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84,108 results

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1. Comments on 'A Note on the Paper 'Optimality Conditions for Optimistic Bilevel Programming Problem Using Convexifactors''

2. Remarks on a paper by El-Guindy and Papanikolas

3. On Variability and Interdependence of Local Porosity and Local Tortuosity in Porous Materials: a Case Study for Sack Paper

4. Pythagorean Paper Folding

5. A note on the paper 'Matrix inequalities for the difference between arithmetic mean and harmonic mean'

6. Note on a paper by Bordellès, Dai, Heyman, Pan and Shparlinski

7. On the paper 'On an identity for the zeros of Bessel functions' by Baricz et al

8. A Note on the Paper 'Optimality Conditions for Vector Optimization Problems with Difference of Convex Maps'

9. An example regarding Kalton's paper 'Isomorphisms between spaces of vector-valued continuous functions'

10. What Have We (Not) Learnt from Millions of Scientific Papers with P Values?

11. Feature Extraction of PD in Oil-paper Insulation based on Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution

12. On a paper of Erdös and Szekeres

13. Paper folding and trigonometric ratios

14. Rejoinder to discussion of the paper 'Human life is unlimited—but short'

15. Comment on the paper 'On conservation laws by Lie symmetry analysis for (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko equation in wave propagation' by S. Saha Ray

16. Chern's contribution to the Hopf problem: An exposition based on Bryant's paper

17. Remark on the paper of Zheng Jie Sun and Ling Zhu

18. Notes on the paper 'A note on pronormal p-subgroups of finite groups'

19. A Look at Robustness and Stability of $\ell_{1}$-versus $\ell_{0}$-Regularization: Discussion of Papers by Bertsimas et al. and Hastie et al

20. Remarks on two connected papers about Keller–Segel systems with nonlinear production

21. ‘The life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short’: Discussion of the paper by Rootzén and Zholud

22. Comment on the paper 'Heat and mass transfer in unsteady MHD slip flow of Casson fluid over a moving wedge embedded in a porous medium in the presence of chemical reaction: Numerical solutions using Keller‐Box method, Imran Ullah, Ilyas Khan, Sharidan Shafie, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations , November 2017,'

23. Is human life limited or unlimited? (A discussion of the paper by Holger Rootzén and Dmitrii Zholud)

24. A Remark on the Paper 'Properties of Intersecting Families of Ordered Sets' by O. Einstein

25. How to Write a Clear Math Paper: Some 21st Century Tips

26. A Note on the Paper 'The Algebraic Structure of the Arbitrary-Order Cone'

27. On the comparison of inventory replenishment policies with time-varying stochastic demand for the paper industry

28. Scientific heritage of L.D. Faddeev. Survey of papers

29. Editor’s special invited paper: On the efficient score vector in sequential monitoring

30. On A.Ya. Khinchin's paper ‘Ideas of intuitionism and the struggle for a subject matter in contemporary mathematics’ (1926): A translation with introduction and commentary

31. Four comments for the paper from Liu et al. (2019)

32. A trio of heteroclinic bifurcations arising from a model of spatially-extended Rock-Paper-Scissors

33. Discussion of paper 'nonparametric Bayesian inference in applications' by Peter Müller, Fernando A. Quintana and Garritt L. Page

34. An unpublished paper ‘Über einige durch unendliche Reihen definirte Functionen eines complexen Argumentes’ by Adolf Hurwitz

35. A note on the paper: 'Nonlinear integral equations with new admissibility types in b-metric spaces'

36. From coin tossing to rock-paper-scissors and beyond: a log-exp gap theorem for selecting a leader

37. Addendum to the paper 'On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted $$L_p$$ L p -spaces II'

38. Multiple limit cycles for the continuous model of the rock–scissors–paper game between bacteriocin producing bacteria

39. Local Restrictions from the Furst-Saxe-Sipser Paper

40. Mating, paper folding, and an endomorphism of ℙℂ²

41. Notes on the Paper 'On SS-Quasinormal and S-Quasinormally Embedded Subgroups of Finite Groups' of Shen et al

42. Conference paper

43. Refined exponential stability analysis of a coupled system * *The paper was partially supported by the ANR projects LimICoS and SCIDIS. Corresponding author. Fax +33-561336411

44. Corrections and complements to my paper 'On a class of operator monotone functions of several variables'

46. Discussion of the paper ‘A general framework for functional regression modelling’

47. On the Anisotropy-Based Bounded Real Lemma Formulation for the Systems with Disturbance-Term Multiplicative Noise**The paper is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 14-08-00069, 15-07-05489 and 16-38-00216)

48. Estimates on the Minimal Stabilizing Horizon Length in Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck Equation**This work was supported by the DFG project Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck Equation, GR 1569/15-1. The paper was written while the second author was visiting the University of Newcastle, Australia

49. On a certain reconstruction of a Rapcsák paper (Über die bahntreuen Abbildungen metrischer Räume, Publ. Math. Debrecen 8 (1961) 285–290)

50. Remark on the paper 'On products of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms'