
Showing total 1,785 results
1,785 results

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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

2. Evolutionary dynamics of rock-paper-scissors game in the patchy network with mutations

3. Evolutionary dynamics in the rock-paper-scissors system by changing community paradigm with population flow

4. Comments on the paper 'Asymptotic behavior for a fourth-order parabolic equation involving the Hessian. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2018) 69: 147'

5. Corrigendum to the papers on Exceptional orthogonal polynomials: J. Approx. Theory 182 (2014) 29–58, 184 (2014) 176–208 and 214 (2017) 9–48

6. Erratum to the paper 'L∞(L∞)-boundedness and convergence of DG(p)-solutions for nonlinear conservation laws with boundary conditions'

7. Global optimization in Hilbert space

8. Spectral cluster estimates for Schrödinger operators of relativistic type

9. Splines of the Fourth Order Approximation and the Volterra Integral Equations

10. On Lacunas in the Spectrum of the Laplacian with the Dirichlet Boundary Condition in a Band with Oscillating Boundary

11. Logarithmic Potential and Generalized Analytic Functions

12. Stability and collapse of the Lyapunov spectrum for Perron–Frobenius operator cocycles

13. On Some Properties of the New Generalized Fractional Derivative with Non-Singular Kernel

14. Existence and Uniqueness of the Global L1 Solution of the Euler Equations for Chaplygin Gas

15. On the Finite Time Blowup of the De Gregorio Model for the 3D Euler Equations

16. Approximating a common solution of extended split equality equilibrium and fixed point problems

17. Mapped Regularization Methods for the Cauchy Problem of the Helmholtz and Laplace Equations


19. Rarefaction Wave Interaction and Shock-Rarefaction Composite Wave Interaction for a Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave System

20. Infinitely many solutions for a class of fractional Robin problems with variable exponents

21. On Admissible Locations of Transonic Shock Fronts for Steady Euler Flows in an Almost Flat Finite Nozzle with Prescribed Receiver Pressure

22. Area‐Minimizing Currents mod 2 Q : Linear Regularity Theory

23. On Class of Fractional-Order Chaotic or Hyperchaotic Systems in the Context of the Caputo Fractional-Order Derivative

24. Modified Extragradient Method for Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

25. Infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equations and tail $\sigma$-fields II: the IFC condition

26. Minimization arguments in analysis of variational-hemivariational inequalities

27. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

28. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

29. For Most Frequencies, Strong Trapping Has a Weak Effect in Frequency‐Domain Scattering

30. Optimal-rate finite-element solution of Dirichlet problems in curved domains with straight-edged tetrahedra

31. Linearization Method of Nonlinear Magnetic Levitation System

32. Adaptive ADI Numerical Analysis of 2D Quenching-Type Reaction: Diffusion Equation with Convection Term

33. On Solvability of One Singular Equation of Peridynamics

34. Trace finite element methods for surface vector-Laplace equations

35. The Lane-Emden equation with variable double-phase and multiple regime

36. Null controllability of semi-linear fourth order parabolic equations

37. Mappings with finite length distortion and prime ends on Riemann surfaces

38. On Multiscale RBF Collocation Methods for Solving the Monge–Ampère Equation

39. The Wiener Measure on the Heisenberg Group and Parabolic Equations

40. KAM Tori for the Derivative Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

41. Purely Sequential and k-Stage Procedures for Estimating the Mean of an Inverse Gaussian Distribution

42. Difference gap functions and global error bounds for random mixed equilibrium problems


44. Stochastic Wiener filter in the white noise space

45. A Viscosity Iterative Algorithm Technique for Solving a General Equilibrium Problem System

46. Necessary optimality conditions for a semivectorial bilevel optimization problem using the kth-objective weighted-constraint approach

47. Periodic solutions of a class of third-order differential equations with two delays depending on time and state

48. The study of the solution of a Fredholm-Volterra integral equation by Picard operators

49. Boundary value problems for the Brinkman system with L∞ coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. A variational approach

50. On flow of electric current in RL circuit using Hilfer type composite fractional derivative