Medya çağı olarak nitelendirilen yirmi birinci yüzyılda en etkili kitle iletişim araçlarından biri olan televizyonda çeviri olgusuna yönelik irdelemeler çok sınırlıdır. Oysa günümüzde televizyonları çeviri edimi olmadan düşünmek neredeyse olanaksızdır. Bu çalışmada, televizyonda her gün karşılaştığımız çeviri olgusunun erek kitleyi küreselleşme bağlamında nasıl etkileyebileceği irdelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, çeviriyi dar anlamda ele alan dilsel aktarım ve dil eşlerinin karşılaştırılması yapılacak, bunun ötesinde çevirinin kültürel bir niteliğe sahip olduğu gösterilecektir. Geniş bir hedef kitleye seslenen televizyonlardaki çeviriler, salt dilimizi değiştirmekte kalmamakta aynı zamanda düşünce ve kültürümüzü de biçimlendirmektedir. Bu biçimlendirmede ülkeler arasındaki ekonomik ve siyasal dengelerin yaratmış olduğu asimetrik ilişkinin ne kadar belirleyici olabileceği üzerinde durulacaktır. Kültür ve bilgi aktarımın tek taraflı olmasına yol açan bu ilişkinin, erek dil ve kültür üzerinde ne gibi sonuçlar yaratabileceği ortaya konulacaktır. Burada özellikle çeviri dili olarak nitelendirilen karma/yapay bir dilin hangi nitelikleriyle dilsel ve kültürel yabancılaşmaya neden olduğu tartışılacaktır. Çevirinin daha çok olumsuz sonuçlarının vurgulandığı bu irdelemede, anadili ve kültürümüzü korumak için devletin üzerine düşen sorumlulukları ve buna bağlı olarak çevirmenlerin yetiştirilmesi, kitle iletişim araçlarının denetlenmesinde televizyonlara ne gibi yaptırımlar uygulanabileceği konusunda önerilerde bulunulacaktır., There’s only a limited number of a profound analysis of translation phenomenon in television as a mass communication tool. It is almost impossible to consider television channels with no stress on television however. It is only available via translation to keep abreast of the developments, to get informed about different subjects and to transfer news in one language across linguistic and geographic borders instantly. This study analyses in what possible ways can translation effect target audiences in terms of globalisation. Within this framework the word translation is not considered as a mere linguistic transfer but as a medium allowing cultural transfer. Today it is highly committed that translation is a phenomenon that shapes culture with its economical and political dimensions. In this sense the translations in televisions not only change our language but shape our thought and culture. It is possible to find numerous examples of misuses due to translations. The major point to be emphasized here is that beyond the superficial perception of these misuses as linguistic fallacies, there is a need to consider their reasons within a wider context of how they change the target language identity and how they affect the audiences intellectually/culturally. Due to the domestication strategies which have a significant importance for the global marketing of international thoughts and goods, the idea that most the programmes on television are actually translations is widely ignored. This causes an illusion of the languages of such programmes as if they were “natural” products created in the mother tongue. Such a perception precludes the questionings of this illusionary naturality. As a consequence of the interplay between language and culture, the omission of one or overemphasize of the other concludes in a lack of an overall consideration. Translation carries over values and thoughts that are foreign to the target language and culture and this carrying over process has both negative and positive effects on the development of languages. The uncontrolled transfer and negligence of mother tongue awareness have detrimental effects on target culture and language. The reasons for these negative consequences are whether caused by institutional problems linked to the lack of policies towards translation and language or by the negligence of translators in these institutions. It is clear that an extensive linguistic knowledge is not a sufficient solution for the mentioned problem. Translators are required to have an extensive knowledge of both cultures besides the languages. Specialization appears to be a very important issue for translators when different languages uses are subject matter in different programmes like sports, arts, culture and economy. Otherwise translators unaware of the features of the programme may cause incomprehensibility. It can be stated that all translated or adapted television programmes are elements of a transfer towards the target culture when translation is considered as a reflection of a foreign culture. A process of acceptance/adjustment of the foreign takes place for the target audiences as the cultural products like movies, cartoons, quiz shows and comedy programmes are transferred with their cultural and ideological baggage via translation. Instead of a generic analysis, translations on television channels can be discussed in various ways owing to the distinctive structures and features of the programmes. Besides the differences in form and context, the different broadcasting policies are reflected in the translations. The programmes on television which is an essential source of information, entertainment and culture for the masses, are translated with different rates and forms. The determinant is not only the negative or positive effects of translation on the mother language but also from which language the translation is made. When these translations are quantitatively analysed, embedded ideological issues like the reception of the source country by target country, the rate of the balance between these two countries can also be analysed. In addition to the mentioned ideological displays, the translations may also point at some prejudices. Different cultures and languages have been damaged by both the homogenizing effect of the global American cultural values and ideas, the dominance of English established by the foreignization in translations. This damage is mainly caused by one way transmission of the knowledge due to the asymmetrical power relations occurred by economical and political imbalances. The asymmetrical communication results in the deformation of unique target culture values and alienation of the self from the mother tongue by paralysing the individuals in terms of language and thought. Although a number of European movies are translated into Turkish, the rate is far below the American movies in comparison. Therefore most of the translational problems are observed in translations from English. These increasing numbers of translations create an artificial/ hybrid language which in time causes cultural alienation. This study approaches translation with its negative dimensions and underlines the importance of governmental regulations for the preservation of our mother tongue and culture. Within this context the final part of the study offers solutions like educating professional translators, controlling mass media and imposing probable sanctions. The governments who favour the public benefits should always prioritize the importance and the responsibility of mass media and control television channels not only in terms of context but language and translations. In order to preclude the increasing number of foreignizing translations which have detrimental effects on mother tongue and culture, the governments should stimulate mass media to interiorize the idea of public service and so to self-control the language on television as well as translations. The assimilation and continual usage of foreign words and concepts in our language, especially by youth will bring forward serious communicative problems and incoherency among the future generations. Only existence of awareness towards mother tongue may ensure raising awareness towards problems that may be caused by interpreting on television at current age which is characterized by globalization and popular culture as within this context, the distinction between appropriate and mislead translation or translated text and local language is lost. “Linguistic Alienation” which is caused by fidelity towards source language or transfer of certain words into mother tongue through borrowing is reflected in culture too. Use of linguistic structures and words peculiar to a foreign language in translation process or in so-called “translation language” towards audience on television harms target language and culture.