1. Мовна особистість Івана Світличного крізь призму епістолярію: психолінгвістичні аспекти
- Subjects
sixties ,мовна особистість ,мовні знаки ,linguistic personality ,епістолярій ,авторські неологізми ,language signs ,copyright neologisms ,label formulas ,epistolary ,етикетні формули ,шістдесятники ,психолінгвістичний портрет ,psycholinguistic portrait - Abstract
The aim of the study. By means of the epistolary, namely through selected pages of correspondence with friends and colleagues in Ukraine and the Diaspora, to describe the figure of I. Svitlychny – poet, translator, subtle connoisseur of the word. Research methods. The article describes the descriptive, functional-stylistic method used, a comparative analysis of Ivan Svitlychny’s epistolary text and the memoirs of his associates. The peculiarity of such methods is to perceive the integrity of the text (textual semantics) and to explain the coherence of the material (the meaning of the text), the task of which is to reveal the intrathecal features of the epistolary of a famous dissident. The study of extralinguistic intentions of the represented text of Ivan Svetlichny is involved in the method of discourse analysis, which sheds light on the external factors that influence the cognitive component of the verbal picture of the individual style of the writer. Ivan Svitlychny’s epistolary creativity concentrates important social, moral, ethical ideals of modernity, reveals depth of thinking, sharpness of worldview, ability to skillfully reveal the inner world of man. The artistic perfection of individual speech, the aesthetic taste are manifested in the choice of lexical means of expression The Dictionary of I. Svitlychnyk’s language contains a considerable amount of expressive vocabulary, which is used as a stylistic attribute of individual style. One of the decisive factors influencing the functioning of special forms in epistolary text is the individual author’s style, the general concept and the ideological and aesthetic orientation of the writer’s work. The study of I. Svetlichny’s letters makes it possible to consider the whole use of lexical means as a single stylistic complex, formed not only by objectively defined properties of words, but also by their subjective authorial interpretation, which is an essential aspect in the context analysis. So, analyzing the process of personality formation of I. Svitlychny, we can distinguish the following factors that determined the linguistic and psychological features of the writer and scientist’s linguistic creation: comprehensive erudition, high education, studying at the Kharkiv University, postgraduate studies of the Institute of Literature of NAS of Ukraine; communication with peasants, workers, repressed; long-term editorial activity; natural linguistic sense and intuition, individual-language practice in four styles (artistic, scientififi c, journalistic, epistolary); editing and refining the Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language; participation in the sociopolitical dissident current of the Sixties., Мета статті – засобами епістолярію, а саме через вибрані сторінки листування з друзями та колегами в Україні та діаспорі, описати постать І. Світличного – поета, перекладача, тонкого цінителя слова. Для цього використані описовий, функційно-стилістичний метод. До дослідження екстралінгвістичних інтенцій репрезентованого тексту Івана Світличного залучено метод дискурс-аналізу, який висвітлює зовнішні чинники, що впливають на когнітивну складову вербальної картини індивідуального стилю письменника.
- Published
- 2023