1,096 results on '"Bura, A"'
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2. An Experimental Study on Automatic Traffic Light System using IR Sensors
- Author
null Dr. R. Premsudha, null Bhukya Tharun, null Bura Vaishnavi, null Gottimukkula Shivani, and null Jella Udayasri
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Traffic jam turns out to be key crisis in these days. Traffic jam mainly occurs in urban areas. Due to traffic jam, there are several problems arise such as increase in noise pollution, air pollution, accidents and delay in travel time etc. The present traffic signals deployed in all parts of the cities are not enough to solve above mentioned problems because these have specific pre- determined time for red and green signals. In this view various attempts were done for traffic lights to behave smartly based on density of vehicles on the road. Therefore, many techniques have been used in traffic control systems. This paper summarizes different techniques of traffic control system that were used for the improvement of conventional traffic control system. Congestion is a serious issue due to vehicular traffic. One of the known causes of traffic congestion is the amount of time spend waiting for the red light to change to green. The changing of traffic light is hard-coded and it is not reliant on traffic volume. There is therefore need to simulate and optimize traffic control to better accommodate density based traffic rather than time based. This system attempts to lessen Possibilities of traffic jams brought about by traffic lights to a reasonable degree. This project, a density-based traffic control system is been implemented to solve this problem. The system entails programming an Arduino using Arduino integrated development environment to enable traffic lights give the right of access to the road by selecting the lane with the high number of cars. The traffic lights are modified to chip away at an auspicious premise until there is a signal identified by the infrared sensors. The sensor identifies an object (i.e., a vehicle, a motorcycle etc.) and signals the Arduino to control the traffic lights for its individual path. Once there is no sign identified by any of the four sensors the traffic lights keep on dealing with an auspicious premise. The mean response time of the sensor was found to be 0.39 seconds. Further research is recommended to produce the device on a large scale to be deployed to all roads in the country.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Maria Ermilinda Dua Lering, Muhamad Syahrun, Rikardus Nasa, Rimasi Rimasi, and Trisnawati Bura
- Abstract
kompetensi Guru yang dimaksud meliputi: (a) Kompetensi pedagogik, (b) Kompetensi kepribadian, (c) Kompetensi profesional, (d) Kompetensi sosial [2] Kompetensi profesional berkaitan dengan kemampuan Guru untuk menguasai pengetahuan dari bidang studi yang diajarkan secara luas dan mendalam, serta kemampuan Guru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilaksanakannya. Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh Guru dapat dilakukan melalui penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Guru dalam hal melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan pelatihan adalah metode ceramah, dan tanya jawab. Alat yang digunakan dalam kegiatan tersebut berupa laptop, LCD, dan spiker. Pembawa materi dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 5 orang dengan mitra peserta pelatihan adalah Guru sekolah menengah pertama Satu Atap Bloro yang ada di Desa Bloro Kecamatan Nita, Kab.Sikka sebanyak 25 orang. Waktu pelaksanaan dilakukan sebanyak tiga hari yang meliputi pemberian materi juga praktik penulisan penelitian tindakan kelas. Materi yang diberikan yaitu penulisan karya ilmiah khususnya penelitian tindakan kelas baik teori ataupun praktik. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini memberikan pemahaman tentang PTK dan dapat dilakukan oleh Guru dengan konsisten.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Structured time‐dependent inverse regression (STIR)
- Author
Minsun Song, Efstathia Bura, Roman Parzer, and Ruth M. Pfeiffer
- Subjects
Statistics and Probability ,Epidemiology - Published
- 2023
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5. Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen Terhadap Kesiapan Siswa dalam Menghadapi Bonus Demografi
- Author
Paulina Bura Kaka and Dina Kristiani
- Abstract
The Demographic Bonus is a phenomenon that will occur in Indonesia in2030-2045 and will have an impact on all people’s lives. This phenomenon requiresthe role of all levels of society, including teachers. This article aims toprovide an understanding of the teacher’s role in students’ readiness to facedemographic bonuses in Indonesia. The liberation in this paper uses a qualitativeapproach with literary review writing techniques or library studies. The results of thestudy show that teachers must play a role in dealing with demographicbonuses through the pillars or functions of teachers/teaching sir. Teachers can carryout various concrete actions that are holistic which can be useful in all aspects ofstudent and community life. In this case, the teacher must be the guardianof the student who warns the student of all life’s problems, not only spiritualproblems. This research has a contribution for students to play an active role in thewhole life of the participants. Teachers do not only focus on teaching in schools butmust be able to touch all aspects of the lives of students and society.AbstrakBonus demografi adalah fenomena yang akan terjadi di indonesia pada tahun 2030-2045 dan akan berdampak pada seluruh kehidupan masyarakat. Fenomena ini membutuhkan peran seluruh lapiran masyarakat termasuk guru. artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang peran guru terhadap kesiapan siswa dalam menghadapi bonus demografi di indonesia. Pembahasan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik penulisan literature review atau studi pustaka. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru pak harus berperan dalam menghadapi bonus demografi melalui pilar atau fungsi guru/pengajar pak. guru dapat melakukan berbagai aksi nyata yang bersifat holistik yang dapat berguna dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan siswa dan masyarakat.dalam hal ini, guru harus menjadi penjaga siswa yang memperingatkan siswa atas seluruh permasalah kehidupan tidak hanya masalah rohani. penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi bagi peserta didik untuk berperan aktif dalam seluruh kehidupan peserta. guru tidak hanya berfokus pada pengajaran di sekolah tetapi harus dapat menyentuh seluruh aspek kehidupan peserta didik dan masyarakat.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Indonesia Military Research and Development in Dealing With The Sixth Generation Warfare : The Use of Artificial Intelligence in War Operations
- Author
null Irvan Arianto Randa Lembang, null Romie Oktavianus Bura, and null R Djoko Andreas Navalino
- Abstract
Technological sophistication brings the world community to be faced with the 6th generation of war, namely war involving the latest technology, artificial intelligence (AI), satellites, and robotics. This indicates that war has gone beyond conventional means, No. longer having to face each other or face to face as happened in the first generation of war. Although in several parts of the world the "classic" war still occurs, it is more sectoral in nature and only in local scale conflicts. The qualitative descriptive research method was chosen because the researcher wanted to get a description of Indonesian military research and development in dealing with the sixth generation warfare: the use of artificial intelligence in war operations. Given the dynamics of the world's rapid technological developments, the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) must be adaptable, one of which is by updating defense equipment that incorporates the concept of artificial intelligence (AI). The use of artificial intelligence by the TNI is a necessity, this is caused by increasingly sophisticated threat patterns, so the use of technology is very relevant to ensuring the security of border areas. Maintaining the integrity of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia is a "fixed price," and one of its forms is ensuring the security of the border area.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Vera Bura, Areyne Christi, and Hari Budi Waluyo
- Abstract
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasikan pengaruh tanggung jawab dalam pengembangan penguasaan diri siswa. Penulis mendasari hal di atas sesuai yang ada didalam Galatia 5:22-23 d, (1) tentang peranan keluarga, (2) tentang penguasaan diri. Dalam penulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, evaluasi dan dengan pendekatan deskripsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mendapatkan tentang bagaimana peran orang tua untuk bertanggung jawab menerapkan buah roh salah satunya adalah penguasaan diri Galatia 5:22-253 (2) mendapatkan tentang peran orang tua untuk membentuk sikap belajar anak. (3) mendapatkan tentang tindakan peneliti dalam melakukan studi evaluasi penguasaan diri anak menurut Galatia: terhadap sikap penguasaan diri peserta didik. Hasil bahwa pemahaman yang terutama dalam mendidik anak yang utama adalah orang tua. Dalam penguasaan diri anak adalah suatu upaya anak untuk mampu mengendalikan diri/ menahan diri agar menjadi lebih baik, penguasaan diri ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kemajuan, keberhasilan, serta sukacita yang mendasari didalammya, menyenangkan diri, serta mengarahkan tingkah lakunya sendiri sebagai wujud dorongan ke arah yang positif. Hal yang diatas dapat dibatasi oleh orang tua atau guru dalam sikap belajar peserta didik dengan cara orang tua memberikan teladan yang baik terhadap anak serta menanamkan nilai-nilai buah roh seperti: penguasaan diri. Abstract: This article aims to evaluate the influence of responsibility in the development of students' self-mastery. The author underlies the above according to what is in Galatians 5:22-23 d, (1) about the role of the family, (2) about self-control. In this writing using quantitative research methods, evaluation and with a description approach. The purposes of this study were (1) to find out how the role of parents is to be responsible for implementing the fruit of the spirit, one of which is self-mastery in Galatians 5:22-253 (2) to get about the role of parents to shape children's learning attitudes. (3) get about the researchers' actions in conducting an evaluation study of children's self-mastery according to Galatia: towards the attitude of self-mastery of students. The result is that the main understanding in educating children is the parents. In children's self-mastery is a child's effort to be able to control himself/hold himself to be better, this self-mastery aims to gain progress, success, and joy that underlies it in him, pleases himself, and directs his own behavior as a form of encouragement in the right direction. positive. The things above can be limited by parents or teachers in the learning attitude of students by way of parents setting a good example for their children and instilling the values of the fruit of the spirit such as: self-mastery.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Genetic Parameters and Diversity Analysis in Blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) for Seed Yield Characters
- Author
Bura Ramesh, Bodhanampally Manasa Reddy, Gera Roopa Lavanya, and Putta Bhanuprasad
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Pulses occupy a very unique position in Indian agriculture by virtue of the fact that they are highly nutritious and provide a protein-filled diet via food. As compared to the cereal production globally, pulses are being produced sporadically in low fertile lands having moisture stress condition which eventually conceal its true yield capacity to its poor management practices. The aim of the present study uses to estimate the genetic parameters of 13 yield attributing characters traits in 20 Black gram genotypes with the view to select for better yield contributed characters in Black gram. Analysis of variance showed significant differences for all the 13 characters. Seed yield per plant exhibited high estimates of PCV, GCV and heritability. Super—imposition of genotypes was observed in Metro glyph analysis because of close proximity two variables taken for plotting the genotypes. In this classification analysis made based on biological yield and harvest index for all the 20 genotypes formed 4 complexes. Out of 20 genotypes 4 genotypes like KU-99-16, KU-96-8, KU-48 and KU-303 were recorded highest index score and fell into different complex, hence used as parents for getting good combinations for future hybridization programmers.
