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51. Explicit descriptions of spectral properties of Laplacians on spheres $${\mathbb {S}}^{N}\,(N\ge 1)$$: a review

52. The structure and free resolutions of the symbolic powers of star configurations of hypersurfaces

53. Examples of Integrable Systems with Dissipation on the Tangent Bundles of Three-Dimensional Manifolds

54. Comparison of Classifications of Two-Dimensional Local Type II Fields

55. Material Affine Connections for Growing Solids

56. Multi-bump analysis for Trudinger–Moser nonlinearities. I. Quantification and location of concentration points

57. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

58. On Boundedness Property of Singular Integral Operators Associated to a Schrödinger Operator in a Generalized Morrey Space and Applications

59. Mappings Preserving Relations Definable by Linear Order

60. Extremal growth of Betti numbers and trivial vanishing of (co)homology

61. On some higher order equations admitting meromorphic solutions in a given domain

62. Hyperbolicity and Uniformity of Varieties of Log General type

63. Admissible Galois Structures on the categories dual to some varieties of universal algebras

64. Theorems connecting Stieltjes transform and Hankel transform

65. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

66. Sobolev regular solutions for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in higher dimensions: asymptotics and representation formulae

67. Inequalities for generalized eigenvalues of quaternion matrices

68. More about singular traces on simply generated operator ideals

69. A Short Proof of a Theorem Due to O. Gabber

70. Lattice of Definability in the Order of Rational Numbers

71. Realizations of holomorphic and slice hyperholomorphic functions: The Krein space case

72. On Some Local Asymptotic Properties of Sequences with a Random Index

73. Solutions to a system of equations for $C^m$ functions

74. Extremality and dynamically defined measures, part II: Measures from conformal dynamical systems

75. On Finiteness Conditions in Twisted K-Theory

76. Topological Grading of Semigroup C*-Algebras

77. A new contractive condition related to Rhoades’s open question

78. Vector-valued q-variational inequalities for averaging operators and the Hilbert transform

79. Graphons, permutons and the Thoma simplex: three mod‐Gaussian moduli spaces

80. Bilinear estimates on Morrey spaces by using average

81. Schrödinger Quantization of Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems with a Nonquadratic Hamiltonian Function

82. Local Mappings Generated by Multiplication on Rings of Matrices

83. The Monotone Contraction Mapping Theorem

84. Lp (p > 1) Solutions of BSDEs with Generators Satisfying Some Non-uniform Conditions in t and ω

85. Positive Solutions for Systems of Quasilinear Equations with Non-homogeneous Operators and Weights

86. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

87. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

88. Weighted $$L^p$$-spaces on locally compact nilpotent groups

89. On Problems of Stability Theory for Weakly Hyperbolic Invariant Sets

90. Mappings with finite length distortion and prime ends on Riemann surfaces

91. Geometric properties of normal submanifolds

92. The Kobayashi–Royden metric on punctured spheres

93. Bell–Sheffer exponential polynomials of the second kind

94. Discrete series multiplicities for classical groups over $\mathbf {Z}$ and level 1 algebraic cusp forms

95. Remarks on the geodesic-Einstein metrics of a relative ample line bundle

96. Stein–Weiss inequalities with the fractional Poisson kernel

97. Sugihara algebras and Sugihara monoids: Multisorted dualities

98. SNC Log Symplectic Structures on Fano Products

99. On the local density formula and the Gross–Keating invariant with an Appendix ‘The local density of a binary quadratic form’ by T. Ikeda and H. Katsurada

100. The Wiener Measure on the Heisenberg Group and Parabolic Equations