5,856 results on '"A. Taboada"'
Search Results
2. Pennsylvanian brachiopod faunas from the El Imperial Formation (San Rafael Basin) of central-western Argentina
- Author
Cristian Adrián Pardo, César Augusto Taboada, Arturo César Taboada, and María Alejandra Pagani
- Subjects
Paleontology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2023
3. Chapter 2. The Criollo Invention of the Middle Ages
- Author
Hernán G. H. Taboada
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Victoria Camacho Taboada and Roberto Cuadros Muñoz
- Published
- 2023
5. O intérprete militar nas colonias francesas en África: educación, acceso e ascenso
- Author
Andrea Taboada Rodríguez
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
O intérprete militar nativo desempeñou un papel fundamental na misión colonizadora levada a cabo polo goberno francés en Alxeria e en África Occidental Francesa. Os obxectivos deste artigo son describir o perfil profesional do intérprete militar nativo entre os anos 1870 e 1913 e estudar a influencia da naturalización nesta profesión. A través dunha revisión bibliográfica, realizamos unha comparación dos distintos procesos de selección e de promoción dos intérpretes en función de dúas áreas xeográficas coloniais: Alxeria e África Occidental Francesa. Por unha banda, aplicáronse diferentes estratexias en cada colonia segundo o seu contexto social. En Alxeria xa había unha administración forte, un territorio delimitado e unha taxa de alfabetización alta, mentres que en África Occidental Francesa a situación era máis inestable e a educación pasou a ser un piar fundamental para a formación de intérpretes. Doutra banda, a naturalización servía para controlar as estratexias de selección e o labor do intérprete.
- Published
- 2023
6. Discontinuous Galerkin Integral Equation Approach for Electromagnetic Modeling of Realistic and Complex Radiating Systems
- Author
Víctor F. Martín, Diego M. Solís, Marta G. Araújo, Luis Landesa, Fernando Obelleiro, and José M. Taboada
- Subjects
Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Published
- 2023
7. Vecto-keratometry: determination of anterior corneal astigmatism in manual keratometers using power vectors
- Author
Raquel Salvador-Roger, Rosa Vila-Andrés, Vicente Micó, and José J. Esteve-Taboada
- Subjects
Biomedical Engineering ,Surgery ,General Medicine - Published
- 2023
8. In xuravét: el costumbre mexicanero
- Author
Verónica Reyes Taboada and Maricela Villa Reyes
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
El mexicanero es una lengua nahua hablada en los estados de Durango y Nayarit, lo que la hace la variante más septentrional de las habladas en México. Si bien existe un buen cúmulo de material que fue recolectado a inicios del siglo XX, son muy pocos los textos glosados que dan más detalles de la gramática de esta lengua. El material documentado por Konrad Preuss ha sido sólo parcialmente publicado y traducido al español; más recientemente Canger (2001) ha estudiado las glosas de la lengua mexicanera de la comunidad de San Buenaventura, Durango. El texto que se presenta aquí es una narración de la celebración del xuravet y es una muestra de la variante de San Pedro de Xícoras, del mismo estado, la misma que documentó Preuss. El xuravet es una ceremonia realizada por los mexicaneros y que guarda muchas semejanzas con el xiotal de los o’dam y otras tradiciones similares huicholes y coras, pero también tiene características particulares. Este texto, narrado en lenguaje coloquial, se diferencia de los materiales recolectados anteriormente por el uso de este estilo de habla y es una muestra de una costumbre altamente identitaria entre los mexicaneros.
- Published
- 2023
9. Prestaciones patrimoniales de carácter público
- Author
Carlos Palao Taboada
- Abstract
El concepto de «prestación patrimonial de carácter público» (PPCP) se utiliza por el artículo 31.3 CE con la única finalidad de delimitar el ámbito de la reserva de ley y es aplicable a prestaciones de cualquier naturaleza, públicas y privadas, tributarias o no. Por consiguiente, dicho concepto no designa a una determinada clase de prestaciones en sentido material. Sin embargo, algunas afirmaciones del Tribunal Constitucional vincularon el concepto de PPCP al de tributo y sobre esta base, respaldada por el legislador, un sector relevante de la doctrina sostuvo la existencia de un concepto constitucional de tributo más amplio que el ordinario. En virtud de esta tesis, la retribución pagada por los usuarios de los servicios públicos indispensables (por tanto PPCP) tenía que tener necesariamente, por mandato constitucional, naturaleza tributaria, es decir, de tasa, y no de «tarifa» o precio privado, independientemente de la forma de gestión del servicio. Esta tesis, que pasó por diversas vicisitudes normativas y jurisprudenciales, fue finalmente abandonada por la reforma que realizó en esta materia la Ley 9/2017, de Contratos del Sector Público (LCSP), que calificó a las tarifas de los servicios públicos con un régimen de gestión de Derecho privado de «PPCP no tributarias». Este concepto, que causó una cierta perplejidad en la parte de la doctrina para la que esta expresión encierra una contradicción en los términos, significa sencillamente la definitiva desaparición, sancionada por la STC 63/2019, del erróneo concepto constitucional de tributo. Las PPCP consistentes en la retribución por la utilización de servicios públicos necesarios deben distinguirse nítidamente de aquellas otras que consisten en la obligación de soportar una carga o gravamen sin que exista una contraprestación del ente público directa o indirectamente beneficiario. Esta segunda clase de PPCP plantea problemas constitucionales distintos de los suscitados por la clase anterior; por ello mantenerlas debidamente separadas es una exigencia de claridad, no siempre respetada suficientemente ni por el legislador ni por el TC. Las PPCP de esta segunda clase entran sin dificultad en la amplia categoría de los tributos parafiscales, algo que advirtió también confusamente el legislador de la LCSP cuando sustituyó la norma sobre exacciones parafiscales contenida en la DA Primera de la LGT por otra relativa a las PPCP. El trabajo se complementa con un examen de la naturaleza de los gravámenes temporales energético y sobre entidades de crédito establecidos por la Ley 38/2022, de 27 de diciembre, que la propia Ley califica como «PPCP no tributarias».
- Published
- 2023
- Author
J. Loreto Salvador Benítez and Magaly Aguirre Taboada
- Published
- 2023
11. Driving intrapreneurial behavior through high-performance work systems
- Author
Alexandra Portalanza and Lorenzo Revuelto-Taboada
- Subjects
Management of Technology and Innovation ,Management Information Systems - Abstract
Companies are increasingly adopting practices aimed at fostering intrapreneurial initiatives to ensure their survival, seize opportunities, and combat threats. This paper analyzes the effect of employee perceptions of high-performance work systems on intrapreneurial behavior, with potential mediation by knowledge management processes. It also analyzes possible moderation by human resource management (HRM) strength. Hypotheses were tested using partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) in Smart PLS 3.3. The analysis was conducted for a sample of 1,885 knowledge-intensive employees working in three banks in Ecuador. The results show that innovative behavior can be enhanced by implementing high-performance work systems. These systems promote sound knowledge management processes. These findings are relevant because they offer guidance to help practitioners promote intrapreneurship. They highlight the importance of high-performance work systems that enhance knowledge management processes, particularly knowledge sharing. The results also show that HRM strength moderates the relationships between high-performance work systems and intrapreneurial behavior and between knowledge management and intrapreneurial behavior. However, in the second of these relationships, the effect is the opposite of what is to be expected. This finding may indicate a need to consider this variable at the group, department, or even organizational level under a multilevel analysis approach.
