In this paper, gate leakage current has been mitigated by the use of novel nanoscale MOSFET with Source/Drain-to-Gate Non-overlapped and high-k spacer structure for the first time. A compact analytical model has been developed to study the gate leakage behaviour of proposed MOSFET structure. The result obtained has found good agreement with the Sentaurus Simulation. Fringing gate electric field through the dielectric spacer induces inversion layer in the non-overlap region to act as extended S/D region. It is found that optimal Source/Drain-to-Gate Non-overlapped and high-k spacer structure has reduced the gate leakage current to great extent as compared to those of an overlapped structure. Further, the proposed structure had improved off current, subthreshold slope and DIBL characteristic. It is concluded that this structure solves the problem of high leakage current without introducing the extra series resistance., {"references":["C. -H. Choi, K. Y. Nam, Z. Yu, and R. W. Dutton, \"Impact of gate\ndirect tunneling current on circuit performance: A simulation study,\"\nIEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 48, pp. 2823-2829, Dec. 2001.","International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, http:\n// /2001 ITRS /Home.html.","Y. Taur, \"CMOS Design Near the Limits of Scaling,\" IBM J.R&D, vol.\n46(2/3), pp. 213-222, Mar./May 2002.","N. Sirisantana, Wei, L. and Roy, K. , \"High Performance Low-Power\nCMOS Circuits Using Multiple Channel Length and Multiple Oxide\nThickness,\" in Proc. of IEEE ICCD, pp. 227-232, Sept. 2000.","F. Hamzaoglu and M. Stan, \"Circuit-Level Techniques to Control Gate\nLeakage for sub 100nm CMOS,\" Proc. ISLPED, pp. 60-63, Aug. 2002.","K. Roy, S. Mukhopadhyay, and H. M. Meimand, \"Leakage Current\nMechanisms and Leakage Reduction Techniques in Deep-\nSubmicrometer CMOS Circuits,\" Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 91,no. 2,\npp. 305-327, February 2003.","D. Lee, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester ,\"Analysis and Minimization\nTechniques for Total Leakage Considering Gate Oxide Leakage,\" in\nProc. Of ACM/IEEE DAC, pp. 175-180, Jun. 2003.","D. Lee, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester, \"Gate Oxide Leakage Current\nAnalysis and Reduction for VLSI Circuits,\" IEEE Transactions on VLSI\nSystems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 155-166, February 2004.","A. K. Sultania, D. Sylvester, and S. S. Sapatnekar, \"Tradeoffs Between\nGate Oxide Leakage and Delay for Dual Tox Circuits,\" in Proceedings of\nDesign Automation Conference, 2004, pp. 761-766.\n[10] N. Sirisantana and K. Roy;, \"Low-power Design using Multiple Channel\nLengths and Oxide Thicknesses,\" IEEE Design & Test of Computers,\nvol. 21, no. 1, pp. 56-63, Jan-Feb 2004.\n[11] S. P. Mohanty and E. Kougianos. \" Modeling and Reduction of Gate\nLeakage during Behavioral Synthesis of Nano CMOS Circuits.\" In\nProceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design\n(VLSID), 2006.\n[12] Hyunjin Lee, Jongho Lee and Hyungcheol Shin, \"DC and AC\nCharacteristics of Sub-50-nm MOSFETs with Source/Drain-to-Gate\nNon-overlapped Structure.\" IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.\n1, No. 4, pp. 219-225, Dec 2002.\n[13] T. Ghani, K. Mistry, P. Packan, S. Thompson, M. Stettler, S. Tyagi, and\nM. Bohr, \"Scaling challenges and device design requirements for high\nperformance sub-50 nm gate length planar CMOS transistors,\" in Tech.\nDig. VLSI Sym., 2000, pp. 174-175.\n[14] K. F. Schuegraf and C. Hu, \"Hole injection SiO2 breakdown model for\nvery low voltage lifetime extrapolation,\" IEEE Transactions on Electron\nDevices, Vol. 41, No. 5,pp 761-767, May 1994.\n[15] W. -C. Lee and C. Hu, \" Modeling CMOS tunneling currents through\nultrathin gate oxide due to conduction- and valence-band electron and\nhole tunneling,\" IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 48, No. 7,\npp 1366-1373, July 2001.\n[16] Fabien Pregaldiny, Christophe Lallement and Daniel Mathiot,\n\"Accounting for quantum mechanical effects from accumulation to\ninversion, in a fully analytical surface potential-based MOSFET model,\"\nSolid-State Electronics, Vol.48, No. 5, pp.781-787, 2004.\n[17] Taur, Y., and Ning, T.H.: ÔÇÿFundamentals of modern VLSI devices-\n(Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998).\n[18] Steve Shao-Shiun Chung and Tung-Chi Li, \"An analytical thresholdvoltage\nmodel of trench-isolated MOS devices with non-uniformly\ndoped substrates\" IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, Vol. 39, No.\n3, pp 614-622,1992.\n[19] ISE TCAD: Synopsys Santaurus Device simulator."]}