103 results on '"Gallardo M"'
Search Results
2. Omnicanalidad
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Dieciséis años de experiencia como vicepresidente de tecnología en diferentes bancos y empresas del sector financiero, entre ellas Credibanco Visa, Banco Falabella, Banco Agrario y Banco Santa Cruz, para citar algunas, convierten a Luis Ignacio Suárez Santamaría en una autoridad para pronunciarse sobre la transformación digital.
- Published
- 2023
3. Machine Learning Operations
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
La producción de datos es cada vez mayor y su aumento seguirá en auge en computadores, teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas y la variedad de equipos que circulan entre los diferentes usuarios de la tecnología informática y de las comunicaciones, de ahí la importancia de profundizar en el tema.
- Published
- 2022
4. Riesgos y retos
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
En Colombia es necesario impulsar una cultura de ciberseguridad. La experiencia como oficial de seguridad de la información en Servientrega, empresa especializada en el transporte, entrega y logística física o digital, proporciona a Carlos Enrique Bermúdez Suárez las herramientas necesarias para pronunciarse sobre todos los aspectos que contempla la cadena de suministro.
- Published
- 2022
5. Criptoactivos
- Author
Sara Gallardo M
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
De los criptoactivos todavía no se habla con mucha fluidez en el país, razón suficiente para que en el tradicional foro se trate el tema con expertos, en la búsqueda de opiniones sobre los asuntos más relevantes.
- Published
- 2022
6. Trabajo remoto
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Sobre las condiciones experimentadas durante la pandemia, las decisiones de los directivos de las compañías, la reacción y aporte de los trabajadores, además del significado de la tecnología en tales procesos y los efectos secundarios, giró el encuentro de esta edición, en el que participaron como invitadosLuis Fernando Jaramillo Ceballos, presidente de Heinsohn, firma que supera los 40 años desarrollando software para Colombia y el exterior. Y Javier Almanza Junco, abogado especialista en Derecho Laboral, con 16 años de ejercicio profesional y docente de la Universidad del Rosario.Los expertos se refieren a un entorno psicológicamente seguro, a una simetría en las relaciones, según el director de la revista Jeimy J.Cano Martínez, quien además agregó: “son elementos claves para un entorno que se traduce enrespeto, cordialidad y reconocimiento de las limitaciones y vulnerabilidades, un ejercicio de conexión con las necesidades y los retos personales. Un entorno que habilite lazos de confianza para evolucionar”.
- Published
- 2022
7. Retos de una tecnología responsable
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Como encargada de liderar la estrategia de productos de seguridad y productividad en Microsoft Colombia, Luisa Esguerra Laserna aporta sus diecisiete años de recorrido en la industria de tecnología, sumados al acompañamiento de múltiples estrategias de transformación digital en distintas firmas de Latinoamérica.La apretada agenda diaria no la distrae en su tiempo libre de la familia, lecturas y los amigos. “Definitivamente el mundo en que vivimos cambió para siempre en los últimos dos años; la forma en que trabajábamos cambió, la forma en que estudiaban nuestros hijos cambió, la manera como tenemos que atender a los clientes cambió. La líneaentre lo personal y lo laboral va desapareciendo a pasos agigantados y hemos aprendido a valorar las cosas pequeñas y las que considerábamos ya finalizadas”, no duda en afirmar.Digit
- Published
- 2022
8. El poder de los algoritmos
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Ante la presencia incuestionable de los algoritmos en todos los espacios que conforman la cotidianidad del ser humano es urgente analizar la forma en que niños, adolescentes, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos se acercan a estos desarrollos tecnológicos. En ese análisis es clave la gestión de los ingenieros de sistemas quienes, más allá de los bits y de los bytes, cifran su mirada en aspectos que superan la tecnología informática, acompañados por profesionales de otras disciplinas.
- Published
- 2021
9. Los algoritmos en esta era digital
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Los diecisiete años de experiencia de Alejandro Sánchez en cargos de gerencia y liderazgo en proyectos de construcción de software, soluciones de datos, arquitectura de TI y transformación digital en el sector público y privado, sumados a la docencia y su doctorado en curso en la Universidad Nacional, los aplica hoy en el área de Machine Learning Delivery de Mercado Libre. “En mi día a día cuido mis datos evitando, por ejemplo, suministrarlos en páginas en las que puedan ser usados por algoritmos cuyo objetivo sea el spam o el fraude. Los algoritmos, las máquinas y los robots bien aplicados contribuyen a la calidad de vida y a una realidad mixta entre las personas y la inteligencia artificial”, asegura el entrevistado.
- Published
- 2021
10. Resiliencia digital. Nuevos retos, nuevas prácticas
- Author
Sara Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
El Covid-19 suscita el cambio en todas las instancias de la sociedad alrededor del mundo, de ahí que el ser humano sienta ese impacto y se vea obligado a repensar su estilo de vida. Y en el ambiente empresarial y de los negocios, las organizaciones deben asumirlo enfocando sus mejores esfuerzos en una transformación. Razones para que el tema del foro en esta edición sea la resiliencia digital o la capacidad de las compañías para aceptar, sobreponerse, recuperarse y superarse. Y, en tal sentido, rediseñar los procesos comerciales y sistemas de TI, en aras de proteger su información más vulnerable y de poner en marcha estrategias claras que aseguren su funcionamiento, inclusive ante los ataques cibernéticos. Se trata de enfrentar nuevos retos e implementar nuevas prácticas.
- Published
- 2021
11. De la comunicación académica al discurso político en torno al COVID-19, en las ciencias políticas
- Author
Vial-Gallardo, M., Acevedo-Duque, Á., Gomes, T., and Araujo Daza, D.
- Abstract
En el presente documento se ofrece un estudio exploratorio de la crisis generada por la pandemia coronavirus (Covid-19), desde la comunicación académica al discurso político. La situación crisis mundial ha puesto en vigencia el ambiente problemático en cuanto a políticas-sociales, en un contexto de comunicación global cada vez más complejo. El propósito del trabajo es analizar la comunicación académica al discurso político en torno a Covid-19 en las ciencias políticas. La metodología de la investigación aborda el problema y busca posibles respuestas mediante métodos mixtos; seleccionando artículos académicos desde diversas bases de datos de la Core Collection - Web of Science y Scopus. Como resultado se obtiene de la aplicación de dos software, que el VOSviewer, mediante títulos y resúmenes de 12 artículos, excluyendo etiquetas de estructura y declaraciones de derechos de autor, logró identificar 411 términos, reducidos a 73 con restricción de 2 ocurrencias, donde la coocurrencia de términos se agrupa en 6 clusters; y, con el software Atlati9, se observan etapas emocionales como actitud política negativa, neutral y positiva ante el Covid-19, extraídas de las referencia teóricas analizadas que manejan discursos políticos y comunicación académica, concluyendo que esta última resulta relevante en comparecencias públicas, impactando todos los sectores.
- Published
- 2022
12. Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación versus Upskilling y Reskilling de colaboradores públicos
- Author
Arias Gonzáles, J. L., Covinos Gallardo, M. R., and Cáceres Chávez, M. D. R.
- Abstract
El presente artículo científico tiene como objetivo establecer la relación entre el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el desarrollo de las competencias laborales (Upskilling y Reskilling) de los colaboradores del sector público en tiempos de Covid-19 en Arequipa, Perú. Se empleó una metodología aplicada, correlacional, no experimental, de campo, utilizando como técnica la encuesta y el cuestionario como instrumento. Los resultados de la prueba de normalidad derivados son: valores de 0,59 y 0,34 con un nivel de centralidad de 0,000 y 0,001. La prueba de hipótesis aplicada consolidó un valor de significancia de 0,000 < 0,05, aceptando la hipótesis investigativa. Los principales hallazgos evidencian que además de comprobarse la relación significativa se manifiesta el interés de los colaboradores de actualizar, renovar sus habilidades y capacidades en beneficio propio y colectivo. Se concluye que es necesario adquirir nuevas habilidades y actualizar capacidades, lo cual es más relevante durante esta etapa pandémica.
- Published
- 2022
13. Diez años más tarde. Retos y amenazas a la seguridad y ciberseguridad en 2030
- Author
Sara Gallardo M
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Despierta 2020 y la humanidad se enfrenta a un enemigo oculto que amenaza la vida, las relaciones interpersonales y la economía mundial, sin reparo alguno. Y mientras la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID- 19 aumenta y los científicos no cesan en su afán por crear o encontrar una vacuna contra el coronavirus, los expertos en seguridad y ciberseguridad están en alerta máxima.
- Published
- 2020
14. CKD: The burden of disease invisible to research funders
- Author
Roger M, Gallego R, Jimenez V, Perez J, Furlano M, Atxer L, Zurro D, Casabona C, Gomez C, Bermudez P, Armisen M, Lopez S, Porras I, Ruiz J, Orgaz J, Baron M, Ortiz P, de la Fuente G, Gili B, Fresnedo G, Cabrera S, Contreras J, Pelicano M, Blanca A, Portillo M, Alvarez J, Romeo M, Perez M, Diezhandino M, Marrero D, Campo C, Garcia E, Carmona D, Ramirez A, Bellvis L, Haym M, Gomez M, Martinez J, Garrit J, Garrido R, Delgado J, Marimont M, Munoz M, Villares J, Velazquez A, Bonet L, Bravo M, Mateos F, Amador M, Minano J, Belmonte A, Jover A, Rituerto D, Sanchez F, Arenas M, Hernandez R, Serrano B, Ortiz A, Sanz A, Ramos A, Cordoba-David G, Garcia-Jimenez J, Fontecha-Barriuso M, Guerrero-Mauvecin J, Lopez-Diaz A, Sanchez-Nino M, Valino-Rivas L, Cuarental L, Ribagorda M, Pintor-Chocano A, Favero C, Alvarez-Llamas G, Catalina M, Fernandez-Fernandez B, Perez-Gomez M, de Montaner E, Prado R, Rivera J, Verde A, Carriazo S, Luis-Lima S, Sanchez-Rodriguez J, Sanchez S, Ortega M, Parra E, Mateos S, Exposito L, Tejera-Munoz A, Marchant V, Tejedor-Santamaria L, Agilar M, Diekmann F, Genis B, Salinas F, Bajo M, Maneus E, Guillen M, Juarez J, Rodriguez M, Vicente I, Pelicano J, Porras L, Aguiar P, Font M, Andujar A, Cucchiari D, Marrah E, Plana J, Pineiro G, Salgado C, Martin A, Hernandez F, Balboa N, Vicente M, Calvo I, Gonzalez L, Vicente L, Martinez S, Paso A, Garriel M, Lopez J, Palacios A, Saenz D, Garcia P, Bonilla J, Galan A, Marcos E, Perez-Aradros J, San Jose R, Zelaya F, Panades E, Salido J, Balcells R, Criach E, Encarnacion M, Perich L, Girol C, Terroba Y, Oliveras M, Vila L, Cabanas N, Molas C, Torres I, Pelaez S, Serra C, Torres C, Fajardo J, Lahuerta J, Herranz V, Malo A, Castaneda J, Ortiz M, Moreno J, Bermudez A, Olmo R, Pavon F, Peregrin C, Tejero E, Villalba I, Munoz A, De Mier M, Martos C, Baltanas R, Haad C, Bartolome M, Valdemoros R, Serres F, Diaz M, Marino F, Sole L, Saborido M, Majoral J, Martinez M, Calabia E, San Millan J, Lopez-Hoyos M, Benito-Hernandez A, San Segundo D, Valero R, De Ona J, Llavona E, Rodriguez F, Gutierrez R, Pena H, Lopez V, Sola E, Cabello M, Caballero A, Leon M, Ruiz P, Alonso J, Navarro-Gonzalez J, Mora-Fernandez M, Donate-Correa J, Martin-Nunez E, Delgado N, Gigarran-Guldris S, Teruel J, Castelao A, Revilla J, Martinez C, Stanojevic M, Boque E, Rosell M, De Lamo V, Tocados J, Carrasco A, Lopez M, Enriquez M, Bardaji A, Masot N, Gomez A, Sanjuan A, Ortega A, Fuentes R, Guindo M, Fuentes M, Ravassa F, Molina M, Tortosa C, Jacobs-Cacha C, Matamoros O, Meneghini M, Roig J, Betsabe I, Larrea C, Alvarez B, Corte M, Rodrigues-Diez R, Vazquez A, Rodriguez S, Castineira J, Martin C, Alvarez M, Iglesias V, Borra J, Rubio M, Gilsanz G, Cabrera M, Heffernan J, Gonzalez M, Gonzalez O, Garcia M, Correa P, Ramos S, Oliva M, Becerra B, Cabrera C, Mateo G, Villanueva R, Garcia L, Andia J, Martin J, Lopez N, Garcia S, Montes C, Luengas I, Alvarez E, Arias L, Carro B, Virgala J, Barreiro J, Fontan M, Gonzalez A, Barja L, Barreiro A, Arias B, Hernandez A, Varela J, Lechuga J, Rodriguez C, Murias M, de la Iglesia A, Pineiro P, Eijo A, Cachaza N, Blanch N, Martinez A, Val M, Draibe J, Melilli E, Montero A, Perez N, Oliveras X, Barrio M, Santos J, Barrera C, Saez M, Pachon M, Cabrales C, Porras A, Gonzalez V, Mallol L, Puyol D, Torres M, Ongil S, Basilio L, Centenera G, de Miguel P, Rodriguez L, Nadah H, Fernandez M, Chamond M, Fernandez N, Boillos A, Cenarruzabeitia N, Seara M, Dorronsoro I, Moreno P, Lavilla F, Torres A, Miranda D, Redondo E, Porrini E, Caso M, Tamajon M, Hernandez M, Rebollo M, Mallen P, Rinne A, Rodriguez R, Torres S, Sosa D, Cabrera B, Rodriguez N, Gamboa M, de los Angeles C, Lourdes P, Margarita R, Sagrario G, Patricia D, Alejandra A, Maria G, Rosa M, Sara E, Diego A, Beatriz E, Nayara Z, Arminda F, Jose R, Bermejo M, Lucas M, Moreno E, Munoz L, Huertas S, Serrano E, Toro L, Agudo C, Alvarez C, Portoles J, Marques M, Rubio E, Sanchez-Sobrino B, Garcia-Menendez E, Fernandez A, Benitez P, Gallardo M, Juarez G, Martinez E, Terente M, Ribera A, Escribano T, Fontan F, Perez-Monteoliva N, Huerta E, Rodriguez G, Hernandez S, Zamorano S, Gomez J, AIRG-E, EKPF, ALCER, FRIAT, REDINREN, ONT, RICORS2040, SENEFRO, and SET
- Subjects
Kidney transplantation ,Research funding ,Chronic kidney disease ,Decade of the kidney ,Burden of disease ,COVID-19 ,Kidney failure ,Accelerated aging - Abstract
The uptake of the current concept of chronic kidney disease (CKD) by the public, physicians and health authorities is low. Physicians still mix up CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. In a recent manuscript, only 23% of participants in a cohort of persons with CKD had been diagnosed by their physicians as having CKD while 29% has a diagnosis of cancer and 82% had a diagnosis of hypertension. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. A prevalent view is that for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is ``solved'' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, the main burden of CKD is accelerated aging and all-cause and cardiovascular premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal COVID-19 and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Moreover, men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality which is 10-100-fold higher than similar age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by around 40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth global cause of death by 2040 and the second cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when 1 in 4 Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded CIBER network research structure in Spain. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network REDINREN have now applied for the RICORS call of collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, ALCER and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true. However, only the highest level of research funding through the CIBER will allow to adequately address the issue before it is too late. (C) 2021 Sociedad Espanola de Nefrologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.
- Published
- 2022
15. Is Saffron Able to Prevent the Dysregulation of Retinal Cytokines Induced by Ocular Hypertension in Mice?
- Author
Fernández-Albarral JA, Martínez-López MA, Marco EM, de Hoz R, Martín-Sánchez B, San Felipe D, Salobrar-García E, López-Cuenca I, Pinazo-Durán MD, Salazar JJ, Ramírez JM, López-Gallardo M, and Ramírez AI
- Subjects
crocin ,retinal glial cells ,BDNF ,glaucoma ,genetic structures ,fractalkine ,ocular hypertension ,microglia ,saffron ,sense organs ,VEGF ,eye diseases ,cytokines - Abstract
Cytokine- and chemokine-mediated signalling is involved in the neuroinflammatory process that leads to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) damage in glaucoma. Substances with anti-inflammatory properties could decrease these cytokines and chemokines and thus prevent RGC death. The authors of this study analysed the anti-inflammatory effect of a hydrophilic saffron extract standardized to 3% crocin content, focusing on the regulation of cytokine and chemokine production, in a mouse model of unilateral laser-induced ocular hypertension (OHT). We demonstrated that following saffron treatment, most of the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-17), anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10), Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), and fractalkine were unaffected in response to laser-induced OHT in both the OHT eye and its contralateral eye. Only IL-6 levels were significantly increased in the OHT eye one day after laser induction compared with the control group. These results differed from those observed in animals subjected to unilateral OHT and not treated with saffron, where changes in cytokine levels occurred in both eyes. Therefore, saffron extract regulates the production of proinflammatory cytokines, VEGF, and fractalkine induced by increasing intraocular pressure (IOP), protecting the retina from inflammation. These results indicate that saffron could be beneficial in glaucoma by helping to reduce the inflammatory process.
- Published
- 2021
16. Comparison between CA125 and NT-proBNP for evaluating congestion in acute heart failure
- Author
Llacer P, Gallardo M, Palau P, Moreno M, Castillo C, Fernandez C, de la Espriella R, Mollar A, Santas E, Minana G, Manzano L, Bayes-Genis A, and Nunez J
- Subjects
endocrine system diseases - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) and B-type natriuretic peptides are surrogate markers of congestion in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). The aim of the study was to assess the association between CA125 and NT-proBNP and congestion parameters in patients with AHF.; METHODS AND RESULTS: Prospective multicentre observational study that included 191 patients hospitalised for AHF. We recorded the presence of pleural effusion, peripheral oedema and inferior vena cava (IVC) diameter during the first 24-48 hours after admission and evaluated their independent association with CA125 concentrations and the amino-terminal fraction of pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP). The mean age was 73.4 ± 12 years, 79 (41.4%) were women, and 127 (66.5%) had left ventricular ejection fraction = 50%. The median of CA125, NT-proBNP and IVC diameter was 58 (22.7-129) U/mL, 3,985 (1,905-9,775) pg/mL and 21 (17-25) mm, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that CA125 was positively and independently associated with the presence of peripheral oedema, pleural effusion and elevated IVC levels. NT-proBNP was associated with pleural effusion and IVC diameter but not with oedema. The addition of CA125 increased the discriminatory capacity of the baseline model to identify peripheral oedema and pleural effusion, but not NT-proBNP. The most important predictor of ICV dilation was CA125 (R2 = 48.3%).; CONCLUSION: In patients with AHF, serum CA125 levels are associated more significantly than NT-proBNP with a state of congestion. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2021
17. Proton RBE at low energies: preparation of a new radiobiology beam line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA
- Author
Baratto-Roldan, Anna, Cortés-Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., Battaglia, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., Espino, J. M., European Commission, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Jiménez-Ramos, M. C. [0000-0001-7109-1040], García López, J. [0000-0003-4107-4383], Gallardo, M. I. [0000-0002-8671-5589], Espino, J. M. [0000-0003-4848-5847], Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., and Espino, J. M.