- Published
- 2023
12. Frecuencia de discapacidad intelectual de etiología genética debida a rearreglos cromosómicos crípticos
- Author
Valeria Aillón López, Gonzalo Taboada López, Érika Lafuente Álvarez, and Ana Rada Tarifa
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Introducción. Introducción. La discapacidad intelectual se considera un problema de salud pública global, la prevalencia oscila entre el 1% al 3% de la población mundial, cifra de la que se estima el origen genético estaría representado por el 5-7% de síndromes subteloméricos. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de discapacidad intelectual de etiología genética debida a rearreglos cromosómicos crípticos en 69 pacientes del IDAI. Material y Métodos. Material y Métodos. El estudio descriptivo de corte transversal se realizó en el Instituto de Genética en 69 pacientes con discapacidad intelectual de 5 a 18 años del Instituto de Adaptación Infantil (IDAI). El estudio fue dividido en tres etapas, la primera consistió en la elaboración de la historia clínica genética, seguidamente, se realizó el estudio de cariotipo en sangre periférica a todos los pacientes, finalmente, con la sospecha diagnóstica se realizó citogenética molecular a nueve de ellos, empleando una sonda locus específica. Resultados. Resultados. Se encontró 43.48% de rearreglos cromosómicos, 24.67% correspondió a síndromes crípticos, de estos el 7.25% respondió a síndromes subteloméricos. Se observó mayor afectación en la población masculina: 45 hombres (65%) y 24 mujeres (35%), obteniendo una razón de sexo de 1.88 a favor del sexo masculino. Conclusiones. Conclusiones. Se debe considerar la causa genética en toda discapacidad intelectual idiopática, sobre todo la debida a rearreglos cromosómicos crípticos . .
- Published
- 2023
13. Psicoativos e sucesso escolar nos estudantes do ensino superior: uma análise em tempos de Pandemia Covid-19
- Author
Xavier Taboada Costa, Maria Helena Pimentel, and María José Díez Liébana
- Subjects
Psicoativos ,General Medicine ,Covid-19 ,Sucesso escolar ,Ensino superior - Abstract
Resumo Enquadramento: na população estudantil do ensino superior, muitos comportamentos podem afetar o sucesso escolar. Objetivo: analisar a associação entre o consumo dos principais psicoativos e o sucesso escolar dos estudantes do ensino superior. Metodologia: estudo transversal, descritivo, quantitativo e analítico. Questionário online aplicado aos alunos do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Portugal, após o primeiro semestre letivo de 2020/2021. Amostra de 825 alunos estratificada por escola, com base numa população de 8875 alunos matriculados. Resultados: evidenciou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre quem consome medicamentos psicoativos e/ou drogas recreativas com o menor rendimento escolar. Verificou-se que as práticas abusivas de binge drinking/smoking e a que a combinação com um terceiro psicoativo também estão associados a menor desempenho académico. Com a pandemia Covid-19 os estudantes percecionaram aumento de consumos dos principais psicoativos e diminuição do sucesso escolar. Conclusão: o consumo abusivo de psicoativos causa insucesso escolar e a pandemia COVID-19 agravou ambos problemas. Palavras-chave: psicoativos, sucesso escolar, ensino superior, covid-19 Abstract Background: Many behaviours can affect school achievement in the higher education student population. Objective: To analyse the association between the consumption of the main psychoactive substances and the school achievement of higher education students. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative, and analytical study. The questionnaire was applied to the students at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal, after the first semester of 2020/2021. The sample comprised 825 students, stratified by school, based on a population of 8,875 enrolled students. Results: A statistically significant relationship was found between those who consume psychoactive medicines and/or recreational drugs with the lowest school performance. Abusive binge drinking/smoking practices and the combination with a third psychoactive substance were also found to be associated with lower academic performance. With the COVID-19 pandemic, students perceived increased consumption of the main psychoactive substances and decreased school achievement. Conclusion: abusive consumption of psychoactive substances causes school failure, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated these problems. Keywords: psychoactive substances, school achievement, higher education, covid-19
- Published
- 2023
14. Gobernanza ambiental en la gestión de residuos sólidos de los municipios en Oaxaca, México
- Author
Jair Juárez de la Rosa, Haidi Medina Martínez, Paul Taboada González, Quetzalli Aguilar Virgen, and Liliana Márquez Benavides
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
En México, los responsables de gestionar los residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) son los gobiernos municipales. Para estas municipalidades no existe un esquema establecido de parámetros que sea de utilidad para estimar la gobernanza ambiental en la gestión de residuos. El estado de Oaxaca es una entidad federativa con un importante rezago en educación y nivel de vida; cuenta con 570 municipios, organizados en ocho regiones. Se propuso como objetivo generar un mapeo que evalúe el estatus de manejo o gestión de los RSU en los municipios de esta entidad federativa, a través de una base de indicadores. Los resultados de la evaluación fueron bajos para el 82% de los municipios, mientras que la región con una evaluación significativa fue el Istmo con 28 puntos. Además, se propuso una línea base de parámetros que estimen la gobernanza ambiental en la gestión de residuos y que sea de utilidad en otros estudios similares.
- Published
- 2023
15. Engagement académico y laboral docente: Una revisión bibliográfica
- Author
José Peralta Rojas, Jessica Palacios Garay, Pedro Javier Tamayo Huamán, Máximo Abel Rodríguez Taboada, and Pablo Celestino Olivares Rodríguez
- Subjects
Management of Technology and Innovation - Abstract
Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios muestran relaciones entre las demandas y recursos laborales y como estas han ayudado a comprender, explicar y predecir el bienestar de los colaboradores. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo determinar la importancia del engagement laboral y académico como un constructo en la contribución del estado mental de los colaboradores para el buen desempeño dentro de la institución. A partir de un enfoque cualitativo, se empleó el diseño basado en revisión sistemática orientado a documentos nacionales y globales. Se hizo uso de base de datos como: Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, Scielo y se empleó el análisis documental. En los resultados se evidencia que el engagement mantiene relación directa con la calidad de la enseñanza, el aprendizaje activo y la implicancia del alumnado en su instrucción educativa. Respecto a lo laboral, el engagement brinda amor propio, felicidad, inmersión hacia el desarrollo de las labores. Se llega a la conclusión que el engagement brinda a los involucrados de mecanismos que hacen frente a las adversidades encontradas en su centro laboral, concretando los objetivos propuestos por el mismo, señalando la importancia que deben de dar las instituciones y empresas en la atención a este constructo para evitar su deterioro.
- Published
- 2023
16. Aplicación del Estudio de Métodos y Tiempos: Caso Empresarial. Muebles & Colores La 30
- Author
Karolay Assan-Barrios, Lia-Valentina Castro-García, Diana Fontalvo-Altamiranda, Edrey García-Ríos, Stefanía Ramírez-Giraldo, and Aida Huyke-Taboada
- Subjects
General Materials Science - Abstract
El estudio del trabajo es un método sistemático para el incremento de la productividad en una empresa que busca examinar e investigar todos los factores que influyen en la eficiencia del desempeño, en el desarrollo de esta es recurrente mencionar diversos temas como las condiciones de trabajo, análisis de operaciones, diagramas de procesos, entre otros. El objetivo del siguiente proyecto es analizar procesos productivos aplicando las herramientas del estudio del trabajo con la finalidad de encontrar cuellos de botellas y proponer mejoras para incrementar la productividad de la empresa. Por esto se realizó una visita a una empresa para analizar su productividad y los cuellos de botella presentes en el proceso de la empresa. Es así como se implementó un estudio de métodos y de tiempos permitiendo un mejor análisis crítico del proceso, gracias a eso se pudo establecer una mejor distribución del proceso y unas propuestas a futuro para el mejoramiento y crecimiento de la productividad de la empresa.
