63 results on '"PEOPLE with intellectual disabilities"'
Search Results
2. Çocuk ve ergenlerde şizofreni : spektrum bozuklukları ve diğer psikotik bozukluklar
- Author
editörler : Doç. Dr. Serakn Turan, Doç. Dr. Şafak Eray Çamlı, Doç. Dr. Caner Mutlu and editörler : Doç. Dr. Serakn Turan, Doç. Dr. Şafak Eray Çamlı, Doç. Dr. Caner Mutlu
- Published
- 2024
3. Soziale Arbeit und Sport
- Author
Nina Proufas, Karlsson Olberg, Christoph Clephas, Nina Proufas, Karlsson Olberg, and Christoph Clephas
- Abstract
This textbook sheds light on the field of social work in sport, which is currently being developed. Through an independent presentation of the discipline and profession of social work and sport, the question of whether the term'science'is justified for social work and sport is the subject of a critical and reflective discussion. Based on this, sport social work is presented by means of qualitative interviews under the characteristic of its professional realization. In this context, fan work and all-day care as well as offers by sports clubs serve as illustrative examples. Finally, two concrete examples – disability and migration – are used to show where sport becomes visible as a method of integration and inclusion.
- Published
- 2024
4. The Law of Persons in South Africa 3e
- Author
M Büchner-Eveleigh, M Carnelley, S Human, H Kruger, H Kruuse, K A Maphalle, L Mofokeng, J A Robinson, A Skelton, M Büchner-Eveleigh, M Carnelley, S Human, H Kruger, H Kruuse, K A Maphalle, L Mofokeng, J A Robinson, and A Skelton
- Abstract
The Law of Persons in South Africa, Third Edition, offers a rigorous, clear and accessible introduction to the general principles of the law of persons, including principles of customary law. This third edition is thoroughly revised and updated to address the developments in customary law, case law, and amendments to relevant legislation, that have occurred since the publication of the previous edition of this work. The Law of Persons in South Africa is suited as core material for undergraduate courses in the law of persons. The work is also a useful first resource for legal practitioners who wish to engage with foundational and current principles of the field.
- Published
- 2024
5. Hope in Darkness: Leaving Night
- Author
Badetti, Luca and Badetti, Luca
- Subjects
- Suffering--Religious aspects--Christianity, Hope--Religious aspects--Christianity, Night--Religious aspects--Christianity, Depression, Mental--Religious aspects--Christi
- Abstract
This is a modern take on classical spirituality, but the author's experience in the field of mental health and spiritual direction, and his work with L'Arche, are reflected in his approach. He focuses more on the process of dwelling in the experience of darkness and difficulty—what he refers to as the “middle space”—rather than a treatise on the Dark Night of the Soul, accepting and overcoming it. He feels that this “middle space” has been neglected and is worth exploring. This will be be greatly consoling to those who are in darkness and searching for its end—the idea of resting in it for a time.
- Published
- 2024
6. Dictionary of International and European Labour Law - e-Book
- Author
Giuseppe Casale, Gianni Arrigo, Mario Fasani, Giuseppe Casale, Gianni Arrigo, and Mario Fasani
- Published
- 2023
7. Transforming Education for a Digital Age The Integration of Technology and 21st Century Skills
- Author
Carol Linda Kingston, Anesito L. Cutillas, Marinelle S. Domingo, Carol Linda Kingston, Anesito L. Cutillas, and Marinelle S. Domingo
- Published
- 2023
8. Zihinsel engellilik ve maneviyat : maneviyatın “down” hali
- Author
Gören, Ayşe Burcu and Gören, Ayşe Burcu
- Published
- 2023
9. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Sri Lanka
- Author
Yasodha Maheshi Rohanachandra and Yasodha Maheshi Rohanachandra
- Abstract
Sri Lanka is a lower middle-income country (LMIC) with a population of 4.6 million between 5 and 17 years-old. Poverty, terrorism and the effects of long-standing civil war have created a high mental health burden in the country. Similar to other LMICs, mental health is a neglected and an under-researched area in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka has only 10 board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrists in the country with 0.03 child and adolescent psychiatrists per 100 000 population. Due to the limited number of child and adolescent psychiatrists, a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Sri Lanka has a diverse role including curative, health promotion, medico-legal, research and teaching responsibilities.This book gives an overview of the common psychosocial problems among children and adolescents in Sri Lanka and the nature of the child and adolescent mental health services available in the country at present, and elaborates the challenges faced by practitioners when providing mental health services to children and adolescents, with limited resources. The book also discusses practical solutions that can be taken to improve the child and adolescent mental health services in low-income settings, where scarcity of resources makes it impossible to adhere to ideal practice.
- Published
- 2023
10. Autisme og mental helse
- Author
Helverschou, Sissel Berge and Helverschou, Sissel Berge
- Abstract
Alle vansker de hadde ble forstått som en del av autismen. Det førte til at mange mennesker med asd ikke fikk den hjelpen de trengte for psykiske vansker som angst og depresjon. I dag er det bred faglig enighet om at mennesker med asd er mer sårbare for å utvikle psykiske lidelser enn andre. Likevel er det mange som ikke får adekvat behandling for disse vanskene, fordi fagpersoner innen psykisk helsevern ofte har lite erfaring med denne sammensatte gruppen. I Autisme og mental helse forteller dyktige fagfolk om hvordan ulike psykiske lidelser arter seg hos men - nesker med asd, og hva man må vite for å kunne gi god behandling. Boken retter seg mot helsepersonell og andre interesserte, og gir bred kunnskap innen et område der det tidligere er skrevet lite på norsk.