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en las II Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica, celebradas en Madrid (España), del 14 al 15 de junio de 2018, In the last decades, proton therapy has gained great interest in the medical community thanks to its excellent clinical results. The bases of this success are: (1) the physical advantages of protons with respect to conventional radiation therapy with photons, due to their more selective energy deposition in depth; and (2) their increased radiobiological effectiveness as compared with photon radiotherapy for a same level of absorbed dose, property usually referred to as Relative Biological Effectiveness or RBE. Even if it is agreed that proton RBE varies towards the distal Bragg peak region, increasing with LET, nowadays in clinical proton therapy treatments, a uniform RBE value of 1.1 is generally used. Therefore, studies of RBE at low proton energies are necessary in order to reach a consensus on the RBE variations near the Bragg peak, which could be significant in the optimization of proton therapy treatment plans. With the purpose of providing a monochromatic beam for RBE measurements at low energies (below 18 MeV in our case), we are preparing an experimental setup at the external beam line of the 18MeV proton cyclotron facility installed at the CNA (Seville, Spain). In this work, we present our first feasibility studies. Two are the main constraints when dealing with the irradiation of biological samples in our setup: low beam intensity, of the order of some pA, to control properly the fluence during irradiation time, and broad irradiation field, of the order of 3cm side, uniform in both energy and space. To improve the homogeneity and decrease the beam intensity, we have decided to use a completely defocused beam and to scatter the beam downstream the exit window, both placing tungsten foils of different thicknesses and changing the amount of air between the window and the position of the samples. So far, we have measured the properties of wide beams produced with tungsten scattering foils of various thicknesses. With a 150 m thick tungsten foil, we could produce a 10 MeV proton beam with almost homogeneous intensity, having deviations of the order of ~10% in the central 35 mm and at ~50 cm distance from the exit window. Furthermore, we have performed preliminary dosimetric studies, using EBT3 radiochromic films and a transmission ionization chamber for dose and proton fluence evaluation. Studies of this nature are of great interest, since radiochromic films would be a handy and easy to use dosimeter solution for proton RBE studies. Finally, we are developing with the Geant4 toolkit a Monte Carlo tool, which reproduces accurately the cyclotron beam properties with the aim of simulating future improvements proposed on the final optimization of the setup for the irradiation of biological samples., This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675265, OMA - Optimization of Medical Accelerators, and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant No FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R. The Monte Carlo simulations were carried out at the FIS-ATOM cluster hosted at CICA (Seville, Spain).
- Published
- 2018
18. Geant4 simulation and validation of the CNA cyclotron beam parameters
- Author
Baratto-Roldan, Anna, Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., Battaglia, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., Cortés-Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Espino, J. M., Jiménez-Ramos, M. C. [0000-0001-7109-1040], García López, J. [0000-0003-4107-4383], Gallardo, M. I. [0000-0002-8671-5589], Espino, J. M. [0000-0003-4848-5847], Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., and Espino, J. M.
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en el 3rd OMA Topical Workshop on Accelerator Design and Diagnostics, celebrado en Darmstadt (Alemania), del 11 al 18 de diciembre de 2018
- Published
- 2018
19. Development of a radiobiology beam line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA
- Author
Baratto-Roldan, Anna, Battaglia, M. C., Cortés-Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., Espino, J. M., Jiménez-Ramos, M. C. [0000-0001-7109-1040], García López, J. [0000-0003-4107-4383], Gallardo, M. I. [0000-0002-8671-5589], Espino, J. M. [0000-0003-4848-5847], Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., and Espino, J. M.
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en 2nd OMA Topical Workshop on Diagnostics for Beam and Patient Monitoring, celebrado en Ginebra (Suiza), del 4 al 5 de junio de 2018
- Published
- 2018
20. Development of a new radiobiology beam line for the study of proton RBE at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA
- Author
Baratto-Roldan, Anna, Cortés-Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., Espino, J. M., European Commission, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Jiménez-Ramos, M. C. [0000-0001-7109-1040], García López, J. [0000-0003-4107-4383], Gallardo, M. I. [0000-0002-8671-5589], Espino, J. M. [0000-0003-4848-5847], Jiménez-Ramos, M. C., García López, J., Gallardo, M. I., and Espino, J. M.
- Abstract
Trabajo presentado en Rábida 2018: International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics, celebrado en La Rábida (Sevilla, España), del 18 al 22 de junio de 2018, In the last decades, particle radiation therapy, mainly performed with protons and carbon ions, has gained great interest in the medical community thanks to its excellent clinical results. The bases of this success are: (1) the physical advantages of protons and heavier ions with respect to conventional radiation therapy with photons, due to their more selective energy deposition in depth; and (2) their increased radiobiological effectiveness, since protons and heavier ions offer a higher cell-killing effectiveness if compared to photons for a same level of absorbed dose, property usually referred to as Relative Biological Effectiveness or RBE. The RBE depends on different factors, both physical and biological, such as radiation quality, track structure, linear energy transfer (LET), tissue type, biological endpoint, etc. However, in the case of protons, there is still place for improvements in what concerns the understanding of the behaviour of the RBE on both cancer and healthy cells, and its role in treatment planning and delivery. Even if it is agreed that proton RBE varies towards the distal Bragg peak region, increasing with LET, nowadays in clinical proton therapy treatments, a uniform RBE value of 1.1 is generally used, leading possibly to suboptimal proton treatment plans, as stated in Wedenberg et al. Therefore, studies of RBE at low proton energies are necessary in order to optimize proton therapy treatment plans and reach a consensus on the RBE variations near the Bragg peak. However, not many proton facilities can provide a monochromatic beam for radiobiological measurements at low energies (roughly below 20 MeV). With this purpose, we are preparing an experimental setup at the external beam line of the 18MeV proton cyclotron facility installed at the CNA (Seville, Spain) to cover this gap. [Methods and Results] In this work, we present our first feasibility studies. At present, the experimental beam line installed at the cyclotron facility counts on two Faraday cups for beam diagnostics, and on two collimators of 1.5 cm diameter placed at 1 m distance one from the other, the second of them mounted together with a 100 µm Aluminium exit window, for beam delivery and shaping. Two are the main constraints when dealing with cell irradiations: low beam intensity, of the order of some pA, to control properly the fluence during irradiation time, and broad irradiation field, of the order of 3cm side, uniform in both energy and space. In order to improve the homogeneity and decrease the beam intensity, we have decided to use a completely defocused beam and to scatter the beam downstream the exit window, both placing tungsten foils of different thicknesses and changing the amount of air between the window and the samples position. So far, we have measured the properties of wide beams produced with tungsten scattering foils of various thicknesses. With a 150 m thick tungsten foil, we could produce a 10 MeV proton beam with almost homogeneous intensity, having deviations of the order of ~10% in the central 35 mm and at ~50 cm distance from the exit window. Furthermore, we have performed preliminary dosimetric studies, using EBT3 radiochromic films and a transmission ionization chamber for dose and proton fluence evaluation. Studies of this nature are of great interest, since radiochromic films would be a handy and easy to use dosimeter solution for proton RBE studies. Finally, we are developing with the Geant4 toolkit a Monte Carlo tool, which reproduces accurately the cyclotron beam properties with the aim of simulating future improvements proposed on the final optimization of the setup for the irradiation of biological samples., This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675265, OMA Optimization of Medical Accelerators, and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grand No FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R. The Monte Carlo simulations were carried out at the FIS-ATOM cluster hosted at CICA (Seville, Spain).
- Published
- 2018
21. Relict Humid Tropical Forest In Mexico Promotes Differentiation In Barred Woodcreepers (Aves: Furnariidae)
- Author
Navarro-Sigüenza, Adolfo G., Almazán-Núñez, R. Carlos, Sánchez-Ramos, L. Enrique, Rebón-Gallardo, M. Fanny, and Arbeláez-Cortés, Enrique
- Subjects
Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Navarro-Sigüenza, Adolfo G., Almazán-Núñez, R. Carlos, Sánchez-Ramos, L. Enrique, Rebón-Gallardo, M. Fanny, Arbeláez-Cortés, Enrique (2020): Relict Humid Tropical Forest In Mexico Promotes Differentiation In Barred Woodcreepers (Aves: Furnariidae). Zootaxa 4780 (2): 307-323, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4780.2.5
- Published
- 2020
22. Investigation of the reaction mechanisms for B 10 + Au 197 at near-barrier energies
- Author
L. R. Gasques, L. C. Chamon, A. Lépine-Szily, V. Scarduelli, V. A. B. Zagatto, D. Abriola, A. Arazi, M. A. Cardona, E. de Barbará, J. de Jesús, D. Hojman, G. V. Martí, A. J. Pacheco, D. Ramos López, M. A. G. Alvarez, J. P. Fernández-García, M. Rodríguez-Gallardo, M. Cubero, L. F. Umaña, S. Achí-Prado
- Published
- 2020
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23. Abstinent patients with alcohol use disorders show an altered plasma cytokine profile: Identification of both interleukin 6 and interleukin 17A as potential biomarkers of consumption and comorbid liver and pancreatic diseases
- Author
Garcia-Marchena, N, Maza-Quiroga, R, Serrano, A, Barrios, V, Requena-Ocana, N, Suarez, J, Chowen, JA, Argente, J, Rubio, G, Torrens, M, Lopez-Gallardo, M, Marco, EM, Castilla-Ortega, E, Santin, LJ, de Fonseca, FR, Pavon, FJ, and Araos, P
- Subjects
biomarkers ,psychiatry comorbidity ,Alcohol ,cytokines - Abstract
Background: Recent studies have demonstrated that alcohol consumption can modulate the immune system by directly activating natural immunity and triggering inflammatory processes in the central nervous system and in peripheral organs, such as the liver and pancreas. Patients with alcohol use disorders have an elevated frequency of comorbid mental disorders and gut diseases (i.e. fatty liver and pancreatitis) that complicate diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Aims: The present study aims to explore possible associations in circulating plasma cytokine concentrations in abstinent patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorders. Methods: To this end, 85 abstinent subjects with alcohol use disorders from an outpatient setting and 55 healthy subjects were evaluated for both substance and mental disorders. The plasma levels of cytokines interleukin 1 beta, interleukin 4, interleukin 6, interleukin 17A, interferon gamma and tumour necrosis alpha were determined and their association with (a) history of alcohol consumption, (b) psychiatric comorbidity and (c) liver/pancreas comorbidities was explored. Results: We found that plasma concentrations of interleukin 1 beta, interleukin 6 and tumour necrosis alpha were increased, whereas plasma concentrations of interleukin 4, interleukin 17A and interferon gamma were decreased in abstinent alcohol use disorder patients as compared with control subjects. Moreover, we found that changes in interleukin 6 and interleukin 17A plasma concentrations in alcohol use disorder patients were associated with the presence of liver and pancreatic diseases. Conclusion: The present results suggest alcohol use disorder is associated with alterations of plasma cytokines, being interleukin 6 and interleukin 17A potential biomarkers of the presence of comorbidities of digestive organs. The clinical relevance of these findings is discussed in the context of alcohol-induced inflammatory processes.
- Published
- 2020
24. Antibacterial Properties of Triethoxysilylpropyl Succinic Anhydride Silane (TESPSA) on Titanium Dental Implants
- Author
Buxadera J, Godoy-Gallardo M, Molmeneu M, Punset M, and Gil FJ
- Subjects
antibacterial ,silane ,triethoxysilylpropyl succinic anhydride (TESPSA) ,titanium ,bacterial adhesion ,biofilm - Abstract
Infections related to dental implants are a common complication that can ultimately lead to implant failure, and thereby carries significant health and economic costs. In order to ward off these infections, this paper explores the immobilization of triethoxysilylpropyl succinic anhydride (TESPSA, TSP) silane onto dental implants, and the interaction of two distinct monospecies biofilms and an oral plaque with the coated titanium samples. To this end, titanium disks from prior machining were first activated by a NaOH treatment and further functionalized with TESPSA silane. A porous sodium titanate surface was observed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses confirmed the presence of TESPSA on the titanium samples (8.4% for Ti-N-TSP). Furthermore, a lactate dehydrogenase assay concluded that TESPSA did not have a negative effect on the viability of human fibroblasts. Importantly, the in vitro effect of modified surfaces against Streptococcus sanguinis, Lactobacillus salivarius and oral plaque were studied using a viable bacterial adhesion assay. A significant reduction was achieved in all cases but, as expected, with different effectiveness against simple mono-species biofilm (ratio dead/live of 0.4) and complete oral biofilm (ratio dead/live of 0.6). Nevertheless, this approach holds a great potential to provide dental implants with antimicrobial properties.
- Published
- 2020
25. Células IPSCS: Una aproximación prometedora para el estudio y posible tratamiento de las enfermedades raras
- Author
Garesse, Rafael, Gallardo, M. Esther, UAM. Departamento de Bioquímica, and Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas 'Alberto Sols' (IIBM)
- Subjects
Enfermedades raras ,Medicina ,Modelos de estudio ,Aplicaciones células (IPSC) ,Células (IPSC) - Published
- 2020
26. How to Reduce the Ki-67 Variability by Jointly Evaluating the Histological Grade and Hormonal Receptors
- Author
Ignacio Rodríguez, Rafael Fábregas, F. Tresserra, Maxim Izquierdo, S. Baulies, C. Ara, S. Garcia, and Gallardo M
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Endocrinology ,biology ,Ki-67 ,Internal medicine ,biology.protein ,medicine ,Receptor ,Hormone - Published
- 2019
27. Linagliptin Effects on Heart Failure and Related Outcomes in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at High Cardiovascular and Renal Risk in CARMELINA
- Author
McGuire D, Alexander J, Johansen O, Perkovic V, Rosenstock J, Cooper M, Wanner C, Kahn S, Toto R, Zinman B, Baanstra D, Pfarr E, Schnaidt S, Meinicke T, George J, von Eynatten M, Marx N, Aizenberg D, Fiorella A, Edgardo N, Belen C, Alonso P, Walter M, Maia K, Guillermo S, Leandro B, Constanza R, Alejandra N, Melina C, Ariel I, Rodrigo C, Alvarez C, Jorge M, Gabriel C, German S, Bartolacci I, Bolobanich G, Tale T, Meritano M, Echeverria M, Gerrini S, Alvarez M, Torrijos N, Berli M, Coggiola J, Castaneda G, Rode R, Milessi R, Roude A, Bono J, Caresani J, Arias V, Westberg J, Allende G, Liberman A, Bordonava A, Almagro S, Gerbaudo C, Schiavi L, Budassi N, Cecilia M, Buncuga M, Carlos S, Osvaldo T, Mercedes S, Calella P, Agustina V, Aljandro M, Alberto D, Fiorella M, Cantero M, Cariganano M, Anadon P, Cartasegna L, Gabriela M, Fernanda A, Alberto R, Chacon C, Jazmin F, Colombo H, Coni E, Mattausch S, Thomsenhall K, della Torre M, Morandini M, Berra F, Margarita H, Commendatore V, Tedesco J, Bolzan P, Cuneo C, Narcisa G, Caputi V, Pablo S, Sandra G, Pacora F, Tinari M, Jure H, Parody M, Toranzo A, Frechtel G, Yohena S, Lovecchio S, Muller C, Martin S, Olivera C, Breyaui M, Bianchi G, Garcia C, Luciana V, Florencia F, Ruben G, Gelersztein E, Rey G, Sanchez C, Fornasari L, Di Pierro L, Giacomi G, Miguel S, Laura T, Gonzalo C, Ramon C, Glenny J, Koretzky M, Porto A, Tiberio O, Ellenberg A, Saurral R, Igarzabal C, Vilamajo O, Matkovich J, de Lapertosa S, Villagra M, Cuzziol G, de la Cruz M, Pinchetti R, Mierez M, Lopez C, Gorosito V, Gabito A, Kleiban A, Grosembacher L, Adrian P, Paula R, Javier G, Kraft F, Andres F, Krynski F, Nicolas P, Marcelo F, Alfredo F, de la Fuente R, Natalia C, Luquez H, Recuero Y, Becchetti N, Ruiz M, Costantino M, Vazquez G, Guzman C, Pelatia P, Maffei L, Sassone S, Yantorno M, Prado G, Khron B, Maldonado N, Gustavo L, Veronica V, Marino J, Elizabeth A, Alejandra C, Oscar R, Azize G, Gallardo M, Escudero M, Vargas E, Ramos H, Lucero C, Najenson M, Crocci I, Chiesa A, Nardone L, Dominguez S, Zanini A, Manghi F, Grossman M, Giudice G, Romeo A, Piskorz D, Miguel C, Susana D, Noeli U, Rosa S, Martin V, Soledad A, Virginia M, Lorena G, Prado A, Veronica L, Eduardo H, Adolfo P, Florencia W, Rista L, Scolari C, Rojas N, Bertolio V, Zarandon R, Jair S, Orlando C, Sanabria H, Ignacio D, Viviana C, Marina R, Sarjanovich R, Scaro G, Huerta C, Mana M, Gutierrez M, Dain A, Gavicola R, Sessa H, Sacripanti J, Felman R, Vilarino P, Sicer M, Lagrutta M, Sala J, Casabella T, Cecilia H, Carlos B, Vines G, Javier R, Vico M, Lanchiotti P, Martella C, Torres L, Villarino A, Molina M, Martinez J, Farias C, Bertola S, Rojas M, Guzman P, Nisi J, Martinez D, Barrionuevo M, Vita N, Lopez A, Vottero E, Giuliano M, Paron L, Vogel D, Mele P, Imposti H, Dominguez A, Zaidman C, Fernando G, Beck M, Beltrame P, Chemello D, Junior R, Abreu A, Fernandes V, Saboia J, Rodrigues L, Carvalho M, Gurgel M, Gadelha D, Ramos C, Borba V, Golbert M, Pitthan M, Golbert L, Valentini R, Canani L, Gross J, Valenti A, Sartori C, Dutra O, Azevedo E, Azevedo A, Vaz R, Vaz H, da Costa F, da Costa L, Panarotto D, Lain F, Camazzola F, Dellomea B, Rech R, Pizzato P, Nunes C, Jaeger C, Silveira D, Wagner L, Machado L, Rea R, de Bem A, Alves J, Jonasson T, Malucelli F, Betti R, Lerario A, Lisboa H, Bem J, Tres G, Tavares C, Nardi A, Pozzatto M, Backes L, Reolao J, Scariot E, Ziguer E, Baldissera D, Griz L, Antunes D, Victor F, Freire K, Barros A, Costi B, Sa M, Carneiro A, Felicio J, Felicio K, Penha P, Ferreira J, Melo F, Alves A, Souza A, Costa L, Pinheiro D, Turatti L, Augusto G, Leanca C, Santomauro A, Forti A, Sena R, Marinho A, Facanha C, de Souza K, de Souza A, de Queiroz W, Leite S, Vieira S, Gubert L, Olsen A, Piazzetta G, Fuck A, Ferreira M, Fortes J, Brandao T, Alves F, Radice E, dos Santos J, de Almeida R, Franco D, Saporito W, Eliaschewitz F, de Siqueira K, Bona R, Genestreti P, de Castro D, Visconti G, Sampaio C, Palhares F, Konigsfeld H, Alves E, Feder C, Leao B, Saraiva J, Rodovalho S, Costa M, Pires N, Figueiredo E, Werner G, Garcia J, de Paiva I, Quirino B, Botelho R, da Silva R, Navarro A, Lourenco C, Pereira A, Arantes F, Boner D, Saad J, Falchetto E, Washizu E, Mandil A, Pimenta N, Tofani F, Fonseca T, Teixeira L, Maia L, Lemos M, Mouco O, Nakazone M, Weiand L, Bohn J, Hissa M, Araripe F, Carvalho F, Cancado G, Wang R, Chacra A, Fusaro A, de Mendonca E, Cercato C, Halpern A, Alves B, Braile M, Sestito R, Mustafa E, Ferreira V, Sbardellini B, de Almeida P, Guimaraes F, Piedade M, Bienert I, Braga J, Daher R, Hirakawa T, Terra E, Farias E, Figueiredo M, Lima L, Moraes K, Avelino I, Flato U, Plavnik F, Portes E, Moreira M, Vendramini M, Veloso R, Padilha M, Rodrigues A, Adam R, Santos S, Sayeg N, Guerrero D, Madeira M, Siqueira J, Pinheiro R, Villacorta A, Mellazi A, Braga T, Kaiser S, Paolino B, Lefterov I, Marinchev A, Angelova S, Klyuchkova N, Lybomirova Z, Kerekovski Y, Kuneva T, Penkova D, Levterov G, Videnova E, Georgieva P, Shinkov A, Borissova A, Vlahov J, Dakovska-Dekova L, Lucheva M, Luchev P, Temelkova M, Borisova K, Tsenov S, Andreeva V, Margaritov V, Arasheva G, Lozanov L, Borisov R, Gorcheva D, Henein S, Whatley S, Boutros M, Kalyniuk N, Berlingieri J, Nisker W, Hoag G, Hepburn D, Harvey M, Manjoo P, Yale J, Sherman M, Tsoukas M, Rehman W, Mason M, Santerre M, De Kock J, Barkhuizen F, Rooke C, Gill C, Kooy J, Burgoyne G, de Kock J, Degen G, Hockman L, Invik R, Roberts P, Ward K, Alasaad H, Susan A, Davies V, Gupta N, Milhalidis J, Grossman L, Agawal N, Yared Z, Rwaheed, Nouhad S, Nahla A, Khandwala H, Warwick A, Wadehra D, Manan A, Vecchiarelli J, Aslam N, Ferrao A, St-Maurice F, Collette R, Davey B, Nawaz S, Coutu B, Costi P, Greiss I, Mansour F, Raymond J, St-Phard W, Nadra I, Della Siega A, Barahona L, Klinke P, Contractor H, Fryer M, Chandra N, Conti B, Telzer L, Sorensen S, Lounsbury N, Martin E, Mitchell L, Pelzer E, Nelson S, Jones M, Cox J, Luco G, Trhoughton T, Labonte R, Chouinard G, Frechette A, Rheaume M, Cusson J, Faucher J, Dery V, Kelly A, Miranda B, Al-Kayssi N, Malette P, Rheault P, Fredette P, Dumas R, Palardy J, Belanger A, Boucher P, Doyon B, Charbonneau J, Bailey G, Odendaal M, Stephan K, Badenhorst J, Knight D, Thurgood A, Johnston M, Cooper-Rosen E, Jagger R, Green M, Weisnagel S, Gangloff A, Bergeron J, Pesant Y, Chevalier P, Woo V, Hurd C, Ruckert G, Lira J, Navarro G, Venegas M, Gonzalez P, Montecinos H, Vidal G, Fernandez M, Varas J, Fernandez C, Aguilar J, Marin R, Kindel C, Yovaniniz P, Gherman O, Aravena M, Carvajal J, Macias E, Corrado P, Lazcano M, Garrido B, Charme G, Carrasco J, Vignolo P, Saavedra S, Gajardo V, Saavedra C, Santamaria D, del Castillo B, Balda I, Zurvarra V, Fu G, Jiang D, Huang H, Wang M, Song J, Lu W, Lin Y, Lu Z, Shi Y, Zhong M, Zhao X, Chen D, Zhang G, He Y, Shi P, Chu K, Gao Q, Deng W, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Chen H, Liu E, Xie Y, Lin R, Tan W, Yuan Z, Wang Y, Ren J, Yu H, Luo M, Ma W, Shi W, Xu H, Xu M, Liu G, Dong Y, Bai B, Guo R, Liu X, Gao Y, Li S, Xu X, Liu P, Dong X, Wang S, Fu F, Jiang Q, Meng C, Yin X, Lu Y, Cui Y, Su G, Miao W, Wei F, Zhao Q, Li Z, Gao X, Lozno H, Prada W, Figueroa W, Ordonez A, Quintero E, Vallejo G, Contreras C, Escobar J, Alvaran J, Ortiz L, Marin M, Montoya C, Mendoza J, Manjarres J, Navarro B, Martinez G, Bonfanti A, Perci X, de la Hoz L, Arroyo J, Rendon C, Lopez J, Escobar N, Franco J, Lozano M, Zapata C, Ibarra L, Barrero A, Sarmiento A, Lozada H, Olitte M, Florez L, Munoz C, Quintero G, Correa G, Ruiz S, Dorado A, Causa A, Palma E, Morales A, Arteaga J, Beltran J, Granados M, Rubio A, Dada F, Bueno W, Rivera R, Corredor K, Romero V, Accini F, Palmera J, Ruiz G, Ortega M, Sanchez A, Lora Y, Cano J, Duque S, Thiriez S, Castano M, Giraldo P, Boljkovac Z, Grcic I, Balen M, Zukanovic S, Jeric M, Dvorscak D, Car S, Knezevic A, Herceg D, Franov B, Miskovic V, Bakula M, Hadak A, Superba M, Rubes J, Gornik I, Hamzic J, Ballek L, Sedlackova L, Hejlova J, Galatikova D, Huskova A, Zak P, Flekac M, Mraz M, Potuznik P, Palova S, Novak P, Okenka L, Matuska J, Rohac F, Vondrak K, Reichert P, Shamasna A, Skopek J, Lejskova M, Jiruska M, Lang P, Podoubsky R, Svobodova J, Cifkova R, Jozifova M, Krajcoviechova A, Wolfhart P, Sulc P, Silhova E, Cechakova M, Machova V, Balkova J, Peterka M, Votocek S, Prosecky R, Valis M, Barton P, Tomek J, Pumprla J, Axmannova M, Vitaskova R, Sincl F, Horanska P, Richter B, Malicherova E, Roderova E, Jenickova P, Winkelmann B, Finger C, Klausmann G, Milek K, Schwabe M, Weiss N, Mahlmann A, Werth S, Schmidt C, Schoell I, London M, Steidl E, Orban K, Taeschner H, Bonigut S, Schiefke I, Schwittay A, Kornmann O, Eich A, Franke S, Kis J, Szobota E, Danos P, Beke E, Grosz A, Csecsei G, Ferenczy J, Filo A, Ferencz I, Mihaly E, Baranyi T, Revesz K, Schlezak J, Harcsa E, Dombroczki Z, Kocsis I, Juhasz E, Literati-Nagy B, Kulcsar E, Bezzeg K, Kemeny V, Peterfai E, Buday B, Keltai K, Balo T, Somogyi A, Nagy G, Oroszlan T, Bagosi Z, Bujtor Z, Tabak A, Ferencz V, Domjan B, Tanczer T, Palinkas A, Karolyi H, Kovacs K, Csaszar I, Palhegyi E, Engelhalter G, Horthy R, Vanko E, Szabo G, Sipos G, Szigyarto M, Sebo N, Paragh G, Zsiros N, Szentimrei R, Pal D, Kobling T, Szanto I, Varadi Z, Bajnok L, Szujo S, Nemes O, Bajnok A, Mezosi E, Bodis B, Marton Z, Konyves L, Farago M, Kiss G, Kiss O, Nagy E, Takacs R, Nyitray S, Abraham G, Fehertemplomi K, Deak L, Dezso E, Karneili E, Deeb D, Zloczower M, Mahmid R, Zolotov S, Hochberg I, Elias M, Goldstein L, Poletaev V, Rock W, Koren O, Saliba W, Wolf F, Adawi F, Nimer A, Mosenzon O, Raz I, Potekhin M, Cahn A, Yulian T, Zvulunov E, Israel H, Shpitz D, Bar-Or I, Chananashvili L, Irena L, Dessau H, Halabe A, Vishlitzky V, Nabriski D, Baraf L, Itelman M, Schiff E, Willner N, Fireman-Klein E, Svistunov V, Dotan Y, Pavlichev O, Saig L, Bashkin A, Kuyantseva E, Gershkov S, Nodelman M, Arbel Y, Bogomolny N, Leshem-Rubinow E, Rofe M, Chorin E, Havkuk O, Wainstein J, Feldman D, Fujino Y, Kitamura H, Toriumi Y, Ishiguro H, Naganuma T, Shu S, Suzuki K, Hirota Y, Hayashi T, Hozawa K, Fukui T, Abe Y, Yamauchi K, Maruyama M, Matsumura S, Kozuma R, Nagai Y, Kihara Y, Maeda H, Nakanishi K, Iitsuka T, Hatori M, Shinozaki Y, Akiyama D, Kawabe M, Takei M, Sato A, Kawai Y, Kitajima K, Ide M, Sato N, Morisaki H, Nakashima K, Takayanagi H, Watanabe H, Iwahashi N, Tsujimoto M, Hibuse K, Hata T, Ueno K, Tatsuma H, Wakida Y, Ito T, Mizuno R, Fujita H, Konishi N, Kanehira T, Watanabe R, Miyaoka H, Okada T, Yamamoto M, Okita S, Murakami H, Todo Y, Umeoka F, Hori K, Shiraishi K, Tada F, Shimizu T, Tamai J, Sasaki C, Okuzima Y, Yasuda M, Iwaita Y, Tanaka K, Rha S, Na J, Cho D, Cho Y, Hwang E, Choi T, Won K, Kim H, Kim S, Oh D, Lee J, Choi H, Chung H, Park H, Suh Y, Kim Y, Kim N, Kim K, An J, Kim J, Park K, Kwak S, Kim M, Hwangbo Y, Lee D, Hong A, Kim L, Oh C, Moon S, Jung C, Jin J, Hyun B, Yang Y, Kong S, Yoon K, Yang H, Hong T, Oh J, Park J, Lee H, Choi J, Ahn J, Han S, Park W, Jo S, Suh S, An W, Park M, Lee S, Kim D, Jin H, Seo J, Chung C, Lim J, Huh J, Park I, Yu S, Sim N, Khan S, Albakari N, Sivaraman J, Manaf K, Maharuddin I, Nagendram S, Ali N, Abdul Latiff N, Othman N, Sarip S, Chew E, Mohamed S, Aziz N, Hui K, Lin L, Velaiutham S, Khir A, Lee L, Manikam S, Chooi K, Chang M, Ooi C, Anthony J, Seganathirajah M, Ng O, Ismail N, Cheah C, Ramanathan G, Mui N, Wen F, Choo T, Bin Ruhani A, Jamaludin S, Abidin S, Nor F, Abu Hassan M, Hanari N, Ahmad N, Suan M, Zainul N, Ali S, Sridhar G, Han C, Chin A, Vin L, Kadir K, Zain A, Hussain N, Pusparajah P, Lozano F, Gomez A, Zaccari E, Vigil A, Preciado C, de Leon M, Parra M, Cervantes A, Aguirre E, Orozco E, Gonzalez S, Elizondo R, Flores E, Guerrero M, Flores F, Sanchez J, Perez F, Rodriguez J, Martinez L, Marquez D, Gutierrez B, Flores M, Real M, Campos P, Garcia P, Rios M, Romero E, Perez Z, Tarabay C, Munoz L, Farias J, Gonzalez J, Palestino N, Sanchez L, Carrillo G, Ordonez N, Pech C, Andrade M, Euan J, Ortegon M, Garcia S, Orozco J, Vazquez H, Herrera R, Perez E, Arango A, Ibarra M, Gonzales L, Esperano J, Quintana L, Salazar I, Ruiz L, Barron C, Ballesteros C, Cervera L, Hercilla E, Gomez H, Mesa J, Herrera P, Rodriguez M, Ochoa R, Mora E, Charles C, Silva R, Mijangos J, Diaz C, Zavala C, Baron P, Bernal A, Martinez F, Tlapale M, Ramirez E, Basila A, Munguia R, Tello M, Martinez M, Mulder H, van der Graaff P, Nawaz A, Keller I, Schoofs M, Smak-Gregoor P, Al-Windy N, Bulut S, de Jong J, Maas A, Schaardenburgh P, Imholz B, Heijster J, Hoogenberg K, Smit C, Kooy A, Huvers F, Landewe-Cleuren S, Kars M, van Moorsel D, Wolffenbuttel B, Lutgens H, Schutte E, Gansevoort R, Idzerda N, Westerink J, Weijmans M, Berg J, van Kleef M, Slob M, Jaspers N, Hovens M, Monajemi H, Kobielusz-Gembala I, Zmuda W, Adamczyk M, Konieczny M, Strzelecka-Sosik A, Nowacka E, Krzyzagorska E, Sekulska M, CzajkowskaKaczmarek E, Kaczmarek B, Opawska K, Dabrowska M, Kus W, Wrzesien-Kus A, Piotrowski G, Hotlos L, Ocicka-Kozakiewicz A, Jurowiecki J, Stasinska T, Karczewicz-Janowska J, Jaruga J, ZytkiewiczJaruga D, Krupinska E, Pupek-Musialik D, Bogdanski P, Szulinska M, Skrypnik D, Skokowska E, Bojarska-Los M, Giermkowska-Samek M, Pirog M, Wojnowski L, Jelinska A, Gradzka M, Danyluk A, Lysek R, Sliwinska T, Podrazka-Szczepaniak A, Barney M, Tomczyk A, Necki M, Malicka J, Dudzinska M, KiszczakBochynska E, Markiewicz A, Galbas K, Paciorkowski A, Mazur S, Mazur M, Chmielowski A, Swiatek A, Sobocka B, Wis J, Jozefowska M, Kaczmarek M, Timler M, Cieplucha Z, Lazuka L, Lazuka N, Wittek A, Spyra J, Jasiel-Wojculewicz H, Stefanski A, Wierucki L, Hanczuk A, Misiura M, Szmygel K, Kolcowa O, Orlowska-Kunikowska E, Rutkowski M, Ignaszewska-Wyrzykowska A, Popenda G, Maciejewska J, Mostowy A, WojteckaGrabka M, Grazyna M, Wieslaw K, Barbara K, Kramarczuk E, Wojciech C, Jaroslaw H, Ewa B, Karas P, Agnieszka S, Hanna C, Justyna S, Piotr K, Wozniak I, Mateusz W, Katarzyna W, Jacek F, Andrzej J, Cymerman K, Gmytrasiewicz M, Zambrzycki J, Krysiak-Kowaluk H, Klodawska K, Klszczewski Z, Zieleniewski J, Opadczuk P, Urbanska K, Faran-Grabowska K, Szczepanik T, Siegel A, Kleczek A, Kincel K, Nowak D, Slowik-Gomulka L, Watemborska-Matuszyk G, Lampart J, Strozik-Krecichwost A, Dziewit T, Broncel M, Wojcik-Odyniec J, Jakubczyk E, Wierzbicka K, Witowicz A, Jedrych B, Korczyk P, Socik-Pojawa M, Monteiro P, Monteiro S, Mendes P, Soares F, Mendes S, Leite L, Vicente J, Santos M, Ferreira A, Alves P, Rosario F, Garrao A, Duarte L, Rogado C, Duarte R, Laginha T, Matos P, Raposo J, Mariz J, Teixeira J, Capela C, Leitao A, Cardiga R, Alface M, Augusto S, Basto L, Cunha A, Rei D, Dantas J, Verdasca I, Andrade L, Silva A, Suarez M, Dias V, Silva J, Pereira N, Goncalves M, Goncalves A, Silveira A, Sampaio A, Dias A, Diogo M, Vilaca C, Cif A, Calin T, Elena S, Crisan C, Adina S, Ramona S, Anghel V, Simona C, Turcu L, Mihaela V, Cosma D, Cristina H, Marius-Calin H, Negrisanu G, Andreea-Andrada M, Maria-Mihaela V, Camelia T, Oana P, Monia A, Onaca A, Mircea O, Mot A, Stolea V, Elena N, Barbonta D, Cristian B, Oana S, Popescu A, Madalina M, Coman A, Anca C, Constantinescu S, Mircea C, Diaconu-Sotropa M, Ene D, Pintilei E, Mihai G, Delia R, Toarba I, Simona H, Negru D, Flaminzeanu F, Iulian C, Maria-Cristina C, Doros R, Cleo S, Sorin B, Demian L, Mihai S, Raul B, Ioana A, Nicolau A, Cosmin P, Isabela G, Elena C, Ileana T, Valuyskikh E, Miroshnichenko E, Klementyeva N, Zelman O, Chumakova G, Vigel A, Leonova N, Pergaeva Y, Stefanovskaya O, Pushkareva S, Antoshkina L, Zheleznova N, Iveitsman, Barbarash O, Zvereva T, Zhuravleva E, Zavyrylina I, Usoltceva E, Savostyanova Y, Kupriyanova T, Krivoshapova K, Kondyukova N, Inozemceva A, Argunova Y, Tsyba L, Belenky D, Mariich O, Terekhova A, Tsygankova O, Kuznetsova E, Nagibovich G, Ivchenko Y, Dobronravov V, Dobronravov A, Bush M, Trofimenko I, Vishnevsky A, Zikov V, Kositsyn D, Palzman Z, Spiridonova