- Published
- 2023
17. Physical activity, sitting time, neck disability and posture in workers using visual display terminals (VDT)
- Author
Tania García-Remeseiro, Águeda Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Yaiza Taboada-Iglesias, and Diego Alonso-Fernández
- Subjects
Rehabilitation ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal pain represents a major public health problem. Workers who use visual display terminals (VDT) have suffered an increase in neck pain in recent decades. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between physical activity (PA), sitting time, posture, and neck disability in a population of employed adults who use a computer at work. METHODS: In this descriptive-correlational study, 88 workers with a mean age of 48.31 years participated. All of the participants filled out the Self-Report Habit Index (SRHI), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and Neck Disability Index (NDI). The postural situation was also assessed with Posture Assessment Software (PAS/SAPO). RESULTS: A significant and inverse relationship was observed between the habit of PA practice and the Body Mass Index (BMI). A total of 59.1% of the participants have a moderate PA index. There was a statistically significant relationship between the NDI and the time that workers spend sitting in a workday. A significance level of p≤0.05 was established for all the statistical analyses. CONCLUSION: The increase in sitting time produces an increase in neck disability among workers and there are no significant differences between the level of PA and the cervical angles analyzed. The promotion of leisure-time PA and the reduction of prolonged uninterrupted sitting time at work could be one of the means to reduce musculoskeletal morbidity in the working population.
- Published
- 2023
18. Impact of Masks Made by Additive Manufacturing during the Period of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
- Author
Danny Adolfo Cordova-Mireles, Sarai Maria Martínez-Mendoza, Atalia Luna-Perez, Moisés Martínez-López, Martha Hilaria Bartolo-Alemán, Gerardo Silva-Montes, Vicente Morales-Castillo, Gloria Elizabeth Atristain-Vasconcelos, and Luis Humberto Robledo-Taboada
- Abstract
3D printing technology made numerous contributions to the healthcare sector during the recent coronavirus 2019 pandemic (COVID-19). This review discusses some of these contributions of 3D printing that helped protect multiple lives during this health emergency and lists some of the key benefits of using 3D printing technology during an emergency over other traditional methods. This research confirms that 3D printing is very useful in times of severe supply shortages and excess demand. This review recognizes the collaborative approaches of individuals, entrepreneurs, academics, and companies that have helped form a global network to deliver 3D printed medical and nonmedical components, making additive manufacturing (3D printing) a representative alternative to produce ergonomic, cost-effective products and sustainable masks that reduce their environmental impact.
- Published
- 2023
19. Infecciones del tracto urinario de repetición
- Author
María del Carmen Santomil Ponte, Ernesto José González Veiga, Aroa Mayán Taboada, Estefanía Rodríguez Romero, and Enrique Nieto Pol
- Subjects
Community and Home Care ,Gastroenterology - Published
- 2023
20. Características clínico-epidemiológicas de pacientes fallecidos por COVID-19 en un hospital de referencia en Paraguay entre enero de 2021 a julio de 2022
- Author
Dora Montiel Jarolin, Margarita Samudio, Estela Torres, Magali Jarolin, Verónica Taboada, and Luis Sánchez
- Published
- 2023
21. Comparison of ANA testing by indirect immunofluorescence or solid-phase assays in a low pre-test probability population for systemic autoimmune disease: the Camargo Cohort
- Author
Daniel Martinez-Revuelta, Juan Irure-Ventura, Marcos López-Hoyos, José Manuel Olmos, Emilio Pariente, Marta Martín-Millán, Daniel Nan, Alejandra Comins-Boo, Víctor Manuel Martínez-Taboada, and José Luis Hernández
- Subjects
Biochemistry (medical) ,Clinical Biochemistry ,General Medicine - Abstract
Objectives Autoantibodies and, specifically antinuclear antibodies (ANA), are the hallmark of systemic autoimmune diseases (AID). In the last decades, there has been great technical development to detect these autoantibodies along with an increased request for this test by clinicians, while the overall pre-test probability has decreased. In this study, we compare the diagnostic performance of three different methods for ANA screening (indirect immunofluorescence [IIF], addressable laser bead immunoassay [ALBIA], and fluorescence enzyme immunoassay [FEIA]). Methods Serum samples at baseline visit from 2,997 participants from the Camargo Cohort, a population with an overall low pre-test probability for systemic AID, were analyzed with the three methods. Participants have a minimum follow-up of 10 years and the development of autoimmune diseases was collected from clinical records. Results The highest frequency of positive ANA was observed by IIF assay. However, ALBIA showed high sensitivity for AID. Likewise, solid phase assays (SPA) presented higher specificity than IIF for AID. ANA prevalence with any method was significantly higher in females and overall increased with age. Triple positivity for ANA was significantly related to the presence of anti-dsDNA–SSA/Ro60, Ro52, SSB/La, RNP, Scl-70, and centromere–specificities. No association was found for anti-Sm – RNP68, or ribosomal P – specificities. Noteworthy, triple positivity for ANA screening was associated with diagnosis of systemic AID both at baseline visit and follow-up. Conclusions ANA detection by IIF may be better when the pre-test probability is high, whereas SPA techniques are more useful in populations with an overall low pre-test probability for systemic AID.
- Published
- 2023
22. Anticipating fluctuations of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean from three‐dimensional ocean biogeochemistry
- Author
Fernando G. Taboada, Jong‐Yeon Park, Barbara A. Muhling, Desiree Tommasi, Kisei R. Tanaka, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Charles A. Stock, and Jorge L. Sarmiento
- Subjects
Ecology - Published
- 2023
23. Rheology and breakdown energy of a shear zone undergoing flash heating in earthquake-like discrete element models
- Author
A Taboada and M Renouf
- Subjects
Geophysics ,Geochemistry and Petrology - Abstract
SUMMARYWe study the initiation and growth of a dry granular shear zone subjected to seismic shearing and flash heating from the perspective of a discrete element method. For this purpose, we created a semi-periodic numerical shear test similar to a rotary shear machine in which a 2 mm ×1.5 mm sample composed of micrometric cohesive disks is sheared in between two rigid walls. The strength of cohesive bonds is defined according to an elasto-brittle contact law calibrated to simulate peak and residual strength envelopes derived from rock mechanics tests. The sample is traversed by a pre-existing fracture and subjected to a vertical confining pressure (e.g. 112.5 MPa) and a velocity step function (e.g. 1 m s–1) applied on the top and bottom walls, respectively. Slip along the fracture induces the growth of a shear zone, which thickens by progressive abrasion of damaged material from cohesive blocks. We carried out two parametric studies to determine the rheology and physical properties of the shear zone for slip velocities and confining pressures characteristic of shallow earthquakes and several flash-heating temperatures. According to parametric studies, the mechanical behavior of the shear zone exhibits three distinct phases. The initial phase of rupture initiation is characterized by the propagation of a shear instability generated by the velocity step (phase 1). During this phase, friction and dilatancy curves are approximated by asymmetric peak functions whose amplitude and geometry are controlled primarily by confining pressure. In the intermediate phase of shear-zone growth, the sample displays an initial transient stage that asymptotically approaches steady state at submelting temperatures (phase 2). According to the inertial number, seismic shearing occurs under quasi-static conditions despite high shear rates. Thus, friction and dilatancy observed in all simulations are roughly constant regardless of slip velocity, confining pressure, and gouge zone thickness. In the final phase of shear weakening, the model evolves toward a new steady state at flash-heating temperatures (phase 3). Average friction and dilatancy are represented by sigmoidal decreasing curves that approach steady-state values lower than for phase 2. Predictably, the thermally weakened friction in steady state (μss ∼ 0.1) is close to the strength of frictionless granular samples sheared in quasi-static conditions. We calculate breakdown energies for the gouge and damage zones and the fracture energy at intermediate and high confining pressures. We show that breakdown energy fundamentally differs from fracture energy commonly used in seismology. The breakdown energy of the damage zones shows long-period damped oscillations weakly correlated with shear-stress fluctuations around average decaying values. Our results suggest that dilatancy is the primary energy sink within the damage zones at steady-state values. The breakdown energy components of the gouge zone follow a similar decaying trend as the average fracture energy but over a longer critical distance. Decohesion and dilatancy are the major energy sinks linked to gouge formation at intermediate pressures. In contrast, dilatancy and debonding frictional energies predominate at high confining pressures. Breakdown energy is equivalent to a fraction of fracture energy that nearly triples when doubling the confining pressure.