- Published
- 2022
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9. The meaning of the basic term for the colour black in Czech, Polish and Upper Sorbian
- Author
Bura, Renata
- Subjects
Upper Sorbian ,Linguistics and Language ,Polish ,basic colour term ‘black’ ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Czech ,semantics ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
In European culture the colour black has quite a diverse and complex symbolism, which is also confirmed in the phrases containing black and referring to human life and the surrounding nature. This article is a comparative analysis of the meanings (figurative and literal) and connotations of the term “black” in three genetically close languages: Czech, Polish and Upper Sorbian. The comparative approach has brought out both the similarities in the conceptualization of this colour and its connotations, which are typical for two languages or only one. The semantic connotations of black in the analysed languages confirm their high compliance, which results from the linguistic and cultural proximity. The differences relate primarily to the wealth of expressions that implement the appropriate connotations. There is a visible lack of symmetry between Czech and Polish ??on the one hand, and Upper Sorbian on the other. In Upper Sorbian, as a minority language, one can also notice the influence of the German language (clichés of German expressions), which results from the closeness of Upper Sorbian with German.
- Published
- 2022
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10. The Effect of Using Phyphox Applications to Improve Learning Outcomes Reviewed from Early Knowledge and Response
- Author
Yomianus Bura, Adi Jufriansah, and Pujianti Bejahida Donuata
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
This study aims to determine whether or not using the phyphox application affects student learning outcomes in terms of prior knowledge and student responses. This research was conducted in high school, using a quasi-experimental research method (quasi-experimental). The design model of this research was pre-test and post-test using a randomized design by giving an initial test before learning and a final test after learning. In this study, two classes were involved as representatives of the experimental class, given the behavior of learning hypothetical deductive thinking strategies using Phyphox media. In contrast, the control class was used as a comparison of Phyphox tools. The results showed that the experimental class students' learning outcomes were superior to those of the control class. It is shown in the comparison data of the N-Gain value and the results of hypothesis testing. Several covariate parameters also support this research. The percentage change in the practical contribution's value and each parameter's relative contributions shows that the test has improved.
- Published
- 2022
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11. 25 mm Hg versus 35 mm Hg elastic compression stockings to prevent post-thrombotic syndrome after deep vein thrombosis (CELEST): a randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority trial
- Author
Jean-Philippe Galanaud, Céline Genty-Vermorel, Marie-Thérèse Barrellier, François Becker, Violaine Jabbour, Sophie Blaise, Alessandra Bura-Rivière, Alexa Comte, Claire Grange, Herve Guenneguez, Mario Maufus, Pierre Ouvry, Cécile Richaud, Carole Rolland, Jeannot Schmidt, Marie-Antoinette Sevestre, François Verrière, Jean-Luc Bosson, Olivier Pichot, Hervé Guenneguez, Anna Di Maio, Francis Couturaud, Marc Danguy Des Déserts, Patrick Mismetti, Damien Laneelle, Béatrice Terriat, Audrey Stansal, Myriam Martin, Constant Quashie, Mickaël Bonaldi, Patrick Lanoye, Francine Ponchaux-Crépin, Toufek Berremili, Marie-Antoinette Sevestre-Pietri, Santhi Samy-Modeliar, Azeddine Addala, Luc Toffin, Bruno Rouquet, Maïlys Michot-Casbas, Guillaume Lacaze, Pierre-Marie Roy, Cécile Durant, Anne-Laure Baldassini-Esquis, Alain Cazanave, Damien Rouvière, Hélène Skolka, Tewfik Salem, Jean-Michel Monsallier, Benoit Roger, Thien-Quang Tra, Mutendi Kalolwa, Antoine Diard, Marc Lambert, Mebarka Taiar, Céline Gaudout, Sylvain Ancey, and Christine Jurus
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Double-Blind Method ,Leg Ulcer ,Humans ,Female ,Hematology ,Middle Aged ,Stockings, Compression ,Postthrombotic Syndrome ,Veins - Abstract
The optimal strength of compression needed to prevent post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) after a proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is debated. We aimed to assess whether 25 mm Hg elastic compression stockings (ECS) are non-inferior to 35 mm Hg ECS in preventing PTS after a DVT.In this multicentre, double-blind, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial, we enrolled adults (≥18 years) with a first ipsilateral proximal DVT attending 46 French vascular medicine hospital departments or private practices. Participants were randomly allocated (1:1, stratified by centre, age, and sex; with varying block sizes of two and four) to wear 25 mm Hg or 35 mm Hg ECS for 2 years. The primary outcome was the cumulative rate of PTS 2 years after inclusion, defined by a Villalta scale (≥5). Efficacy was assessed by intention-to-treat and in eligible participants who had complete primary outcome data. A per-protocol analysis was also conducted among compliant patients as a secondary outcome measure. Safety was assessed in all participants who used ECS at least once, and for which we have at least some tolerance information during follow-up. The margin for non-inferiority was 12·5%. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01578122, and has been completed.Between June 28, 2012, and July 21, 2017, we enrolled 341 eligible participants who consented to randomisation. 233 (68%) were men and median age was 59 years (IQR 45-70). Collection of ethnicity and race as a routine research variable is not authorised in France. Median follow-up was 735 days (IQR 721-760). 249 (73%) had complete data at 2 years. For the primary analysis, 40 (31%) of 129 participants with complete data in the 25 mm Hg ECS group and 40 (33%) of 120 in the 35 mm Hg group had PTS (absolute difference -2·3% [90% CI -12·1 to 7·4], pAlthough we did not reach the prespecified sample size, our results suggest that 25 mm Hg ECS are non-inferior to 35 mm Hg ECS in preventing PTS. Larger more powerful studies are needed.Laboratoires Innothera, France.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Caterpillar sonic defences: mechanisms and diversity of mandible stridulation in silk and hawk moth (Bombycoidea) larvae