- Published
- 2022
11. Lachgemeinschaften? : Komik Und Behinderung Im Schnittpunkt Von Aesthetik Und Soziologie
- Author
Susanne Hartwig and Susanne Hartwig
- Subjects
- Comedy--Social aspects, Sociology of disability
- Abstract
Obwohl Komik und Behinderung gerade in den Künsten immer wieder zusammentreffen, gibt es so gut wie keine theoretisch und methodisch fundierten Auseinandersetzungen mit dieser Thematik in den Literatur-, Kultur- oder Sozialwissenschaften. Gerade im Kontext von Inklusionsdiskussionen jedoch sind Fragen nach dem Potential des Lachens und der Komik, aber auch nach deren Ambivalenz im Zusammenhang mit Behinderung von weitreichender Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme möglicher Theorien und Analysekonzepte anhand konkreter Einzelanalysen. Die Autor:innen vertreten die Sozial-, Erziehungs-, Literatur-, Kultur-, Medien-, Theater- und Filmwissenschaften.
- Published
- 2022
12. Inkluderingskompetanse : ordinært arbeid som mål og middel
- Author
Frøyland, Kjetil and Frøyland, Kjetil
- Abstract
I denne boka utforsker forfatterne hvordan den vanlige arbeidsplassen kan brukes både som middel og mål for inkludering av mennesker som av ulike årsaker står utenfor arbeidslivet. Inkluderingskompetanse gir gjennom 18 bidrag en innføring i bruk av metoder for tett samarbeid med arbeidsgivere og arbeidssøkere for å oppnå en vanlig ansettelse, tilrettelegging av arbeidsoppgaver på arbeidsplassen, veiledning og oppfølging av både arbeidssøkere og arbeidsgivere. Denne systematikken er kjernen i inkluderingskompetansen og er også kjent under betegnelsen Supported Employment (SE) og «place then train». Virksomheter har ikke alltid den kunnskapen som trengs for å tilrettelegge jobber og arbeidsoppgaver for mennesker med store bistandsbehov. Hjelpeapparatets kompetanse og ansvar må derfor rustes opp. Inkluderingskompetanse i NAV og i andre deler av støtteapparatet, det vil si å utdanne jobbspesialister med ferdigheter i metodisk bruk av den ordinære arbeidsplassen, vil bidra til å styrke motivasjon og mestringsevne, jobbresultat, jobbfastholdelse, karriereutvikling, selvforsørgelse, tilfriskning og livskvalitet, hevder forfatterne..Anmeldelse av Inkluderingskompetanse i Fontene Les anmeldelse av Inkluderingskompetanse i Psykiskhelsearbeid
- Published
- 2022
13. Utviklingshemning og hverdagsvansker : faktorer som påvirker psykisk helse
- Author
Bakken, Trine Lise and Bakken, Trine Lise
- Abstract
Boken handler om mennesker som lever med intellektuell funksjonsnedsettelse, som utviklingshemning og autisme, møter et utall utfordringer hver dag. Faktorer som hver for seg kanskje ikke er så alvorlige kan til sammen bli et stort og alvorlig problem. Overbelastning, irritabilitet, tristhet, smerte og redsel kan gi seg utslag i voldsom væremåte - såkalte atferdsvansker. I boken presenterer forfatteren faktorer som har innvirkning på psykisk helse. Slike faktorer berører alle mennesker, men er særlig viktige for personer med utviklingshemning som har redusert forståelse for verden og seg selv. De er mindre i stand til å fortelle om hvordan de har det og dermed hva de kan ha behov for. Det er spesielt tre forhold som kan bidra positivt: å utvikle sunne relasjoner, stimulere opplevelsen av mestring, og det å oppdage psykiske vansker tidlig. Disse tre faktorene vil leseren støte på i mange sammenhenger gjennom boken. Det samme gjelder hovedpersonene Julian, Petter og Sara. De har alle en kognitiv funksjonshemning, men den vises ulikt hos de tre. Gjennom konkrete eksempler får vi se hvordan de møter og mestrer sine spesifikke utfordringer og hverdagsvansker.
- Published
- 2022
14. Principles of Behavioral Science
- Author
Michael A. Buratovich, PhD and Michael A. Buratovich, PhD
- Subjects
- Social sciences, Behavioral assessment, Psychology
- Abstract
Coverage will discuss two broad categories: how we process information to make decisions that help us function and survive in our social environment, and how our relationships, interactions, communication networks, and relational dynamics play out in our social system.
- Published
- 2021
15. Kam dál? Ukončování školní docházky a plánování přechodu u žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami
- Author
Maštalíř, Jaromír and Maštalíř, Jaromír
- Abstract
The publication focuses on a specific topic, primarily oriented towards pupils with intellectual or combined disabilities in the period of leaving compulsory education. With reference to the theoretical background and framework developed, this topic can be described as understudied, especially in our context. The aim is to implement, describe and subsequently evaluate the process of support during the end of compulsory education and transition planning for selected pupils with intellectual disabilities from school to the next stage of their lives, to summarize the findings of persons facilitating this process and subsequently propose recommendations for possible implementation of the transition planning process in special education practice. Furthermore, the author tried to identify, describe and analyse the current state of the issue from the perspective of class teachers working with these pupils and social workers of selected social service institutions in selected regions of the Czech Republic.
