
Showing total 2,216 results
2,216 results

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1. Management of Incidental Thyroid Nodules on Chest CT: Using Natural Language Processing to Assess White Paper Adherence and Track Patient Outcomes

2. Experience Paper: Towards enhancing cost efficiency in serverless machine learning training

3. Predicting Road Accident Risk Using Geospatial Data and Machine Learning (Demo Paper)

4. Design and application of a knowledge network for automatic prioritization of drug mechanisms

5. RF-Net 2: fast inference of virus reassortment and hybridization networks

6. Limits and potential of combined folding and docking

7. A toolkit for quantification of biological age from blood chemistry and organ function test data: BioAge

8. Personalized Monitoring Model for Electrocardiogram Signals: Diagnostic Accuracy Study

9. Non-enzymatic colorimetric detection of hydrogen peroxide using a μPAD coupled with a machine learning-based smartphone app

10. Management and Treatment of Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using an Intelligent Monitoring System Based on Machine Learning Aiming to Improve Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment Compliance: Randomized Controlled Trial

11. LYRUS: a machine learning model for predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants

12. Comparison of machine learning clustering algorithms for detecting heterogeneity of treatment effect in acute respiratory distress syndrome: A secondary analysis of three randomised controlled trials

13. ResPAN: a powerful batch correction model for scRNA-seq data through residual adversarial networks

14. Infoveillance of the Croatian Online Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Year Longitudinal Study Using Natural Language Processing

15. Using Artificial Neural Network Condensation to Facilitate Adaptation of Machine Learning in Medical Settings by Reducing Computational Burden: Model Design and Evaluation Study

16. Predicting Risk of Stroke From Lab Tests Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Development and Evaluation of Prediction Models

17. Clinician Preimplementation Perspectives of a Decision-Support Tool for the Prediction of Cardiac Arrhythmia Based on Machine Learning: Near-Live Feasibility and Qualitative Study

18. Developing the Total Health Profile, a Generalizable Unified Set of Multimorbidity Risk Scores Derived From Machine Learning for Broad Patient Populations: Retrospective Cohort Study

19. Predictive Modeling of Vaccination Uptake in US Counties: A Machine Learning–Based Approach

20. Prediction Model of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head After Femoral Neck Fracture: Machine Learning–Based Development and Validation Study

21. Patient Interactions With an Automated Conversational Agent Delivering Pretest Genetics Education: Descriptive Study

22. Machine Learning–Based Predictive Modeling of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms During 8 Months of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: Repeated Cross-sectional Survey Study

23. Text Message Analysis Using Machine Learning to Assess Predictors of Engagement With Mobile Health Chronic Disease Prevention Programs: Content Analysis

24. Using Artificial Intelligence With Natural Language Processing to Combine Electronic Health Record’s Structured and Free Text Data to Identify Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation to Decrease Strokes and Death: Evaluation and Case-Control Study

25. Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods to Characterize Unstructured Patient-Reported Outcomes: Validation Study

26. Plant trait estimation and classification studies in plant phenotyping using machine vision – A review

27. DeepAPP: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Mobile Application Usage Prediction

28. Investigations on optimizing performance of the distributed computing in heterogeneous environment using machine learning technique for large scale data set

29. Analysis of different machine learning classifiers on MP election commission and breast cancer big dataset

30. A review of artificial intelligence based malware detection using deep learning

31. A review on security analysis of cyber physical systems using Machine learning

32. A review on fruit recognition and feature evaluation using CNN

33. Detection and localization of cotton based on deep neural networks

34. Artificial Intelligence: The road ahead for the accessibility of persons with Disability

35. Reducing Data Complexity Using Autoencoders With Class-Informed Loss Functions

36. Privacy Preserving Defense For Black Box Classifiers Against On-Line Adversarial Attacks

37. Adversarial Attacks and Defenses for Deep-Learning-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

38. Machine Learning on Cloud With Blockchain: A Secure, Verifiable and Fair Approach to Outsource the Linear Regression

39. Continuous Action Reinforcement Learning From a Mixture of Interpretable Experts

40. Practical Mutation Testing at Scale: A view from Google

41. A review of diabetic retinopathy: Datasets, approaches, evaluation metrics and future trends

42. Recent Advances in Large Margin Learning

43. Probing AndroVul dataset for studies on Android malware classification

44. A contemplative perspective on federated machine learning: Taxonomy, threats & vulnerability assessment and challenges

45. Deep Learning Based Vulnerability Detection: Are We There Yet?

46. A study of the performance of embedding methods for Arabic short-text sentiment analysis using deep learning approaches

47. Efficient estimation of Hindi WSD with distributed word representation in vector space

48. Large-scale real-world radio signal recognition with deep learning

49. Precision agriculture using IoT data analytics and machine learning

50. Localization strategies for autonomous mobile robots: A review