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1. Coherent Structures in Turbulent Shear Flows: The Confluence of Experimental and Numerical Approaches (Keynote Paper)

2. Azimuthal-rotation sample holder for molecular orientation analysis

3. Cartograms as Map Projections

4. Detection Performance Analysis of the Standard FDA and FDA-MIMO Radar in the Gaussian Background

5. A statistical approach to account for azimuthal variability in single-station HVSR measurements

6. Microwave Doppler Radar Experiment on a River

7. Low-order diving integrated guidance and control for hypersonic vehicles

8. An Inversion Method to Determine Azimuthal Density for Cement Evaluation in Horizontal Well

9. Deep convolutional neural network for P-band spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imaging through the ionosphere

10. Long Synthetic Aperture Passive Localization Using Azimuth Chirp-Rate Contour Map

11. A Novel Weighted Doppler Centroid Estimation Approach Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Model for Multichannel in Azimuth HRWS SAR System

12. Illumination invariant feature point matching for high-resolution planetary remote sensing images

13. An Accurate Doppler Parameters Calculation Method of Geosynchronous SAR Considering Real-Time Zero-Doppler Centroid Control

14. Estimation of Ionospheric Effects on Spacebore Twinsar-L SAR Interferograms

15. Time-Modulated Arrays for Radar Direction-Finding with Reconfigurable Angular Range and Accuracy

16. Calculation of Tilted Coil Voltage in Cylindrically Multilayered Medium

17. Fast Numerical Method of Obtaining Radar Azimuth Reference Function Directly In Frequency Domain

18. Improved Range Doppler Algorithm Based on Squint FMCW-SAR

19. Light transport in homogeneous tissue with m-dependent anisotropic scattering II: Fourier transform solution and consistent relations

20. Doppler Beam Sharpening for Angular Refinement at 150 GHz – Initial Experimentation

21. Performance analysis of ML-based DOA estimation algorithm in bistatic MIMO radar system

22. L1/2 regularization based azimuth resolution enhancement for multi-channel radar forward-looking imaging

23. Doppler beam sharpening imaging based on fast iterative adaptive approach

24. L-Band Land Mobile Satellite Channel Characteristic Analysis for Geosynchronous Satellite

25. ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Target Based on the Local Polynomial Wigner Distribution and Integrated High-Order Ambiguity Function for Cubic Phase Signal Model

26. The acoustic analogy in an annular duct with swirling mean flow

27. The division-of-amplitude polarization navigation angle sensor design

28. A Fourier integral algorithm and its GPU/CPU collaborative implementation for one-way wave equation migration

29. Analysis of WindSat Third and Fourth Stokes Components Over Arctic Sea Ice

30. Characterization of indoor time reversal UWB communication systems: Spatial, temporal and frequency properties


32. An Electrohydraulic Control Device With Decoupling Effect for Three-Chamber Soft Actuators

33. Photon orbital angular momentum in astronomy

34. Doppler centroid block estimation for multi-channel in azimuth SAR

35. Some aspects of interpretation of tensor gradiometry data

36. Range Ambiguous Clutter Suppression Approach With Elevation Time Diverse Array

37. Shadowing function with single reflection from anisotropic Gaussian rough surface. Application to Gaussian, Lorentzian and sea correlations

38. Effects of fractures on NMO velocities andP‐wave azimuthal AVO response

39. Helicopter Blade-Vortex Interaction Airload and Noise Prediction Using Coupling CFD/VWM Method

40. Efficient Ground Moving Target Imaging Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar With Target Azimuth Ambiguity

41. Some studies on the effect of resolution with different ISAR imaging techniques

42. High Squint SAR Imaging Using the Modified Range-Doppler Algorithm

43. An Adaptive Radar Signal Processor for UAVs Detection With Super-Resolution Capabilities

44. Imaging Algorithm of Missile-borne SAR in Diving and Squint Mode

45. Focusing highly squinted missile-borne SAR data using azimuth frequency nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm

46. Sound Transmission Comparisons of Active Elastic Wave Metamaterial Immersed in External Mean Flow

47. A general bistatic SAR focusing algorithm for azimuth variant and invariant configurations

48. Sound radiation from a cylindrical duct. Part 1. Ray structure of the duct modes and of the external field

49. Polarimetric thermal emission from periodic water surfaces

50. Application of frequency-domain linearised Euler solutions to the prediction of aft fan tones and comparison with experimental measurements