- Author
Melanie L. Low, Veronica L. Bura, and Jayne E. Yack
- Subjects
Ecology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2022
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13. Evaluation of the Orobua settlement as a historical heritage in West Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Author
Pascarianto Bura and Tetsuya Ando
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Architecture ,Building and Construction ,Civil and Structural Engineering - Published
- 2022
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14. Heart Rate and Mortality in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism
- Author
G. Pellejero, Jose Gutierrez, R. Malý, M. Basaglia, L. Chasco, P. Suchon, R. Le Mao, Laurent Bertoletti, F. Martins, J. Caprini, A. Braester, F. Galeano-Valle, Hanh My Bui, J. Alonso, Y. Sato, G. Vidal, Y. Nishimoto, C. Tolosa, E. Nofuentes-Pérez, A.M. Díaz-Brasero, N. Ait Abdallah, M.D. Adarraga, R. Sánchez-Martínez, L. Font, Raquel López-Reyes, Inna Tzoran, Karine Lacut, J. del Toro, Andris Skride, Ana Jaureguizar, Joseph A. Caprini, C. Amado, R. García de la Garza, A.M. Camon, S. Merla, Luciano López-Jiménez, G. Salgueiro, Sebastian Schellong, Alfonso Muriel, F. Bilora, S. Lainez-Justo, B. Suárez-Rodríguez, Carme Font, F. Beddar Chaib, I. Francisco, C. Jiménez-Alfaro, P. Azcarate-Agüero, Maurizio Ciammaichella, J.A. Porras, N. Vo Hong, F. Martín-Martos, Dominique Farge-Bancel, D. Farge-Bancel, José Luis Lobo, M. Giménez-Suau, E. Grau, F. García-Bragado, Ángeles Blanco-Molina, Carmen Fernández-Capitán, María del Carmen Díaz-Pedroche, C. Grange, Adriana Visonà, L. Guirado, P. Villares, P. López-Miguel, José María Pedrajas, S. Accassat, Beatriz Valero, B. Crichi, Juan J. López-Núñez, Luis Jara-Palomares, G. Sarlon-Bartoli, J. Lima, C. Bortoluzzi, Alicia Lorenzo, C. de Ancos, M.A. Fidalgo, Philippe Debourdeau, Pablo Javier Marchena, C. Rodríguez-Matute, A.I. Farfán-Sedano, José Luis Fernández-Reyes, J.C. Escribano, Juan I. Arcelus, M. Barrón, I. Quere, Remedios Otero, A. De Angelis, P. Morange, Peter Verhamme, G. Kenet, P. Prandoni, Pedro Ruiz-Artacho, C. Siniscalchi, A. Zaicenko, M. Olid-Velilla, C. García-Díaz, B. Barrón-Andrés, T. Sancho, Fernando Uresandi, Javier Trujillo-Santos, A. Muñoz-Blanco, A. Villalobos, A. Dubois-Silva, J. Moisés, J. Osorio, M.I. Mercado, J.M. Suriñach, M.A. Aibar, M.D. Joya, Cihan Ay, J.A. Díaz-Peromingo, H. Bounameaux, Diego Martínez-Urbistondo, Thomas Vanassche, L. Bertoletti, Marijan Bosevski, Farès Moustafa, M. Martín del Pozo, J.F. Sánchez-Muñoz-Torrero, H.M. Bui, Ingrid Pabinger, M.C. Olivares, M. García de Herreros, M.J. Núñez-Fernández, B. Zalunardo, J.F. Varona, Stephan Nopp, Behnood Bikdeli, B. Brandolin, B. Bikdeli, Olga Madridano, Manuel Monreal, M.J. Jaras, Alessandra Bura-Rivière, Abílio Reis, J. Portillo, O. Espitia, J. Catella, Aitor Ballaz, F. Esposito, R. Barba, R. Valle, H. Helfer, I. Tzoran, J.B. López-Sáez, P. Ruiz-Artacho, M.A. García, J. Aibar, C. Gómez-Cuervo, C. Gabara, A. Latorre, J. Ruiz-Ruiz, Benjamin Brenner, S. Fonseca, S. Schellong, Raffaele Pesavento, Barry M. Brenner, Silvia Soler, Paolo Prandoni, Victor F. Tapson, Ana Maestre, Pierpaolo Di Micco, M. Muñoz, J. Criado, D. Jiménez, Antonella Tufano, G. Krstevski, B. Valero, Henri Bounameaux, M.I. Torres, G. Poenou, Isabelle Mahé, Aída Gil-Díaz, A. Asuero, S. Otalora, V. Rosa, L. Vela, E. Imbalzano, C. Vandenbriele, C. Barbagelata, Jana Hirmerova, J. Meireles, David Jiménez, Lucia Mazzolai, L. Hernández-Blasco, M. Bosevski, Gili Kenet, C. Mella, M. Monreal, J.R. Vela, P. Di Micco, Carlos Zamora, K. Flores, P. Demelo-Rodríguez, Radovan Malý, J. Birzulis, J.A. Nieto, J. Castro, M.V. Di Campli, Francis Couturaud, Raquel Barba, Jaureguizar, A., Jimenez, D., Bikdeli, B., Ruiz-Artacho, P., Muriel, A., Tapson, V., Lopez-Reyes, R., Valero, B., Kenet, G., Monreal, M., Prandoni, P., Brenner, B., Farge-Bancel, D., Barba, R., Di Micco, P., Bertoletti, L., Schellong, S., Tzoran, I., Reis, A., Bosevski, M., Bounameaux, H., Maly, R., Verhamme, P., Caprini, J. A., Bui, H. M., Adarraga, M. D., Aibar, J., Aibar, M. A., Alonso, J., Amado, C., Arcelus, J. I., Asuero, A., Azcarate-Aguero, P., Ballaz, A., Barbagelata, C., Barron, M., Barron-Andres, B., Blanco-Molina, A., Beddar Chaib, F., Camon, A. M., Castro, J., Chasco, L., Criado, J., de Ancos, C., del Toro, J., Demelo-Rodriguez, P., Diaz-Brasero, A. M., Diaz-Pedroche, M. C., Diaz-Peromingo, J. A., Di Campli, M. V., Dubois-Silva, A., Escribano, J. C., Esposito, F., Farfan-Sedano, A. I., Fernandez-Capitan, C., Fernandez-Reyes, J. L., Fidalgo, M. A., Flores, K., Font, C., Font, L., Francisco, I., Gabara, C., Galeano-Valle, F., Garcia, M. A., Garcia-Bragado, F., Garcia de Herreros, M., Garcia de la Garza, R., Garcia-Diaz, C., Gil-Diaz, A., Gomez-Cuervo, C., Gimenez-Suau, M., Grau, E., Guirado, L., Gutierrez, J., Hernandez-Blasco, L., Jara-Palomares, L., Jaras, M. J., Jimenez-Alfaro, C., Joya, M. D., Lainez-Justo, S., Latorre, A., Lima, J., Lobo, J. L., Lopez-Jimenez, L., Lopez-Miguel, P., Lopez-Nunez, J. J., Lopez-Saez, J. B., Lorenzo, A., Madridano, O., Maestre, A., Marchena, P. J., Martin del Pozo, M., Martin-Martos, F., Martinez-Urbistondo, D., Mella, C., Mercado, M. I., Moises, J., Munoz, M., Munoz-Blanco, A., Nieto, J. A., Nofuentes-Perez, E., Nunez-Fernandez, M. J., Olid-Velilla, M., Olivares, M. C., Osorio, J., Otalora, S., Otero, R., Pedrajas, J. M., Pellejero, G., Porras, J. A., Portillo, J., Rodriguez-Matute, C., Rosa, V., Ruiz-Ruiz, J., Salgueiro, G., Sanchez-Martinez, R., Sanchez-Munoz-Torrero, J. F., Sancho, T., Soler, S., Suarez-Rodriguez, B., Surinach, J. M., Torres, M. I., Tolosa, C., Trujillo-Santos, J., Uresandi, F., Valle, R., Varona, J. F., Vela, L., Vela, J. R., Vidal, G., Villalobos, A., Villares, P., Zamora, C., Ay, C., Nopp, S., Pabinger, I., Vanassche, T., Vandenbriele, C., Hirmerova, J., Accassat, S., Ait Abdallah, N., Bura-Riviere, A., Catella, J., Couturaud, F., Crichi, B., Debourdeau, P., Espitia, O., Grange, C., Helfer, H., Lacut, K., Le Mao, R., Mahe, I., Morange, P., Moustafa, F., Poenou, G., Sarlon-Bartoli, G., Suchon, P., Quere, I., Braester, A., Basaglia, M., Bilora, F., Bortoluzzi, C., Brandolin, B., Ciammaichella, M., De Angelis, A., Imbalzano, E., Merla, S., Pesavento, R., Siniscalchi, C., Tufano, A., Visona, A., Vo Hong, N., Zalunardo, B., Nishimoto, Y., Sato, Y., Birzulis, J., Skride, A., Zaicenko, A., Fonseca, S., Martins, F., Meireles, J., Krstevski, G., and Mazzolai, L.