- Published
- 2023
24. Characterization of tannin extracts derived from the bark of four tree species by HPLC and FTIR
- Author
Faustino Ruiz-Aquino, Rossy Feria-Reyes, José Guadalupe Rutiaga-Quiñones, Luis Humberto Robledo-Taboada, and Rosalío Gabriel-Parra
- Subjects
Forestry ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law - Published
- 2023
25. Prevalence of methanogens and associated factors in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and healthy controls in a Southeastern Mexican population
- Author
F. Roesch-Dietlen, G.A. Hernández-Ramírez, Héctor A. Taboada-Liceaga, J.M. Remes-Troche, A. Meixuerio-Daza, M. Amieva-Balmori, M.G. Aja-Cadena, O.J. Cobos-Quevedo, and J. Reyes-Huerta
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,In patient ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,business ,Irritable bowel syndrome ,Mexican population - Abstract
Methane (CHTo evaluate the prevalence of CHA baseline fasting measurement of alveolar HA total of 132 controls (53.8% women) and 67 patients with IBS (76% women) were included. The overall prevalence (n = 199) of methanogenic subjects was 38% (n = 76) (95% CI: 0.31-0.45) and they had a greater prevalence of overweight/obesity (56.5 vs 39.8%, P = .028). The prevalence of methanogens in the healthy controls was 41.6% (95% CI: 0.33-0.49), whereas, in the patients with IBS, it was 31.4% (n = 21, 71% IBS-C and 29% IBS-M).The prevalence of methanogens in our study on a Mexican population was comparable to that reported in other populations and was associated with overweight/obesity. One-third of the patients with IBS presented with methanogens. Said microorganisms were particularlyassociated with the constipation-predominant IBS subtype.
- Published
- 2023
26. Extreme Event-based Rainfall-runoff Simulation Utilizing GIS Techniques in Irawan Watershed, Palawan, Philippines
- Author
Jennifer C. Cacal, Victor Czar A. Austria, and Evelyn B. Taboada
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,Building and Construction ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,Civil and Structural Engineering - Abstract
River flow assessments and ecologically sustainable water management plans are now possible due to the advancement of sophisticated computer models. The US Army Corps of Engineers developed the HEC-HMS model, which can be used for various hydrological simulations. Rainfall-runoff modeling aids in estimating peak flows, which is critical for water resource management planning. On December 18, 2017, a heavy rainfall event in the ungauged Irawan basin in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines, was simulated to determine the peak flow and amount of water. The current research aims to construct a rainfall-runoff simulation model. A specific hyetograph is used to make the hydrographs for the basin. This study utilizes ArcGIS and QGIS, which perform the geospatial analysis and provide the HEC-HMS model's hydrologic modeling inputs. The hydrological parameters were determined using soil type, land use, and land cover maps. Incorporating SCS loss, Clark unit hydrograph, and Muskingum flow routing, HEC-HMS was employed in the rainfall-runoff simulation. Rainfall data corresponding to the recorded streamflow was used to calibrate and validate the parameters. Several performance metrics, including Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and Percentage Bias (PBIAS), were utilized to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the system. An effective decision-making and warning system can be implemented using the developed model. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-01-017 Full Text: PDF
- Published
- 2023
27. Prevalencia de metanógenos y factores asociados en pacientes con síndrome de intestino irritable y controles sanos en una población del sureste de México
- Author
José María Remes-Troche, G.A. Hernández-Ramírez, O.J. Cobos-Quevedo, Federico Roesch-Dietlen, M. Amieva-Balmori, M.G. Aja-Cadena, J. Reyes-Huerta, Héctor A. Taboada-Liceaga, and A. Meixuerio-Daza
- Subjects
Gastroenterology - Abstract
Resumen Introduccion El metano (CH4) es un gas inerte producido por anaerobios colonicos y se ha asociado a diferentes patologias intestinales, incluyendo el sindrome de intestino irritable (SII). De acuerdo con la region geografica la prevalencia de metanogenos es variable, siendo mayor en Africa (80%) y menor en Estados Unidos (35-40%). En Mexico se desconoce cual es la prevalencia de metanogenos. Objetivo Evaluar la prevalencia de productores de CH4 y los factores asociados en un grupo de pacientes con SII y controles en poblacion mexicana. Material y metodos Se realizo de forma basal la medicion en ayuno de gas alveolar de H2 y CH4 a traves de cromatografia de gases estacionaria a pacientes consecutivos con diagnostico de SII y un grupo control. Se clasificaron como metanogenos los sujetos con niveles basales de H2 de 0 ppm y CH4 ≥ 5 ppm. Resultados Se incluyeron 132 controles (53.8% mujeres) y 67 pacientes con SII (76% mujeres). De forma global (n = 199), la prevalencia de metanogenos fue del 38% (n = 76) (IC 95%: 0.31-0.45). Los sujetos metanogenos tuvieron mayor prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad (56.5 vs 39.8%, p = 0.028). La prevalencia de metanogenos en controles sanos fue del 41.6% (IC 95%: 0.33-0.49), mientras que en los pacientes con SII fue del 31.4% (n = 21, 71% SII-E y 29% SII-M). Conclusiones La prevalencia de metanogenos en Mexico es comparable con lo reportado en otras poblaciones y se asocio con sobrepeso/obesidad. Una tercera parte de los pacientes con SII son metanogenos, y esto se asocio en especial con el subtipo estrenimiento.
