
Showing total 16 results
16 results

Search Results

1. The impact of the oblast center on regional socio-economic development: the center-periphery dimension

2. Optimizing a portfolio of agri-environmental investments

3. Price transmission in milk supply chain in Ukraine

4. Economic assessment of the state of livestock industry in Kazakhstan: prerequisites for the creation of a meat hub

5. The specifics of selected agricultural commodities in international trade

6. Agricultural life cycle assessment: a system-wide bibliometric research

7. Choice modeling approach to evaluate the economic value of renewable energy development

8. Risk assessment of shock periods and investment attractiveness of agroholdings of Ukraine

9. Determinants of potato producer prices in the peasant-driven market: the Ukrainian case

10. Assessment of environment of an area’s social vulnerability: ecological aspect

11. Sustainable development of agriculture based on the smart specialisation approach: cases of the Central and Eastern European countries

12. Social capital of rural territorial communities in Ukraine: problems of strengthening and directions of their solution

13. Vietnam labour policies and its impact on rural wages: an experience from hired farm labourers in the Red River Delta

14. Economics of soil erosion: case study of Ukraine

15. Prerequisites and prospects for sustainable development of grain production in Ukraine

16. Motivational aspects of development of strategic network partnership in the agro-industrial complex