- Subjects
Male ,Registrie ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,pulmonary embolism ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,Logistic regression ,Heart Rate ,Internal medicine ,Heart rate ,medicine ,In patient ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,mortality ,Pulmonary embolism ,Prospective Studie ,Increased risk ,Spain ,Cardiology ,Positive relationship ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Background: The association between heart rate (HR) and pulmonary embolism (PE) outcomes has not been well studied. Furthermore, optimal cutoffs to identify low-risk and intermediate- to high-risk patients are not well known. Research Question: Does an association exist between baseline HR and PE outcome across the continuum of HR values? Study Design and Methods: The current study included 44,331 consecutive nonhypotensive patients with symptomatic PE from the Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica registry between 2001 and 2021. Outcomes included 30-day all-cause and PE-specific mortality. We used hierarchical logistic regression to assess the association between admission HR and outcomes. Results: A positive relationship was found between admission HR and 30-day all-cause and PE-related mortality. Considering an HR of 80 to 99 beats/min as a reference, patients in the higher HR strata showed higher rates of all-cause death (adjusted OR, 1.5 for HR of 100-109 beats/min; adjusted OR, 1.7 for HR of 110-119 beats/min; adjusted OR, 1.9 for HR of 120-139 beats/min; and adjusted OR, 2.4 for HR of ≥ 140 beats/min). Patients in the lower strata of HR showed significantly lower rates of 30-day all-cause mortality compared with the same reference group (adjusted OR, 0.6 for HR of 60-79 beats/min; and adjusted OR, 0.5 for HR of < 60 beats/min). The findings for 30-day PE-related mortality were similar. For identification of low-risk patients, a cutoff value of 80 beats/min (vs 110 beats/min) increased the sensitivity of the simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI) from 93.4% to 98.8%. For identification of intermediate- to high-risk patients, a cutoff value of 140 beats/min (vs 110 beats/min) increased the specificity of the Bova score from 93.2% to 98.0%. Interpretation: In nonhypotensive patients with acute symptomatic PE, a high HR portends an increased risk of all-cause and PE-related mortality. Modifying the HR cutoff in the sPESI and the Bova score improves prognostication of patients with PE.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Ismail Ismail, Arisanti Pulio, Elvin Bura, null Selfiana, and Nur Mutmainnah
- Abstract
Kanker kolorektal merupakan salah satu penyakit penyebab kematian tertinggi didunia yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti mutasi genetik, epigenetik, disregulasi oleh jalur sinyal komunikasi dan mikrobiota usus. Adanya mutasi genetik dan epigenetik menyebabkan hilangnya ekspresi dan fungsi dari PTEN (Phosphatase and TENsin homolog) dimana aktivasi yang terus menerus dari kaskade pensinyalan intraseluler PI3K/Akt yang terlibat dalam karsinogenesis kolorektal. Penanganan masalah tersebut yaitu menggunakan miRNA-21 yang berperan penting dengan menekan gen PTEN penanda biologis yang berguna untuk diagnosis dan pengobatan pada kanker kolorektral. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan pengikatan spesifik miRNA-21 dengan gen PTEN yang berperan dalam kanker kolorektal berdasarkan nilai ∆Ghybrid dan Logistic Probability. Sekuens lengkap gen PTEN diperoleh dari FASTA NCBI dan data CDS diperoleh dari Refseq. Prediksi pengikatan miRNA-21 matur dengan gen PTEN dilakukan menggunakan website StarMir Sfold 2.2. Hasil prediksi pengikatan miRNA-21 dengan 1 target diperoleh 296 model pengikatan. Pengikatan spesifik dilihat dari ∆Ghybrid -23,600 dan logistic probability 0,818 antara ikatan gen PTEN dengan has miR-21-5p pada CDS seedless posisi 3627-3653 dibuktikan dengan nilai ∆Ghybrid paling rendah dari semua ikatan yang terjadi.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Franciscus Xaverius Moan Bura
- Abstract
Kelurahan Sungai Pinyuh merupakan kawasan perkotaan terpadat di Kabupaten Mempawah. Perkembangan kawasan perkotaan yang relatif cepat mengakibatkan pembangunan fisik perkotaan menjadi tidak terkendali. Hal ini juga dialami di sektor perdagangan dan jasa yaitu, penggunaan ruang yang tidak ideal di kawasan perkotaan semacam ini. Pemanfaatan sempadan sungai berupa pertokoan menjadi masalah dari segi estetika, keamanan, kenyamanan, dan terganggunya fungsi sempadan sungai sebagai kawasan lindung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan strategi dalam penanganan kawasan kumuh di sempadan sungai tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kualitatif-deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, studi literatur dan peraturan-peraturan terkait,dan dianalisis dengan SWOT kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kawasan tersebut tidak layak untuk permukiman ataupun kegiatan perdagangan dan jasa, serta direkomendasikan untuk dikembalikan fungsinya sebagai kawasan lindung sempadan sungai.
- Published
- 2022
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17. UWB Wire-Bowtie Array for FM-PCL Passive Radar
- Author
Andrian Andaya Lestari, Luhut Simbolon, Romie Oktovianus Bura, Oktanto Dedi Winarko, and Beno Kunto Pradekso
- Subjects
Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Published
- 2022
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18. Supervised exercise training in patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease
- Author
Stefano Lanzi, Jill Belch, Marianne Brodmann, Juraj Madaric, Alessandra Bura-Riviere, Adriana Visonà, and Lucia Mazzolai
- Subjects
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Abstract
Summary: The optimal first line management of patients with symptomatic chronic lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) includes secondary prevention of cardiovascular risk factors, pharmacological treatment, and supervised exercise therapy (SET). SET programs have shown to be effective in improving walking performance, functional performance, and quality of life. However, despite a large body of evidence, and despite national and international guidelines recommending SET as first line therapy, SET remains largely underused in patients with chronic PAD. This position paper aims to describe how SET is perceived, its accessibility and structure through Europe. An anonymous web-based survey was used. It comprised 21 questions developed in conjunction with an angiologist and a clinical exercise physiologist specialist in vascular rehabilitation. We had 131 responders from 17 countries. For patients with PAD, SET programs exist only in 59% of European countries. SET reimbursement is available in 41% of countries. SET programs showed to be heterogeneous across countries. Thirty-four percent of the SET programs are PAD-dedicated, while 23% are part of a cardiac rehabilitation program. In addition, among existing SET programs, 65% are dedicated to symptomatic patients with PAD only, 9% to both asymptomatic and symptomatic, 8% to post-revascularized patients only, and 1% to asymptomatic patients with PAD only. Finally, 17% reported not knowing which patients are eligible for enrolment in a SET program. Duration, frequency, and modality of SET also varied from country to country. Overall, these data indicate that a large variability of SET availability and characteristics exists across Europe. Therefore, there is an urgent need to provide detailed guidance to deliver optimal exercise therapeutic care in patients with PAD.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Abigael Grace Prasetiani and Agustina Chriswinda Bura Mare
- Abstract
Gaya hidup sedentari biasa dikenal dengan malas gerak memiliki dampak yang sangat serius bagi kesehatan. Salah satupenyakit yang dapat diakibatkan dari gaya hidup sedentari adalah diabetes mellitus yang ditandai dengan tinggi kadar guladarah. Mahasiswa Keperawatan menghabiskan sebagian besar aktivitas dan waktunya dengan duduk ataupun berbaring.Tujuan penelitian adalah mencari hubungan antara gaya hidup sedentari dengan kadar gula darah mahasiswa keperawatan.Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah subjek adalah 100. Gaya hidup sedentari diukur dengan TheAdolescent Sedentary Activity Questioner. Gula darah diukur dengan alat glucometer. Analisis data menggunakan ujikorelasi Pearson. Hasil analisis yaitu p = 0,002 (p
- Published
- 2022
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20. Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi pada Politeknik Bhakti Semesta Menggunakan Metode Ward and Peppard
- Author
Resti Sintia Bura and Agustinus Wijaya
- Abstract
Politeknik Bhakti Semesta merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi yang ada di Salatiga, universitas ini memiliki sejumlah program studi yang berkaitan dengan teknologi yang sudah berjalan namun belum optimal. Karena pentingnya perencanaan strategis yaitu mampu membantu dan mengatur proses implementasi SI/TI dengan bisnis di dalam organisasi sehingga dapat memudahkan pencapaian visi dan misi organisasi, maka dirumuskan rumusan masalah strategi sistem informasi. dengan menggunakan metode Ward and Peppard terbentuk yang dapat membantu dalam menganalisa kebutuhan suatu organisasi sehingga dalam merancang suatu perencanaan dapat menghasilkan dampak yang besar bagi organisasi tersebut. Dalam perencanaan strategis digunakan beberapa alat yaitu Analisis SWOT, Analisis Value Chain, Analisis Critical Success Factor dan Analisis McFarlan Strategic Grid. Dalam penerapan SI/TI di Politeknik Bhakti Semesta yang dirasa kurang optimal karena belum terintegrasi, maka perlu adanya rencana strategis dalam rangka memberikan solusi SI/TI di Politeknik Bhakti Semesta agar dapat dapat menghasilkan proposal keluaran untuk penerapan SI/TI pada organisasi.