- Published
- 2021
16. The Lobbying Strategy Handbook : 10 Steps to Advancing Any Cause Effectively
- Author
Pat Libby and Pat Libby
- Subjects
- Lobbying--United States--Handbooks, manuals, e
- Abstract
The Lobbying Strategy Handbook demonstrates how those who are passionate about a cause can successfully advocate at the state and local level. Pat Libby's 10-step strategic model walks the reader through the essential elements of conducting a lobbying campaign from start to finish. This framework is illustrated by four case studies - and accompanying campaign materials - that show how groups of real students successfully used the 10-step model to pass significant laws. The 10-step model is bracketed by an explanation of how to effectively use technology in lobbying campaigns, and guidance about what to do once a bill has passed. Undergraduate, graduate students, and anyone interested in making a difference, can use the book to guide them in creating and conducting a grassroots campaign from start to finish.
- Published
- 2021
17. Law of Persons/Personereg CB 6Ed
- Author
Heaton and Heaton
- Subjects
- Persons (Law)--South Africa--Cases, Domestic relations--South Africa
- Abstract
This casebook provides a clear and concise analysis of the facts and principles enunciated by the courts on the law of persons.
- Published
- 2021
18. La fragilità della persona nel processo penale - e-Book
- Author
Giorgio Spangher, Antonia Antonella Marandola, Giorgio Spangher, and Antonia Antonella Marandola
- Published
- 2021
19. Evaluating and Communicating Radiation Risks for Studies Involving Human Subjects: Guidance for Researchers and Institutional Review Boards
- Author
- Subjects
- Ionizing radiation--Risk assessment, Ionizing radiation--Dosage, Ionizing radiation--Safety measures
- Published
- 2020
20. From Fear to Serenity with Anthony de Mello
- Author
Casey, Thomas G., SJ,, Hassett, Margaret Brennan, Casey, Thomas G., SJ,, and Hassett, Margaret Brennan
- Subjects
- Spiritual life--Catholic Church
- Abstract
An informal, individual retreat with the works of the great Indian Jesuit psychologist and spiritual master, Anthony de Mello, SJ.
- Published
- 2020
21. Lærebok i psykiatri
- Author
Malt, Ulrik Fredrik and Malt, Ulrik Fredrik
- Abstract
Boken er den mest omfattende læreboken i psykiatri i Norge Denne nye utgaven av Lærebok i psykiatri er en fullstendig revidert videreføring av 2014-utgaven. Den praktiske vinklingen av stoffet er beholdt med bruk av kliniske vignetter og sykehistorier som illustrerer ulike psykiatriske problemstillinger. Boken gjennomgår dessuten likheter og forskjeller mellom DSM-5 og ICD-10 samt de foreslåtte endringene for ICD-11. De ulike kapitlene er skrevet i samarbeid med 29 fremtredende fagfolk, både psykiatere og psykologer. Bokens hovedmålgruppe er psykiatere, psykologer og annet helsepersonell som arbeider innenfor det psykiske helsevernet. Boken gir samtidig en omfattende og praktisk vinklet ajourføring i psykiatri for allmennpraktiserende leger og dekker pensum i voksenpsykiatri og rettspsykiatri for medisinstudenter. Boken er også velegnet som grunnlagsbok i klinisk psykiatri for psykologistudenter. Også andre profesjoner som jurister som arbeider med områder hvor kunnskap om psykiatri er nødvendig, vil ha nytte av boken. Vi vil også tro at pasienter, pårørende og den interesserte allmennhet vil kunne finne mye nyttig informasjon. Et omfattende stikkordregister gjør det lett å finne frem til spesifikke temaer.
- Published
- 2020
22. Diakoni og velferdsstat : utvikling av en diakonal praksis i samspill med myndigheter, sivilsamfunn og bor
- Author
Lid, Inger Marie and Lid, Inger Marie
- Abstract
Velferdsstaten utvikler seg i et samspill med sivilsamfunnets organisasjoner, politiske bevegelser, borgere og marked. Denne norske velferdsmiksen har siden før velferdsstaten var et faktum, bestått av private og diakonale aktører, sammen med det som etter hvert ble stadig tydeligere statlige og kommunale aktører. Private ideelle aktører og stiftelser spilte en særlig viktig rolle før staten tok ansvar for enkeltpersoner og grupper som hadde behov for spesialisert opplæring og støttende omsorg. Hjemmet for Døve, som i dag heter Stiftelsen Signo, ble etablert i 1898 for å gi et opplærings-, bo- og omsorgstilbud til voksne døve og døvblinde som ikke hadde fått opplæring, og som hadde behov for omsorg. Signo er i dag en av landets største private ideelle tjenesteytere. I denne antologien utforsker forfatterne trekk ved Signos historie. De ser særlig på hvordan de varierte tjenestene Signo tilbyr i dag, har utviklet seg fra den spede begynnelsen med konfirmantopplæring, bolig og omsorg. De undersøker hvordan diakonien har samarbeidet med skiftende politiske regimer på velferdsfeltet, og hvilken betydning, eller mangel på betydning, det har hatt for stiftelsens valg og prioriteringer.
- Published
- 2020
23. Blanck's Disability Law and Policy (Concepts and Insights Series)
- Author
Blanck, Peter and Blanck, Peter
- Subjects
- United States. Americans with Disabilities Act of, People with disabilities--Legal status, laws, et, Discrimination against people with disabilities --, Barrier-free design--Law and legislation--Unit
- Abstract
Disability Law and Policy provides an overview of the major themes and insights in disability law. It is also a compelling compendium of stories about how our legal system has responded to the needs of impacted individuals. Peter Blanck is University Professor & Chairman of the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University. The year 2020 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. During the past three decades, disability law and policy, including the law of the ADA itself, have evolved dramatically in the United States and internationally. Walls of inaccessibility, exclusion, segregation, stigma, and discrimination have been torn down, often brick-by-brick. But the work continues, many times led by advocates who have never known a world without the ADA and are now building on the efforts of those who came before them.