- Published
- 2023
28. The fences of Chuschi: The impacts of land enclosure on an Andean indigenous community
- Author
Karen Bell, Rossi Taboada Hermoza, Chad Staddon, Bram Willems, Fabiola Cárdenas Maldonado, Noemí Tomaylla Berrocal, and Lisbeth Pariona Flores
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Development - Published
- 2023
- Author
Víctor Manuel Taboada Urtuzuástegui, Francisco Alonso Flores-López, Diego Cruz Roque, Procoro Barrera Nabor, Shuang Cindy Cao Cindy Cao, Kuat C. Gan, Vishal Dantal Dantal, Zianya Xarény González Ramírez, Esteban Ernesto Espinosa Samudio Espinosa Samudio, Sergio Dionicio Renovato Carrión, and Juan Manuel Hernández Durón
- Subjects
Geography, Planning and Development ,Development - Abstract
The Bay of Campeche is located in a region of moderate to high seismic activity related to the active triple junction between the North American, Caribbean, and Cocos plate boundaries. Therefore, the fixed offshore platforms and subsea structures in the Bay of Campeche must be designed against earthquake loading. A database was developed of classification and index properties tests, in situ measurements of shear wave velocity (Vs) using downhole P-S suspension seismic velocity logging, in situ piezocone penetration tests, resonant column tests to characterize the shear modulus and material damping ratio at small shear strains (10−5 % to about 0.1 %), and strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear tests to evaluate the decrease of shear modulus and the increase of material damping ratio at large shear strains (0.1 % to about 10 %) performed on sand from the Bay of Campeche, including sands with no carbonate content to 100 % carbonate content, retrieved from the seafloor to a penetration depth of 120 m below seafloor. The database was tailored specifically to develop empirical correlations for the Bay of Campeche sand to determine Vs when in situ measurements of Vs are not available and to develop numerical modeling to predict the variation of the normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax) and material damping ratio (D) as a function of shear strains (g) when dynamic test results are unavailable for all the sand layers. The equations developed to calculate Vs and the curves of G/Gmax-g and D-g of Bay of Campeche sands are recommended for preliminary or perhaps even final seismic site response evaluations.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Víctor Manuel Taboada Urtuzuástegui, Shuang Cindy Cao, Diego Cruz Roque, Francisco Alonso Flores-López, Prócoro Barrera, Kuat C. Gan, Vishal Dantal, Esteban Ernesto Espinosa Samudio, Sergio Dionicio Renovato Carrión, and Juan Manuel Hernández Durón
- Subjects
Geography, Planning and Development ,Development - Abstract
The Bay of Campeche is located in a region of moderate to high seismic activity related to the active triple junction between the North American, Caribbean, and Cocos plate boundaries. Therefore, the fixed offshore platforms and subsea structures in the Bay of Campeche must be designed against earthquake loading. A database was developed of classification and index properties tests, in situ measurements of shear wave velocity using downhole P-S suspension seismic velocity logging, in situ piezocone penetration tests, resonant column tests to characterize the shear modulus and material damping ratio at small shear strains (10−5 % to about 0.1 %), and strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear tests to evaluate the decrease of shear modulus and the increase of material damping ratio at large shear strains (0.1 % to about 10 %) performed on clays from the Bay of Campeche, including clays with no carbonate content to 100 % carbonate content, retrieved from the seafloor to a penetration depth of 120 m below seafloor. The database was tailored specifically to develop empirical correlations for the Bay of Campeche clay to determine Vs when in situ measurements of Vs are not available and to develop numerical modeling to predict the variation of the normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax) and material damping ratio as a function of shear strains (g) when dynamic test results are unavailable for all the clay layers. The equations developed to calculate Vs and the curves of G/Gmax-g and D-g of Bay of Campeche clays are recommended for preliminary or perhaps even final seismic site response evaluations.
- Published
- 2022
31. Gestión de Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación bajo el Modelo de la Triple Hélice
- Author
Paola Andrea Valencia Achuri and Jorge Enrique Taboada Álvarez
- Subjects
Computer Networks and Communications ,Computer Science Applications ,Information Systems - Abstract
El modelo conocido como Triple Hélice (Gobierno, Universidad, Industria/Sociedad), promueve el desarrollo de un país a través de la investigación e innovación. En la actualidad no existe una revisión sobre la relación e interacción entre los actores del modelo, centrado en la gestión de proyectos CTeI. Este artículo de tipo exploratorio permite un acercamiento a la gestión de proyectos CTeI bajo el modelo, presentando los referentes teóricos sobre las interacciones, los resultados y beneficios de la cooperación entre los actores, seguido por una revisión de metodologías y marcos de conocimiento en gestión de proyectos aplicado en proyectos CTeI.
- Published
- 2022
32. Calidad del servicio en el real hotel de la ciudad de Huánuco
- Author
Idelia Mirtha Cristobal Lobatón, Tomas Dali Villena Andrade Perú, Simeon Soto Espejo, and Yossary Darill Bravo Taboada
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la percepción de los huéspedes sobre la calidad de servicio en el Real Hotel uno de los hoteles más prestigiosos de la región Huánuco. El tipo de estudio fue, para lo cual a través de la aplicación del instrumento que midieron aspectos relacionados a: tangibilidad, confiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad y empatía, dimensiones asociadas al modelo Servperf. Los resultados demuestran según la evidencia estadística el nivel de calidad de los servicios ofrecidos por el Real Hotel ha experimentado un cambio favorable, debido a las mejoras que se hizo en función a los primeros resultados se observó una mejora sustancial de la calidad de servicios producto del tratamiento preexperimental, a través del estadístico T-student se evidenció un cambio positivo significativo; asimismo los aspectos como confiabilidad 26%, capacidad de respuesta 16%; seguridad 36% y empatía experimentaron mejoras del 26%, 16%, 36% y 30% respectivamente en la percepción de la calidad.
- Published
- 2022
33. Glassfrogs conceal blood in their liver to maintain transparency
- Author
Carlos Taboada, Jesse Delia, Maomao Chen, Chenshuo Ma, Xiaorui Peng, Xiaoyi Zhu, Laiming Jiang, Tri Vu, Qifa Zhou, Junjie Yao, Lauren O’Connell, and Sönke Johnsen
- Subjects
Erythrocytes ,Multidisciplinary ,Liver ,Hemodynamics ,Animals ,Blood Coagulation ,Article - Abstract
Transparency in animals is a complex form of camouflage involving mechanisms that reduce light scattering and absorption throughout the organism. In vertebrates, attaining transparency is difficult because their circulatory system is full of red blood cells (RBCs) that strongly attenuate light. Here, we document how glassfrogs overcome this challenge by concealing these cells from view. Using photoacoustic imaging to track RBCs in vivo, we show that resting glassfrogs increase transparency two- to threefold by removing ~89% of their RBCs from circulation and packing them within their liver. Vertebrate transparency thus requires both see-through tissues and active mechanisms that “clear” respiratory pigments from these tissues. Furthermore, glassfrogs’ ability to regulate the location, density, and packing of RBCs without clotting offers insight in metabolic, hemodynamic, and blood-clot research.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Abstract
In this work, the generational cohorts were analyzed through the analysis and synthesis of the institute's databases through the use of Excel software, advanced filters and dynamic tables, thus obtaining the number of industrial engineering graduates from the year 2012 to 2017, it an analytical table is presented of the school trajectory of the industrial engineering students of the Technological Institute of Oaxaca, however it is compared to graduates of previous generations of the same institution, the impact of the current pandemic is analyzed and a perspective of future ones is proposed generations in terms of future problems that intervene in the number of graduated students and number of graduated graduates.
