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2. An unpublished paper ‘Über einige durch unendliche Reihen definirte Functionen eines complexen Argumentes’ by Adolf Hurwitz

3. Corrections and complements to my paper 'On a class of operator monotone functions of several variables'

4. Totally Real Origami and Impossible Paper Folding

6. Canonical factorization of rational matrix functions. A note on a paper by P. Dewilde

7. Some remarks on a paper by Liu and van Rooij

8. A Paper-and-Pencil gcd Algorithm for Gaussian Integers

13. Correction to the paper 'Duality and Flat Base Change on Formal Schemes'

14. Corrigendum of the paper: some results on certain classes of multivalently analytic functions based on differential subordination involving a convolution structure math. Slovaca 60 (2010), 471–484 (subordination result and generalizations)

15. A Supplement to J. Shallit's Paper 'Origins of the Analysis of the Euclidean Algorithm'

16. Definitions and Nondefinability in GeometryThis paper was adapted from and expands on material in [23]. A shorter version was presented to the October 2008 congress, Giuseppe Peano and His School between Mathematics, Logic, and Interlingua, in Turin. Some of the text in Section 2 was adapted from [46, Chap. 2]

18. Addendum to the paper 'Characteristic cycles of perverse sheaves and Milnor fibers'

23. A Note on a Paper by Miyazaki

25. A remark on a paper of J. S. Ruan: 'Invariant subspace of strictly singular operators' [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 108 (1990), no. 4, 931–936; MR1002160 (90g:47009)]

26. Euler's 1760 paper on divergent series

28. On Pearl's Paper 'A Decomposition Theorem for Matrices'*

29. Remarks on E. A. Rahmanov's paper 'on the asymptotics of the ratio of orthogonal polynomials'

30. Corrections to My Paper 'On Krull’s Conjecture Concerning Valuation Rings'

32. Remarks on a paper of Bachelis and Gilbert

45. A correction to the paper: 'Semi-open sets and semi-continuity in topological spaces' (Amer. Math. Monthly 70 (1963), 36–41) by Norman Levine

46. A remark on Ribenboim's paper ‘On the extension of orders in ordered modules’

47. Note on a paper by Shepperd on the braid group