- Published
- 2020
24. Pediatric Mental Health: A Compendium of AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies
- Author
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- Subjects
- Guideline, Child psychiatry, Child psychopathology, Psychology, Child
- Abstract
This new compendium is your source for trustworthy recommendations on quality care of children and adolescents with mental health issues. It features one new AAP clinical practice guideline on ADHD and 32 AAP policy statements and clinical and technical reports on mental health. This book is written for all practitioners who diagnose, treat, and provide general clinical care for children and adolescents with mental health conditions. It serves as a great tool to ensure pediatricians feel comfortable with handling mental health issues. The book combines both clinical practice guidelines for individual patient care and policy guidelines for community level care. Within the compendium, you will find the collected results of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, the Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, and the Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, in addition to select polices from other AAP groups. This compendium covers 33 different mental health topics and is organized into 8 sections for easy reference: • Mental health competencies • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) • Adversity and toxic stress • Depression and bipolar disorder • Mental health/behavioral problems • Maltreatment • Mental health emergencies • Special pediatric populations and support
- Published
- 2020
25. Velferdsstaten i endring : om norsk helse- og sosialpolitikk
- Author
Stamsø, Mary Ann and Stamsø, Mary Ann
- Abstract
Velferdsstaten i endring diskuterer de sosialpolitiske kursendringene som gjør seg gjeldende i dag og belyser konturene av norsk sosialpolitikk i de nærmeste årene. Helse- og sosialpolitikk er et bredt og sammensatt fagområde. Denne tredje utgaven av Velferdsstaten i endring har som overordnet siktemål å gi et begreps- og kunnskapsmessig grunnlag for å forstå norsk sosialpolitisk utvikling i et bredt historisk og samfunnsmessig perspektiv. Forfatterne diskuterer de sosialpolitiske kursendringene som gjør seg gjeldende i dag og belyser konturene av norsk sosialpolitikk i de nærmeste årene. Boka er oppdatert med tre nye kapitler - om NAV, boligpolitikk og innvandring - i tillegg til at litteratur og tallmateriale er ajourført.
- Published
- 2019
26. Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy : The Connection of Body to Mind
- Author
Hannah Johnson and Hannah Johnson
- Subjects
- Case Reports, Physical Therapy Modalities--psychology, Mentally Ill Persons, Mental Disorders--rehabilitation
- Abstract
Physical therapists know that their patients are more than just a list of symptoms. They are people first, often with a complex mix of medical and psychiatric circumstances, who may receive a wide range of care from a team of professionals. Keeping this in mind, Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy: The Connection of Body to Mind is both a textbook and a clinical resource for physical therapist students and clinicians practicing in any patient population with psychological concerns or disorders. Inside, Dr. Hannah Johnson provides an essential introduction of psychosocial concepts, general treatment approaches for culturally sensitive care, and selected classes of mental illness as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). A complete review of the current research and evidence base provides students a strong foundation to build their careers on, but can also act as a crash-course in the most recent literature for the busy clinician. Features: • Clear, concise language and layout for efficient learning • Application-based review questions • Real world case studies to apply critical thinking skills • Evidence-based practical tests and measures • Vocabulary terms that facilitate interdisciplinary teamwork Psychosocial Elements of Physical Therapy: The Connection of Body to Mind provides physical therapist students and clinicians with an efficient yet comprehensive guide to helping patients with psychological concerns or disorders.
- Published
- 2019
27. The Italian Psychiatric Experience
- Author
Alessandro De Risio, Author and Alessandro De Risio, Author
- Abstract
The 1978 Italian Psychiatric Reform was welcomed as a significant advancement in the care of the mentally ill, as it involved, for the first time ever, the complete shutdown of psychiatric hospitals in a major Western country. Today, Italian psychiatry is totally different from that of the rest of the world, due to its complete commitment to community care. The transition towards the community model was appraised by many relevant international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation, as a fundamental step towards a better quality of life, well-being and social functioning of persons with mental diseases.This passage wasn't easy, however, and the closure of Italian psychiatric hospitals was accompanied by notable setbacks in the treatment of the most severely affected persons, who often faced the inadequacy of a ‘crisis management'system of care rejecting interventions in the long-term. In past decades, pro-reform authors also tended to refuse criticism of such obstacles, due to their extreme commitment towards the principles that inspired their practice. This book provides a much-needed appraisal of the 1970s Italian Psychiatric Reform. With an independent viewpoint, it highlights the often-overlooked shortcomings of the reform, while also presenting a multi-faceted view in contrast with the ‘single-vision'attitude often adopted in existing studies on this topic.
- Published
- 2019
28. Ethics of Social Consequences: Philosophical, Applied and Professional Challenges
- Author
Vasil Gluchman, Editor and Vasil Gluchman, Editor
- Subjects
- Ethics
- Abstract
This edited volume presents new and unconventional views of many traditional moral values, such as humanity, human dignity, moral right (of life), justice and responsibility. The originality of the contributions here is their analysis of these values and approaches from the point of view of non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences as one of its forms. The authors present new ways of solving many contemporary ethical and moral issues, including, for example, in bioethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, teaching ethics, and cyber ethics, based on non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences. They also confront these approaches with other ethical theories and philosophical traditions, which serve as further incentives for the development of non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences in philosophical, applied and professional ethics.