- Published
- 2022
35. evaluación de desempeño del servicio de dosificación de precisión para vancomicina en un hospital pediátrico de nivel terciario
- Author
Paulo Caceres Guido, Nieves Licciardone, Natalia Riva, Yina Pájaro González, Jhon Jairo Echeverry Martínez, Guillermo Federico Taboada, Eleonora Pagano, and Paula Schaiquevich
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Introducción: La dosificación de precisión a través del monitoreo de vancomicina basado en sus concentraciones plasmáticas (vancocinemia) es una práctica recomendada en el tratamiento de infecciones pediátricas de alta complejidad para aumentar la probabilidad de lograr una farmacoterapia segura y eficaz. Objetivo: Evaluar retrospectivamente las actividades y el desempeño relacionado a la optimización farmacoterapéutica basada en las vancocinemias (período 2007-2020) de un hospital pediátrico terciario. Métodos: Se analizaron las vancocinemias de pacientes pediátricos, estimándose indicadores de calidad asistencial y verificaciones analíticas, así como también aspectos relacionados a docencia e investigación. Se evaluó el desempeño predictivo de las concentraciones de vancomicina cuando se ajustaron los regímenes terapéuticos con un programa de optimización farmacocinética (BestDose v1.126) considerando el coeficiente de determinación (R2), el error porcentual absoluto medio (MAPE) y la raíz del error cuadrático medio (RMSE). Resultados: Se analizaron 13269 vancocinemias. El 70% fueron valles y el 81% pertenecieron a pacientes de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. El 40% de los valles se encontró dentro del margen terapéutico al ajustarse sin programa informático. Se realizaron 347 intervenciones farmacoterapéuticas, el 97% de las cuales fueron aceptadas por el médico tratante; el 75% de los valles posteriores al ajuste entraron en el margen terapéutico, valor significativamente mayor respecto al 40% de cuando el abordaje fue empírico (p=0.03). Los valores asociados al desempeño predictivo, (n subgrupo de pacientes = 91) fueron: R2=0.61, MAPE=28.16% y RMSE=3.3, mostrándose todos adecuados. Conclusión: Las actividades de monitoreo y farmacocinética clínica de vancomicina mostraron un buen rendimiento clínico.
- Published
- 2022
36. La Archivística en México, ¿aliada de la transparencia… o rehén de la corrupción?
- Author
Isaac Taboada
- Subjects
Library and Information Sciences - Abstract
Objetivo. Cuestionar si la Archivística gubernamental realmente está siendo un instrumento de combate a la corrupción, o solamente es parte de un discurso que sigue perpetuando un sistema corrupto.Método. Análisis documental de los procesos de archivos y de las leyes archivísticas en México aplicadas al espectro de corrupción.Resultados. Los instrumentos de control archivístico (ICA): si se encuentran alineados con las funciones, atribuciones y procedimientos que se llevan a cabo, si están actualizados o si no existen .Conclusiones. La forma en la cual se caracteriza a la corrupción en México, limita identificar y problematizar otros aspectos que se ven afectados por ella y que pueden resultar relevantes para combatirla, como es el caso de la Archivística, la cual, al ser un área poco valorada y lejana a la sociedad, es susceptible de ser manipulada o aplicada de manera incorrecta o tendenciosa sin que ello sea evidente, precisamente por el desconocimiento que la población tiene respecto a la misma.
- Published
- 2022
37. Dialogical experiences in, for, and from technologically mediated contexts in teacher education
- Author
María Beatriz Taboada and Guadalupe Álvarez
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Language and Linguistics ,Education - Abstract
This work proposes an analysis of pedagogical experiences developed in the context of university teacher education in dialogue with two different chronotopes: habitual face-to-face teaching modality and exceptional non-face-to-face teaching modality due to the COVID lockdown. We consider here two cases of Language and Literature teacher education courses in two universities in Argentina. Both experiences share the search for an equitable, dialogical interaction, in which there is a recovery of the students’ opinions and criteria for the progressive and collaborative elaboration of knowledge. From a qualitative perspective, we resorted to autoethnographic narratives elaborated by the responsible teaching teams of the courses. In the approach we propose, there is a dialogue among different elements of our inquiry: a dialogue between the conceptions that we assume as teachers and researchers about teaching in face-to-face and virtual environments; a dialogue between the conceptualizations and concrete teaching-decisions; between the contexts of performance and the possibilities offered by virtuality; between the pedagogical experiences and the narratives; between the records and other materials that allow us to reconstitute these experiences; and between our voices and the voices of students and graduates who give us back evaluations and sustain the continuity of the dialogue. The analysis accounts for the definition of different chronotopes in the experiences and moments addressed. In both cases, the differences observed respond to contextual factors, particularities of the courses and the previous experiences that the teaching teams have had with ICT. Beyond the above-mentioned differences, for the exceptional non-face-to-face proposals, a greater stability in the proposed sequences and in the dynamics involved is observed in the two experiences, which seeks to generate greater predictability.
- Published
- 2022
38. A universal tropical Jacobian over Mgtrop$M_g^{\rm {trop}}$
- Author
Alex Abreu, Sally Andria, Marco Pacini, and Danny Taboada
- Subjects
General Mathematics - Published
- 2022
39. Impact of transport policies to commuter safety in urban cities of a developing country: A sustainability and system perspective
- Author
Francis L. Mayo, Renan S. Maglasang, Sara Moridpour, and Evelyn B. Taboada
- Subjects
Urban Studies ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Transportation - Published
- 2022
40. Saberes ambientais de uma vida no campo
- Author
Júlia Kuse Taboada and Marilisa Bialvo Hoffmann
- Subjects
General Chemical Engineering - Abstract
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo levantar informações sobre práticas culturais, conhecimentos tradicionais e saberes socioambientais de agricultores familiares no município de Glorinha-RS, identificando pontos de diálogo com o ensino de Ciências a partir do conceito de Memória Biocultural. Para tanto, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas com agricultores familiares da localidade e posteriormente, estas foram analisadas com auxílio metodológico da Análise Textual Discursiva. Como resultado, propomos duas categorias temáticas: práticas de agricultura e pecuária; e relação com a água, considerando que foram temas de destaque nas falas dos agricultores e que apresentam potencial para interlocuções com o ensino de ciências da natureza. Concluímos, por fim, que o (re)conhecimento da Memória Biocultural dos agricultores familiares e de outros povos do campo, a partir do ensino de ciências, contribui para que não se aprofunde o processo de esquecimento dos saberes ecológicos e práticas ancestrais e tradicionais que constituíram historicamente os territórios.
