
Showing total 6,027 results
6,027 results

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1. Scientific heritage of L.D. Faddeev. Survey of papers

2. An unpublished paper ‘Über einige durch unendliche Reihen definirte Functionen eines complexen Argumentes’ by Adolf Hurwitz

3. From coin tossing to rock-paper-scissors and beyond: a log-exp gap theorem for selecting a leader

4. Notes on the Paper 'On SS-Quasinormal and S-Quasinormally Embedded Subgroups of Finite Groups' of Shen et al

6. 'Graph Paper' Trace Characterizations of Functions of Finite Energy

7. Derived length of zero entropy groups acting on projective varieties in arbitrary characteristic — A remark to a paper of Dinh-Oguiso-Zhang

8. Variations on a Theme in Paper Folding

9. Fractional Factorials and Prime Numbers (A Remark on the Paper 'On Prime Values of Some Quadratic Polynomials')

10. Biased Adjusted Poisson Ridge Estimators-Method and Application

11. Special Ulrich bundles on regular Weierstrass fibrations

12. Lattice Polygons and the Number 2i + 7

13. Non-negative Ricci curvature on closed manifolds under Ricci flow

14. Why a Population Converges to Stability

15. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

16. Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect

17. On Nilpotent Extensions of ∞-Categories and the Cyclotomic Trace

18. An index theorem for higher orbital integrals

19. The integrals and integral transformations connected with the joint vector Gaussian distribution

20. Degrees of Enumerations of Countable Wehner-Like Families

21. On Some Properties of the New Generalized Fractional Derivative with Non-Singular Kernel

22. Noncommutative Counting Invariants and Curve Complexes

23. Virtual χ−y‐genera of Quot schemes on surfaces

24. Correction to: Seifert fibrations of lens spaces

25. Wild Cantor actions


27. Theoretical Foundations of the Study of a Certain Class of Hybrid Systems of Differential Equations

28. Simpson filtration and oper stratum conjecture

29. Graded Bourbaki ideals of graded modules

30. A Unified Approach to the Arens Regularity and Related Problems for a Class of Banach Algebras Associated with Locally Compact Groups

31. On the Rates of Convergence in Central Limit Theorems for Compound Random Sums of Independent Random Variables

32. Rates of Power Series Statistical Convergence of Positive Linear Operators and Power Series Statistical Convergence of $$\boldsymbol{q}$$-Meyer–Köni̇g and Zeller Operators

33. Properties of triangulated and quotient categories arising from n-Calabi–Yau triples

34. Simplest Test for the Three-Dimensional Dynamical Inverse Problem (The BC-Method)

35. The Monte Carlo Method for Solving Large Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations

36. Numerical Modeling of the Shock Waves Reflection from a Firm Surface in Mono- and Polydisperse Gas Suspensions

37. Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of the Interface Dynamics During Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media

38. The factorisation property ofl∞(Xk)

39. The Energy Efficiency Evaluating Method Determining Energy Consumption of the Parallel Program According to Its Profile

40. Perturbations of the Continuous Spectrum of a Certain Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Operator Sheaf

41. Eigenfunctions of the Laplace Operator and Harmonic Functions on Model Riemannian Manifolds

42. On the classification of simple Lie algebras of dimension seven over fields of characteristic 2

43. Existence of positive solutions of mixed fractional integral boundary value problem with p(t)-Laplacian operator


45. On one interpolating rational process of Fejer – Hermite

46. A New Convexity-Based Inequality, Characterization of Probability Distributions, and Some Free-of-Distribution Tests

47. On the fill-in of nonnegative scalar curvature metrics

48. Examples of Integrable Systems with Dissipation on the Tangent Bundles of Three-Dimensional Manifolds

49. Comparison of Classifications of Two-Dimensional Local Type II Fields

50. Material Affine Connections for Growing Solids