T, Rodina N, Polozhentsev S, Mamedova L, Panov A, Abesadze I, Alugishvili M, Ivashkin V, Drapkina O, Korneeva O, Zyatenkova E, Glinkina I, Poluboyarinova I, Gurova O, Raykhman A, Vertkin A, Rodykova I, Shamaeva K, Petrovskaya T, Uzueva E, Milovanov Y, Milovanova S, Milovanova L, Markina M, Dobrosmyslov I, Markov V, Afanasiev S, Babich E, Belokopytova N, Demyanov S, Maximov A, Maximov I, Rebrova T, Shtatolkina M, Masin A, Demko A, Chuyko O, Pronina A, Charf G, Akatova E, Urlaeva I, Nikolin O, Khovaeva Y, Ermachkova L, Burdina E, Shvalb P, Suchkov I, Pshennikov A, Gryaznov S, Rymar O, Dolinskaya Y, Bahareva Y, Mustafina S, Sherbakova L, Ovsyannikova A, Bolshakova O, Polunicheva E, Dora S, Agafyina A, Yashina A, Vasilieva I, Yakhontova P, Selivanova S, Kargapoltseva O, Shilina N, Bayramova G, Sorokin I, Astamirova K, Kuchuk P, Koniushenko D, Malykh N, Dvorkin M, Krovelets T, Konovalova K, Seeber M, van Niekerk F, Siebert H, Steenkamp W, Wiid S, Noeth M, Siebert R, Breedt J, Bouwer J, Kapp C, Venter T, Rayner B, Trinder Y, Rheeder P, Delport E, Mathijs S, Soma P, van Zyl D, Strydom M, Marais A, Badat A, Hansa S, Fourie D, Walton T, Engelbrecht J, Jansen J, Roos J, du Toit S, Lehloenya K, van Zyl L, van Zyl F, Naude M, Mookadam M, van der Merwe A, Trokis J, Lombard L, Coetzee K, Ismail S, Bruning H, Latiff G, Yasmin O, Pillay T, Mohamed Z, Dawood S, Stapelberg A, Abrahams P, Jurgens J, van Heerden P, Swart E, Botha C, Meeding J, Hemus A, Oosthuysen W, Visagie G, Fourie N, Hutton P, van der Merwe N, Chelin N, Everton T, Duki M, Ghila N, Joshi M, Hira M, Madueno F, Martinez B, Sebastian N, Mercadal L, Isbert S, Gonzalez I, Asencio J, Figueras M, Rivas M, Garcia H, Fusalba A, Geat D, Cambra G, Sastre J, Castro F, Mas A, Portillo C, Serrano I, Hernandez S, Fajardo F, Juan C, Ferrer J, Peralta F, Padin C, Mauricio D, Madorell B, San Miguel F, Pedrol N, Trescoli C, Montanana C, Gonzalo M, Capellan J, Estrella A, Martinez C, Montesinos I, Loscos A, Coronado J, Perez J, Castillo B, Alonso C, Quesada V, Teruel J, Perez S, Lama M, del Rio E, Zlova T, Ponomarenko K, Karpenko O, Bezuglova S, Mitskevych L, Kizim S, Nevolina I, Katerenchuk V, Liudmyla B, Ivan K, Rudyk I, Olena M, Anna I, Ganna B, Topchii I, Semenovykh P, Yulia Y, Mykhalchyshyn G, Kirienko D, Kobiliak N, Bodnar, Mykhalchyshyn, Pertseva N, Olena G, Tomashkevych H, Korpachev V, Prybyla O, Kovalchuk A, Kushnarova N, Zinych O, Tseluyko V, Andriy Z, Olga R, Mankovskyy B, Zherdova N, Lykhoshapko O, Logoida P, Godlevska O, Olena V, Olga C, Gyrina O, Alifer O, Dozhuk K, Pekhenko V, Gorobets N, Korneichuk A, Makarenko E, Martynyuk L, Martynuyk O, Stanislavchuk M, Larysa P, Natalia S, Botsyurko V, Kostitska I, Dzeman O, Ablitsov Y, Ivaseiko S, Konovart O, Sandurska S, Vendzilovych Y, Samoylov O, Iryna C, Rozhkivska L, Ulyanchenko I, Kateryna V, Orlenko V, Ivaskina K, Tronko M, Tronko K, Pashkovska N, Stankova N, Vynnychenko L, Bolotnikova N, Demokhova N, Reshotko D, Popova A, Dr Bogdana, Tetiana S, Svitlana D, Oksana R, Vlasenko M, Litvinova S, Semenyuk I, Fishchuk O, Mostovoy Y, Tkachenko T, Ovcharuk M, Rasputina L, Vakaliuk I, Tymochko N, Drapchak I, Petrovska L, Lai W, Yen H, Voon W, Lin T, Cheng K, Chiu C, Chu C, Hsu P, Chiang C, Li Y, Kuo C, Lin S, Chao T, Yu W, Sung S, Wang K, Lu T, Shih K, Wu C, Chiang F, Hwang J, Tsai C, Juang J, Jeng J, Tang S, Lai C, Cheng C, Hsieh I, Hsieh M, Chen C, Lee C, Pai P, Ko P, Wang T, Chen T, Wu H, Chang S, Chen K, Hsieh L, Chou C, Jiang J, Lee M, Huang J, Chen J, Chiu K, Tsai L, Chen P, Saxena M, Collier D, Vaidya B, Harman S, Ramell M, Davies M, Chatterjee S, Meakin L, Quinn M, Bain S, Mallipedhi A, Min T, Bashir J, Blagden M, Ali J, McCrimmon R, Brennan G, Malcolm E, McDonald D, Pearson E, Illsley G, Darzy K, Winocour P, Hanif W, Cockwell P, Charlton M, Thekkepat S, Howat I, Devers M, Patrick J, Wyatt N, Smith C, Singh B, Nicholas J, Gillani S, Green F, Bell E, Boyle J, MacKin S, Livingstone R, Arif A, Syed M, Hammoud J, Sparks J, Anderson M, Tumey R, Condit J, Reddy M, Abalos-Galito M, Rebecca J, Barker T, Seaton B, Campbell E, Kompanik H, Jayson L, Huffman C, Bialow M, McDonnell G, McCaffrey J, Manis C, DeLuca E, Levins J, Bartlett M, Anorga K, Franco M, Gentry P, Hodge D, Pohil R, Rschultz, Leggett R, Blair L, Gisler J, Niegos F, Osburn M, Parma K, Schendel S, Stines L, Winnie M, Wu P, Canales J, Yu J, Cornett G, Beavins J, Hyde D, Zapinski D, Johnson T, Levinson D, Ahmed A, Kenny B, Kuehl A, Bates C, Jantzi C, Ananthula P, Shafer J, Louthan J, Bays A, Stapleton A, Staton P, Strum D, Taylor P, Smith A, Rapp R, Bao S, Randolph C, MacGillivray B, Schuster R, Harden T, Barnella C, Dunnam T, Whiles R, Bolick C, Brockmyre A, Plucker S, Marshall C, Poteet C, Morin D, Tavel E, Averill N, McFann A, Purcell D, Dixon T, Corey E, Goss J, Drescher R, Irfan M, Naeem M, Egelhof R, Mehta P, Koehler T, Walia J, Fernandez J, Bedel G, Preet R, Bhuchar S, Ahmed F, Onyema D, Benchabbat A, Kohanbash L, Miller P, Lalinde M, Carrithers E, Patterson R, Raube-Miceli A, Martinez A, Harris B, Levy R, Siev E, Berlin H, DiMattia M, Sugimoto D, Dugas J, Benson M, Stegemoller R, Schmoll M, Kinnaman S, O'Connor T, Powel T, Rudolph L, Lewiecki M, Best E, Chavez J, Garcia M, Cohen R, Colman D, Ocampo M, Heaney L, Rappley G, Quezada I, Santos V, Nikfarjam A, Reyes M, Rodriguez R, Josephs L, Hernandez R, Flores P, Espinoza L, Mejia W, Pedraza Z, Castaneda R, Laguerre J, Cook R, Patel R, Werner H, Blank R, Small S, Andersen J, Holmes D, Farmer M, Wiener V, Pharr W, Bray B, Beekman J, Anderson A, Andrawis N, Gabra N, Moche T, Marty S, Galvez O, Reyes R, Garcia R, Lerma G, Pliquin B, Mayfield R, Durham N, Phillips R, Baran A, Kondo N, Dempsey S, Kufs W, Laddis T, Zimmer K, Van Depol M, Dweck L, Kestler M, Werner N, Ashraf M, Quick A, Schallert G, Sligh T, Trueba P, Batista J, Martinez T, Moya J, Amarales V, Santos E, Torres P, Diaz T, Diaz J, Hodish I, Else T, Buras E, Moratis A, Valika S, Rahman A, Malalis W, Box E, Box P, Kerwood B, Nagaeva J, Metz C, Hinnant J, Griswell D, Philbeck A, Dukkipati R, Shaarawy R, Patak R, Kaye W, Steinsapir J, Horowitz B, Denenberg M, Reynolds C, Jenkinsdr M, Adlakha A, Hicklin H, Peelman J, Lerman S, Lamkin S, Smith S, Gould G, Cheung D, Stephen Z, Leigh T, Norwood P, Chelsea F, Trejo R, Neolms K, Bache R, Dinnerstein A, Sachson R, Aronoff S, Mendez A, Brooks S, Jones L, Dorfman S, Schill J, Leuck, Miklius A, Maw K, Hahn J, Gamarra L, Buynak R, Smith M, Ames J, Volom P, Anderson R, Desouza C, Shivaswamy V, Lefebvre G, Schweppe L, Berenguer R, Nelson R, Mas L, Gonzalez N, Palacio J, Bartkowiak A, Dilling J, Jordan T, Geishauser J, Jordan R, Arias E, Griffin C, Fisher M, Bryant C, Schnitz W, Kipgen W, Kasper J, Lopez R, Wright E, Thomas J, Weinstein D, Emerick G, Mendelson R, Aqua K, Lafaille J, Seco G, Garcia G, Cubillas M, de Souza J, Schneider A, Tjaden J, Goswami G, Schubart U, Kishore P, Bravo W, Guerrero J, Bertoli-Avella M, Reyes C, Dominguez M, Ramos S, Columbie A, Ares-Romero P, Hechavarria J, Villaverde M, Doyle N, Sherrod T, Krishnaswamy K, Aamir S, Giddaluri P, Guevara S, Kazmi P, Thomas P, Popeil L, Albright D, Pimentel S, Mould E, Cox M, Alderson T, Conrow J, Sandberg J, Raam S, Suresh B, Lafave J, Lorenz T, Johnston J, Fereidouni S, Mahadevan A, West R, Nelson A, Scott K, Ansari S, Khan B, Rastogi A, Saumell F, Gonzalez G, Torres E, Elias R, Hart T, Lozano J, Gudavilla G, Savin V, Khan A, Wiegmann T, Goel A, Gomes M, Fernandez-Gonzalez M, Gustavo F, Ivan C, Chiong R, Llerena S, Jimenez M, Oram D, George D, Lewis J, Kiefer J, Dollman A, Edje L, Pastor F, Kandath D, Lorch D, Graves A, Powell R, Hooker T, Shah S, Gomez N, Miranda F, Rosales J, Bayona I, Gomez Y, Guedes R, Rodriguez Y, Wahlen J, Jonathan W, Spencer H, Michael W, Kumar U, Govindariju K, Ordonez S, Aguirre H, Sulur P, Agarwal N, Peters L, Kaviani B, Fomenko O, Firek A, Loreen W, Ronald F, Olha F, Parrillo J, Janovitz R, Hutchinson R, Delgado E, Ashley A, Robinson S, Barbel-Johnson K, Timothy L, William C, Al-Karadsheh A, Hooper L, Suarez J, Perez D, Guerrero V, Tung D, Loo C, Sodolak K, Michaelis C, Jackson R, Covington D, Wise J, Tran T, Messina T, Torres D, Falcone J, Barettella M, Patel K, Ribo A, Mattews T, Amendolare D, McGeehan J, Corder C, Black C, Hearne S, Bounds C, Cinderella J, Etherton J, Kiem S, Treuth M, Burke B, Tivikaran V, Howard S, Miller C, Neff H, Giullian J, Mcrae J, Surratt D, Phillips J, Kretchmar J, Valdes M, Cruz J, Navarro E, Zewail A, Tai-Chi-Kwo, Stevens J, Diane S, Kim T, Gregory L, Neal S, William S, Sangrigoli R, Gejer E, Stoller S, Jeffrey D, Colar S, Kenneth W, Farris N, Mooney S, Jamal A, Nitin B, Syed R, Andrew Y, Christopher W, Abid R, Claudio G, Mojtaba M, Amna R, Michael B, Vincent T, Cherlin R, Ashton R, Pudi K, Julian W, Stephen K, Ronald A, Frias J, Kelly S, Hsia S, Clemens P, Cara H, Farley B, Raible L, Oliveros O, Hafeez H, Pecci P, Bagga-Malhotra S, Reza R, Jamal M, Mulgado M, Guevara A, Vela M, Ochoa H, Melliza T, Pena G, Awua-Larbi S, Shafi M, Alausa T, Polster S, Earl J, McNeill R, Farrington C, Carr K, Nabat M, Matthew S, Yvette E, Handelsman Y, Delkhah S, Ismail Y, Janna C, Akhtar A, Neiman A, Blumenthal S, Colleen V, Schmidt D, Ashraf E, Bhargava A, Khoo T, Langel C, Theuma P, Wright D, Fitzgerald K, Hitchcock J, Capasso-Gulve E, Wolff E, Umpierrez G, Priyathama V, Francisco P, Dawn S, Quraishi A, Kahn B, Ferro F, Hertz B, Phelps J, Campbell A, Downing J, Pangtay D, Pangatay S, Villagran-Solis K, Haseeb M, Rettig K, Kwan R, Cox R, Slimak V, So A, Schmedtje J, Chang A, Douglas Z, McGarity W, Jestel J, Kanade P, Julie J, Asher R, Canaan Y, Perez A, Alonso I, Cutchin R, Koser A, Adeola Y, Brito S, Stocks J, Frandsen B, Weigelt M, Stehouwer E, Ince C, Stephen P, Shadi B, Jeffrey C, Thethi T, Carpio G, McDuffie R, Moreau C, Stell C, Katalenich B, McKendall-Lewis C, Htun W, Conroy K, Lovre D, Galagan R, Olmeda C, Sihota A, Barton A, Beasley R, Nankivel P, Aberle M, Machin I, Porras J, Rodriguez D, Albornoz A, Haidar A, Lopez-Santini R, Rivero G, Robins G, Colyar L, Hutchins C, Sturm D, Hart K, Phillips T, Montgomery C, Albrecht W, Fehlis K, Overman D, Box M, Villarreal-Martinez D, David-Svatek D, Ajani D, Shaikh Z, Wheeler K, Brown M, Ghosh C, Bandukwala I, Kleber S, Madden J, Bishara M, Perry K, Paoli-Bruno J, Abreu E, Espiritu R, Zmeili O, Christensen T, Grubb S, Beloff S, Caugh A, van Dijk C, Yalavarthy R, DeGraauw J, Fabian S, Gillum D, Corrigan G, Singh H, Jensen K, DeMore S, Montague T, Zieve F, Levy J, Fredrickson S, Tarkington P, Chapla P, Salacata A, Walls U, Iyer R, Nguyen K, Lettman J, Appleman B, Safavie F, Scaliem L, Eder F, Maklad S, Schlaen B, Molstead J, Hartwell J, Hubish D, Little R, Rando K, Kelly R, Drury M, Young P, Wininger S, Harman A, Daza R, Robbin S, Sanchez M, Rivera I, Garcia-Estrada M, Iglesias N, Dobs A, Andrade A, Falkowski S, Parrott T, Koon A, Wood T, Burkett E, Chavous K, Gupta A, Estes C, Loud D, Rhodes S, Chen M, Bromley L, Palma R, Kattan D, Kirk U, Tatu H, Stamatin R, Lupea S, Frasie M, Colfer H, Kane L, Teklinski A, Gadowski G, Levanovich P, Saba F, Confident L, Hossain S, Steinberg B, Philippe B, Choroenthkongtrakal S, Boccalano F, Anand R, Syam V, Manohar A, Suresh P, Madhusudhan P, Patel P, Cambier P, Klonaris J, Cheng W, Fisher S, Schelle M, Reese L, McLean S, Poock J, Hoens J, Rosie A, Welshons R, Dean J, Kuhlman P, Luke R, Lohrbauer L, Cunningham M, Buday P, Lehmann M, Chrzanowski K, Fletcher A, Hargrove J, Harris F, Debs-Perez G, Maiquez A, Cordoves L, Georgescu M, Tayoun H, Munoz F, Ortiz D, Munoz G, Hamzeh I, Misra A, Zhang L, Forgosh L, Loria K, Roncari C, Hommerding J, Morris G, Lebron C, Blake K, LaVenture K, Lange C, Levinson L, Baungarten T, Edevante S, Shawley S, Moyer H, Elliott K, Iachini K, Rajan R, Davis C, Shattuck A, Simon W, Lakin G, Secrist N, Buth D, Steere D, Talbot K, Singh N, Mascolo R, Sloan S, Kmetzo J, Brown J, Carter L, Lawrence M, Arauz-Pacheco C, Lender D, Kozlow W, Cavanaugh L, Wilson J, Gujja P, Akhter F, Khan M, Mohammed A, Satyavolu S, Dev D, Yalamanchili H, Sumeyye C, Fernandes H, Chaleff F, Jancko M, Trenche S, Kaplan W, Wilcox S, Goisse M, Rua M, Black J, Chapman K, Suh D, Yan L, Song D, Chanara S, Houchin V, McKeinness A, Sotolongo R, Gutierrez K, Miranda-Palma B, Solano M, Jain M, Needell J, Banerjee A, Jarratt M, Hantel S, Lees K, Welty F, Freedman S, Parhofer K, Birkeland K, McGill J, Tijssen J, Clemmensen P, Pehrson S, Grande P, Januzzi J, Wood M, Petrie M, Sairanen T, Tatlisumak T, Soinne L, Kase C, Turan T, Mann J, Agarwal R, Fogarty D, Navaneethan S, Srinivas T, Forsmark C, Frossard J, Gelrud A, Mayerle J, Lee R, Heist R, Sullivan R, Buchbinder E, Chodak G, Edelman M, Thompson V, Coles A, and CARMELINA Investigators
- Subjects
cardiovascular disease ,type 2 diabetes mellitus ,heart failure ,chronic kidney diseases - Abstract
Background: Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus are at increased risk for heart failure (HF), particularly those with coexisting atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or kidney disease. Some but not all dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors have been associated with increased HF risk. We performed secondary analyses of HF and related outcomes with the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor linagliptin versus placebo in CARMELINA (The Cardiovascular and Renal Microvascular Outcome Study With Linagliptin), a cardiovascular outcomes trial that enrolled participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or kidney disease. Methods: Participants in 27 countries with type 2 diabetes mellitus and concomitant atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or kidney disease were randomized 1:1 to receive once daily oral linagliptin 5 mg or placebo, on top of standard of care. All hospitalization for HF (hHF), cardiovascular outcomes, and deaths were prospectively captured and centrally adjudicated. In prespecified and post hoc analyses of HF and related events, Cox proportional hazards models adjusting for region and baseline history of HF were used. Recurrent hHF events were analyzed using a negative binomial model. In a subset of participants with left ventricular ejection fraction captured within the year before randomization, HF-related outcomes were assessed in subgroups stratified by left ventricular ejection fraction > or 50%. Results: CARMELINA enrolled 6979 participants (mean age, 65.9 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate, mL/min per 1.73m(2); hemoglobin A1c, 8.0%; 62.9% men; diabetes mellitus duration, 14.8 years), including 1873 (26.8%) with a history of HF at baseline. Median follow-up was 2.2 years. Linagliptin versus placebo did not affect the incidence of hHF (209/3494 [6.0%] versus 226/3485 [6.5%], respectively; hazard ratio [HR], 0.90; 95% CI, 0.74-1.08), the composite of cardiovascular death/hHF (HR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.82-1.08), or risk for recurrent hHF events (326 versus 359 events, respectively; rate ratio, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.75-1.20). There was no heterogeneity of linagliptin effects on hHF by history of HF at baseline, baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate or urine albumin-creatinine ratio, or prerandomization left ventricular ejection fraction. Conclusions: In a large, international cardiovascular outcome trial in participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and concomitant atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or kidney disease, linagliptin did not affect the risk of hHF or other selected HF-related outcomes, including among participants with and without a history of HF, across the spectrum of kidney disease, and independent of previous left ventricular ejection fraction. Clinical Trial Registration: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01897532.
- Published
- 2019
28. Systematical study of optical potential strengths in reactions involving strongly, weakly bound and exotic nuclei on $^{120}$Sn
- Author
Alvarez, M. A. G., Fernández-Garcíaa, J. P., León-García, J. L., Rodríguez-Gallardo, M., Gasques, L. R., Chamon, L. C., Zagatto, V. A. B., Lépine-Szily, A., Oliveira, J. R. B., Scarduelli, V., Carlson, B. V., Casal, J., Arazi, A., Torres, D. A., and Ramirez, F.
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Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) ,Nuclear Theory ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
We present new experimental angular distributions for the elastic scattering of $^6$Li$+^{120}$Sn at three bombarding energies. We include these data in a wide systematic involving the elastic scattering of $^{4,6}$He, $^7$Li, $^9$Be, $^{10}$B and $^{16,18}$O projectiles on the same target at energies around the respective Coulomb barriers. Considering this data set, we report on optical model analyses based on the double-folding Sao Paulo Potential. Within this approach, we study the sensitivity of the data fit to different models for the nuclear matter densities and to variations in the optical potential strengths.
- Published
- 2019
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29. Impact of a training program on the surveillance of Clostridioiaes difficile infection
- Author
Sopena, N, Freixas, N, Bella, F, Perez, J, Hornero, A, Limon, E, Gudiol, F, Pujol, M, Salgado, X, Lora, M, Martos, P, Niubo, J, Fernandez, G, Castella, L, Valls, S, Santana, G, Lopez, M, Calbo, E, Falgueras, L, Piriz, M, Horcajada, JP, Sorli, L, Lopez-Contreras, J, Cotura, MA, Jover-Saenz, A, Ramirez-Hidalgo, M, Garcia, G, Pico, E, Perez, MO, Domenech, MF, Mas, D, Perez, R, Coloma, A, Grau, L, Andres, M, Vilamala, A, Martinez, MJ, Cuquet, J, Vasquez, R, Castro, A, Iftimie, S, Sanchez, I, Claros, M, Vilaro, I, Jofre, M, Coll, R, Brugues, M, Marron, A, Sauca, G, Barrufet, MP, Marimon, M, Tortajada, S, Gallardo, M, Vaque, M, Meije, Y, Berbel, C, Garcia, I, Serrat, J, Palau, E, Garcia, A, Galles, C, Laborda, R, Martinez, A, Burgas, MC, Girbal, P, Sala, C, Moreno, MJ, Ros, MT, Angas, J, Smithson, A, Bastida, MT, de la Fuente, JC, Rovira, M, Martin-Urda, A, Aliu, T, Diaz-Brito, V, Moreno, E, Agusti, C, Pena, I, Grau, J, Benitez, RM, Blancas, D, Martinez, S, Ferrer, R, Capdevila, E, Sanfeliu, E, Blasco, MM, Monzon, H, Sancliment, S, Hernandez, S, Castander, D, Montardit, I, Sanz, M, Sabate, S, Gese, T, Hernandez, PJ, Tricas, JM, Redon, E, Panisello, M, Ferre, RM, Cusco, M, Gabarro, L, Farguell, J, Calaf, E, Fernandez, MC, Oviedo, E, Gudiol, C, Albasanz-Puig, A, Jimenez, M, and Rodrigues, G
- Subjects
Clostridioides difficile ,surveillance ,infection prevention ,Clostridium difficile ,medical education - Abstract
A high degree of vigilance and appropriate diagnostic methods are required to detect Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). We studied the effectiveness of a multimodal training program for improving CDI surveillance and prevention. Between 2011 and 2016, this program was made available to healthcare staff of acute care hospitals in Catalonia. The program included an online course, two face-to-face workshops and dissemination of recommendations on prevention and diagnosis. Adherence to the recommendations was evaluated through surveys administered to the infection control teams at the 38 participating hospitals. The incidence of CDI increased from 2.20 cases/10 000 patient-days in 2011 to 3.41 in 2016 (P < 0.001). The number of hospitals that applied an optimal diagnostic algorithm rose from 32.0% to 71.1% (P = 0.002). Hospitals that applied an optimal diagnostic algorithm reported a higher overall incidence of CDI (3.62 vs. 1.92, P < 0.001), and hospitals that were more active in searching for cases reported higher rates of hospital-acquired CDI (1.76 vs. 0.84, P < 0.001). The results suggest that the application of a multimodal training strategy was associated with a significant rise in the reporting of CDI, as well as with an increase in the application of the optimal diagnostic algorithm.
- Published
- 2019
30. Effect of Linagliptin vs Placebo on Major Cardiovascular Events in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes and High Cardiovascular and Renal Risk The CARMELINA Randomized Clinical Trial
- Author
Rosenstock J, Perkovic V, Johansen O, Cooper M, Kahn S, Marx N, Alexander J, Pencina M, Toto R, Wanner C, Zinman B, Woerle H, Baanstra D, Pfarr E, Schnaidt S, Meinicke T, George J, von Eynatten M, McGuire D, Aizenberg D, Fiorella A, Edgardo N, Belen C, Alonso P, Walter M, Maia K, Guillermo S, Leandro B, Constanza R, Alejandra N, Melina C, Ariel I, Rodrigo C, Alvarez C, Jorge M, Gabriel C, German S, Bartolacci I, Bolobanich G, Tale T, Meritano M, Echeverria M, Gerrini S, Alvarez M, Torrijos N, Berli M, Coggiola J, Castaneda G, Rode R, Milessi R, Roude A, Bono J, Caresani J, Arias V, Westberg J, Allende G, Liberman A, Bordonava A, Almagro S, Gerbaudo C, Schiavi L, Budassi N, Cecilia M, Buncuga M, Carlos S, Osvaldo T, Mercedes S, Calella P, Agustina V, Aljandro M, Alberto D, Fiorella M, Cantero M, Cariganano M, Anadon P, Cartasegna L, Gabriela M, Fernanda A, Alberto R, Chacon C, Jazmin F, Colombo H, Coni E, Mattausch S, Thomsenhall K, della Torre M, Morandini M, Berra F, Margarita H, Commendatore V, Tedesco J, Bolzan P, Cuneo C, Narcisa G, Caputi V, Pablo S, Sandra G, Pacora F, Tinari M, Jure H, Parody M, Toranzo A, Frechtel G, Yohena S, Lovecchio S, Muller C, Martin S, Olivera C, Breyaui M, Bianchi G, Garcia C, Luciana V, Florencia F, Ruben G, Gelersztein E, Rey G, Sanchez C, Fornasari L, Di Pierro L, Giacomi G, Miguel S, Laura T, Gonzalo C, Ramon C, Glenny J, Koretzky M, Porto A, Tiberio O, Ellenberg A, Saurral R, Igarzabal C, Vilamajo O, Matkovich J, de Lapertosa S, Villagra M, Cuzziol G, de la Cruz M, Pinchetti R, Mierez M, Lopez C, Gorosito V, Gabito A, Kleiban A, Grosembacher L, Adrian P, Paula R, Javier G, Kraft F, Andres F, Krynski F, Nicolas P, Marcelo F, Alfredo F, de la Fuente R, Natalia C, Luquez H, Recuero Y, Becchetti N, Ruiz M, Costantino M, Vazquez G, Guzman C, Pelatia P, Maffei L, Sassone S, Yantorno M, Prado G, Khron B, Maldonado N, Gustavo L, Veronica V, Marino J, Elizabeth A, Alejandra C, Oscar R, Azize G, Gallardo M, Escudero M, Vargas E, Ramos H, Lucero C, Najenson M, Crocci I, Chiesa A, Nardone L, Dominguez S, Zanini A, Manghi F, Grossman M, Giudice G, Romeo A, Piskorz D, Miguel C, Susana D, Noeli U, Rosa S, Martin V, Soledad A, Virginia M, Lorena G, Prado A, Veronica L, Eduardo H, Adolfo P, Florencia W, Rista L, Scolari C, Rojas N, Bertolio V, Zarandon R, Jair S, Orlando C, Sanabria H, Ignacio D, Viviana C, Marina R, Sarjanovich R, Scaro G, Huerta C, Mana M, Gutierrez M, Dain A, Gavicola R, Sessa H, Sacripanti J, Felman R, Vilarino P, Sicer M, Lagrutta M, Sala J, Casabella T, Cecilia H, Carlos B, Vines G, Javier R, Vico M, Lanchiotti P, Martella C, Torres L, Villarino A, Molina M, Martinez J, Farias C, Bertola S, Rojas M, Guzman P, Nisi J, Martinez D, Barrionuevo M, Vita N, Lopez A, Vottero E, Giuliano M, Paron L, Vogel D, Mele P, Imposti H, Dominguez A, Zaidman C, Fernando G, Beck M, Beltrame P, Chemello D, Junior R, Abreu A, Fernandes V, Saboia J, Rodrigues L, Carvalho M, Gurgel M, Gadelha D, Ramos C, Borba V, Golbert M, Pitthan M, Golbert L, Valentini R, Canani L, Gross J, Valenti A, Sartori C, Dutra O, Azevedo E, Azevedo A, Vaz R, Vaz H, da Costa F, da Costa L, Panarotto D, Lain F, Camazzola F, Dellomea B, Rech R, Pizzato P, Nunes C, Jaeger C, Silveira D, Wagner L, Machado L, Rea R, de Bem A, Alves J, Jonasson T, Malucelli F, Betti R, Lerario A, Lisboa H, Bem J, Tres G, Tavares C, Nardi A, Pozzatto M, Backes L, Reolao J, Scariot E, Ziguer E, Baldissera D, Griz L, Antunes D, Victor F, Freire K, Barros A, Costi B, Sa M, Carneiro A, Felicio J, Felicio K, Penha P, Ferreira J, Melo F, Alves A, Souza A, Costa L, Pinheiro D, Turatti L, Augusto G, Leanca C, Santomauro A, Forti A, Sena R, Marinho A, Facanha C, de Souza K, de Souza A, de Queiroz W, Leite S, Vieira S, Gubert L, Olsen A, Piazzetta G, Fuck A, Ferreira M, Fortes J, Brandao T, Alves F, Radice E, dos Santos J, de Almeida R, Franco D, Saporito W, Eliaschewitz F, de Siqueira K, Bona R, Genestreti P, de Castro D, Visconti G, Sampaio C, Palhares F, Konigsfeld H, Alves E, Feder C, Leao B, Saraiva J, Rodovalho S, Costa M, Pires N, Figueiredo E, Werner G, Garcia J, de Paiva I, Quirino B, Botelho R, da Silva R, Navarro A, Lourenco C, Pereira A, Arantes F, Boner D, Saad J, Falchetto E, Washizu E, Mandil A, Pimenta N, Tofani F, Fonseca T, Teixeira L, Maia L, Lemos M, Mouco O, Nakazone M, Weiand L, Bohn J, Hissa M, Araripe F, Carvalho F, Cancado G, Wang R, Chacra A, Fusaro A, de Mendonca E, Cercato C, Halpern A, Alves B, Braile M, Sestito R, Mustafa E, Ferreira V, Sbardellini B, de Almeida P, Guimaraes F, Piedade M, Bienert I, Braga J, Daher R, Hirakawa T, Terra E, Farias E, Figueiredo M, Lima L, Moraes K, Avelino I, Flato U, Plavnik F, Portes E, Moreira M, Vendramini M, Veloso R, Padilha M, Rodrigues A, Adam R, Santos S, Sayeg N, Guerrero D, Madeira M, Siqueira J, Pinheiro R, Villacorta A, Mellazi A, Braga T, Kaiser S, Paolino B, Lefterov I, Marinchev A, Angelova S, Klyuchkova N, Lybomirova Z, Kerekovski Y, Kuneva T, Penkova D, Levterov G, Videnova E, Georgieva P, Shinkov A, Borissova A, Vlahov J, Dakovska-Dekova L, Lucheva M, Luchev P, Temelkova M, Borisova K, Tsenov S, Andreeva V, Margaritov V, Arasheva G, Lozanov L, Borisov R, Gorcheva D, Henein S, Whatley S, Boutros M, Kalyniuk N, Berlingieri J, Nisker W, Hoag G, Hepburn D, Harvey M, Manjoo P, Yale J, Sherman M, Tsoukas M, Rehman W, Mason M, Santerre M, De Kock J, Barkhuizen F, Rooke C, Gill C, Kooy J, Burgoyne G, de Kock J, Degen G, Hockman L, Invik R, Roberts P, Ward K, Alasaad H, Susan A, Davies V, Gupta N, Milhalidis J, Grossman L, Agawal N, Yared Z, Rwaheed, Nouhad S, Nahla A, Khandwala H, Warwick A, Wadehra D, Manan A, Vecchiarelli J, Aslam N, Ferrao A, St-Maurice F, Collette R, Davey B, Nawaz S, Coutu B, Costi P, Greiss I, Mansour F, Raymond J, St-Phard W, Nadra I, Della Siega A, Barahona L, Klinke P, Contractor H, Fryer M, Chandra N, Conti B, Telzer L, Sorensen S, Lounsbury N, Martin E, Mitchell L, Pelzer E, Nelson S, Jones M, Cox J, Luco G, Trhoughton T, Labonte R, Chouinard G, Frechette A, Rheaume M, Cusson J, Faucher J, Dery V, Kelly A, Miranda B, Al-Kayssi N, Malette P, Rheault P, Fredette P, Dumas R, Palardy J, Belanger A, Boucher P, Doyon B, Charbonneau J, Bailey G, Odendaal M, Stephan K, Badenhorst J, Knight D, Thurgood A, Johnston M, Cooper-Rosen E, Jagger R, Green M, Weisnagel S, Gangloff A, Bergeron J, Pesant Y, Chevalier P, Woo V, Hurd C, Ruckert G, Lira J, Navarro G, Venegas M, Gonzalez P, Montecinos H, Vidal G, Fernandez M, Varas J, Fernandez C, Aguilar J, Marin R, Kindel C, Yovaniniz P, Gherman O, Aravena M, Carvajal J, Macias E, Corrado P, Lazcano M, Garrido B, Charme G, Carrasco J, Vignolo P, Saavedra S, Gajardo V, Saavedra C, Santamaria D, del Castillo B, Balda I, Zurvarra V, Fu G, Jiang D, Huang H, Wang M, Song J, Lu W, Lin Y, Lu Z, Shi Y, Zhong M, Zhao X, Chen D, Zhang G, He Y, Shi P, Chu K, Gao Q, Deng W, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Chen H, Liu E, Xie Y, Lin R, Tan W, Yuan Z, Wang Y, Ren J, Yu H, Luo M, Ma W, Shi W, Xu H, Xu M, Liu G, Dong Y, Bai B, Guo R, Liu X, Gao Y, Li S, Xu X, Liu P, Dong X, Wang S, Fu F, Jiang Q, Meng C, Yin X, Lu Y, Cui Y, Su G, Miao W, Wei F, Zhao Q, Li Z, Gao X, Lozno H, Prada W, Figueroa W, Ordonez A, Quintero E, Vallejo G, Contreras C, Escobar J, Alvaran J, Ortiz L, Marin M, Montoya C, Mendoza J, Manjarres J, Navarro B, Martinez G, Bonfanti A, Perci X, de la Hoz L, Arroyo J, Rendon C, Lopez J, Escobar N, Franco J, Lozano M, Zapata C, Ibarra L, Barrero A, Sarmiento A, Lozada H, Olitte M, Florez L, Munoz C, Quintero G, Correa G, Ruiz S, Dorado A, Causa A, Palma E, Morales A, Arteaga J, Beltran J, Granados M, Rubio A, Dada F, Bueno W, Rivera R, Corredor K, Romero V, Accini F, Palmera J, Ruiz G, Ortega M, Sanchez A, Lora Y, Cano J, Duque S, Thiriez S, Castano M, Giraldo P, Boljkovac Z, Grcic I, Balen M, Zukanovic S, Jeric M, Dvorscak D, Car S, Knezevic A, Herceg D, Franov B, Miskovic V, Bakula M, Hadak A, Superba M, Rubes J, Gornik I, Hamzic J, Ballek L, Sedlackova L, Hejlova J, Galatikova D, Huskova A, Zak P, Flekac M, Mraz M, Potuznik P, Palova S, Novak P, Okenka L, Matuska J, Rohac F, Vondrak K, Reichert P, Shamasna A, Skopek J, Lejskova M, Jiruska M, Lang P, Podoubsky R, Svobodova J, Cifkova R, Jozifova M, Krajcoviechova A, Wolfhart P, Sulc P, Silhova E, Cechakova M, Machova V, Balkova J, Peterka M, Votocek S, Prosecky R, Valis M, Barton P, Tomek J, Pumprla J, Axmannova M, Vitaskova R, Sincl F, Horanska P, Richter B, Malicherova E, Roderova E, Jenickova P, Winkelmann B, Finger C, Klausmann G, Milek K, Schwabe M, Weiss N, Mahlmann A, Werth S, Schmidt C, Schoell I, London M, Steidl E, Orban K, Taeschner H, Bonigut S, Schiefke I, Schwittay A, Kornmann O, Eich A, Franke S, Kis J, Szobota E, Danos P, Beke E, Grosz A, Csecsei G, Ferenczy J, Filo A, Ferencz I, Mihaly E, Baranyi T, Revesz K, Schlezak J, Harcsa E, Dombroczki Z, Kocsis I, Juhasz E, Literati-Nagy B, Kulcsar E, Bezzeg K, Kemeny V, Peterfai E, Buday B, Keltai K, Balo T, Somogyi A, Nagy G, Oroszlan T, Bagosi Z, Bujtor Z, Tabak A, Ferencz V, Domjan B, Tanczer T, Palinkas A, Karolyi H, Kovacs K, Csaszar I, Palhegyi E, Engelhalter G, Horthy R, Vanko E, Szabo G, Sipos G, Szigyarto M, Sebo N, Paragh G, Zsiros N, Szentimrei R, Pal D, Kobling T, Szanto I, Varadi Z, Bajnok L, Szujo S, Nemes O, Bajnok A, Mezosi E, Bodis B, Marton Z, Konyves L, Farago M, Kiss G, Kiss O, Nagy E, Takacs R, Nyitray S, Abraham G, Fehertemplomi