- Published
- 2018
29. Mental Health Care of Children and Adolescents : A Guide for Primary Care Clinicians
- Author
Jane Meschan Foy and Jane Meschan Foy
- Subjects
- Child mental health, Child mental health services, Mental Disorders, Child, Adolescent, Mental Health Services, Primary Health Care
- Abstract
This indispensable resource provides vital guidance for integrating mental health care into your primary care practice. Learn from leading experts the latest information on enhancements to the medical home and on the care of children and adolescents with mental health symptoms that do not rise to the threshold for a diagnosis, as well as those that do.Topics covered include:Assessing and monitoring children's mental health in primary careTriage for psychiatric emergenciesTechniques for engaging patients and families resistant to mental health care or behavior changeCare of children with common mental health signs and symptomsUse of psychotropic medications in primary careAssessment and care of children with unexplained medical symptomsAddressing non-adherence to medical treatment
- Published
- 2018
30. Disabilities Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information About Disabilities That Affect the Body, Mind, and Senses, Including Birth Defects, Hearing and Vision Loss, Speech Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Psychiatric Disorders, Degenerative Diseases, and Disabilities Caused b
- Author
Omnigraphics, Inc and Omnigraphics, Inc
- Subjects
- People with disabilities--United States--Handb, People with mental disabilities--United States -
- Abstract
Offers basic consumer health information about physical, sensory, cognitive, and learning disabilities, along with facts about assistive devices, technologies, and related services to promote independence, and guidance for families on education and employment options, legal, and financial concerns.
- Published
- 2018
31. Austria
- Author
Dominic J. Ainsley and Dominic J. Ainsley
- Abstract
A prosperous, democratic country, Austria joined the EU in 1995. It has a well-developed market economy, having modern agricultural and industrial sectors and a high standard of living. It has a thriving tourist scene based around its historic cities and winter sports facilities. Austria is a landlocked country bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Geographically, Austria can be split into two: the Alpine zone to the southwest, and the Danube lowlands with the Vienna plain to the northeast. Here, the land rises towards the Bohemian Forest and Moravian heights of Slovakia. The Austrian Alps are lower and more accessible than those of Switzerland, and are dissected by the long, wide, Brenner, Arlberg, Semmering, and Schober passes. The European Countries Today series provides information on 15 of the most important countries in Europe. Each book in the series describes the history, geography, economy, culture, and relationship each country has with its neighbors. There is also a separate title, European Union Facts & Figures, which provides statistical and factual information about the European Union. Each title in this series includes color photos throughout, and back matter including: an index and further reading lists for books and internet resources. Key Icons appear throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons in this series are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are set in boldfaced type in that chapter, so that readers are able to reference back to the definitions--building their vocabulary and enhancing their reading comprehension. Sidebars are highlighted graphics with content rich material within that allows readers to build knowledge and broaden their perspectives by weaving together additional information to provide realistic and holistic perspectives. Educational Videos are offered in chapters through the use of a QR code, that, when scanned, takes the student to an online video showing a moment in history, a speech, or an instructional video. This gives the readers additional content to supplement the text. Text-Dependent Questions are placed at the end of each chapter. They challenge the reader's comprehension of the chapter they have just read, while sending the reader back to the text for more careful attention to the evidence presented there. Research Projects are provided at the end of each chapter as well and provide readers with suggestions for projects that encourage deeper research and analysis.
- Published
- 2018
32. AAP Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Author
AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Robert G. Voigt, Michelle M. Macias, Scott M. Myers, Carl D Tapia, AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Robert G. Voigt, Michelle M. Macias, Scott M. Myers, and Carl D Tapia
- Subjects
- Case studies, Child development, Pediatrics, Child psychology--Case studies, Primary care (Medicine), Developmental Disabilities--diagnosis, Developmental Disabilities--therapy, Child Behavior Disorders--diagnosis, Child Behavior Disorders--therapy
- Abstract
Fully revised and expanded, the second edition of this best-selling resource provides expert guidance for primary pediatric health care professionals on caring for children with developmental and behavioral concerns – from medical evaluation and care initiation to transition to adulthood.New chapters cover •Environmental and biological influences on child development and behavior •Development and disorders of feeding, sleep, and eliminationTopics include •Counseling children and families •The role of early childhood adversity and toxic stress and the impact on child development and behavior •Medical evaluation of children with developmental-behavioral disorders •Developmental surveillance, screening, and evaluation •Autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disability, ADHD, and cerebral palsy •Anxiety and mood disorders •Evidence-based interventions, including psychopharmacology •Social and community services for children with developmental-behavioral disorders and their families •How to appropriately bill and code for care •Transitioning to adult medical care
- Published
- 2018
33. Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderungen in der Wiener Psychiatrie von 1945 bis 1989
- Author
Hemma Mayrhofer, Gudrun Wolfgruber, Katja Geiger, Walter Hammerschick, Veronika Reidinger (Hg.) and Hemma Mayrhofer, Gudrun Wolfgruber, Katja Geiger, Walter Hammerschick, Veronika Reidinger (Hg.)
