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201. Cat-valued sheaves

202. Abelian Groups With Sufficiently π-Regular Endomorphism Ring

203. On the Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability of $\beta $-Viscosity Solutions to a Class of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Banach Spaces

204. Two refinements of Frink’s metrization theorem and fixed point results for Lipschitzian mappings on quasimetric spaces

205. Riesz-Kolmogorov theorem in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces and its applications to Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations

206. Superunitary Representations of Heisenberg Supergroups

207. Group schemes and local densities of ramified hermitian lattices in residue characteristic 2. Part II

208. Homogeneous Finsler spaces and the flag-wise positively curved condition

209. Maia type fixed point theorems for Ćirić-Prešić operators

210. Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Möbius inversion III: The decomposition space of Möbius intervals

211. Explicit sentences distinguishing Mcduff’s II1 factors

212. Principal Actions of Stacky Lie Groupoids

213. Some properties of approximants for branched continued fractions of the special form with positive and alternating-sign partial numerators

214. Conformally Flat Algebraic Ricci Solitons on Lie Groups

215. Approximation by Entire Functions on a Countable Union of Real-Axis Segments. 4. Inverse Theorem

216. Some results on uniqueness of entire functions concerning difference polynominals

217. On central leaves of Hodge-type Shimura varieties with parahoric level structure

218. Homotopical Morita theory for corings

219. The CMV Matrix and the Generalized Lanczos Process


221. A general fixed point theorem for two pairs of mappings satisfying a mixed implicit relation

222. On some generalized Painlevé and Hayman type equations with meromorphic solutions in a bounded domain

223. Vanishing theorems, higher order mean curvatures and index estimates for self-shrinkers

224. Continued fraction expansions for the Lambert $$\varvec{W}$$ W function

225. Affine focal sets of codimension-2 submanifolds contained in hypersurfaces

226. A Cartan’s Second Main Theorem Approach in Nevanlinna Theory

227. Minimal Complex Surfaces with Levi–Civita Ricci-flat Metrics

228. Nevanlinna theory of the Askey–Wilson divided difference operator

229. On double-jumping finite automata and their closure properties

230. Approximation by Entire Functions on a Countable Union of Segments on the Real Axis: 3. Further Generalization

231. Forms and currents defining generalized p-Kähler structures

232. Polynomials whose coefficients coincide with their zeros

233. Redheffer type bounds for Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first kind

234. On the formula of Cohen–Vogt relatively pointed topological semi-simplicial sets

235. Rational homology and homotopy of high-dimensional string links

236. On the Generic Rank of Matrices Composed of Kronecker Products

237. Uniform hyperbolicity revisited: index of periodic points and equidimensional cycles

238. Flows of measures generated by vector fields

239. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

240. Some Remarks on Korn Inequalities

241. The Goldman–Turaev Lie bialgebra in genus zero and the Kashiwara–Vergne problem

242. Jumps and Motivic Invariants of Semiabelian Jacobians

243. On Φ-Dedekind, Φ-Prüfer and Φ-Bezout modules

244. On a (No Longer) New Segal Algebra: A Review of the Feichtinger Algebra

245. Kreĭn space representation and Lorentz groups of analytic Hilbert modules

246. Functions of triples of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbations of class $\boldsymbol {S}_p$

247. An $$L_\infty $$L∞ algebra structure on polyvector fields

248. On the image of the parabolic Hitchin map

249. Weak mixing properties of interval exchange transformations and translation flows

250. Exceptional collections on Dolgachev surfaces associated with degenerations