K, Deak L, Dezso E, Karneili E, Deeb D, Zloczower M, Mahmid R, Zolotov S, Hochberg I, Elias M, Goldstein L, Poletaev V, Rock W, Koren O, Saliba W, Wolf F, Adawi F, Nimer A, Mosenzon O, Raz I, Potekhin M, Cahn A, Yulian T, Zvulunov E, Israel H, Shpitz D, Bar-Or I, Chananashvili L, Irena L, Dessau H, Halabe A, Vishlitzky V, Nabriski D, Baraf L, Itelman M, Schiff E, Willner N, Fireman-Klein E, Svistunov V, Dotan Y, Pavlichev O, Saig L, Bashkin A, Kuyantseva E, Gershkov S, Nodelman M, Arbel Y, Bogomolny N, Leshem-Rubinow E, Rofe M, Chorin E, Havkuk O, Wainstein J, Feldman D, Fujino Y, Kitamura H, Toriumi Y, Ishiguro H, Naganuma T, Shu S, Suzuki K, Hirota Y, Hayashi T, Hozawa K, Fukui T, Abe Y, Yamauchi K, Maruyama M, Matsumura S, Kozuma R, Nagai Y, Kihara Y, Maeda H, Nakanishi K, Iitsuka T, Hatori M, Shinozaki Y, Akiyama D, Kawabe M, Takei M, Sato A, Kawai Y, Kitajima K, Ide M, Sato N, Morisaki H, Nakashima K, Takayanagi H, Watanabe H, Iwahashi N, Tsujimoto M, Hibuse K, Hata T, Ueno K, Tatsuma H, Wakida Y, Ito T, Mizuno R, Fujita H, Konishi N, Kanehira T, Watanabe R, Miyaoka H, Okada T, Yamamoto M, Okita S, Murakami H, Todo Y, Umeoka F, Hori K, Shiraishi K, Tada F, Shimizu T, Tamai J, Sasaki C, Okuzima Y, Yasuda M, Iwaita Y, Tanaka K, Rha S, Na J, Cho D, Cho Y, Hwang E, Choi T, Won K, Kim H, Kim S, Oh D, Lee J, Choi H, Chung H, Park H, Suh Y, Kim Y, Kim N, Kim K, An J, Kim J, Park K, Kwak S, Kim M, Hwangbo Y, Lee D, Hong A, Kim L, Oh C, Moon S, Jung C, Jin J, Hyun B, Yang Y, Kong S, Yoon K, Yang H, Hong T, Oh J, Park J, Lee H, Choi J, Ahn J, Han S, Park W, Jo S, Suh S, An W, Park M, Lee S, Kim D, Jin H, Seo J, Chung C, Lim J, Huh J, Park I, Yu S, Sim N, Khan S, Albakari N, Sivaraman J, Manaf K, Maharuddin I, Nagendram S, Ali N, Abdul Latiff N, Othman N, Sarip S, Chew E, Mohamed S, Aziz N, Hui K, Lin L, Velaiutham S, Khir A, Lee L, Manikam S, Chooi K, Chang M, Ooi C, Anthony J, Seganathirajah M, Ng O, Ismail N, Cheah C, Ramanathan G, Mui N, Wen F, Choo T, Bin Ruhani A, Jamaludin S, Abidin S, Nor F, Abu Hassan M, Hanari N, Ahmad N, Suan M, Zainul N, Ali S, Sridhar G, Han C, Chin A, Vin L, Kadir K, Zain A, Hussain N, Pusparajah P, Lozano F, Gomez A, Zaccari E, Vigil A, Preciado C, de Leon M, Parra M, Cervantes A, Aguirre E, Orozco E, Gonzalez S, Elizondo R, Flores E, Guerrero M, Flores F, Sanchez J, Perez F, Rodriguez J, Martinez L, Marquez D, Gutierrez B, Flores M, Real M, Campos P, Garcia P, Rios M, Romero E, Perez Z, Tarabay C, Munoz L, Farias J, Gonzalez J, Palestino N, Sanchez L, Carrillo G, Ordonez N, Pech C, Andrade M, Euan J, Ortegon M, Garcia S, Orozco J, Vazquez H, Herrera R, Perez E, Arango A, Ibarra M, Gonzales L, Esperano J, Quintana L, Salazar I, Ruiz L, Barron C, Ballesteros C, Cervera L, Hercilla E, Gomez H, Mesa J, Herrera P, Rodriguez M, Ochoa R, Mora E, Charles C, Silva R, Mijangos J, Diaz C, Zavala C, Baron P, Bernal A, Martinez F, Tlapale M, Ramirez E, Basila A, Munguia R, Tello M, Martinez M, Mulder H, van der Graaff P, Nawaz A, Keller I, Schoofs M, Smak-Gregoor P, Al-Windy N, Bulut S, de Jong J, Maas A, Schaardenburgh P, Imholz B, Heijster J, Hoogenberg K, Smit C, Kooy A, Huvers F, Landewe-Cleuren S, Kars M, van Moorsel D, Wolffenbuttel B, Lutgens H, Schutte E, Gansevoort R, Idzerda N, Westerink J, Weijmans M, Berg J, van Kleef M, Slob M, Jaspers N, Hovens M, Monajemi H, Kobielusz-Gembala I, Zmuda W, Adamczyk M, Konieczny M, Strzelecka-Sosik A, Nowacka E, Krzyzagorska E, Sekulska M, CzajkowskaKaczmarek E, Kaczmarek B, Opawska K, Dabrowska M, Kus W, Wrzesien-Kus A, Piotrowski G, Hotlos L, Ocicka-Kozakiewicz A, Jurowiecki J, Stasinska T, Karczewicz-Janowska J, Jaruga J, ZytkiewiczJaruga D, Krupinska E, Pupek-Musialik D, Bogdanski P, Szulinska M, Skrypnik D, Skokowska E, Bojarska-Los M, Giermkowska-Samek M, Pirog M, Wojnowski L, Jelinska A, Gradzka M, Danyluk A, Lysek R, Sliwinska T, Podrazka-Szczepaniak A, Barney M, Tomczyk A, Necki M, Malicka J, Dudzinska M, KiszczakBochynska E, Markiewicz A, Galbas K, Paciorkowski A, Mazur S, Mazur M, Chmielowski A, Swiatek A, Sobocka B, Wis J, Jozefowska M, Kaczmarek M, Timler M, Cieplucha Z, Lazuka L, Lazuka N, Wittek A, Spyra J, Jasiel-Wojculewicz H, Stefanski A, Wierucki L, Hanczuk A, Misiura M, Szmygel K, Kolcowa O, Orlowska-Kunikowska E, Rutkowski M, Ignaszewska-Wyrzykowska A, Popenda G, Maciejewska J, Mostowy A, WojteckaGrabka M, Grazyna M, Wieslaw K, Barbara K, Kramarczuk E, Wojciech C, Jaroslaw H, Ewa B, Karas P, Agnieszka S, Hanna C, Justyna S, Piotr K, Wozniak I, Mateusz W, Katarzyna W, Jacek F, Andrzej J, Cymerman K, Gmytrasiewicz M, Zambrzycki J, Krysiak-Kowaluk H, Klodawska K, Klszczewski Z, Zieleniewski J, Opadczuk P, Urbanska K, Faran-Grabowska K, Szczepanik T, Siegel A, Kleczek A, Kincel K, Nowak D, Slowik-Gomulka L, Watemborska-Matuszyk G, Lampart J, Strozik-Krecichwost A, Dziewit T, Broncel M, Wojcik-Odyniec J, Jakubczyk E, Wierzbicka K, Witowicz A, Jedrych B, Korczyk P, Socik-Pojawa M, Monteiro P, Monteiro S, Mendes P, Soares F, Mendes S, Leite L, Vicente J, Santos M, Ferreira A, Alves P, Rosario F, Garrao A, Duarte L, Rogado C, Duarte R, Laginha T, Matos P, Raposo J, Mariz J, Teixeira J, Capela C, Leitao A, Cardiga R, Alface M, Augusto S, Basto L, Cunha A, Rei D, Dantas J, Verdasca I, Andrade L, Silva A, Suarez M, Dias V, Silva J, Pereira N, Goncalves M, Goncalves A, Silveira A, Sampaio A, Dias A, Diogo M, Vilaca C, Cif A, Calin T, Elena S, Crisan C, Adina S, Ramona S, Anghel V, Simona C, Turcu L, Mihaela V, Cosma D, Cristina H, Marius-Calin H, Negrisanu G, Andreea-Andrada M, Maria-Mihaela V, Camelia T, Oana P, Monia A, Onaca A, Mircea O, Mot A, Stolea V, Elena N, Barbonta D, Cristian B, Oana S, Popescu A, Madalina M, Coman A, Anca C, Constantinescu S, Mircea C, Diaconu-Sotropa M, Ene D, Pintilei E, Mihai G, Delia R, Toarba I, Simona H, Negru D, Flaminzeanu F, Iulian C, Maria-Cristina C, Doros R, Cleo S, Sorin B, Demian L, Mihai S, Raul B, Ioana A, Nicolau A, Cosmin P, Isabela G, Elena C, Ileana T, Valuyskikh E, Miroshnichenko E, Klementyeva N, Zelman O, Chumakova G, Vigel A, Leonova N, Pergaeva Y, Stefanovskaya O, Pushkareva S, Antoshkina L, Zheleznova N, Iveitsman, Barbarash O, Zvereva T, Zhuravleva E, Zavyrylina I, Usoltceva E, Savostyanova Y, Kupriyanova T, Krivoshapova K, Kondyukova N, Inozemceva A, Argunova Y, Tsyba L, Belenky D, Mariich O, Terekhova A, Tsygankova O, Kuznetsova E, Nagibovich G, Ivchenko Y, Dobronravov V, Dobronravov A, Bush M, Trofimenko I, Vishnevsky A, Zikov V, Kositsyn D, Palzman Z, Spiridonova T, Rodina N, Polozhentsev S, Mamedova L, Panov A, Abesadze I, Alugishvili M, Ivashkin V, Drapkina O, Korneeva O, Zyatenkova E, Glinkina I, Poluboyarinova I, Gurova O, Raykhman A, Vertkin A, Rodykova I, Shamaeva K, Petrovskaya T, Uzueva E, Milovanov Y, Milovanova S, Milovanova L, Markina M, Dobrosmyslov I, Markov V, Afanasiev S, Babich E, Belokopytova N, Demyanov S, Maximov A, Maximov I, Rebrova T, Shtatolkina M, Masin A, Demko A, Chuyko O, Pronina A, Charf G, Akatova E, Urlaeva I, Nikolin O, Khovaeva Y, Ermachkova L, Burdina E, Shvalb P, Suchkov I, Pshennikov A, Gryaznov S, Rymar O, Dolinskaya Y, Bahareva Y, Mustafina S, Sherbakova L, Ovsyannikova A, Bolshakova O, Polunicheva E, Dora S, Agafyina A, Yashina A, Vasilieva I, Yakhontova P, Selivanova S, Kargapoltseva O, Shilina N, Bayramova G, Sorokin I, Astamirova K, Kuchuk P, Koniushenko D, Malykh N, Dvorkin M, Krovelets T, Konovalova K, Seeber M, van Niekerk F, Siebert H, Steenkamp W, Wiid S, Noeth M, Siebert R, Breedt J, Bouwer J, Kapp C, Venter T, Rayner B, Trinder Y, Rheeder P, Delport E, Mathijs S, Soma P, van Zyl D, Strydom M, Marais A, Badat A, Hansa S, Fourie D, Walton T, Engelbrecht J, Jansen J, Roos J, du Toit S, Lehloenya K, van Zyl L, van Zyl F, Naude M, Mookadam M, van der Merwe A, Trokis J, Lombard L, Coetzee K, Ismail S, Bruning H, Latiff G, Yasmin O, Pillay T, Mohamed Z, Dawood S, Stapelberg A, Abrahams P, Jurgens J, van Heerden P, Swart E, Botha C, Meeding J, Hemus A, Oosthuysen W, Visagie G, Fourie N, Hutton P, van der Merwe N, Chelin N, Everton T, Duki M, Ghila N, Joshi M, Hira M, Madueno F, Martinez B, Sebastian N, Mercadal L, Isbert S, Gonzalez I, Asencio J, Figueras M, Rivas M, Garcia H, Fusalba A, Geat D, Cambra G, Sastre J, Castro F, Mas A, Portillo C, Serrano I, Hernandez S, Fajardo F, Juan C, Ferrer J, Peralta F, Padin C, Mauricio D, Madorell B, San Miguel F, Pedrol N, Trescoli C, Montanana C, Gonzalo M, Capellan J, Estrella A, Martinez C, Montesinos I, Loscos A, Coronado J, Perez J, Castillo B, Alonso C, Quesada V, Teruel J, Perez S, Lama M, del Rio E, Zlova T, Ponomarenko K, Karpenko O, Bezuglova S, Mitskevych L, Kizim S, Nevolina I, Katerenchuk V, Liudmyla B, Ivan K, Rudyk I, Olena M, Anna I, Ganna B, Topchii I, Semenovykh P, Yulia Y, Mykhalchyshyn G, Kirienko D, Kobiliak N, Bodnar, Mykhalchyshyn, Pertseva N, Olena G, Tomashkevych H, Korpachev V, Prybyla O, Kovalchuk A, Kushnarova N, Zinych O, Tseluyko V, Andriy Z, Olga R, Mankovskyy B, Zherdova N, Lykhoshapko O, Logoida P, Godlevska O, Olena V, Olga C, Gyrina O, Alifer O, Dozhuk K, Pekhenko V, Gorobets N, Korneichuk A, Makarenko E, Martynyuk L, Martynuyk O, Stanislavchuk M, Larysa P, Natalia S, Botsyurko V, Kostitska I, Dzeman O, Ablitsov Y, Ivaseiko S, Konovart O, Sandurska S, Vendzilovych Y, Samoylov O, Iryna C, Rozhkivska L, Ulyanchenko I, Kateryna V, Orlenko V, Ivaskina K, Tronko M, Tronko K, Pashkovska N, Stankova N, Vynnychenko L, Bolotnikova N, Demokhova N, Reshotko D, Popova A, Dr Bogdana, Tetiana S, Svitlana D, Oksana R, Vlasenko M, Litvinova S, Semenyuk I, Fishchuk O, Mostovoy Y, Tkachenko T, Ovcharuk M, Rasputina L, Vakaliuk I, Tymochko N, Drapchak I, Petrovska L, Lai W, Yen H, Voon W, Lin T, Cheng K, Chiu C, Chu C, Hsu P, Chiang C, Li Y, Kuo C, Lin S, Chao T, Yu W, Sung S, Wang K, Lu T, Shih K, Wu C, Chiang F, Hwang J, Tsai C, Juang J, Jeng J, Tang S, Lai C, Cheng C, Hsieh I, Hsieh M, Chen C, Lee C, Pai P, Ko P, Wang T, Chen T, Wu H, Chang S, Chen K, Hsieh L, Chou C, Jiang J, Lee M, Huang J, Chen J, Chiu K, Tsai L, Chen P, Saxena M, Collier D, Vaidya B, Harman S, Ramell M, Davies M, Chatterjee S, Meakin L, Quinn M, Bain S, Mallipedhi A, Min T, Bashir J, Blagden M, Ali J, McCrimmon R, Brennan G, Malcolm E, McDonald D, Pearson E, Illsley G, Darzy K, Winocour P, Hanif W, Cockwell P, Charlton M, Thekkepat S, Howat I, Devers M, Patrick J, Wyatt N, Smith C, Singh B, Nicholas J, Gillani S, Green F, Bell E, Boyle J, MacKin S, Livingstone R, Arif A, Syed M, Hammoud J, Sparks J, Anderson M, Tumey R, Condit J, Reddy M, Abalos-Galito M, Rebecca J, Barker T, Seaton B, Campbell E, Kompanik H, Jayson L, Huffman C, Bialow M, McDonnell G, McCaffrey J, Manis C, DeLuca E, Levins J, Bartlett M, Anorga K, Franco M, Gentry P, Hodge D, Pohil R, Rschultz, Leggett R, Blair L, Gisler J, Niegos F, Osburn M, Parma K, Schendel S, Stines L, Winnie M, Wu P, Canales J, Yu J, Cornett G, Beavins J, Hyde D, Zapinski D, Johnson T, Levinson D, Ahmed A, Kenny B, Kuehl A, Bates C, Jantzi C, Ananthula P, Shafer J, Louthan J, Bays A, Stapleton A, Staton P, Strum D, Taylor P, Smith A, Rapp R, Bao S, Randolph C, MacGillivray B, Schuster R, Harden T, Barnella C, Dunnam T, Whiles R, Bolick C, Brockmyre A, Plucker S, Marshall C, Poteet C, Morin D, Tavel E, Averill N, McFann A, Purcell D, Dixon T, Corey E, Goss J, Drescher R, Irfan M, Naeem M, Egelhof R, Mehta P, Koehler T, Walia J, Fernandez J, Bedel G, Preet R, Bhuchar S, Ahmed F, Onyema D, Benchabbat A, Kohanbash L, Miller P, Lalinde M, Carrithers E, Patterson R, Raube-Miceli A, Martinez A, Harris B, Levy R, Siev E, Berlin H, DiMattia M, Sugimoto D, Dugas J, Benson M, Stegemoller R, Schmoll M, Kinnaman S, O'Connor T, Powel T, Rudolph L, Lewiecki M, Best E, Chavez J, Garcia M, Cohen R, Colman D, Ocampo M, Heaney L, Rappley G, Quezada I, Santos V, Nikfarjam A, Reyes M, Rodriguez R, Josephs L, Hernandez R, Flores P, Espinoza L, Mejia W, Pedraza Z, Castaneda R, Laguerre J, Cook R, Patel R, Werner H, Blank R, Small S, Andersen J, Holmes D, Farmer M, Wiener V, Pharr W, Bray B, Beekman J, Anderson A, Andrawis N, Gabra N, Moche T, Marty S, Galvez O, Reyes R, Garcia R, Lerma G, Pliquin B, Mayfield R, Durham N, Phillips R, Baran A, Kondo N, Dempsey S, Kufs W, Laddis T, Zimmer K, Van Depol M, Dweck L, Kestler M, Werner N, Ashraf M, Quick A, Schallert G, Sligh T, Trueba P, Batista J, Martinez T, Moya J, Amarales V, Santos E, Torres P, Diaz T, Diaz J, Hodish I, Else T, Buras E, Moratis A, Valika S, Rahman A, Malalis W, Box E, Box P, Kerwood B, Nagaeva J, Metz C, Hinnant J, Griswell D, Philbeck A, Dukkipati R, Shaarawy R, Patak R, Kaye W, Steinsapir J, Horowitz B, Denenberg M, Reynolds C, Jenkinsdr M, Adlakha A, Hicklin H, Peelman J, Lerman S, Lamkin S, Smith S, Gould G, Cheung D, Stephen Z, Leigh T, Norwood P, Chelsea F, Trejo R, Neolms K, Bache R, Dinnerstein A, Sachson R, Aronoff S, Mendez A, Brooks S, Jones L, Dorfman S, Schill J, Leuck, Miklius A, Maw K, Hahn J, Gamarra L, Buynak R, Smith M, Ames J, Volom P, Anderson R, Desouza C, Shivaswamy V, Lefebvre G, Schweppe L, Berenguer R, Nelson R, Mas L, Gonzalez N, Palacio J, Bartkowiak A, Dilling J, Jordan T, Geishauser J, Jordan R, Arias E, Griffin C, Fisher M, Bryant C, Schnitz W, Kipgen W, Kasper J, Lopez R, Wright E, Thomas J, Weinstein D, Emerick G, Mendelson R, Aqua K, Lafaille J, Seco G, Garcia G, Cubillas M, de Souza J, Schneider A, Tjaden J, Goswami G, Schubart U, Kishore P, Bravo W, Guerrero J, Bertoli-Avella M, Reyes C, Dominguez M, Ramos S, Columbie A, Ares-Romero P, Hechavarria J, Villaverde M, Doyle N, Sherrod T, Krishnaswamy K, Aamir S, Giddaluri P, Guevara S, Kazmi P, Thomas P, Popeil L, Albright D, Pimentel S, Mould E, Cox M, Alderson T, Conrow J, Sandberg J, Raam S, Suresh B, Lafave J, Lorenz T, Johnston J, Fereidouni S, Mahadevan A, West R, Nelson A, Scott K, Ansari S, Khan B, Rastogi