- Published
- 2022
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21. Sticky Cost pada Biaya Penjualan Perusahaan Family Business Sektor Manufaktur
- Author
Juniasti Bura Padang and Ika Kristianti
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
This study aims to see and provide empirical evidence whether there are rigid costs in the sales costs of family business manufacturing companies. Rigid costs arise when there is an imbalance between selling costs and changes in net sales. This study uses a model from Anderson, Banker, Janakiraman (ABC). The sample used in this study was 263 samples of manufacturing companies, especially family businesses from 2016 to 2020. The data used is panel data. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that there is a sticky cost on the sales costs of family business manufacturing companies. The findings of this study indicate that changes in activity levels with changes in costs are not always the same.DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/afr.v5i2.8015
- Published
- 2022
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22. Identification and Prioritization of Black Spots in Hilly Road Segment Using Accident Severity Index Method
- Author
Shubham Pandey and Gulab Singh Bura
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Introduction: Road traffic accidents (RTA) will become the third-largest contributor to the global burden of diseases after the ischemic heart diseases and depression. The place where the traffic accident percentages are higher is called as black spot location. The most common assumption for a black spot location is that, there should be any road environmental or geometric issues resulting in the repetition of accidents. Methodology: Our study was conducted in two districts of the Northern Region of India (Uttarakhand). The data were collected on various factors such as weather, accident type, severity levels, and road geometry such as number of curves, segment length, Annual Average Daily Traffic. Results: The present study was an attempt to find out the black spots and to measure the accident severity index (ASI) of the identified black spots in the areas of Dehradun and Haridwar. For each location the ASI was calculated and the Rankings were allotted to the black spots so as to find the severity of the black spots. Conclusion: The present study also suggests that the RTA should be taken under consideration as per the accident severity rather than the frequency of the accidents.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Melkias Monim and Silvans Tande Bura
- Abstract
Strategi model Kemitraan diintegrasikan dalam bekerja sama dalam usaha, untuk langsung atau tidak langsung, berdasarkan prinsip, untuk kebutuhan integritas, percaya bersama, menguatkan bersama, dan bersama-sama mendapatkan keuntungan karena bergabung dengan UMKM usaha kecil dengan perusahaan lain bisnis, dalam kemitraan yang terintegrasi untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap dan memahami model kemitraan strategi UMKM pengguna kecil, pada perbankan untuk usaha kredit kecil di Kabupaten Jayapura. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi, yaitu fenomena yang saling mempengaruhi dari masyarakat manusia dan dunia sosial dalam situasi khusus, mencoba memahami pengalaman para informan, yang terkait dengan fenomenal model kemitraan strategi untuk UMKM pengguna kecil, di bagi usaha kredit kecil untuk perbankan di Kabupaten Jayapura. Hasil penelitian yang dihasilkan menggambarkan, bahwa semua UMKM pengguna kredit kecil, telah mengetahui untuk mendapatkan jalur usaha kredit kecil untuk perbankan, telah mengetahui cara untuk usaha kredit kecil dan cara untuk menyetor untuk usaha kredit kecil
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Luhut Simbolon, Romie Oktovianus Bura, Irdam Ahmad, and Riska Nurtantyo Sarbini
- Abstract
In most games, an artificial pathfinding intelligence is required for traversing the fastest discovery. It is essential for many video games, particularly Role Playing Games (RPGs). The algorithm pathfindings implemented in this game are A* and Dijkstra Algorithms. This study aims to test an artificial intelligence system for discovering routes using the A* and Dijkstra algorithms based on RPG Maker MV. The result showed that from the time obtained, in the experiment on eight nodes using the Pathfinding mechanism of A* algorithm has faster result in discovering the nearest route with the time 08:15:23 with format (mm:ss: ms) whereas Dijkstra Algorithm has a 34:47:43 time result. The time record needed represents the distance between the search nodes. It indicates that the multiple weighting in the impassable nodes caused the cost calculation process becomes faster and more efficient.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Minimization of public transport delays at arterial streets with coordinated motion
- Author
Yurii Yevchuk, Romana Bura, and Yurii Royko
- Abstract
Research results, using which the method of minimization of public transport delay is improved at intersections with the system of coordinated motion control, are given in this paper. Such transport research was carried out with simultaneous application of field measurements of the study of traffic flow indicators and computer simulation in PTV VISSIM to check the level of efficiency of coordinated control and the reliability of the results. The essence of the method is that it reduces the delay in traffic per user of the transport system during his movement through a signalized section of the road network. The effectiveness of this method is achieved under condition of significant intensity of public transport, which is provided with spatial priority in the form of the allocated lane. Invariability of the number of lanes in the area where coordination takes place, and a high level of transit (above 70%) of straight traffic flows are compulsory indicators and parameters. The result is achieved with such phases in the direction of coordinated control, the share of the permissive signal in which is more than 45% of the cycle duration with a duration limit of 90-125 s. With such parameters, the starting delays of the general traffic flow at the stop-lines are minimized, and the maximum values of the saturation flow are achieved. In addition, a sufficient width of the time lane is established for the passage of signalized areas by public transport. There is still some delay in public transport in such a control system, but it is connected with delays at bus stops. The introduction of such systems of coordinated traffic control is recommended on the arterial streets of citywide importance of controlled motion with a distance between adjacent stop-lines of not more than 800 m. This restriction allows avoiding the dissipation of groups of vehicles.
