. U ukupnoj proizvodnji mesa u svetu svinjsko meso učestvuje sa blizu 40 posto. Srbija je tradicionalni proizvođač svinjskog mesa i do 1990. godine izvozila je značajne količine ove vrste mesa. Od 1990. godine proizvodnja svinjskog mesa u Srbiji se smanjivala, ali je 2007. godine, praktično, na nivou iz 1990. godine, sa učešćem u ukupnoj proizvodnji mesa u Srbiji od čak 60,97 posto. Međutim, ono što u proizvodnji svinjskog mesa u Srbiji zabrinjava jeste odnos broja 'mesnatih' i 'masnih' svinja. Taj odnos je 1990. bio 3:1, 1993. 1:1, a 2007. godine 1,5:1. Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju razlike u ukupnom broju zaklanih svinja, u broju zaklane prasadi, mesnatih i masnih svinja u periodima 1991-1996. godine i 2001-2006. godine, u Srbiji, kao i razlike u telesnoj masi pre klanja, prinosu trupova i mesnatosti polutki svinja muškog i ženskog pola sa farmi u Srbiji. Rezultati ispitivanja su ukazali da između ukupnog broja zaklanih svinja postoje statistički značajne razlike (p ≤ 0,01), dok su razlike između broja zaklane prasadi statistički veoma značajne (p ≤ 0,001), a između broja zaklanih mesnatih i masnih svinja razlike nisu statistički značajne. Najveću prosečnu masu pre klanja (114,54 kg) imale su svinje iz otkupa, dok su najveći prinos trupova (81,21 posto) imale svinje sa farme B, a najveći broj klasiranih svinjskih trupova je pripadao klasi U (50,06 posto). Postoje statistički značajne razlike (p ≤ 0,01) između mesnatosti polutki svinja ženskog pola sa farmi A i B.