21 results on '"Torun, Fuat"'
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2. Adil Dünya İnancı
- Author
Kılınç, Sibel and Torun, Fuat
- Subjects
adil dünya inancı,adalet,ruh sağlığı ,just world belief,justice,mental health - Abstract
Belief in a just world hypothesis is defined as the belief that the world is a just place where people generally get what they deserve. It states that individuals have a need to believe that they live in a just world; they believe in a world where people get what they deserve and where people deserve what they get. Individuals believe that who work hard or who perform good acts obtain rewards for their actions, while the sinners and the laggards receive punishments instead. Similarly, individuals want to believe that positive outcomes, whether money, success, or happiness, are obtained only by good people and, conversely, that negative outcomes only happen to bad persons. Justice beliefs have been hypothesized as adaptive for dealing with day-to-day stres. Just world beliefs protect individuals from the daily negative psychological consequences of living in what is realistically an unjust world. In addition, just world beliefs are thought to enhance feelings of security to the extent that if the individual satisfies the conditions for being good he or she is protected from injustice. The belief in a just world, like other positive illusions, should contribute to the maintenance of one's mental health. Belief in a just world's is discussed in two ways: personal belief in a just world's answers the question "how much justly is the world to me?", whereas the belief in a just world's in general answers the question "how much justly is the world?", Adil dünya inancı dünyanın adil bir yer olduğu ve insanların neyi hak ederlerse onu buldukları hipotezi üzerine kurulmuştur. İnsanlar iyilerin ödüllendirildiği, kötülerin cezalandırıldığı ve nihayetinde herkesin hak ettiğini aldığı adil bir dünyada yaşıyor olduklarına inanmaya güdülenmişlerdir. İnsanlar, çok çalışan veya iyi davranışlar içinde olanların davranışları sonucunda ödüllendirildiğini, tembel ve günahkarların ise aksine cezalandırılacağına inanma eğilimindedirler. Benzer bir şekilde para, başarı ve mutluluk gibi olumlu sonuçların ancak iyi insanlar tarafından elde edildiğini, olumsuz sonuçların ise kötü kişilerin başına geldiğine inanırlar. Adil dünya inancı insanları geleceğin belirsizliğinden koruyan, ön görülemeyen olayların kurbanı olmayacaklarını düşündüren önemli bir adaptasyon işlevi görmektedir. Adil dünya inancı da diğer pozitif yanılsamalar gibi kişinin ruh sağlığının korunmasında olumlu işlevler görür. Adil dünya inancı literatürde iki yönlü olarak ele alınmıştır. Bireysel adil dünya inancı, "dünya bana ne kadar adil?" sorusunun cevabını verirken; genel adil dünya inancı: "dünya ne kadar adil?" sorusunun cevabını vermektedir.
- Published
- 2014
3. Treatment of a case with painful lumbar compression fracture and lumbosacral spondylolisthesis
- Author
Torun, Fuat, Kalkan, Erdal, Çiçek, Onur, Erdi, Fatih, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Torun, Fuat, Kalkan, Erdal, Çiçek, Onur, and Erdi, Fatih
- Subjects
Balloon kyphoplasty ,lumbosakral spondilolistezis ,Balon kifoplasti ,lumbosacral spondylolisthesis - Abstract
Amaç: Bu yazıda aynı seansta balon kifoplasti ve lumbosakral stabilizasyon işlemi yapılan hastanın kliniği ve uygulanan cerrahi prosedür tartışılmıştır. Olgu sunumu: Yirmi dört yaşında erkek hasta, kliniğimize sırt, bel ve her iki bacakta ağrı, uyuşukluk yakınması ile başvurdu. Klinik ve radyolojik incelemelerinde, L1 lomber vertebra çökme kırığı ve instabil lumbosakral listezis saptandı. Hastaya aynı seansta L1 balon kifoplasti, L5-S1 transpediküler vida-rod sistemi ile stabilizasyon ve internal fiksasyon uygulandı. Sonuç: Balon kifoplasti ve lumbasakral stabilizasyon işleminin aynı seansta uygulanması göreceli olarak postoperatif dönemde gelişebilecek komplikasyonların değerlendirilmesinde zorluk yaratabilir. Ancak cerrahi deneyim ve uygun endikasyon ile gelişebilecek komplikasyonlar minimalize edilebilir., Objective: In this study we discussed the clinical and surgical procedure of our patient who underwent balloon kyphoplasty and lumbosacral stabilization surgery in the same seance. Case report: Twenty-four years old male patient suffering from back pain, low-back pain and bilateral leg pain, numbness admitted to our hospital. L1 lumbar vertebrae compression fracture and unstable lumbosacral spondylolisthesis was established by clinical and radiological examination. The patient was treated in the same session by L1 balloon kyphoplasty and L5-S1 transpedicular screw-rod stabilization and internal fixation. Conclusion: Co-application of balloon kyphoplasty and lumbosacral stabilization may create difficulties in evaluation of postoperative complications. However, surgical experience and appropriate indications for this surgical procedure may reduce the complication rates.