- Published
- 2022
41. External Validation of a Prediction Model for External Cephalic Version Success
- Author
Thomas P. Kishkovich, Mackenzie N. Naert, Fowsia Warsame, Mireya P. Taboada, Kaitlyn E. James, William H. Barth, and Mark A. Clapp
- Subjects
Obstetrics and Gynecology - Published
- 2023
42. Abstract P5-07-03: The Association Between Symptom Severity and Physical Function among Participants in I-SPY2
- Author
Amrita Basu, Saumya Umashankar, Kaylee Blevins, Anna Northrop, Anika Christofferson, Ebunoluwa Olunuga, Jaeyoon Cha, Ananya Mittal, Julissa Molina-Vega, Laura Sit, Thelma Brown, Bev Parker, Diane Heditsian, Susie Brain, Carol Simmons, Alessandra Taboada, Tina J. Hieken, Kathryn Ruddy, Carolina Salvador, Candace Mainor, Anosheh Afghahi, Sarah Tevis, Anne Blaes, Irene M. Kang, Jane Perlmutter, Hope Rugo, Sai Kanaparthi, Garry Peterson, Lisa T. Weiss, Adam Asare, Laura J. Esserman, Michelle Melisko, and Dawn Hershman
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Oncology - Abstract
Background. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are increasingly recognized as a valuable component to understand treatment tolerability and toxicity among patients on clinical trials. We have implemented a system for monitoring patient reported outcomes (PROs), symptoms, and quality of life (QOL) using electronic PRO (ePRO) instruments for patients enrolled in the I-SPY2 trial. I-SPY2 is a phase II multi-site clinical trial evaluating the effect of novel neoadjuvant therapies for locally advanced breast cancer. We correlated patient demographic factors with symptoms, investigated the trajectory of symptoms throughout treatment, and sought to characterize symptoms associated with decline in physical function (PF). Methods. Our study population included 259 I-SPY2 patients that completed surveys on one of 9 study arms (including novel oral taxane/immunotherapy combinations, IV paclitaxel, checkpoint inhibitor+/- LAG3 inhibitor, and control IV paclitaxel +/- trastuzumab/pertuzumab). After the 12 week period of investigational agents, most patients received standard adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (AC). Symptom severity, frequency, and interference was assessed weekly using 33 items from the PRO-CTCAE item bank. PF was assessed using the NIH PROMIS instrument and was evaluated at baseline, inter-regimen (after 12 weeks of treatment), pre-surgery, and 1 and 6 months at follow-up. An odds ratio was used to assess univariate associations between age and race, and symptoms. Regularized multi-variate regression was used to evaluate early symptoms (prior to week 6) predictive of a clinically significant (>5 point T-score) decline in PF from baseline to post-treatment follow-up among all races and age groups. Results. Of 259 patients (mean age (SD) = 46.8 (13.6)), 160 (58%) were White, 13 (5%) were Asian, 26 (10%) were African American (AA), 25 (9.3%) were Hispanic, and 35 (13.5%) self-reported “Other”. At baseline, AA patients had a higher severity of joint pain than White patients (OR = 14.9, P < 0.05). During study treatment with paclitaxel and/or novel agent within the first 12 weeks of treatment, AA patients and non-white (NW) patients were more likely to report severe vomiting than White patients (OR =13.22 and 12.72, P< 0.05 and P< 0.03 respectively). During treatment with AC, NW patients were more likely to report higher severity of neuropathy than White patients (OR = 5.43, P< 0.03). Among all patients, in analysis of early symptoms predictive of a clinically significant decline in PF between baseline and 1 month post treatment, predictors included high frequency of diarrhea, severity of itching, and severity of joint pain. Further analysis of symptom trajectories revealed that frequency of diarrhea reported rose sharply between baseline and Cycle 2 with 9 patients (7%) reporting occasional or frequent diarrhea to 39 patients (28%) reporting occasional to almost constant diarrhea and remained stable at that proportion for the remainder of treatment. Frequency of diarrhea declined slightly during AC (17%) and dropped to baseline levels by follow-up. In contrast, severity of joint pain persisted post-treatment, rising consistently from baseline through follow- up with 3 patients (2%) reporting moderate to severe joint pain at baseline to 18 patients (35%) reporting moderate to severe joint pain at follow-up. Conclusion. Among I-SPY2 participants, when higher grade of diarrhea is persistent (or uncontrolled), it impacts physical function even after end of therapy. In some cases, race was also a determinant in symptom trajectory, although a higher enrollment of AA and NW patients will enable more robust estimates to be computed. While some of these early symptom predictors are transient and resolve by the time of follow-up, others persist long-term and contribute more directly towards impaired physical function at follow-up. Citation Format: Amrita Basu, Saumya Umashankar, Kaylee Blevins, Anna Northrop, Anika Christofferson, Ebunoluwa Olunuga, Jaeyoon Cha, Ananya Mittal, Julissa Molina-Vega, Laura Sit, Thelma Brown, Bev Parker, Diane Heditsian, Susie Brain, Carol Simmons, Alessandra Taboada, Tina J. Hieken, Kathryn Ruddy, Carolina Salvador, Candace Mainor, Anosheh Afghahi, Sarah Tevis, Anne Blaes, Irene M. Kang, Jane Perlmutter, Hope Rugo, Sai Kanaparthi, Garry Peterson, Lisa T. Weiss, Adam Asare, Laura J. Esserman, Michelle Melisko, Dawn Hershman. The Association Between Symptom Severity and Physical Function among Participants in I-SPY2 [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2022 Dec 6-10; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2023;83(5 Suppl):Abstract nr P5-07-03.
- Published
- 2023
43. Agente inteligente nutricional para la etapa de madurez (personas mayores de 50 a 75 años)
- Author
Enrique Mena Salgado, Javier Taboada Vázquez, Hugo Erasmo Perdomo Roldan, Vicente Bustamante Pacheco, and Wendy Adams López
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un sistema experto enfocada y centralizada en ofrecer al usuario una recomendación para mejorar su salud por medio de dietas o consejos alimenticios. Las personas mayores de entre 50 a 75 años que se encuentren en la etapa de madurez podrán hacer uso de esta aplicación donde sí solo ingresan sus datos como, por ejemplo; el IMC, estatura, peso cuantas veces come al día, si toma algún suplemento. O si tiene una enfermedad, por ejemplo; gastritis, náuseas, pirosis, entre otras. Esta aplicación tendrá inteligencia artificial la cual permitirá tomar una decisión de acerca de que dietas debe seguir para tener una mejor calidad de vida, además tomara en cuenta si el usuario es alérgico a un ingrediente o a un alimento en específico, de esta forma el sistema experto tomara recetas de las cuales no posean ese ingrediente o alimento.
- Published
- 2022
44. Variability of photosynthetic and related traits in maize and other summer crops in a temperate humid area
- Author
Lorena Álvarez-Iglesias, María I. Vales, Antonio M. De Ron, Ana P. Rodiño, Juan L. Tejada-Hinojoza, Alfredo Taboada, Pedro Revilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), European Commission, De Ron, Antonio M., and Revilla, Pedro
- Subjects
Pigeonpea ,Chickpea ,Physiology ,Pepper ,Water use efciency ,Genetics ,Common bean ,Cell Biology ,Plant Science ,Photosynthesis ,Tomato ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Maize - Abstract
Photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency (WUE) are crucial for the sustainable use of water in agriculture. Our objective was to analyze the variability of photosynthetic and related traits in maize (Zea mays L.) and other summer crops in a temperate humid area. We evaluated photosynthetic parameters in maize for three years and compared them to pigeonpea and chickpea, adapted to arid environments, and pepper, tomato and common bean, as irrigated crops. Variability was significant in maize for most photosynthetic parameters and no consistent patterns of variability were found among genotypes. Compared to other crops, maize (C4 crop) had the highest CO2 assimilation and WUE, and the lowest stomatal conductance, substomatal CO2 concentration, and transpiration. CO2 assimilation was lowest for chickpea, stomatal conductance was highest for pigeonpea, substomatal CO2 concentration was highest for tomato and pigeonpea, transpiration was highest for pigeonpea, and WUE was lowest for pigeonpea. Chickpea lacked variability for photosynthetic traits, while pigeonpea has the largest potential for improving photosynthetic traits. Net assimilation, conductance, and transpiration could be improved in common bean, and substomatal CO2 concentration in pepper. Water Use Efficiency could be improved in some C3 crops, but more genetic biodiversity has to be identified in maize., Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER), UE (project code PID2019-108127RB-I00).
- Published
- 2022
45. Silicosis crónica complicada, hallazgo en un paciente asintomático
- Author
Pilar Rubado, Yanina Mirabal, Martín Taboada, Romina Montoya, Alejandro Martínez Fraga, Regina Gullo, Horacio Renom, Pablo Jordan, Andrés Romera, and Horacio Barragan
- Abstract
La silicosis es producida por la inhalación mantenida de dióxido de silicio (SiO2). Los trabajos en canteras e industrias de roca ornamental, granito y pizarra, y marmolerías son las exposiciones clásicamente descriptas, junto al pulido con chorro de arena. El arenado de jeans, producción de mesadas de cocinas y baños han surgido más recientemente. Las presentaciones clínicas pueden clasificarse en silicosis crónica (simple, complicada y fibrosis pulmonar), silicosis acelerada y silicosis aguda, según los años de exposición y factores individuales. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 78 años con silicosis crónica complicada, asintomático, diagnosticado en contexto de un examen prequirúrgico.