- Subjects
- Heil- und Pflegeanstalt "Am Steinhof", Neurologisches Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien--Rosenhu, Child psychiatry--History--20th century.--Au, Children with mental disabilities--Care--Austr, Youth with mental disabilities--Institutional ca
- Abstract
Die zeithistorisch-sozialwissenschaftlichen Fallstudien zu Pavillon 15 der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt'Am Steinhof'bzw. des Psychiatrischen Krankenhauses'Baumgartner Höhe'(1945 - 1983) und zur Abteilung für entwicklungsgestörte Kinder am Neurologischen Krankenhaus Rosenhügel (1956 - 1989) rekonstruieren auf breiter Datenbasis die medizinische Behandlungspraxis und pflegerische sowie psychosoziale Betreuungssituation in den beiden stationären Einrichtungen und verorten sie im institutionellen, rechtlichen, wissenschaftlich-disziplinären und gesellschaftlichen Kontext der Wiener Psychiatrie und Behindertenhilfe.
- Published
- 2017
34. American Law : An Introduction
- Author
Lawrence M. Friedman, Grant M. Hayden, Lawrence M. Friedman, and Grant M. Hayden
- Subjects
- Law--United States--Popular works
- Abstract
This book provides an introduction to the American legal system for a broad readership. Its focus is on law in practice, on the role of the law in American society; and how the social context affects the living law of the United States. It covers the institutions of law creation and application, law in American government, American legal culture and the legal profession, American criminal and civil justice, and civil rights. Clearly written, the book has been widely used in both undergraduate and graduate courses as an introduction to the legal system; it will be useful, too, to a general audience interested in understanding how this vital social system works. This new edition follows the same basic structure as applied in the previous editions providing a thorough revision and reworking of the text. This edition reflects upon what has happened in the years since the second edition was published in 1998, and how these events and evolutions have shaped our fundamental comprehension of the workings of the American legal system today.
- Published
- 2016
35. Psychology for Social Work : A Comprehensive Guide to Human Growth and Development
- Author
O'Brien, Emma Zara and O'Brien, Emma Zara
- Subjects
- Social service--Psychological aspects, Psychology, Social work education
- Abstract
This exciting new book is an engaging and accessible introduction to understanding human behaviour and development from a psychological perspective. Written by a psychologist with extensive teaching experience, it offers a clear and systematic exploration of psychological concepts and research, and discussion of their relevance for social work practice. The psychological framework provides thematic coherence for a uniquely wide range of material, from brain development to communication skills, psychiatric diagnoses to forms of discrimination. Adopting a logical and intuitive structure, its material is relevant both to Human Growth and Development modules and a range of other Social Work modules with psychological content. Psychology for Social Work offers a truly integrative resource for students, allowing them to see how different elements of theory and research connect together for practical application. Written as an introductory text, the language is accessible and user-friendly with diagrams and'In Focus'pieces used to support learning. There is an emphasis on student learning and chapters include an outline at its beginning; definition boxes to highlight important information; and the use of case studies and activities to encourage students to engage with the topics at hand.
- Published
- 2015
36. Oxford Textbook of Neurorehabilitation
- Author
Ward, Nick, Dietz, Volker, Ward, Nick, and Dietz, Volker
- Subjects
- Brain damage--Patients--Rehabilitation, Central Nervous System Diseases--rehabilitation, Central Nervous System Diseases--physiopathology, Neuronal Plasticity--physiology, Rehabilitation--methods, Neurologie, Neuronale Plastizita¨t, Rehabilitation
- Abstract
Neurorehabilitation is an expanding field with an increasing clinical impact because of an ageing population. During the last 20 years neurorehabilitation has developed from a discipline with little scientific background, separated from other medical centers, to a medical entity largely based on the principles of'evidenced based medicine'with strong ties to basic research and clinical neurology. Today neurorehabilitation is still a'work in progress'and treatment standards are not yet established for all aspects of neurorehabilitation. There are very few books that address contemporary neurorehabilitation from this perspective. This volume moves the reader from theory to practice. It provides the reader with an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of neurorehabilitation, as well as a clear idea about how (and why) to approach treatment decisions in individual patients. These clinical recommendations are based on a mix of established evidence and clinical experience that the authors bring to bear on their topics.
- Published
- 2015
37. The Francis Factor and The People of God; New Life for the Church
- Author
Arbuckle, Gerald A. and Arbuckle, Gerald A.
- Subjects
- Church renewal--Catholic Church, Aging--Biblical teaching, Aging--Religious aspects--Catholic Church
- Abstract
A timely resource for the many institutions in the Catholic Church facing diminishment or seeking rebirth and renewal.Arbuckle develops a cultural-anthropological model of change based on the assumption that individual and collective grief, if not expressed in mourning rituals, suffocates creativity. He then applies this model to what has been happening in the Church since Vatican II, particularly in those institutions and religious expressions that found flower after the Council but have faced different realities in the decades since. Over the past two years, the emergence of Pope Francis as the ritual leader in the Church has allowed suppressed grief to be articulated in a variety of mourning expressions. Consequently, the Church is now experiencing new energy, and opening up to new methods of rebirth and renewal.
- Published
- 2015
38. Bits of Organization
- Author
Alison Pullen, Carl Rhodes, Alison Pullen, and Carl Rhodes
- Subjects
- Organizational sociology
- Abstract
The academic study of organizations is in a condition of heterodoxy, where diverse methods and theories collide and compete, gathered together only in the broken net of a name. This book assembles some of the bits that break off in the process of this collision. It plays with the already contested boundaries -'correct images'and'correct narratives'- of a legitimate organization studies, so as to attest to a destabilization of any theory and method that would desire to capture, reproduce, and indoctrinate knowledge. The book brings together a group of original thinkers and writers, who push the boundaries of innovative and unconventional work as governed by prevailing standards in the dominant bastions of organization studies.