A, Saumell F, Gonzalez G, Torres E, Elias R, Hart T, Lozano J, Gudavilla G, Savin V, Khan A, Wiegmann T, Goel A, Gomes M, Fernandez-Gonzalez M, Gustavo F, Ivan C, Chiong R, Llerena S, Jimenez M, Oram D, George D, Lewis J, Kiefer J, Dollman A, Edje L, Pastor F, Kandath D, Lorch D, Graves A, Powell R, Hooker T, Shah S, Gomez N, Miranda F, Rosales J, Bayona I, Gomez Y, Guedes R, Rodriguez Y, Wahlen J, Jonathan W, Spencer H, Michael W, Kumar U, Govindariju K, Ordonez S, Aguirre H, Sulur P, Agarwal N, Peters L, Kaviani B, Fomenko O, Firek A, Loreen W, Ronald F, Olha F, Parrillo J, Janovitz R, Hutchinson R, Delgado E, Ashley A, Robinson S, Barbel-Johnson K, Timothy L, William C, Al-Karadsheh A, Hooper L, Suarez J, Perez D, Guerrero V, Tung D, Loo C, Sodolak K, Michaelis C, Jackson R, Covington D, Wise J, Tran T, Messina T, Torres D, Falcone J, Barettella M, Patel K, Ribo A, Mattews T, Amendolare D, McGeehan J, Corder C, Black C, Hearne S, Bounds C, Cinderella J, Etherton J, Kiem S, Treuth M, Burke B, Tivikaran V, Howard S, Miller C, Neff H, Giullian J, Mcrae J, Surratt D, Phillips J, Kretchmar J, Valdes M, Cruz J, Navarro E, Zewail A, Tai-Chi-Kwo, Stevens J, Diane S, Kim T, Gregory L, Neal S, William S, Sangrigoli R, Gejer E, Stoller S, Jeffrey D, Colar S, Kenneth W, Farris N, Mooney S, Jamal A, Nitin B, Syed R, Andrew Y, Christopher W, Abid R, Claudio G, Mojtaba M, Amna R, Michael B, Vincent T, Cherlin R, Ashton R, Pudi K, Julian W, Stephen K, Ronald A, Frias J, Kelly S, Hsia S, Clemens P, Cara H, Farley B, Raible L, Oliveros O, Hafeez H, Pecci P, Bagga-Malhotra S, Reza R, Jamal M, Mulgado M, Guevara A, Vela M, Ochoa H, Melliza T, Pena G, Awua-Larbi S, Shafi M, Alausa T, Polster S, Earl J, McNeill R, Farrington C, Carr K, Nabat M, Matthew S, Yvette E, Handelsman Y, Delkhah S, Ismail Y, Janna C, Akhtar A, Neiman A, Blumenthal S, Colleen V, Schmidt D, Ashraf E, Bhargava A, Khoo T, Langel C, Theuma P, Wright D, Fitzgerald K, Hitchcock J, Capasso-Gulve E, Wolff E, Umpierrez G, Priyathama V, Francisco P, Dawn S, Quraishi A, Kahn B, Ferro F, Hertz B, Phelps J, Campbell A, Downing J, Pangtay D, Pangatay S, Villagran-Solis K, Haseeb M, Rettig K, Kwan R, Cox R, Slimak V, So A, Schmedtje J, Chang A, Douglas Z, McGarity W, Jestel J, Kanade P, Julie J, Asher R, Canaan Y, Perez A, Alonso I, Cutchin R, Koser A, Adeola Y, Brito S, Stocks J, Frandsen B, Weigelt M, Stehouwer E, Ince C, Stephen P, Shadi B, Jeffrey C, Thethi T, Carpio G, McDuffie R, Moreau C, Stell C, Katalenich B, McKendall-Lewis C, Htun W, Conroy K, Lovre D, Galagan R, Olmeda C, Sihota A, Barton A, Beasley R, Nankivel P, Aberle M, Machin I, Porras J, Rodriguez D, Albornoz A, Haidar A, Lopez-Santini R, Rivero G, Robins G, Colyar L, Hutchins C, Sturm D, Hart K, Phillips T, Montgomery C, Albrecht W, Fehlis K, Overman D, Box M, Villarreal-Martinez D, David-Svatek D, Ajani D, Shaikh Z, Wheeler K, Brown M, Ghosh C, Bandukwala I, Kleber S, Madden J, Bishara M, Perry K, Paoli-Bruno J, Abreu E, Espiritu R, Zmeili O, Christensen T, Grubb S, Beloff S, Caugh A, van Dijk C, Yalavarthy R, DeGraauw J, Fabian S, Gillum D, Corrigan G, Singh H, Jensen K, DeMore S, Montague T, Zieve F, Levy J, Fredrickson S, Tarkington P, Chapla P, Salacata A, Walls U, Iyer R, Nguyen K, Lettman J, Appleman B, Safavie F, Scaliem L, Eder F, Maklad S, Schlaen B, Molstead J, Hartwell J, Hubish D, Little R, Rando K, Kelly R, Drury M, Young P, Wininger S, Harman A, Daza R, Robbin S, Sanchez M, Rivera I, Garcia-Estrada M, Iglesias N, Dobs A, Andrade A, Falkowski S, Parrott T, Koon A, Wood T, Burkett E, Chavous K, Gupta A, Estes C, Loud D, Rhodes S, Chen M, Bromley L, Palma R, Kattan D, Kirk U, Tatu H, Stamatin R, Lupea S, Frasie M, Colfer H, Kane L, Teklinski A, Gadowski G, Levanovich P, Saba F, Confident L, Hossain S, Steinberg B, Philippe B, Choroenthkongtrakal S, Boccalano F, Anand R, Syam V, Manohar A, Suresh P, Madhusudhan P, Patel P, Cambier P, Klonaris J, Cheng W, Fisher S, Schelle M, Reese L, McLean S, Poock J, Hoens J, Rosie A, Welshons R, Dean J, Kuhlman P, Luke R, Lohrbauer L, Cunningham M, Buday P, Lehmann M, Chrzanowski K, Fletcher A, Hargrove J, Harris F, Debs-Perez G, Maiquez A, Cordoves L, Georgescu M, Tayoun H, Munoz F, Ortiz D, Munoz G, Hamzeh I, Misra A, Zhang L, Forgosh L, Loria K, Roncari C, Hommerding J, Morris G, Lebron C, Blake K, LaVenture K, Lange C, Levinson L, Baungarten T, Edevante S, Shawley S, Moyer H, Elliott K, Iachini K, Rajan R, Davis C, Shattuck A, Simon W, Lakin G, Secrist N, Buth D, Steere D, Talbot K, Singh N, Mascolo R, Sloan S, Kmetzo J, Brown J, Carter L, Lawrence M, Arauz-Pacheco C, Lender D, Kozlow W, Cavanaugh L, Wilson J, Gujja P, Akhter F, Khan M, Mohammed A, Satyavolu S, Dev D, Yalamanchili H, Sumeyye C, Fernandes H, Chaleff F, Jancko M, Trenche S, Kaplan W, Wilcox S, Goisse M, Rua M, Black J, Chapman K, Suh D, Yan L, Song D, Chanara S, Houchin V, McKeinness A, Sotolongo R, Gutierrez K, Miranda-Palma B, Solano M, Jain M, Needell J, Banerjee A, Jarratt M, Hantel S, Lees K, Welty F, Freedman S, Parhofer K, Birkeland K, McGill J, Tijssen J, Clemmensen P, Pehrson S, Grande P, Januzzi J, Wood M, Petrie M, Sairanen T, Tatlisumak T, Soinne L, Kase C, Turan T, Mann J, Agarwal R, Fogarty D, Navaneethan S, Srinivas T, Forsmark C, Frossard J, Gelrud A, Mayerle J, Lee R, Heist R, Sullivan R, Buchbinder E, Chodak G, Edelman M, Thompson V, Coles A, and CARMELINA Investigators
- Abstract
IMPORTANCE Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) risk. Prior trials have demonstrated CV safety of 3 dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors but have included limited numbers of patients with high CV risk and chronic kidney disease. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of linagliptin, a selective DPP-4 inhibitor, on CV outcomes and kidney outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk of CV and kidney events. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter noninferiority trial conducted from August 2013 to August 2016 at 605 clinic sites in 27 countries among adults with type 2 diabetes, hemoglobin A(1c) of 6.5% to 10.0%, high CV risk (history of vascular disease and urine-albumin creatinine ratio [UACR] > 200mg/g), and high renal risk (reduced eGFR and micro-or macroalbuminuria). Participants with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were excluded. Final follow-up occurred on January 18, 2018. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized to receive linagliptin, 5 mg once daily (n = 3494), or placebo once daily (n = 3485) added to usual care. Other glucose-lowering medications or insulin could be added based on clinical need and local clinical guidelines. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Primary outcomewas time to first occurrence of the composite of CV death, nonfatalmyocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. Criteria for noninferiority of linagliptin vs placebo was defined by the upper limit of the 2-sided 95% CI for the hazard ratio (HR) of linagliptin relative to placebo being less than 1.3. Secondary outcome was time to first occurrence of adjudicated death due to renal failure, ESRD, or sustained 40% or higher decrease in eGFR from baseline. RESULTS Of 6991 enrollees, 6979 (mean age, 65.9 years; eGFR, 54.6 mL/min/1.73m2; 80.1% with UACR > 30mg/g) received at least 1 dose of study medication and 98.7% completed the study. During a median follow-up of 2.2 years, the primary outcome occurred in 434 of 3494 (12.4%) and 420 of 3485 (12.1%) in the linagliptin and placebo groups, respectively, (absolute incidence rate difference, 0.13 [95% CI,-0.63 to 0.90] per 100 person-years) (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.89-1.17; P
- Published
- 2019
31. Elastic scattering, inelastic excitation, and 1n pick-up transfer cross sections for $^{10}$B+$^{120}$Sn at energies near the Coulomb barrier
- Author
Alvarez, M. A. G., Rodríguez-Gallardo, M., Gasques, L. R., Chamon, L. C., Oliveira, J. R. B., Scarduelli, V., Freitas, A. S., Rossi Jr., E. S., Zagatto, V. A. B., Rangel, J., Lubian, J., and Padron, I.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) ,Nuclear Theory ,FOS: Physical sciences - Abstract
The $^{10}$B+$^{120}$Sn reaction has been systematically studied at laboratory energies around the Coulomb barrier: E$_{\rm LAB}=$31.5, 33.5, 35.0, and 37.5 MeV. Cross sections for the elastic scattering and some reaction processes have been measured: excitation to the $1^+$ state of $^{10}$B; excitation to the $2^+$ and $3^-$ states of $^{120}$Sn; and the one-neutron pick-up transfer $^{120}$Sn($^{10}$B,$^{11}$B)$^{119}$Sn. Coupled reaction channel (CRC) calculations have been performed in the context of the double-folding S\~ao Paulo potential. The theoretical calculations result in a good overall description of the experimental angular distributions. The effect on the theoretical elastic-scattering angular distributions of couplings to the inelastic and transfer states (through the CRC calculations) and to the continuum states (through continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations) has been investigated.
- Published
- 2019
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32. First Accurate Normalization of the β-delayed α Decay of ^{16}N and Implications for the ^{12}C(α,γ)^{16}O Astrophysical Reaction Rate
- Author
Kirsebom, O. S., Tengblad, O., Lica, R., Munch, M., Riisager, K., Fynbo, H. O.U., Borge, M. J.G., Madurga, M., Marroquin, I., Andreyev, A. N., Berry, T. A., Christensen, E. R., Fernández, P. Díaz, Doherty, D. T., Van Duppen, P., Fraile, L. M., Gallardo, M. C., Greenlees, P. T., Harkness-Brennan, L. J., Hubbard, N., Huyse, M., Jensen, J. H., Johansson, H., Jonson, B., Judson, D. S., Konki, J., Lazarus, I., Lund, M. V., Marginean, N., Marginean, R., Perea, A., Mihai, C., Negret, A., Page, R. D., Pucknell, V., Rahkila, P., Sorlin, O., Sotty, C., Swartz, J. A., Sørensen, H. B., Törnqvist, H., Vedia, V., Warr, N., and De Witte, H.
- Subjects
astrofysiikka ,ydinfysiikka ,beta-delayed alpha decay - Abstract
The ^{12}C(α,γ)^{16}O reaction plays a central role in astrophysics, but its cross section at energies relevant for astrophysical applications is only poorly constrained by laboratory data. The reduced α width, γ_{11}, of the bound 1^{-} level in ^{16}O is particularly important to determine the cross section. The magnitude of γ_{11} is determined via sub-Coulomb α-transfer reactions or the β-delayed α decay of ^{16}N, but the latter approach is presently hampered by the lack of sufficiently precise data on the β-decay branching ratios. Here we report improved branching ratios for the bound 1^{-} level [b_{β,11}=(5.02±0.10)×10^{-2}] and for β-delayed α emission [b_{βα}=(1.59±0.06)×10^{-5}]. Our value for b_{βα} is 33% larger than previously held, leading to a substantial increase in γ_{11}. Our revised value for γ_{11} is in good agreement with the value obtained in α-transfer studies and the weighted average of the two gives a robust and precise determination of γ_{11}, which provides significantly improved constraints on the ^{12}C(α,γ) cross section in the energy range relevant to hydrostatic He burning. ispartof: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol:121 issue:14 ispartof: location:United States status: published
- Published
- 2018
33. First Accurate Normalization of the $��$-delayed $��$ Decay of $^{16}$N and Implications for the $^{12}$C$(��,��)^{16}$O Astrophysical Reaction Rate
- Author
Kirsebom, O. S., Tengblad, O., Lica, R., Munch, M., Riisager, K., Fynbo, H. O. U., Borge, M. J. G., Madurga, M., Marroquin, I., Andreyev, A. N., Berry, T. A., Christensen, E. R., Fern��ndez, P. D��az, Doherty, D. T., Van Duppen, P., Fraile, L. M., Gallardo, M. C., Greenlees, P. T., Harkness-Brennan, L. J., Hubbard, N., Huyse, M., Jensen, J. H., Johansson, H., Jonson, B., Judson, D. S., Konki, J., Lazarus, I., Lund, M. V., Marginean, N., Marginean, R., Perea, A., Mihai, C., Negret, A., Page, R. D., Pucknell, V., Rahkila, P., Sorlin, O., Sotty, C., Swartz, J. A., S��rensen, H. B., T��rnqvist, H., Vedia, V., Warr, N., and De Witte, H.
- Subjects
FOS: Physical sciences ,Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) - Abstract
The $^{12}\text{C}(��,��){}^{16}\text{O}$ reaction plays a central role in astrophysics, but its cross section at energies relevant for astrophysical applications is only poorly constrained by laboratory data. The reduced $��$ width, $��_{11}$, of the bound $1^-$ level in $^{16}$O is particularly important to determine the cross section. The magnitude of $��_{11}$ is determined via sub-Coulomb $��$-transfer reactions or the $��$-delayed $��$ decay of $^{16}$N, but the latter approach is presently hampered by the lack of sufficiently precise data on the $��$-decay branching ratios. Here we report improved branching ratios for the bound $1^-$ level [$b_{��,11} = (5.02\pm 0.10)\times 10^{-2}$] and for $��$-delayed $��$ emission [$b_{����} = (1.59\pm 0.06)\times 10^{-5}$]. Our value for $b_{����}$ is 33% larger than previously held, leading to a substantial increase in $��_{11}$. Our revised value for $��_{11}$ is in good agreement with the value obtained in $��$-transfer studies and the weighted average of the two gives a robust and precise determination of $��_{11}$, which provides significantly improved constraints on the $^{12}$C$(��,��)$ cross section in the energy range relevant to hydrostatic He burning., 6 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2018
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34. First Accurate Normalization of the β-delayed α Decay of N-16 and Implications for the C-12(α,γ)O-16 Astrophysical Reaction Rate
- Author
Fraile Prieto, Luis Mario, Gallardo, M. C., Vedia Fernández, María Victoria, and otros, ...