- Published
- 2022
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26. A state-space approach to time-varying reduced-rank regression
- Author
Barbara Brune, Wolfgang Scherrer, and Efstathia Bura
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics - Published
- 2022
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27. Identification of risk factors associated with road traffic accident in hilly road segment using accident severity model
- Author
Shubham Pandey and Gulab Singh Bura
- Subjects
General Nursing ,Education - Abstract
Every year, 1.2 million people die as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA). Following ischemic heart disease and depression as the leading causes of death, RTA will become the third leading cause of death worldwide. The first RTA instance was documented in 1896 [1]. The term "black spot location" refers to an area where the number of traffic accidents is higher. The most prevalent assumption for a black spot site is that there should be any environmental or physical concerns on the road that are causing accidents to occur repeatedly. Our study was conducted in two districts of the Northern Region of India (Uttarakhand). The data were collected on various factors such as weather, accident type, severity levels, road geometry such as the number of curves, segment length, Annual Average Daily Traffic etc. The present study was an attempt to find out the risk factor for road traffic accident in the identified blackspots in the areas of Dehradun and Haridwar. Roadside features were found to significantly affect the severity of run-off-roadway accidents including the presence of bridges, cut-type slopes, ditches and culverts, fences, tree groups, sign supports, utility poles, and isolated trees, and guardrails.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Evaluation of Steel and Tungsten Carbide Cobalt (WC 8Co) 5.56 x 45 mm Caliber Projectile Penetration into Silicon Carbide (SiC) Experiment and Numerical Simulation
- Author
Lucia Dwi Antika, Denny Lesmana, Romie Oktovianus Bura, and Abdul Basyir
- Subjects
Mechanical Engineering ,General Chemical Engineering ,Biomedical Engineering ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Computer Science Applications - Abstract
This study aims to evaluate WC-8Co as a substitution material in a standard steel core projectile commercially produced by PT Pindad (Persero). The enhanced performance of 5.56 x 45-millimeter ammunition after the addition of WC-8Co hard metal was evaluated in terms of penetration into a silicon carbide (SiC) target. Numerical simulations and analysis of the ballistic impact of WC-8Co on ceramic targets were verified by experimental data. The results show that front core substitution in SS109 bullets from steel (Pindad standard) to WC-8Co resulted in 1.5 times greater DoP. Although projectiles with steel (Pindad standard) as the front core have a muzzle velocity higher than those using WC-8Co, they have a lower kinetic energy than the latter. In addition, WC-8Co cemented carbides also displayed higher crater and residual velocity on SiC targets; around 1.8 and 1.3 times higher, respectively. These findings demonstrate the potential use of WC-8Co for development as front core material to improve the penetration of projectiles into ceramic armour.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Analysis for estimating economic loss due to deaths in road traffic accidents
- Author
Ankit Singh and Gulab Singh Bura
- Subjects
human activities ,General Nursing ,Education - Abstract
Background: Injuries and Death that had occurred due to road traffic accidents cannot measure the economic loss, but also affects the physical and mental challenges of the whole family. The aim of this study is to determine the economic burden due to road traffic deaths in hilly areas of two major districts of Uttarakhand. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the impact of deaths due to road traffic accidents for which secondary data was collected after written consent from the Traffic Police Department records in Dehradun and Haridwar. Primary data was collected from the attendants of deceased through pre-designed structured questionnaire along with informed consent. Significance & scope of the study: The economic loss due to road traffic accidents (RTA) is not measurable. Few studies claimed to assess the economic burden due to road traffic accidents in the last two decades. No database was available from hilly terrain in Uttarakhand. Hence the scope was a major criterion for this type of study. Research Findings: The present study estimated that the road traffic death rate was found to be significantly affective the GDP of the deceased family in comparison with state to that of country.
- Published
- 2022
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30. Місце мультимодальної арґументації в процесі ухвалення рішень
- Author
Kateryna Bura
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Дослідження спрямоване на окреслення взаємозв’язків теорії та практики арґументації і теорії ухвалення рішень. Фокус уваги спрямований на виявлення специфіки модусів мультимодальної арґументації, що передбачає послідовне розв’язання таких завдань: а) доповнити та уточнити дефініцію терміна «арґументація» у контексті застосування арґументів в процесі ухвалення рішень; б) розвести смислове поле термінів «переконувати» та «запевняти» в контексті само-арґументації (self-argumentation); в) висвітлити роль особистісних особливостей дієвця у процесі вибору; г) дослідити особливості вербальних та візуальних арґументів у процесі ухвалення рішень. Автор виходить із браку досліджень, присвячених прикладному застосуванню теоретико-арґументативного наробку у процесі ухвалення рішень. Прийоми та методи арґументації пропонується розглянути крізь призму само-арґументації, де суб’єкт шукає підстави та надає докази для переконання і запевнення самого себе. Актуалізація цієї проблематики дає можливість залучити теоретичні здобутки філософії дії та активності, феноменології, когнітивних та комп’ютерних наук з метою розширення поля дослідження та виходу за окреслені дисциплінарні межі. Для розгляду теоретико-методологічної та джерельної бази дослідження був використаний системний підхід. Для порівняння арґументативних теорій та підходів були застосовані компаративний метод та метод аналогії. Автором обґрунтована необхідність прийняття до уваги теоретико-арґументативного наробку в контексті теорії ухвалення рішень. Дослідження на межі цих царин зумовлюють актуалізацію проблеми людини, як дієвця, як автора власних рішень, на шляху до яких постає необхідність пояснення та арґументації. Була висунута та обґрунтована гіпотеза щодо розгляду суб’єкта як одночасно адресанта і адресата в арґументативному процесі, що дало можливість підняти питання само-арґументації. У процесі останньої було проаналізовано місце різних модусів арґументації, зокрема вербального та візуального, а також наведено приклади сфер їхнього прикладного застосування. Наукові наробки в арґументативній царині відрізняються прикладним застосуванням. Уміння будувати, аналізувати та виокремлювати арґументи дають змогу не лише ретроспективно поглянути на арґументативний процес та допомогти обґрунтувати вже ухвалене рішення, але й надати перевагу певній альтернативі безпосередньо у ситуації вибору. Діалогічний характер арґументативного процесу можна тлумачити крізь призму само-арґументації, у процесі якої використовуються не лише вербальні, а й візуальні аргументи. На підставі розглянутих першоджерел продемонстровано, яким чином візуалізація інкорпорується в процес ухвалення рішень.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Teori Filsafat Pragmatisme dan Relevansinya dalam Menyikapi Peristiwa Konteporer
- Author
Soviyanti Bura
- Abstract
Artikel ini membahas mengenai teori filsafat pragmatisme dan relevansinya dalam menyikapi peristiwa kontemporer. Pragmatisme adalah aliran filsafat yang menekankan pentingnya praktik , konsekuensi, dan pengalaman sebagai kriteria utama untuk menilai kebenaran suatu gagasan. Dalam era yang penuh dengan dengan perubahan dan tantagan seperti saat ini, pemahaman prakmatisme dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga dalam menghadapi berbagai peristiwa dan isu kontemporer. tulisan ini akan mengesplorasi aspek-aspek utama dari teori filsafat pragmatisme, serta penerapannya dalam menghadapi peristiwa kontemporer. jurnal ini juga akan mengevaluasi relevansi pragmatisme dalam menyiikapi isu-isu seperti teknologi, politik, lingkuangan, dan etika, dalam era modern. metode pendekatan yang digunakan iyalah analisis literature.
- Published
- 2023
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32. 'Analisis makna Tongkonan dalam kaitannya dengan Falsafa Toraja Unnalli Melo dalam menciptakan sebuah perdamaian'
- Author
Soviyanti Bura
- Abstract
This study aims to analyze the meaning of Tongkonan, and it s relationship with the TorajaUnnalliMelo Philosophy in creating peace in Toraja society. Toraja culture, as a symbol of attachment to family and descendants, and the relations with nature and social harmony, is also the principle underlying the existence of Tongkonan and the Toraja tradition as a whole, in this case Tongkonan and UnnalliMelo philosophy are interrelated and mutually reinforcing one another in creating peace in Torajacociety. Therefore, it is important to maintain and promote Toraja culture as part of efforts to strengthen social unity and peace in Torajacociety.
- Published
- 2023
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33. Comparison Analysis of Global Healthcare of virtual reality Systems Market by Geography in Existing Market Scenario
- Author
Meeta Singh, Poonam Nandal, and Deepa Bura
- Abstract
In the area of virtual reality, there are some critical issues that need to deal with accessing, managing, and sharing the wide amount of information which is increasing day by day. The information produced is not in a form that machines can easily process. So, there is a need to develop and design techniques which can easily process the information and can be embedded with the techniques used for virtual reality. This chapter gives an insight into the various applications of virtual reality, and a comparative analysis of the global healthcare of virtual reality systems market by geography in the existing market scenario.
- Published
- 2023
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34. Geochemical and isotopic studies in parts of the Hadejia-Jamaare-Komadugu-Yobe Basin, NE Nigeria
- Author
Ibrahim Goni, Sara Vassolo, Musami Sheriff, Musa Aji, Bale Bura, and Yusuf Ibrahim
- Subjects
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Water Science and Technology - Published
- 2023
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35. 5-year outcomes of pulmonary embolism patients according to symptoms at 6-month: the QOLAPE study
- Author
L Benezech, T Laroche, E Lointier, M Beneyto, F X Lapebie, C Biendel, O Lairez, T Moine, R Martin, M Elbaz, A Bura-Riviere, and C Delmas
- Subjects
General Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine - Abstract
Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: Public hospital(s). Main funding source(s): CHU Toulouse Rangueil Background Venous thromboembolic disease is a common cardiovascular disease, but long-term data on patient survival according to mid-term symptoms are scarce. Objective To describe outcomes (mortality and functional status) of pulmonary embolism (PE) 5 years after a first inaugural symptomatic episode of acute PE according to symptoms persistence at 6-months. Methods 137 patients with acute symptomatic PE were consecutively recruited at a French University Hospital from 2015 to 2017. Clinical characteristics were compared at 5-years between patients with persistent respiratory symptoms and asymptomatic patients at 6-month. Telephone collection of vital status, recurrence of VTE, NYHA score, current treatment, bleeding events as well as follow-up provided by a specialist were carried out in March 2022 on 105 patients (11% were lost of follow up). Results Patients were predominantly male (n=63, 57.5%) 60.2 yo. PE was initially classified at low, intermediate low, intermediate high and high risk respectively in 42.8, 25.7, 30.5 and 1%. 60 patients (57%) were symptomatics at 6 months. At 5 years, survival was 87.1% with a 17.7% recurrence rate regardless of initial PE presentation and severity, and 50% of patients remain symptomatic. Age, hypertension, diabetes, renal failure, obesity and the existence of a psychiatric pathology are associated with a higher mortality at 5 years. The survival and recurrence of MTVE at 5 years are similar between symptomatic or asymptomatic status at 6 months but symptomatic patients at 6 months are twice as many symptomatic at 5 years than asymptomatic patients at 6 months. Conclusion After an inaugural acute symptomatic PE is 5-year survival was 87%. Age, obesity, diabetes, renal failure, hypertension and the existence of an underlying psychiatric pathology are associated with a poorer prognosis at 5 years. The persistence of symptoms at 6 months of PE was not correlated with survival or recurrence of VTE at 5 years but at the persistence of symptoms at 5 years.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Midsayap Municipal Library and Information Center (MMLIC): Students' Awareness, Access, and Usage
- Author
Aragon, Joey S., Bura-Ay, Ivy Mae, and Limos, Wilson James R.
- Subjects
Library Services ,Librarian ,Awareness ,Students ,LGU Midsayap ,Library Resources ,Access ,and Usage - Abstract
This study was conducted to determine the usage of the Midsayap Municipal Library and Information Center (MMLIC), specifically, students’ awareness and access to information resources and services. A total of 439 students from the 44 barangays in the municipality served as respondents. Descriptive-correlational research was employed through a one-shot survey method utilizing a researcher-made instrument. Of the 439 respondents, most of them were 18 years old (77.9%), more than half were females (59.5%), and almost all were senior high school students (93.6%). The study also revealed that the majority of the students were not aware of the MMLIC resources and services (μ=2.37), and most of them never accessed (μ=38) and never used (μ=1.25) these. Further, the study found that in terms of age and sex, there was no significant difference in their level of awareness, access, and usage of the resources and services. In terms of educational background, a significant difference was found in their level of awareness (t=6.080) and access (t=2.493) but not in their extent of use (t=1.131). Regarding the level of awareness and access, the SHS had the highest mean. Finally, a sizable gap was found between their level of awareness, access, and usage of the information resources and services and their place of residence. It is concluded that the respondents' lack of access to and underutilization of the MMLIC's resources and services is consistent with their low awareness and may be attributed to it. Due to their lack of knowledge, they did not access and utilize the resources and services. However, the municipal library personnel could have this low level of client awareness as their basis for future initiatives, like an information drive or campaign among Midsayapeños.
- Published
- 2023
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37. Application of Perovskite Strontium Doped Neodymium Manganite (Nd0.6Sr0.4MnO3) for Effective Removal of Fast Green Dye, A Toxic Wastewater Contaminant'
- Author
Ankit Bhoriya, null Sachin, Neha Bura, Deepa Yadav, Jasveer Singh, Nahar Singh, H. K. Singh, and Nita Dilawar Sharma
- Subjects
General Chemistry - Published
- 2023
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38. Predictors of recurrence of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism after discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy: a multicenter cohort study
- Author
François-Xavier Lapébie, Alessandra Bura-Rivière, Olivier Espitia, Vanina Bongard, Maurizio M. Ciammaichella, José González Martínez, Patricia Sigüenza, Joaquín Castro Giménez, Laurent Bertoletti, and Manuel Monreal
- Subjects
Hematology - Published
- 2023
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39. Enantioselective Construction of the Cycl[3.2.2]azine Core via Organocatalytic [12 + 2] Cycloadditions
- Author
Karl Anker Jørgensen, Mette Louise Skipper, Nicolaj Inunnguaq Jessen, Maksimilian Bura, Giulio Bertuzzi, Jessen N.I., Bertuzzi G., Bura M., Skipper M.L., and Jorgensen K.A.
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Addition reaction ,Adducts,Cyclization,Stereoselectivity,Addition reactions,Catalysts ,Enantioselective synthesis ,General Chemistry ,010402 general chemistry ,01 natural sciences ,Biochemistry ,Aldehyde ,Catalysis ,Cycloaddition ,0104 chemical sciences ,Azine ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Colloid and Surface Chemistry ,Nucleophile ,chemistry ,Computational chemistry ,Stereoselectivity ,Isoindole - Abstract
The first enantioselective [12 + 2] cycloaddition has been developed for the construction of a chiral cycl[3.2.2]azine core, a tricyclic moiety with a central ring-junction nitrogen atom, by an operationally simple one-step organocatalytic process. The reaction concept builds upon aminocatalytically generated 12π-components derived from 5H-benzo[a]pyrrolizine-3-carbaldehydes reacting with different electron-deficient 2π-components and affording the complex scaffold of benzo[a]cycl[3.2.2]azine (indolizino[3,4,5-ab]isoindole) with excellent enantio- A nd diastereoselectivity in good yields. The developed reaction is robust toward diverse substituent patterns and has been extended to different classes of electron-deficient 2π-components by minor variations in reaction setup. The obtained [12 + 2] cycloadducts are electron-deficient in nature, and their reaction with nucleophiles have been demonstrated. The enantioselective [12 + 2] cycloaddition with α,β-unsaturated aldehydes as the electron-deficient 2π-components relies upon an unconventional, simple aminocatalyst. In order to understand the high stereoselectivity of the [12 + 2] cycloaddition for this simple catalyst, combined experimental and computational investigations were performed. The investigations point to activation of both the 5H-benzo[a]pyrrolizine-3-carbaldehyde and the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde by the aminocatalyst and that the reaction proceeds by a stepwise cycloaddition, where especially the ring-closure is crucial for the stereochemical outcome. For other electron-deficient 2π-components, such as α,β-unsaturated ketoesters and nitroolefins, a more sterically demanding aminocatalyst has been applied and the corresponding [12 + 2] cycloadducts are obtained with excellent stereoselectivity. The [12 + 2] cycloaddition with vinyl sulfones afforded fully unsaturated systems, which display photoluminescence properties and for which quantum yields have been evaluated.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Kateryna Bura
- Abstract
Сьогодні теорія аргументації зазнає значних змін, які спонукають вчених, що працюють у цій царині, до подальших наукових досягнень. З’являються нові течії та напрямки, предметне поле розширюється, а саме уявлення про аргументацію модифікується, залучаючи нові аспекти та інструментарій. Незважаючи на це, у межах теорії аргументації прослідковуються значні термінологічні проблеми, від вирішення яких залежить майбутній розвиток царини. Дослідники вживають одні і ті самі поняття на позначення різних феноменів, враховуючи особливості власних теорій, але не узгоджуючи їх з наявними наробками інших вчених. Слід зазначити, що такі ключові для напряму терміни як ‘аргументація’, ‘аргумент’, ‘аргументативний процес’, ‘аргументативна реальність’ та інші змінюють своє значення залежно від контексту та дослідницьких інтересів конкретного науковця. Сьогодні терміни ‘argument’ та ‘argumentation’ повинні розумітися як ті, що покривають значно більшу семантичну територію, аніж традиційне розуміння засобів переконання. Наразі такі шляхи комунікації як переконання, доведення та обговорення розглядаються як невід'ємні елементи аргументації. З цієї причини, семантичне поле, що покривається термінами ‘argument’ та ‘argumentation’, має бути переглянуте та переосмислене. Актуальність таких проблем посилюється поширенням інтересу до теорії аргументації, який сьогодні виявляють не лише вихідці з англомовного світу, але й носії інших мов. Термінологія, притаманна цій царині, активно перекладається з англійської мови та впроваджується у національні наукові лексикони. Це породжує низку перекладацьких проблем і створює необхідність розвивати локальні категорійні апарати, зокрема україномовний. Переклад породжує нові сенси, не проявлені раніше. Це одна з причин, чому шляхи розвитку царин знання відрізняються, залежно від наукового середовища. Неоднозначність використовуваних термінів призводить до смислових труднощів, які мають бути вирішені за допомогою створення усталеного категорійного апарату. Переклад цитат та головної термінології з англійської мови здійснений автором цієї статті.