- Published
- 2022
46. Mortality risk factors in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and atrial fibrillation: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 registry
- Author
Javier, Azaña Gómez, Luis M, Pérez-Belmonte, Manuel, Rubio-Rivas, José, Bascuñana, Raúl, Quirós-López, María Luisa, Taboada Martínez, Esther, Montero Hernandez, Fernando, Roque-Rojas, Manuel, Méndez-Bailón, and Ricardo, Gómez-Huelgas
- Subjects
SARS-CoV-2 ,Risk Factors ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Humans ,COVID-19 ,Prospective Studies ,Registries ,General Medicine ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
Atrial fibrillation and associated comorbidities pose a risk factor for mortality, morbidity and development of complications in patients admitted for COVID-19.To describe the clinical, epidemiological, radiological and analytical characteristics of patients with AF admitted for COVID-19 in Spain. Secondarily, we aim to identify those variables associated with mortality and poor prognosis of COVID-19 in patients with AF.Retrospective, observational, multicenter, nationwide, retrospective study of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from March 1 to October 1, 2020. Data were obtained from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) in which 150 Spanish hospitals participate.Between March 1 and October 1, 2020, data from a total of 16,461 patients were entered into the SEMI-COVID-19 registry. 1,816 (11%) had a history of AF and the number of deaths among AF patients amounted to 738 (41%). Regarding clinical characteristics, deceased patients were admitted with a higher heart rate (88.38 vs 84.95; p 0.01), with a higher percentage of respiratory failure (67.2% vs 20.1%; p 0.01) and high tachypnea (58% vs 30%; p 0.01). The comorbidities that presented statistically significant differences in the deceased group were: age, hypertension and diabetes with target organ involvement. There was also a higher prevalence of a history of cardiovascular disease in the deceased. On multivariate analysis, DOACs treatment had a protective role for mortality (OR:0,597) IC (0,402-0,888 ; p = 0.011).Previous treatment with DOACs and DOACs treatment during admission seem to have a protective role in patients with AF, although this fact should be verified in prospective studies.La fibrilación auricular y las comorbilidades asociadas a ella suponen un factor de riesgo de mortalidad, morbilidad y desarrollo de complicaciones en los pacientes ingresados por COVID-19.Describir las características clínicas, epidemiológicas, radiológicas y analíticas de los pacientes con FA ingresados por COVID-19 en España. De forma secundaria, se pretende identificar aquellas variables que se asocian con mortalidad y mal pronóstico de la COVID-19 en pacientes que presentan FA.Estudio retrospectivo, observacional y multicéntrico de ámbito nacional de pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 desde el 1 de marzo al 1 de octubre de 2020. Los datos fueron obtenidos del Registro SEMI-COVID-19 de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI) en el que participan 150 hospitales españoles.De un total de 16.461 pacientes en el registro SEMI-COVID-19, 1.816 (11%) tenían antecedente de FA y el número de fallecidos entre los pacientes con FA ascendió a 738 (41%). En cuanto a la clínica, los pacientes fallecidos ingresaron con una frecuencia cardíaca mayor (88,38 vs 84,95; p 0,01), con mayor porcentaje de insuficiencia respiratoria (67,2% vs 20,1%; p 0,01) y mayor taquipnea (58% vs 30%; p 0,09). En el análisis multivariante, el tratamiento con ACOD tuvo un papel protector para la mortalidad por infección por COVID 19 (OR:0,597; IC (0,402-0,888; p = 0.011).El tratamiento previo con ACOD como el tratamiento con ACOD durante el ingreso parecen tener un papel protector en los pacientes con FA, aunque este hecho debería ser comprobado con estudios prospectivos.
- Published
- 2022
47. Factores de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV-2 y fibrilación auricular: datos del registro SEMI-COVID-19
- Author
Azaña Gómez, Javier, Pérez-Belmonte, Luis M, Rubio-Rivas, Manuel, Bascuñana, José, Quirós-López, Raúl, Taboada Martínez, María Luisa, Montero Hernandez, Esther, Roque-Rojas, Fernando, Méndez-Bailón, Manuel, Gómez-Huelgas, Ricardo, and en nombre del grupo SEMI-COVID-19
- Subjects
Factor de riesgo ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Anticoagulación ,Hospitalización ,COVID-19 ,General Medicine ,Atrial fibrillation ,Fibrilación auricular ,Hospitalization ,Anticoagulation ,Risk Factors ,Mortalidad ,Humans ,Risk factor ,Prospective Studies ,Registries ,Mortality ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
Atrial fibrillation and associated comorbidities pose a risk factor for mortality, morbidity and development of complications in patients admitted for COVID-19. To describe the clinical, epidemiological, radiological and analytical characteristics of patients with atrial fibrillation admitted for COVID-19 in Spain. Secondarily, we aim to identify those variables associated with mortality and poor prognosis of COVID-19 in patients with atrial fibrillation. Retrospective, observational, multicenter, nationwide, retrospective study of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from March 1 to October 1, 2020. Data were obtained from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) in which 150 Spanish hospitals participate. Between March 1 and October 1, 2020, data from a total of 16,461 patients were entered into the SEMI-COVID-19 registry. 1816 (11%) had a history of atrial fibrillation and the number of deaths among AF patients amounted to 738 (41%). Regarding clinical characteristics, deceased patients were admitted with a higher heart rate (88.38 vs. 84.95; P>0.01), with a higher percentage of respiratory failure (67.2 vs. 20.1%; P0.01), with a higher percentage of respiratory failure (67.2 vs. 20.1%; P Previous treatment with DOACs and DOACs treatment during admission seem to have a protective role in patients with atrial fibrillation, although this fact should be verified in prospective studies.
- Published
- 2022
48. Programas de fuerza en la arquitectura muscular del cuádriceps femoral: revisión sistemática
- Author
A. Caamaño-Pérez, Y. Taboada-Iglesias, and D. Alonso-Fernández
- Subjects
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - Published
- 2022
- Author
- Abstract
Self-regulated learning allows teachers to implement an established teaching process and students to master tools that help them be clear about their goals and objectives. The objective of the present work was to analyze the self-regulation strategies of the first-year students of the Industrial Engineering career assigned to the National Technological Institute of Mexico campus Oaxaca, Mexico corresponding to the academic cycle 2022-B. It was a descriptive-cross-sectional study. The academic self-regulation process was determined through the adaptation of the Torre instrument (2007), this instrument has a total of 20 items, divided into four dimensions (active metacognitive awareness, level of control and academic verification, daily effort in performing tasks and active processing during classes). A total of 114 students participated, 67.8% of first-year students consider themselves self-regulators in their learning process. Students are clear about what self-regulated learning is, but they still perceive behavioral strategies. It is the responsibility of the students to improve their training process, it is essential to do this type of detection in the first two years of the degree to strengthen those skills.
- Published
- 2022
50. Moluscos terrestres en áreas de deslizamientos y endicamientos de montaña (Tucumán, Argentina)
- Author
María J. Miranda, María de los Á. Taboada, and Igor J. C. Gavriloff
- Subjects
Ecology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2022
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