- Subjects
Física nuclear - Abstract
The C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 reaction plays a central role in astrophysics, but its cross section at energies relevant for astrophysical applications is only poorly constrained by laboratory data. The reduced a width, gamma(11), of the bound 1(-) level in O-16 is particularly important to determine the cross section. The magnitude of gamma(11) is determined via sub-Coulomb a-transfer reactions or the beta-delayed a decay of N-16, but the latter approach is presently hampered by the lack of sufficiently precise data on the beta-decay branching ratios. Here we report improved branching ratios for the bound 1(-) level [b(beta,11) = (5.02 +/- 0.10) x 10(-2)] and for beta-delayed alpha emission [b(beta alpha) = (1.59 +/- 0.06) x 10(-5)]. Our value for b(beta alpha) is 33% larger than previously held, leading to a substantial increase in gamma(11). Our revised value for gamma(11) is in good agreement with the value obtained in a-transfer studies and the weighted average of the two gives a robust and precise determination of gamma(11), which provides significantly improved constraints on the C-12(alpha,gamma) cross section in the energy range relevant to hydrostatic He burning.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Verónica López L, Manuel Gallardo M, Moisés Russo N, and Claudia Carvajal C
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Tumor size ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Medical record ,General surgery ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Postoperative irradiation ,cirugía conservadora ,Segmental Mastectomy ,medicine.disease ,Quarter century ,Surgery ,Radiation therapy ,Breast cancer ,medicine ,Mammography ,mamografía ,business ,Neoplasia mamaria - Abstract
Introducción: El enfrentamiento del cáncer de mama evolucionó en el último cuarto de siglo desde el autoexamen a la mamografía como herramienta de sospecha y desde el tratamiento con cirugía radical a la cirugía conservadora más radioterapia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar la evolución de la presentación y manejo local del cáncer de mama en un centro de radio-oncología. Materiales y Método: Se analizaron 1.204 pacientes con cáncer de mama que recibieron irradiación post-operatoria en dos períodos de cuatro años. El primer período incluyó 223 pacientes y coincide con la introducción de mamografía y cirugía conservadora. El segundo incluyó 981 pacientes manejadas según el estándar actual. Las variables analizadas fueron: forma de sospecha, tiempo entre sospecha y confirmación diagnóstica, tipo de cirugía, histología y tamaño tumoral. Los datos fueron obtenidos de fichas clínicas y analizados con STATA 12. Resultados: Al comparar el segundo período con el primero se evidenció un aumento absoluto del 39,8% de la sospecha por mamografía, disminución a la mitad del tiempo entre sospecha y diagnóstico histológico, reducción de la proporción de tumores mayores a 2 cm de 61 a 45%, triplicación en la proporción de carcinoma ductal in situ de 6 a 18% y aumento absoluto de 28% del uso de cirugía conservadora. Todas estas diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,01). Conclusión: En el grupo analizado la introducción de mamografía y manejo conservador se asoció a un aumento de sospecha y diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de mama.
- Published
- 2014
36. Be11(βp), a quasi-free neutron decay?
- Author
Riisager, K., Forstner, O., Borge, M.J.G., Briz, J.A., Carmona-Gallardo, M., Fraile, L.M., Fynbo, H.O.U., Giles, T., Gottberg, A., Heinz, A., Johansen, J.G., Jonson, B., Kurcewicz, J., Lund, M.V., Nilsson, T., Nyman, G., Rapisarda, E., Steier, P., Tengblad, O., Thies, R., and Winkler, S.R.
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics - Published
- 2014
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37. Four-body effects in the He6+Ni58 scattering
- Author
Morcelle, V., Pires, K.C.C., Rodríguez-Gallardo, M., Lichtenthäler, R., Lépine-Szily, A., Guimarães, V., de Faria, P.N., Mendes Junior, D.R., Moro, A.M., Gasques, L.R., Leistenschneider, E., Pampa Condori, R., Scarduelli, V., Morais, M.C., Barioni, A., Zamora, J.C., and Shorto, J.M.B.
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics - Published
- 2014
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38. La Investigación y el Docente: El Caso de la Universidad de Occidente Campus Guasave
- Author
M. A. Cervantes R., I. N. Alvarez S., and L. A. Gallardo M.
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Uno de los planteamientos contenidos en el Plan Académico de la Universidad de Occidente 2011-2013, es fomentar la participación de la planta docente en la investigación, por medio del establecimiento de las bases institucionales. Estudiar las condiciones relacionadas con la investigación que lleva a cabo la planta docente del departamento de Ciencias Económico Administrativas del Campus Guasave es el interés de la presente investigación. La metodología desarrollada tiene un enfoque descriptivo que consideramos el más adecuado para analizar los aspectos significativos respecto a los esfuerzos que se hacen al respecto. Para ello, se aplicó un cuestionario a 21 de 23 docentes. Los resultados muestran que el 66.7% ha realizado alguna investigación y la mayoría han recibido apoyos de la institución para la misma.
- Published
- 2013
39. Factors influencing the perception of ecosystem services in Ecuadorian tropical dry forests [Factores que influyen en la percepción de servicios de los ecosistemas de los bosques secos del sur del Ecuador]
- Author
Iñiguez Gallardo, M.
- Subjects
Reserva Ecológica Arenillas ,servicios de uso indirecto ,Ecuador ,evaluación no monetaria - Abstract
La importancia que brindan los servicios de los ecosistemas de los bosques secos tropicales se comprende mejor si se analizan las percepciones de los pobladores que se benefician de dichos servicios. En particular los bosques secos del sur del Ecuador han sido escasamente estudiados desde las ciencias sociales, pese a ser los ecosistemas más poblados y amenazados del mundo, por lo que poco se conoce sobre los factores que influyen en la percepción de los servicios que brindan estos bosques. A través de un caso de estudio en la Reserva Ecológica Arenillas y con la ayuda de un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, se pudo establecer que la historia de la reserva, así como el lugar de residencia de los participantes, la frecuencia de visita al área, la edad y el género y nivel de educación, juegan un papel importante en la percepción de los servicios generados por esta reserva protegida.
- Published
- 2016
40. Evaluation of bone loss in antibacterial coated dental implants: An experimental study in dogs
- Author
Godoy-Gallardo M, Manzanares-Céspedes MC, Sevilla P, Nart J, Manzanares N, Manero JM, Gil Mur FX, Boyd SK, and Rodríguez Rius D
- Subjects
Antibacterial coating, Dental implants, In vivo, Peri-implantitis, Silver electrodeposition, TESPSA - Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo effect of antibacterial modified dental implants in the first stages of peri-implantitis. Thirty dental implants were inserted in the mandibular premolar sites of 5 beagle dogs. Sites were randomly assigned to Ti (untreated implants, 10units), Ti_Ag (silver electrodeposition treatment, 10units), and Ti_TSP (silanization treatment, 10units). Coated implants were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, interferometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Two months after implant insertion, experimental peri-implantitis was initiated by ligature placement. Ligatures were removed 2months later, and plaque formation was allowed for 2 additional months. Clinical and radiographic analyses were performed during the study. Implant-tissue samples were prepared for micro computed tomography, backscattered scanning electron microscopy, histomorphometric and histological analyses and ion release measurements. X-ray, SEM and histology images showed that vertical bone resorption in treated implants was lower than in the control group (P
- Published
- 2016
41. Anhydride-functional silane immobilized onto titanium surfaces induces osteoblast cell differentiation and reduces bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation
- Author
Godoy-Gallardo M, Guillem J, Sevilla P, Manero JM, Gil Mur FX, and Rodríguez Rius D
- Subjects
Bacterial adhesion, Biofilm, Osteoblast differentiation, Silane, Titanium - Abstract
Bacterial infection in dental implants along with osseointegration failure usually leads to loss of the device. Bioactive molecules with antibacterial properties can be attached to titanium surfaces with anchoring molecules such as silanes, preventing biofilm formation and improving osseointegration. Properties of silanes as molecular binders have been thoroughly studied, but research on the biological effects of these coatings is scarce. The aim of the present study was to determine the in vitro cell response and antibacterial effects of triethoxysilypropyl succinic anhydride (TESPSA) silane anchored on titanium surfaces. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed a successful silanization. The silanized surfaces showed no cytotoxic effects. Gene expression analyses of Sarcoma Osteogenic (SaOS-2) osteoblast-like cells cultured on TESPSA silanized surfaces reported a remarkable increase of biochemical markers related to induction of osteoblastic cell differentiation. A manifest decrease of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation at early stages was observed on treated substrates, while favoring cell adhesion and spreading in bacteria-cell co-cultures. Surfaces treated with TESPSA could enhance a biological sealing on implant surfaces against bacteria colonization of underlying tissues. Furthermore, it can be an effective anchoring platform of biomolecules on titanium surfaces with improved osteoblastic differentiation and antibacterial properties.
- Published
- 2016
42. Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction Li 11 + Pb 208 at energies near the Coulomb barrier
- Author
Fernández García, J. P., Cubero, M., Acosta, Luis, Alcorta, Martín, Álvarez, M. A. G., García Borge, María José, Galaviz, D., Gómez-Camacho, Joaquín, Lay, J. A., Madurga, Miguel, Martel, Ismael, Moro, A. M., Mukha, I., Rodríguez-Gallardo, M., Sánchez-Benítez, A. M., Tengblad, Olof, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), Università degli Studi di Padova, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), and European Commission
- Abstract
et al., We present a detailed analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction of Li11 on Pb208 at incident laboratory energies of 24.3 and 29.8 MeV, measured at the radioactive ion beam facility of TRIUMF, in Vancouver, Canada. A large yield of Li9 fragments was detected by four charged particle telescopes in a wide angular range. The experimental angular and energy distributions of these Li9 fragments have been compared to coupled-reaction-channel and continuum-discretized coupled-channel calculations. The large production of Li9 fragments at small angles can be explained by considering a direct breakup mechanism, while at medium-large angles a competition between direct breakup and neutron transfer to the continuum of the Pb208 target was observed., This work has been partially supported by Spanish National Projects No. FPA2009-08848, No. FPA2009-07387, No. FPA2010-22131-C02-01, No. FPA2009-07653, No. FPA2012-32443 and by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program CPAN (CSD2007-00042). M.R.G. acknowledges the financial support from the program VPPI-US. C.A.D acknowledges the financial support from the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council through Grant No. EP/D060575/1. J.A.L. acknowledges a Marie Curie Piscopia fellow at the University of Padova.
- Published
- 2015
43. The effect of unsaturated fatty acid and triglyceride oil addition on the mechanical and antibacterial properties of acrylic bone cements
- Author
Persson C, Robert E, Carlsson E, Robo C, López A, Godoy-Gallardo M, Ginebra MP, and Engqvist H
- Subjects
technology, industry, and agriculture ,Poly(methyl methacrylate), antibacterial, bone cement, fatty acid, low-modulus, mechanical, triglyceride oil - Abstract
Acrylic bone cements have an elastic modulus several times higher than the surrounding trabecular bone. This has been hypothesized to contribute to certain clinical complications. There are indications that the addition of specific fatty acids and triglyceride oils may reduce the elastic modulus of these types of cements. Some of these additives also appear to have inherent antibiotic properties, although this has never been evaluated in bone cements. In this study, several types of fatty acids and triglyceride oils were evaluated for use in acrylic bone cements. Their mechanical properties were evaluated under uniaxial compression testing and selected cements were then further characterized in terms of microstructure, handling and antibacterial properties using scanning electron microscopy, polymerization temperature measurements, agar diffusion tests and bactericidal activity assays of cement extracts. It was found that any of the evaluated fatty acids or triglyceride oils could be used to tailor the stiffness of acrylic bone cements, although at varying concentrations, which also depended on the type of commercial base cement used. In particular, the addition of very small amounts of linoleic acid (
- Published
- 2015
44. He-3(alpha, gamma) Be-7 cross section measured using complementary techniques
- Author
Carmona Gallardo, M., García Borge, María José, Davids, B., Fulton, B.R., Hass, M., Nara Singh, B.S., Ruiz, C., and Tengblad, Olof
- Abstract
INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference; 4 pags.; 3 figs.; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 2.0, The astrophysical S-factor for the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction plays an important role in the Solar Standard Model and in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis scenario. The advances from two recent experiments performed using complementary techniques at center of mass (C.M.) energies between 1 and 3 MeV are discussed., The work was partly financed by the Spanish Research Funding Agency CICYT under Project FPA2012-32443 and was supported by the UK STFC. Further M.C.G. acknowledges his CSICJAEpredoc grant partly funded by the European Social Funds.
- Published
- 2014
45. Constraining the Astrophysical S-Factor of the 3He(α, γ)7Be Reaction
- Author
Carmona Gallardo, M., Rojas, A., García Borge, María José, Christian, G., Davids, B., Fallis, J., Fulton, B.R., Tengblad, Olof, and Yungreis, Z.
- Abstract
ITO International Research Center, on the campus of the University of Tokyo, June 1 to 6, 2014; http://ribf.riken.jp/ARIS2014/index.html, Due to its relevance to the Standard Solar Model and to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis calculations, the cross section of the 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction have been widely studied both from the theoretical and the experimental fronts. We report here on cross section measurements in the energy region Ec.m.=1- 3 MeV using the direct recoil counting method in an attempt to solve the discrepancies among the previous data sets and calculations in this energy region and thus to constrain the extrapolations of the S34(E) curve to astrophysical energies.
- Published
- 2014
46. Generación de células madre pluripotentes inducidas (iPSC) para el estudio de enfermedades mitocondriales
- Author
Galera, Teresa, Zurita Díaz, Francisco, González Páramos, Cristina, Garesse, Rafael, Gallardo, M. Esther, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and European Commission
- Abstract
Resumen del póster presentado al XXXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, celebrado en Granada del 9 al 12 de septiembre de 2014., Las enfermedades mitocondriales (EM) constituyen un amplio grupo de enfermedades genéticas multisistémicas cuyo nexo de unión es una disfunción en el sistema de fosforilación oxidativa. La falta de modelos experimentales adecuados para el estudio de dichas enfermedades, ha dificultado el avance en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias. En este sentido, la reprogramación de células somáticas a células madre pluripotentes inducidas (iPSC) mediante la expresión ectópica de cuatro factores de transcripción, OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 y c-MYC, ha abierto enormes posibilidades. Por ello, el objetivo general de este trabajo ha consistido en la generación de iPSC a partir de fibroblastos de pacientes con EM para el estudio y tratamiento potencial de las mismas. Para este fin, hemos establecido una colección de fibroblastos procedentes de biopsias de piel de pacientes con EM e individuos sanos. A continuación, se han generado líneas de iPSC a partir de dichos fibroblastos mediante el uso de vectores retrovirales o métodos no integrativos tipo virus Sendai. Así, hemos generado 16 líneas de IPSC portadoras de distintas mutaciones en genes mitocondriales codificados en el DNA mitocondrial o nuclear asociadas a distintas EM: Síndrome de Leigh, atrofia óptica sindrómica y EM producidas por defectos de comunicación intergenómica. Actualmente, estamos realizando la confirmación, molecular y funcional, de la pluripotencia de las líneas generadas, para posteriormente, diferenciarlas y caracterizarlas en los tipos celulares diana. La disponibilidad de iPSC como modelo experimental de las EM nos permitirá mejorar el conocimiento de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos de estas enfermedades y podrá suponer la apertura de nuevas vías para la identificación de tratamientos farmacológicos y de terapia celular., Financiado por CAIB-FSE, ISCIII (PI12/01827) y FEDER-Unión Europea “Una manera de hacer Europa”.
- Published
- 2014
47. Reactions with light exotic nuclei
- Author
Rodriguez-Gallardo, M
- Subjects
- 2014
48. 11Be(beta-p), a quasi-free neutron decay?
- Author
Riisager, K., Forstner, O., Borge, M.J.G., Briz, J.A., Carmona-Gallardo, M., Fraile, L.M., Fynbo, H.O.U., Giles, T., Gottberg, A., Heinz, A., Johansen, J.G., Jonson, B., Kurcewicz, J., Lund, M.V., Nilsson, T., Nyman, G., Rapisarda, E., Steier, P., Tengblad, O., Thies, R., and Winkler, S.R.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,Physics::Accelerator Physics ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Nuclear Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We have observed beta-delayed proton emission from the neutron-rich nucleus 11Be by analysing a sample collected at the ISOLDE facility at CERN with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). With a branching ratio of (8.4 +- 0.6) 10^{-6} the strength of this decay mode, as measured by the B(GT)-value, is unexpectedly high. The result is discussed within a simple single-particle model and could be interpreted as a quasi-free decay of the 11Be halo neutron into a single-proton state., Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures
- Published
- 2014
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49. Multiparticle emission in the decay of Ar 31
- Author
Koldste, G.T., Blank, B., García Borge, María José, Briz, José Antonio, Carmona Gallardo, M., Fraile, Luis M., Perea, Ángel, Tengblad, Olof, Thomas, J.-C., and Van De Walle, J.
- Abstract
G. T. Koldste et al. ; 10 pags. ; 14 figs. ; 4 tabs. ; PACS number(s): 23.40.Hc, 27.30.+t, A multihit capacity setup was used to study the decay of the dripline nucleus 31Ar, produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A spectroscopic analysis of the β-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar is presented for the first time together with a quantitative analysis of the β-delayed 2pγ decay. A new method for determination of the spin of low-lying levels in the βp daughter 30S using proton-proton angular correlations is presented and used to determine that the spin of the 5.2-MeV level is most likely 3+ with 4+ also possible. The half-life of 31Ar is found to be 15.1(3) ms. An improved analysis of the Fermi β strength including the β3p-decay mode gives a total measured branching ratio of 3.60(44)%, which is lower than the theoretical value found to be 4.24(43)%. Finally, a previously unidentified γ transition from the isobaric analog state in the decay of 33Ar has been found. © 2014 American Physical Society., This work was supported by the European Union Seventh Framework through ENSAR (Contract No. 262010). This work was partly supported by the Spanish Funding Agency under Projects No. FPA2009-07387, No. FPA2010-17142, and No. AIC-D-2011- 0684, by the French ANR (Contract No. ANR-06-BLAN- 0320).
- Published
- 2014
50. Collaborative community-based governance in a transboundary wetland system in the Ecuadorian Andes
- Author
Iñiguez Gallardo, M. and Lopez Rodriguez, F.
- Abstract
International mountain conservation paradigms have shifted in the past 30 years from establishment of centrally governed protected areas that exclude communities, to collaborative and community-based conservation stewardship with communities that depend on resources for their livelihoods. The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) embodies this collaborative paradigm by suggesting that people and local governments can be collective stewards for the wise use of wetlands on which they depend for water resources and livelihoods. Although collaborative approaches are increasingly recommended to govern large and complex mountain waterscapes across multiple jurisdictions, recent international case study comparisons highlight the site-specific nature of institutional design and the effect that changing social relations and overlapping or conflicting rights and boundaries have on promised collaborative outcomes. This article illustrates the usefulness of a recently developed community-based natural resource management comparative framework for assessing the feasibility of collaboratively governing a proposed Ramsar wetland in the Southern Andes of Ecuador across multiple communities and jurisdictional boundaries. By using data from a rapid ethnographic assessment, US and Ecuadorian students and faculty found local and institutional support for wetland protection. The framework s preconditions were useful in identifying conflicts among and within communities, and among agency rules and resources; these conflicts could limit the feasibility of community-based and collaborative management unless coordination authority is clarified, especially at the proposed transboundary scale. This study showed that increasing attention to land tenure conflicts and institutional frameworks is needed for any collaborative governance design to be sustainable, which confirms political ecology findings.
- Published
- 2013
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