Az alabbi tanulmanyban arra teszek kiserletet, hogy olyan irodalmi es filozofiai szovegeket hozzak osszefuggesbe, melyek a jo uralkodo es az istenseg kapcsolatarol szolnak. Igyekszem kimutatni, hogy ezen művekben az időbeli es műfaji kulonbsegeken tul feltűnő a tartalmi-motivikus anyag hasonlosaga. Az egyik ilyen a joindulatu tekintet motivuma, mely akar termekenyseget is hozhat az orszagra es nepere, a masik a metempsychosis tana, mely a kiraly jovetele es az egi birodalomba valo visszaterese mogott felsejlik. Ugy velem, hogy a hasonlosag pusztan veletlen vagy topikus egybeeses alapjan nem magyarazhato, igy inkabb valamely folyamatos hagyomanyt kell feltetelezni. Ennek gyokeret a pythagoreus politikai elmeletben latom, mely bizonyos, mar Homerosbol ismert elkepzelesekkel keveredett. Kitekinteskeppen a kerdeskor latin irodalmi utoeletet is vazolom. | It is my endeavour in this paper to connect literary and philosophical texts with each other which all articulate the relation of the good sovereign to the supreme god. I try to show that despite the difference in age and genre these texts have some traits in common: the motiv of eye looking benignly upon and/or bringing fertility to land and people, and the metempsychosis with the arrival of the king from the god and/or his return to the divine sphere. I suggest that the recurrence of these motifs cannot be accidental and might reveal some continuity of tradition. Although the nature of such conceptual development is bound to be very complex and its starting point hard to trace, I nevertheless argue for a Pythagorean origin for the metempsychosis and the eye of the king, attested by Empedocles and Pindar, which mixed with the old belief of the king assuring fertility, as evidenced in Homer. Finally some parallels from Latin literature are highlighted to show the persistence of the concept.