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8,886 results

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151. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

152. Optimal error estimates and recovery technique of a mixed finite element method for nonlinear thermistor equations

153. The Geometric Properties of a Class of Nonsymmetric Cones

154. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

155. Solvability of Pseudoparabolic Equations with Non-Linear Boundary Condition

156. Halanay Inequality on Time Scales with Unbounded Coefficients and Its Applications

157. Extremal growth of Betti numbers and trivial vanishing of (co)homology

158. On QZ steps with perfect shifts and computing the index of a differential-algebraic equation

159. Multiple Solutions for Critical Fourth-Order Elliptic Equations of Kirchhoff type

160. A New Class of Difference Methods with Intrinsic Parallelism for Burgers–Fisher Equation

161. The index conjecture for symmetric spaces

162. Further Results on the Existence of Solutions for Generalized Fractional Basset–Boussinesq–Oseen Equation

163. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

164. For Most Frequencies, Strong Trapping Has a Weak Effect in Frequency‐Domain Scattering

165. Approximations of a function whose first and second derivatives belonging to generalized Hölder’s class by extended Legendre wavelet method and its applications in solutions of differential equations

166. Multivariate approximation of functions on irregular domains by weighted least-squares methods

167. Iterative Solution for Systems of a Class of Abstract Operator Equations in Banach Spaces and Application

168. Optimal-rate finite-element solution of Dirichlet problems in curved domains with straight-edged tetrahedra

169. Corrigendum to 'Strongly self-absorbing 𝐶*-dynamical systems'

170. Large deviation principle of occupation measures for non-linear monotone SPDEs

171. A Short Proof of a Theorem Due to O. Gabber

172. Commutators of Congruence Subgroups in the Arithmetic Case

173. On some universal Morse–Sard type theorems

174. Extremality and dynamically defined measures, part II: Measures from conformal dynamical systems

175. Delone sets in ℝ3: Regularity Conditions

176. On Finiteness Conditions in Twisted K-Theory

177. Linearization Method of Nonlinear Magnetic Levitation System

178. Modelling of Limit Order Books by General Compound Hawkes Processes with Implementations

179. Approximate Proper Solutions in Vector Equilibrium Problems

180. Adaptive ADI Numerical Analysis of 2D Quenching-Type Reaction: Diffusion Equation with Convection Term

181. Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Integro-Differential Equations and Regularization Method

182. On Solvability of One Singular Equation of Peridynamics

183. A new contractive condition related to Rhoades’s open question

184. Programmed Control with Probability 1 for Stochastic Dynamical Systems

185. Calibration of Models for Option Pricing Using Neural Networks

186. Generalized Solutions of Quasi-Variational-Like Problems

187. A priori analysis of a higher-order nonlinear elasticity model for an atomistic chain with periodic boundary condition

188. Trace finite element methods for surface vector-Laplace equations

189. Lp (p > 1) Solutions of BSDEs with Generators Satisfying Some Non-uniform Conditions in t and ω

190. Nonconforming finite element discretization for semilinear problems with trilinear nonlinearity

191. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

192. Bernoulliness of when is an irrational rotation: towards an explicit isomorphism

193. A nonlocal multi‐point singular fractional integro‐differential problem of Lane–Emden type

194. On the Structure of a 3-Connected Graph. 2

195. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

196. The Lane-Emden equation with variable double-phase and multiple regime

197. Finite-horizon general insolvency risk measures in a regime-switching Sparre Andersen model

198. Null controllability of semi-linear fourth order parabolic equations

199. Mappings with finite length distortion and prime ends on Riemann surfaces

200. The Kobayashi–Royden metric on punctured spheres