- Published
- 2014
39. Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy, Sixth Edition
- Author
Karen Jacobs, Laela Simon, Karen Jacobs, and Laela Simon
- Subjects
- Occupational therapy, Occupational therapy--Dictionaries
- Abstract
Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy has been a leading resource for more than 15 years and has provided occupational therapy professionals and students with pertinent information right at their fingertips. Now revised and updated into a Sixth Edition, this pocket-size resource includes the latest information in the field of occupational therapy. Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy, Sixth Edition by Dr. Karen Jacobs and Laela Simon remains the only comprehensive dictionary available specifically for occupational therapy. The handy, conveniently sized dictionary provides a quick reference to words, their definitions, and important resources used in daily practice and academic training. The changes in diagnoses that have recently occurred, as well as changes in the U.S. health care system, have also been incorporated into this Sixth Edition. Nearly 4,000 terms are defined and more than 70 appendices are included. Some of the 70 new appendices include: • Useful Apps for Occupational Therapy • Evidence-Based Practice, Levels of Evidence, and Qualitative Research • Stages of Alzheimer's Disease – Seven Stages From the Alzheimer's Foundation • Energy Conservation Techniques • Nutrition • Safe Patient Handling and Movement Sskills • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome • Grip Development and Stages of Writing Occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistants, clinicians, faculty, and students will benefit from the easy-to-use format and updated information that Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy, Sixth Edition has to offer. This valuable tool can be used by students completing fieldwork and new practitioners just starting out, and also serves as a handy reference for seasoned practitioners.
- Published
- 2014
40. Snapshots of Richard
- Author
Jennifer Brown, PhD, CCC-SLP and Jennifer Brown, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Abstract
Not your typical book on autism, Snapshots of Richard captures the essence of observing a child with autism grow into adulthood. Author and mother of Richard, Jennifer Brown offers sketches of life with Richard from the time he is first diagnosed to his transition to semi-independence. Readers will come away with new insight and understanding of life with a person who has autism. “In Snapshots of Richard, Jennifer Brown offers a sharp and clear portrayal of life with her autistic son, Richard. These vignettes offer the reader insights into autism and autism spectrum disorders through specific true life events. This book is of value to anyone who wants to learn about autism. It has helped me gain insights into, and attain acceptance of my own Asperger's Syndrome. I am very grateful that she has written and shared this book.” – Mari Stein 2014
- Published
- 2014
41. Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain
- Author
Patrick J. McGrath, Bonnie J. Stevens, Suellen M. Walker, William T. Zempsky, Patrick J. McGrath, Bonnie J. Stevens, Suellen M. Walker, and William T. Zempsky
- Subjects
- Pain in children, Pain, Analgesics--therapeutic use, Child, Pain Management--methods, Pain Measurement--methods, Health and Wellbeing
- Abstract
The Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain brings together an international team of experts to provide an authoritative and comprehensive textbook on all aspects of pain in infants, children and youth. Divided into nine sections, the textbook analyses pain as a multifactorial problem to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of this challenging subject. Evidence-based chapters look in depth at topics ranging from the long-term effects of the pain in children, to complementary therapy in paediatric pain. Case examples and online materials including scales, worksheets, and videos are provided to aid learning and illustrate the application of knowledge. Written by clinicians, educators, trainees and researchers, who were hand selected by the Editors for their practical approach and expertise in specific subject areas, The Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain will become the standard reference text in the assessment and treatment of patients and families in the field of paediatric pain.
- Published
- 2013
42. The Disability Studies Reader
- Author
Davis, Lennard J. and Davis, Lennard J.
- Subjects
- People with disabilities, Sociology of disability, Disability studies
- Abstract
The Fourth Edition of the Disability Studies Reader breaks new ground by emphasizing the global, transgender, homonational, and posthuman conceptions of disability. Including physical disabilities, but exploring issues around pain, mental disability, and invisible disabilities, this edition explores more varieties of bodily and mental experience. New histories of the legal, social, and cultural give a broader picture of disability than ever before. Now available for the first time in eBook format 978-0-203-07788-7.
- Published
- 2013
43. Sport Management : Principles and Applications
- Author
Hoye, Russell and Hoye, Russell
- Subjects
- Sports administration, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General, SPORTS & RECREATION / General
- Abstract
Now available in a fully revised and updated third edition, Sport Management: Principles and Applications examines the nature of the sport industry and the role of the state, non-profit and professional sectors in sport. It focuses on core management principles and their application in a sporting context, highlighting the unique challenges faced in a career in sport management.Written in highly accessible style, each chapter has a coherent structure designed to make key information and concepts simple to find and to utilize. Chapters contain a conceptual overview, references, further reading,
- Published
- 2012
44. Human Rights and Social Work : Towards Rights-based Practice
- Author
Ife, Jim and Ife, Jim
- Subjects
- Social service--Moral and ethical aspects, Social workers--Professional ethics, Human rights
- Published
- 2012
45. Understanding Global Sexualities : New Frontiers
- Author
Peter Aggleton, Paul Boyce, Henrietta L Moore, Richard Parker, Peter Aggleton, Paul Boyce, Henrietta L Moore, and Richard Parker
- Subjects
- Sex--Social aspects, Sex, Sex--Health aspects
- Abstract
Over the course of the past thirty years, there has been an explosion of work on sexuality, both conceptually and methodologically. From a relatively limited, specialist field, the study of sexuality has expanded across a wide range of social sciences. Yet as the field has grown, it has become apparent that a number of leading edge critical issues remain. This theory-building book explores some of the areas in which there is major and continuing debate, for example, about the relationship between sexuality and gender; about the nature and status of heterosexuality; about hetero- and homo-normativity; about the influence and intersection of class, race, age and other factors in sexual trajectories, identities and lifestyles; and about how best to understand the new forms of sexuality that are emerging in both rich world and developing world contexts. With contributions from leading and new scholars and activists from across the globe, this book highlights tensions or ‘flash-points'in contemporary debate, and offers some innovative ways forward in terms of thinking about sexuality – both theoretically and with respect to policy and programme development. An extended essay by Henrietta Moore introduces the volume, and an afterword by Jeffrey Weeks offers pointers for the future. The contributors bring together a range of experiences and a variety of disciplinary perspectives in engaging with three key themes of sexual subjectivity and global transformations, sexualities in practice, and advancing new thinking on sexuality in policy and programmatic contexts. It is of interest to students, researchers and activists in sexuality, sexual health and gender studies, especially those working from public health, sociological and anthropological perspectives.
