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4. Comment on the paper 'Solar energy aspects of gyrotactic mixed bioconvection flow of nanofluid past a vertical thin moving needle influenced by variable Prandtl number, Ying-Qing Song, Aamir Hamid, M. Ijaz Khan, R.J. Punith Gowda, R. Naveen Kumar, B.C. Prasannakumara, Sami Ullah Khan, M. Imran Khan, M.Y. Malik, Chaos, Solitons Fractals, 151, 2021, 111244'

5. Adaptive movement strategy in rock-paper-scissors models

7. Evolutionary dynamics of rock-paper-scissors game in the patchy network with mutations

8. The interplay of rock-paper-scissors competition and environments mediates species coexistence and intriguing dynamics

9. Evolutionary dynamics in the rock-paper-scissors system by changing community paradigm with population flow

10. Call for papers: Special issue on evolutionary game theory of small groups and their larger societies

11. Notes to the paper 'Fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces' and its generalization to L-fuzzy metric spaces

12. Complexity in Spacetime and Gravitation i. FromChaos to Superchaosfn2fn2This paper, as a token ofappreciation, is intended to celebrate the 57th birthday of Otto Rössler

13. Von Neumann Geometry and E(∞) Quantum Spacetimefn1fn1This paper is dedicated to Itmor Procaccia, a personal friend and a fellow fighter for all those things which make life worth living like beauty, peace and justice, on the occasion of his birthday

14. A new form of the early exercise premium for American type derivatives

16. The exceptional eightfold way to a possible Higgs field

17. On two new fuzzy Kähler manifolds, Klein modular space and ’t Hooft holographic principles

18. Asymptotic normality of parameters estimation in ev model with replicated observations

19. Golden mean energy equals highest atomic electron orbital energy

20. Nonlinear corrections in the quantization of a weakly nonideal Bose gas at zero temperature. II. The general case

21. Lie symmetry and invariants for a generalized Birkhoffian system on time scales

22. Evolution of fractional-order chaotic economic systems based on non-degenerate equilibrium points

23. Research on application of fractional calculus in signal real-time analysis and processing in stock financial market

24. Existence and multiplicity for some boundary value problems involving Caputo and Atangana–Baleanu fractional derivatives: A variational approach

25. Differential and integral operators with constant fractional order and variable fractional dimension

26. Data-driven soliton mappings for integrable fractional nonlinear wave equations via deep learning with Fourier neural operator

27. Probabilistic responses of three-dimensional stochastic vibro-impact systems

28. New results on regional observer-based stabilization for locally Lipchitz nonlinear systems

29. Behavioural study of symbiosis dynamics via the Caputo and Atangana–Baleanu fractional derivatives

30. Theme and sentiment analysis model of public opinion dissemination based on generative adversarial network

31. System of fractional differential algebraic equations with applications

32. Fractal description of the complex beatings: How to describe quantitatively seismic waves?

33. Using rewards reasonably: The effects of stratified-rewards in public goods game

34. Analysis of bifurcation, chaos and pattern formation in a discrete time and space Gierer Meinhardt system

35. Edge extraction of mineralogical phase based on fractal theory

36. Modeling the dynamics of Hepatitis E with optimal control

37. Conservation of a predator species in SIS prey-predator system using optimal taxation policy

38. Weak dissipation drives and enhances Wada basins in three-dimensional chaotic scattering

39. Envelope solitons of the nonlinear discrete vertical dust grain oscillation in dusty plasma crystals

40. Gas path parameter prediction of aero-engine based on an autoregressive discrete convolution sum process neural network

41. On periodic solutions of a second-order, time-delayed, discontinuous dynamical system

42. Analytic solutions for variance swaps with double-mean-reverting volatility

43. Fractality and singularity in CME linear speed signal: Cycle 23

44. The agglomeration phenomenon influence on the scaling law of the scientific collaboration system

45. Fractional derivatives with no-index law property: Application to chaos and statistics

46. Localization of disordered harmonic chain with long-range correlation

47. Finite-time anti-synchronization of memristive stochastic BAM neural networks with probabilistic time-varying delays

48. A new chaotic model for glucose-insulin regulatory system

49. Computation of the largest positive Lyapunov exponent using rounding mode and recursive least square algorithm

50. Dark solitons behaviors for a (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system in an optical fiber