Ionising radiation induces DNA damage not only in the directly exposed cells but also in their neighbouring nonirradiated cells, termed as radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE) that was first reported by Nagasawa and Little (1992). Since then, the research advance in RIBE has significantly impacted on the radiobiological studies and cancer risk evaluation. It has been known that a series of bystander responses, including cell killing (Lewis et al, 2001; Schettino et al, 2003), chromosomal damage (Lehnert and Goodwin, 1997), genomic instability (Seymour and Mothersill, 1997; Morgan and Sowa, 2007), neoplastic transformation (Sawant et al, 2001; Mancuso et al, 2008), changes in gene expression (Azzam et al, 1998), and DNA methylation (Ilnytskyy et al, 2009), can be triggered by the soluble molecules that are released from irradiated cells and affect neighbouring cells via gap junction (Azzam et al, 2000; Shao et al, 2003b) and/or culture medium (Baskar et al, 2007; Dickey et al, 2009). Because RIBE has an important implication in radiotherapy, tumour cells have been widely applied for the studies on this phenomenon (Shao et al, 2003a; Harada et al, 2009). Multiple RIBEs, including cell growth stimulation, DNA damage, and cell death, have been observed in tumour cells in vitro (Shao et al, 2003a, 2003c; Gow et al, 2010). Using mouse model, the bystander responses of internal tumour cells or tissues were also confirmed in vivo, and cancer-associated events, such as p53 alteration, MMPs activity, and epigenetic change, were proved to be involved in the RIBE (Camphausen et al, 2003; Koturbash et al, 2007; Lemay et al, 2011). Several bystander signalling molecules, such as free radicals (Narayanan et al, 1997; Shao et al, 2002; Han et al, 2009), proteins (Narayanan et al, 1999; Shao et al, 2008b), calcium flux (Lyng et al, 2002; Shao et al, 2006), and hormones (Shao et al, 2008a) have been disclosed. Recent studies have shown that cytochrome-c (cyt-c) is also involved in the RIBE either as a sensor of bystander response (Yang et al, 2009) or as a signalling factor transmittable through gap junction (Peixoto et al, 2009). Our previous study demonstrated that a p53-dependent cyt-c release from the mitochondria of irradiated cells had an important role in the regulation of RIBE (He et al, 2011). cyt-c is an electron transporting protein and belongs to a part of the respiratory chain localised in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Schagger, 2002). Release of cyt-c from mitochondria into cytoplasm is a key event of radiation-induced apoptosis (Ogawa et al, 2002). However, most of the previous works have paid close attention in the role of cyt-c itself in RIBE but not its relationship with other bystander signals. To clarify the signalling pathways underlying the cyt-c-mediated bystander response, we detected two principal reactive species, that is, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO), and attempted to determine which could be a downstream signal factor modulated by cyt-c in RIBE.