- Published
- 2022
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41. Venous thromboembolism in the elderly
- Author
Alessandra Bura‐Riviere, Lucas Verset, and François‐Xavier Lapebie
- Published
- 2022
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42. Duration of anticoagulation for upper extremity deep vein thrombosis associated with cancer and central venous catheter: Outcome of a cohort study
- Author
U, Turrian, F X, Lapebie, and A, Bura-Rivière
- Subjects
Cohort Studies ,Neoplasms ,Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis ,Anticoagulants ,Central Venous Catheters ,Humans ,Hemorrhage ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
In cancer patients with catheter-associated upper extremity deep vein thrombosis, 3 months of anticoagulation is recommended. The main objective of this study was to compare the incidence of thrombosis recurrence in these patients in case of continuation or discontinuation of anticoagulation, at the end of 3 months and after catheter has been removed. The secondary objectives were the incidence of major bleeding and death.We conducted a retrospective cohort study including patients with a cancer and a catheter-associated upper extremity deep vein thrombosis.About 60 patients included, 44 stopped anticoagulation after the first 3 months and 16 continued it. The median time between catheter insertion and deep vein thrombosis was 26±83 days. Three recurrences occurred during the one-year follow-up: 2 in the group who stopped anticoagulation, with a cumulative incidence at 1 year of 4,8% (95%IC 1.2-18.1) and 1 in the group who continued anticoagulation, with a cumulative incidence at 1 year of 14.3% (95%IC 2.1-66.6). No major bleeding event occurred in anticoagulation discontinued group. The group who stopped anticoagulation was significantly associated with a lower risk of death (HR 0.21-95%IC 0.09-0.48, P0.001).The risk of recurrence in cancer patients with a catheter-associated upper extremity deep vein thrombosis was low and statistically comparable between the group who stopped anticoagulation and the group who continued it. These results suggest that anticoagulation after the first 3 months deserves to be considered when catheter is removed.
- Published
- 2022
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43. Analysis and Classification of Abnormal Vertebral Column by Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm
- Author
Witchuda Thongking, Pusit Mitsomwang, Bura Sindhupakorn, and Jessada Tathanuch
- Abstract
This research applied the convolutional neural network (CNN algorithm) to determine the misalignment of vertebral column from the processed image. The raw data was the 3D-computerized tomography (CT) provided by the Suranaree University of Technology Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. There were 93 data sets that comprised 40 data of misalignment vertebral columns. These studies first extracted front, rear, left, and right images of the vertebral column from 3D CT images by RadiAnt Program (Version 2020.2). In the second step, the images were processed by the Ridge detection algorithm with various parameters. The combinations processed were of sigma 1, 4, 7, and 10 with the two low-high thresholds, 10-30 and 20-20. The last step was about the Python code development (with Tensorflow, Numpy, and Sklearn libraries) for creating the model to classify the normal and abnormal vertebral column image sets by the CNN algorithm. The best model could perform very well. The model with Ridge detection preprocessing of parameters sigma=7, low threshold=20, and high threshold=20 performed faultlessly. The performance was accuracy 100 percent, precision 100 percent, and recall 100 percent.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Oksana TYKHOVSKA and Iryna BURA
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering - Published
- 2022
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- Author
Uman Sukmada, Romie Oktovianus Bura, R. DJoko Andreas Navalino, and Ekanesti Ruswidia Sari
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
The safe storage of weapons is crucial for the security of both civilians and security personnel. Storage security is especially precarious in areas suffering from weak governance. This research tries to enhance some aspects of storage security by relatively low-cost improvements in monitoring and the physical security of weapons by designing smart weapon storage system. Physical security measures are provided by the physical storage enclosure itself. Access to open the enclosure are strictly controlled by means of biometric access, specifically iris scan of authorized personnels. This type of biometric access control was chosen to add convenience and responsiveness of authorized personnels to retrieve weapons while maintaining security. To address inventory management and accounting control of weapons, proximity sensors are used to detect whether the weapons can be found inside a controlled environment, that is inside the designed storage enclosure. Specific software was then designed to manage combined use of those sensors and database of authorized personnels.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
O.K. Gryshchuk, A.V. Petryk, A.K. Kozlov, and O.M. Bura
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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47. Lower-Limb Motion-Based Ankle-Foot Movement Classification Using 2D-CNN
- Author
Narathip Chaobankoh, Tallit Jumphoo, Monthippa Uthansakul, Khomdet Phapatanaburi, Bura Sindthupakorn, Supakit Rooppakhun, and Peerapong Uthansakul
- Subjects
Biomaterials ,Mechanics of Materials ,Modeling and Simulation ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Computer Science Applications - Published
- 2022
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- Author
Muhammad Akhdan Fadhil, Romie Oktovianus Bura, Gita Amperiawan, and Sovian Aritonang
- Subjects
General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is used for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance and carries aircraft ordnance such as missiles, ATGMs, and/or bombs in hardpoints for drone strikes. These drones are usually under realtime human control, with varying levels of autonomy. Unlike unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance aerial vehicles, UCAVs are used for both drone strikes and battlefield intelligence. Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) propulsion technology is significantly related to the flight performance of UCAVs, which has become one of the most important development directions of aviation. It should be noted that UCAVs have three types of propulsion systems, namely the fuel, hybrid fuel-electric, and pure electric, respectively. This paper presents and discusses the classification, working principles, characteristics, and critical technologies of these three types of propulsion systems. It is helpful to establish the development framework of the UCAV propulsion system and provide the essential information on electric propulsion UCAVs. Additionally, future technologies and development, including the high-power density motors, converters, power supplies, are discussed for the electric propulsion UCAVs. In the near future, the electric propulsion system would be widely used in UCAVs. The high-power density system would become the development trend of electric UCAVs. Thus, this review article provides comprehensive views and multiple comparisons of propulsion systems for UCAVs.
- Published
- 2022
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49. Oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe protein controls cytoskeletal reorganisation during human platelet spreading
- Author
Ana Bura, Maria Antonietta de Matteis, Markus Bender, Maurice Swinkels, Jurjen Versluis, A. J. Gerard Jansen, Antonija Jurak Begonja, Hematology, Bura, Ana, de Matteis, Maria Antonietta, Bender, Marku, Swinkels, Maurice, Versluis, Jurjen, Jansen, A J Gerard, and Jurak Begonja, Antonija
- Subjects
OCRL ,bleeding disorder ,nodule ,platelet function ,Hematology ,Kidney ,Actins ,Lowe syndrome ,Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome ,WAGR Syndrome ,Mutation ,Humans ,actin, bleeding disorders, Lowe syndrome, microtubules, nodules, OCRL, platelet function ,actin ,microtubule - Abstract
Lowe syndrome (LS) is a rare, X-linked disorder characterised by numerous symptoms affecting the brain, the eyes, and the kidneys. It is caused by mutations in the oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL) protein, a 5-phosphatase localised in different cellular compartments that dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate into phosphatidylinositol-4-monophosphate. Some patients with LS also have bleeding disorders, with normal to low platelet (PLT) count and impaired PLT function. However, the mechanism of PLT dysfunction in patients with LS is not completely understood. The main function of PLTs is to activate upon vessel wall injury and stop the bleeding by clot formation. PLT activation is accompanied by a shape change that is a result of massive cytoskeletal rearrangements. Here, we show that OCRL-inhibited human PLTs do not fully spread, form mostly filopodia, and accumulate actin nodules. These nodules co-localise with ARP2/3 subunit p34, vinculin, and sorting nexin 9. Furthermore, OCRL-inhibited PLTs have a retained microtubular coil with high levels of acetylated tubulin. Also, myosin light chain phosphorylation is decreased upon OCRL inhibition, without impaired degranulation or integrin activation. Taken together, these results suggest that OCRL contributes to cytoskeletal rearrangements during PLT activation that could explain mild bleeding problems in patients with LS.
- Published
- 2022
50. Differences in the location of bleeding with direct oral anticoagulants vs . vitamin K antagonists: A study in the World Health Organization's pharmacovigilance database
- Author
Jean‐Louis Montastruc, Samuel Tessier, and Alessandra Bura‐Riviere
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Pharmacology (medical) - Published
- 2023
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