The IAP (Institute of Atnjospheric Physics) land-surface model (IAP94) is described. This model is a comprehensive one with detailed description for the processes of vegetation, snow and soil. Particular attention has been paid to the cases with three water phases in the surface media. On the basis of the mixture theory and the theory of fluid dynamics of porous media, the system of universal conservational equations for water and heat of soil, snow and vegetation canopy has been constructed. On this background, all important factors that may affect the water and heat balance in media can be considered naturally, and each factor and term possess distinct physical meaning. In the computation of water content and temperature, the water phase change and the heat transportation by water flow are taken into account. Moreover, particular attentionhas been given to the water vapor diffusion in soil for arid or semi-arid cases, and snow compaction. In the treatment of surface turbulent fluxes, the difference between aerodynamic and thermal roughness is taken into account. The aerodynamic roughness of vegetation is calculated as a function of canopy density, height and zero-plane displacement. An extrapolation of log-linear and exponential relationship is used when calculating the wind profile within canopy. The model has been validated against field measurements in off-line simulations. The desirable model’s performance leads to the conclusion that the IAP94 is able to reproduce the main physical mechanisms governing the energy and water balances in the global land surface. Part II of the present study will concern the validation in a 3-D experiment coupled with the IAP Two-Level AGCM.