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1. On the paper 'On an identity for the zeros of Bessel functions' by Baricz et al

2. Comment on the paper 'On conservation laws by Lie symmetry analysis for (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko equation in wave propagation' by S. Saha Ray

3. Chern's contribution to the Hopf problem: An exposition based on Bryant's paper

4. Remarks on two connected papers about Keller–Segel systems with nonlinear production

5. On A.Ya. Khinchin's paper ‘Ideas of intuitionism and the struggle for a subject matter in contemporary mathematics’ (1926): A translation with introduction and commentary

6. An unpublished paper ‘Über einige durch unendliche Reihen definirte Functionen eines complexen Argumentes’ by Adolf Hurwitz

7. Multiple limit cycles for the continuous model of the rock–scissors–paper game between bacteriocin producing bacteria

8. On the Anisotropy-Based Bounded Real Lemma Formulation for the Systems with Disturbance-Term Multiplicative Noise**The paper is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 14-08-00069, 15-07-05489 and 16-38-00216)

9. On a certain reconstruction of a Rapcsák paper (Über die bahntreuen Abbildungen metrischer Räume, Publ. Math. Debrecen 8 (1961) 285–290)

10. Revisit to Fritz John’s paper on the blow-up of nonlinear wave equations

11. On a paper of Beltrán and Shao about coprime action

12. A note on the paper 'Norm inequalities in operator ideals' [J. Funct. Anal. 255 (11) (2008), 3208–3228] by G. Larotonda

13. Nonlocal Robin Laplacians and some remarks on a paper by Filonov on eigenvalue inequalities

14. Cantor sets of arcs in decomposable local Siegel disk boundaries☆☆Portions of this paper were presented by the first author at the SE Sectional Meeting of the AMS (Gainesville, FL, March 1999), and at the Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (Salt Lake City, UT, March 1999)

15. Correction of the paper 'Bicyclic graphs with extremal values of PI index'

16. Bounded arithmetic, proof complexity and two papers of Parikh

17. Recurrent critical points and typical limit sets for conformal measures☆☆Portions of the paper were presented at the AMS Special Session on Low-Dimensional Dynamics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 1997

18. Remarks on a Paper by Giordano, Laforgia, and Pečarić

19. On a paper by Khan and Majumdar

20. Remarks on E. A. Rahmanov's paper 'on the asymptotics of the ratio of orthogonal polynomials'

21. On a paper by A. I. Lee and J. M. Hill

22. The energy equality for weak solutions to the equations of non-Newtonian fluids

23. Blowup for the solutions of the Euler–Poisson equations with damping

24. Global entropy solutions of Cauchy problem for the Le Roux system

25. A note on Parisian ruin with an ultimate bankruptcy level for Lévy insurance risk processes

26. The dependence on initial data of stochastic Camassa–Holm equation

27. On edge-primitive 2-arc-transitive graphs

28. Templates for the k-binomial complexity of the Tribonacci word

29. A few remarks on Ramsey–Turán-type problems

30. An algorithmic approach to small limit cycles of nonlinear differential systems: The averaging method revisited

31. Robust methods for stabilization of Hamiltonian systems in economic growth models

32. Extrapolation of compactness on weighted spaces: Bilinear operators

33. Scaling limits and stochastic homogenization for some nonlinear parabolic equations

34. Phase portraits of separable quadratic systems and a bibliographical survey on quadratic systems

35. A parity theorem about trees with specified degrees

36. A picture of the ODE's flow in the torus: From everywhere or almost-everywhere asymptotics to homogenization of transport equations

37. The Benson - Symonds invariant for ordinary and signed permutation modules

38. Local properties of Jacobson-Witt algebras

39. Free objects and Gröbner-Shirshov bases in operated contexts

40. Bounds for the extremal eigenvalues of gain Laplacian matrices

41. Common values of generalized Fibonacci and Pell sequences

42. On the singular value decomposition over finite fields and orbits of GU×GU

43. Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. V. Chandeliers and strings

44. Momenta of Coxeter transformations

45. Friedrichs extensions of a class of singular Hamiltonian systems

46. h1 ≠ h1 for Anderson t-motives

47. Generalised Igusa-Todorov functions and Lat-Igusa-Todorov algebras

48. An indefinite quasilinear elliptic problem with weights in anisotropic spaces

49. Hadamard's optimized inequality

50. Singular limits of the Cauchy problem to the two-layer rotating shallow water equations