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19,188 results

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301. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

302. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

303. Local uniqueness for vortex patch problem in incompressible planar steady flow

304. Unreduced Generalized Endoprimal Abelian Groups

305. Numerical Study of Seismic Vibrations of Closely Located Buried Large Structures

306. Boundary value problems for the Brinkman system with L∞ coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. A variational approach

307. Developing Efficient Implementations of Shortest Paths and Page Rank Algorithms for NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA Architecture

308. Dynamics of time-periodic reaction-diffusion equations with compact initial support on R

309. Products of Commutators on a General Linear Group Over a Division Algebra

310. Generalized Riesz potentials of functions in Morrey spaces L (1,ϕ;κ)(G) over non-doubling measure spaces

311. On the Convergence of FK–Ising Percolation to $$\mathrm {SLE}(16/3, (16/3)-6)$$

312. Tangent categories of algebras over operads

313. Extensions of linear operators from hyperplanes and strong uniqueness of best approximation in L(X,W)

314. Higher Order Dirichlet-Type Problems in 2D Complex Quaternionic Analysis

315. Convergence of boundary layers for the Keller–Segel system with singular sensitivity in the half-plane

316. Masur–Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics, and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves

317. Sheaves of maximal intersection and multiplicities of stable log maps

318. Some Fixed Point Theorems in Banach Spaces and Application to a Transport Equation with Delayed Neutrons

319. Existence and Regularity of Weak Solutions for $$\psi $$-Hilfer Fractional Boundary Value Problem

320. A Variational Approach to the Problem of Continuous Dependence of Solutions to Second Order Periodic System

321. Critical point equation on almost f-cosymplectic manifolds

322. Solution for nonvariational quasilinear elliptic systems via sub-supersolution technique and Galerkin method

323. The extended D-Toda hierarchy

324. Correction to: Divisibility problems for function fields

325. Pulsating waves and entire solutions for a spatially periodic nonlocal dispersal system with a quiescent stage

326. Resolvent Decomposition Theorems and Their Application in Denumerable Markov Processes with Instantaneous States

327. Existence of meromorphic solutions of some generalized Fermat functional equations

328. On the uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing two sets

329. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

330. On orbits of action of 5-dimensional non-solvable Lie algebras in three-dimensional complex space

331. On connectivity of the facet graphs of simplicial complexes

332. Type classification of extreme quantized characters

333. On commutator Krylov transitive and commutator weakly transitive Abelian p-groups

334. Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Huang–Kotz Farlie–Gumble–Morgenstern Bivariate Distribution: Some Information Measures

335. On the bounded approximation property on subspaces of ℓ p when 0 < p < 1 and related issues

336. Exceptional sets for sums of almost equal prime cubes

337. Courant-sharp Robin eigenvalues for the square: the case with small Robin parameter

338. Sharp bounds of Fekete-Szegő functional for quasi-subordination class

339. Existence and nonexistence of extremal functions for sharp Trudinger-Moser inequalities

340. Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

341. Liouville quantum gravity and the Brownian map I: the $$\mathrm{QLE}(8/3,0)$$ metric

342. Rings whose ideals are isomorphic to trace ideals

343. Depth functions of symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals

344. Extremal decomposition of a multidimensional complex space for five domains

345. A spectral characterization of isomorphisms on $$C^\star $$-algebras

346. Bott–Samelson Varieties and Poisson Ore Extensions

347. Sharkovskii’s Ordering and Estimates of the Number of Periodic Trajectories of Given Period of a Self-Map of an Interval

348. On Local Normability of Spaces of Keplerian Orbits

349. Moment functions on hypergroup joins

350. Geodesic vector fields and Eikonal equation on a Riemannian manifold