- Published
- 2012
46. Funksjonshemmete barn i skole og familie : inkluderingsideal og hverdagspraksis
- Author
Tøssebro, Jan and Tøssebro, Jan
- Abstract
Denne boka handler om barn med funksjonsnedsettelser, barnas og familienes hverdagsliv. Den analyserer hvordan dagens politiske idealer om inkludering og normalisering treffer bakken når barna begynner på skolen.Forfatterne tar opp spørsmål knyttet til barnas samspill med jevnaldrene, sosialt miljø, foreldrenes erfaringer med hjelpeapparatet, familiemønster og yrkesdeltakelse, lærernes arbeidsvilkår og hvordan beslutninger tas i skolen. Fokus er på endringer i løpet av barnas ti første leveår. Boka er en antologi og er basert på omfattende kvalitativ og kvantitativ forskning om funksjonshemmete barns oppvekstvilkår og familiesituasjon. Kapitlene er knyttet sammen på en måte som gjør boken spesielt egnet som lærebok for sosialfaglige og pedagogiske høgskoleutdanninger. Den gir viktig kunnskap til alle som arbeider med funksjonshemmete barn og deres familier
- Published
- 2012
47. CliffsTestPrep Praxis II: Special Education (0351, 0352, 0690, 0371, 0381, 0321)
- Author
Judy L Paris and Judy L Paris
- Subjects
- Special education teachers--Examinations--Unit
- Abstract
A guide to help aspiring special education teachers pass their test Twenty states require would-be special education teachers to pass various Praxis II tests for licensure. All six special education tests in the Praxis II series are covered in this book, which includes focused subject reviews and a full-length practice test for each subject assessment exam.
- Published
- 2011
48. Care of the Acutely Ill Adult : An Essential Guide for Nurses
- Author
Fiona Creed, Christine Spiers, Fiona Creed, and Christine Spiers
- Subjects
- Intensive care nursing, Acute Disease--nursing, Adult, Critical Illness, Nursing Assessment--methods
- Abstract
Aimed at all nurses, this key textbook equips them with the knowledge and skills required to care for the deteriorating patient in the clinical environment. The assessment, recognition and rapid escalation of the deteriorating patient is emphasized throughout the book. Using a unique system-based approach, each chapter contains structured learning outcomes and concludes with a competence-based skills assessment, which can be used to assess practice skills. These skills are recommended as essential for every nurse in an acute area and key to successful practice. Using real life case studies to link knowledge to actual practice and written by senior nurses for nurses, this book is an essential purchase for all nurses who work in acute care settings.
- Published
- 2010
49. Inclusive Education: Supporting Diversity in the Classroom
- Author
Loreman, Tim, Deppeler, Joanne, Harvey, David, Loreman, Tim, Deppeler, Joanne, and Harvey, David
- Subjects
- Mainstreaming in education--Australia, Special education--Australia
- Abstract
A powerful, value- and research-based, practical set of tools, ideas, and strategies to equip those on the journey towards schools that truly do link equity and excellence.'- Professor Michael Peterson, Wayne State University'Fills a need to provide a practical yet structured, logical and clear approach for preservice and inservice teachers to establish inclusive practices in their classrooms and schools.'- Associate Professor Chris Forlin, Edith Cowan University'This book gives [teachers] the means to change practice based on sound theoretical evidence--it is the sort of book which you might want to dip into regularly.'- Katie Kerslake, in Support for LearningIncluding students with differing learning needs in regular classrooms is an ongoing challenge. This text draws on research on sound inclusive practice to provide a practical guide to working with primary and secondary students who require additional support for learning.The authors outline the principles behind educational diversity and inclusive practice, and discuss the range of different needs teachers can encounter in an inclusive classroom. They explain the practical issues involved in assessment, planning, and implementing inclusive curriculum and pedagogy. They also offer strategies for promoting positive social relationships. The emphasis is on ensuring that all students receive worthwhile educational experiences while learning together.This second edition has been fully revised to reflect current research and changes in the field. It more explicitly emphasises a process approach to school inclusion, applicable to all students, rather than a focus on labels and categories often assigned to those with different learning needs. It includes enhanced coverage of professional collaboration, assessment for learning, and professional learning communities as a means of providing more successful inclusion.
- Published
- 2010
50. Human Behavior Theory
- Author
Roberta R. Greene,Nancy P. Kropf and Roberta R. Greene,Nancy P. Kropf
- Published
- 2009
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