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281 results

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1. Chaotic behavior of the p-adic Potts–Bethe mapping II

2. Topologically mixing tiling of generated by a generalized substitution

3. Multiplicative constants and maximal measurable cocycles in bounded cohomology

4. Local limit theorems in relatively hyperbolic groups I: rough estimates

5. Extremality and dynamically defined measures, part II: Measures from conformal dynamical systems

6. Type classification of extreme quantized characters

7. Local rigidity of higher rank non-abelian action on torus

8. Purely exponential growth of cusp-uniform actions

9. Ruelle operator with weakly contractive iterated function systems

10. Dynamical profile of a class of rank-one attractors

11. Strong renewal theorems and Lyapunov spectra forα-Farey andα-Lüroth systems

12. Differentiating potential functions of SRB measures on hyperbolic attractors

13. Invariant rigid geometric structures and expanding maps

14. Parameter rays in the space of exponential maps

15. Measure-theoretic and topological entropy of operators on function spaces

16. Lyapunov 1-forms for flows

17. The K-property for some unique equilibrium states in flows and homeomorphisms

18. Effective equidistribution for generalized higher-step nilflows

19. The geometric index and attractors of homeomorphisms of

20. Tying hairs for structurally stable exponentials

21. Bratteli–Vershik models for Cantor minimal systems: applications to Toeplitz flows

22. Sojourn times in small neighborhoods of indifferent fixed points of one-dimensional dynamical systems

23. Quasisymmetric orbit-flexibility of multicritical circle maps

24. Hyperbolicity of renormalization for dissipative gap mappings

25. adic characterization of minimal ternary dendric shifts

26. Markovian random iterations of homeomorphisms of the circle

27. A rigidity theorem for manifolds without conjugate points

28. Margulis–Ruelle inequality for general manifolds

29. Persistence of homoclinic tangencies in higher dimensions

30. On dynamics of triangular maps of the square

31. Orbifold expansion and entire functions with bounded Fatou components

32. On Ruelle’s property

33. The set of points with Markovian symbolic dynamics for non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

34. Krieger’s finite generator theorem for actions of countable groups III

35. A strongly irreducible affine iterated function system with two invariant measures of maximal dimension

36. The conformal measures of a normal subgroup of a cocompact Fuchsian group

37. Computation of isomorphism invariants for stationary dimension groups

38. Support stability of maximizing measures for shifts of finite type

39. Decidability of the isomorphism problem for stationary AF-algebras and the associated ordered simple dimension groups

40. Distributional chaos in multifractal analysis, recurrence and transitivity

41. Sylvester matrix rank functions on crossed products

42. On the geometry and regularity of invariant sets of piecewise-affine automorphisms on the Euclidean space

43. Manhattan curves for hyperbolic surfaces with cusps

44. Embeddings of interval exchange transformations into planar piecewise isometries

45. The property of convex carrying simplices for competitive maps

46. Higher cohomology for abelian groups of toral automorphisms II: the partially hyperbolic case, and corrigendum

47. Dynamical sets whose union with infinity is connected

48. Regular variation and rates of mixing for infinite measure preserving almost Anosov diffeomorphisms

49. Continuity of the spectrum of quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators with finitely differentiable potentials

50. Integrality properties of Böttcher coordinates for one-dimensional superattracting germs