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1. Counterexample to the paper 'On the Gorenstein injective dimension and Bass formula'

2. A note of Shimura's paper ?discontinuous groups and abelian varieties?

3. Remarks on blowing-up divisorial ideals

4. Redheffer type bounds for Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first kind

5. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

6. Some weak specification properties and strongly mixing

7. L p estimates of rough maximal functions along surfaces with applications

8. Étale extensions with finitely many subextensions

9. Uniqueness of meromorphic functions whose nonlinear differential polynomials share a polynomial

10. Results on uniqueness of entire functions whose certain difference polynomials share a small function

11. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: A Visual Approach

12. On the Convolution of a Finite Number of Analytic Functions Involving a Generalized Srivastava–Attiya Operator

13. The Structure of Translation-Invariant Spaces on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

14. Graded Annihilators and Uniformly F-Compatible Ideals

15. The split common null point problem in Banach spaces

16. Appendix: On some Gelfand pairs and commutative association schemes

17. Krein-Space Representations of Arithmetic Functions Determined by Primes

18. Torsion Abelian RAI-Groups

19. Some Integral Type Fixed-Point Theorems and an Application to Systems of Functional Equations

20. On isotopies, parastrophies, and orthogonality of quasigroups

21. On λ-compact operators

22. On the conjugacy of nilpotent injectors in finite groups

23. On locally analytic Beilinson–Bernstein localization and the canonical dimension

24. Weak Characterizations of Stochastic Integrability and Dudley’s Theorem in Infinite Dimensions

25. On Oka’s extra-zero problem and examples

26. Generalized Derivations of Hom–Lie Triple Systems

27. Univalence criterion and quasiconformal extension of holomorphic mappings

28. CLT for linear random fields with martingale increments

29. Projections on weak*-closed subspace of dual Banach algebras

30. The distribution of normalized zero-sets of random meromorphic functions

31. Affine structures on a ringed space and schemes

32. Torsion-free rings

33. Isomorphism Classes of Certain Artinian Gorenstein Algebras

34. Homomorphisms in quasi-Banach algebras associated with a Pexiderized Cauchy-Jensen functional equation

35. On the Multiplicity of Zeroes of Polynomials with Quaternionic Coefficients

36. The Kurosh problem, height theorem, nilpotency of the radical, and algebraicity identity

37. Notes on sectionally complemented lattices. IV How far does the Atom Lemma go?

38. Explicit relation between the solutions of the heat and the Hermite heat equation

39. Invariants of the stable equivalence of symmetric special biserial algebras

40. Projective resolutions and Yoneda algebras for algebras of dihedral type: The family $$D(3\mathcal{Q})$$

41. Group-cograded Multiplier Hopf ${\left( { * {\text{ - }}} \right)}$ algebras

42. The Auslander–Reiten Quiver of a Poincaré Duality Space

43. On some local cohomology invariants of local rings

44. The functor A min on p-local spaces

45. Zero product determined Lie algebras

46. Existence Results for Functional Differential Inclusions with Infinite Delay

47. A new proof of the Gerritzen-Grauert theorem

48. The Real Spectrum of a Noncommutative Ring and the Artin-Lang Homomorphism Theorem

49. Faces of simplices of invariant measures for actions of amenable groups

50. Fixed points for generalized contractions via rational expressions in partially ordered b-metric spaces and applications to integral equations