- Published
- 2006
4. Double compartment hydrocephalus due to Dandy-Walker Syndrome
- Author
Cengiz, Şahika Liva, Torun, Fuat, Güzeş, Atılgan Eylem, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Cengiz, Şahika Liva, Torun, Fuat, and Güzeş, Atılgan Eylem
- Subjects
çift kompartman hidrosefali ,double compartment hydrosephalus ,Dandy Walker Sendromu ,Dandy Walker syndrome - Abstract
Amaç: Bu yazıda dual şant yerleştirilerek başarı ile tedavi edilen çift kompartman hidrosefaliye neden olan Dandy Walker Sendromu (DWS) olgusu sunuldu ve bu konu ile ilgili literatür gözden geçirildi. Olgu sunumu: Bilateral katarakt, hipotoni ve sık infantil spazm bulunan 8 aylık bir olguda DWS tespit edildi. Aquaduktus stenozuna bağlı çift kompartman hidrosefali görülmesi üzerine olguya dual şant uygulandı. Operasyon sonrası hastanın nörolojik muayenesinde hızlı düzelme tespit edildi. Sonuç: DWS’ye eşlik eden çift kompartman hidrosefali nadir görülür. Cerrahi tedavi planlanan çift kompartman hidrosefalilerde dual şant uygulanması gereklidir., Objective: In this article a case with Dandy Walker Syndrome (DWS) which is associated with double compartment hydrosefalus treated successfully by performing dual shunt has been reported and related literature with this subject was reviewed. Case report: DWS was evaluated in a 8 month old case associated with hypotony, bilateral cataract, infantil spasm. Dual shunt was performed into the case due to double compartment hydrosefalus as a result of aqueductal stenosis. Immediate improvement in the neurological status of the patient was seen after surgery. Conclusion: Double compartment hydrosefalus accompanied by DWS is rarely seen. In double compartment hydrosefalus as a surgical treatment dual shunt should be performed.
- Published
- 2005
5. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings in rasmussen’s encephalitis
- Author
Arslanoğlu, Atilla, Torun, Fuat, and Van Asker Hastanesi
- Subjects
NAA ,Proton Manyetik Rezonans spektroskopi ,Kolin ,Rasmussen Ensefalit - Abstract
Rasmussen ensefalit beynin bir hemisterini ilgilendiren idiopatik kronik progresiv bir epileptik hastalıktır. Epilepsi kontrolü için tek tedaH hemisferek- tomidir. Proton Manyetik Rezonans spektroskopi beyinde çeşitli metabolitleri ölçerek tanışa katkı sağlaşan noninva- sif bir görüntüleme yöntemidir. Bu olgu sunumunda 2 yaşındaki erkek hastada Proton Manş erik Rezonans spektroskopi bulgularını inceledik. Elde edilen N-Aseıi! Aspartat düzeyindeki azalmanın nöroral aksona! hasara \e Kolin düzeyindeki yükselmenin mikroglial proliferasyona bağlı olabileceği düşünüldü. Rasmu ssen ' s encephalitis is a chronic, progre ssive ep ilepsy invo lving one hemisphere of the brai n, Only mean s of effective se izure co ntro l is hemispherectomy. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique for the me asurem ent of various metabo lites in the brain . We eva luated Proton magne tic resonance spectrosco py findi ngs of a 2-ye ars old boy in this case report. Ass essed redu ction s in '.;-A cety l Aspartate are interpreted as bein g due to neuronal.axonal damage and dysfun ction, while increa sed choline leve ls may be the result of microgl ial prolifera tion.
- Published
- 2007
6. Radiologic findings of multiple meningiomas
- Author
Arslanoğlu, Atilla, Torun, Fuat, Çırak, Bayram, TR194328, TR9443, and Asker Hastanesi, Radyoloji Kliniği
- Subjects
Radyoloji, Nükleer Tıp, Tıbbi Görüntüleme ,multipl meningiomalar,radyolojik bulgular,Recklinghausen hastalığı ,Radyolojik Bulgular ,Recklinghausen Hastalığı ,Radiological Findings ,Multipl Meningiomalar ,multiple meningiomas,radiological findings,Recklinghausen disease ,Multiple Meningiomas ,Recklinghausen Disease - Abstract
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Recklinghausen hastalığı dışında nadir görülen Multipl Meningioma'lı (MM) hastalarınBT (Bilgisayarlı Tomografi) ve MRG (Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme) bulgularını incelemektir.Ailesinde Recklinghausen hastalığı öyküsü olmayan, farklı nörolojik şikayetleri olan toplam 7 kadın hasta (yaşortalaması: 49.28) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bu hastaların 7'sine MRG ve ayrıca 1'sine de BT yapıldı.Lokalizasyon, intensite, kontrastlanma paternleri (dural boyanma) ve çevre dokuya invazyon özellikleriincelendi.MM'ların lokalizasyonlarına göre dağılımında; 4 lezyon konveksite düzeyinde, 3 lezyon parasagital alanda, 1lezyon olfaktor olukda, 1 lezyon tentoryumda ve 1 lezyon da sellar lokalizasyondaydı. MRG'de tüm olgularda T1ağırlıklı sekanslarda hipointens, T2 ağırlıklı sekanslarda hiperintens, paramanyetik kontrast madde sonrasıyoğun ve homojen kontrast tutulumları (4 olguda dural boyanma) gösteren multipl extra aksiyel kitle lezyonlarıizlendi. BT karakteristikleri MRG ile benzer olarak izlendi.Meningiomalar duramaterden köken alan beynin en yaygın extraaksial tümörleri olup Recklinghausen hastalığıdışında multipl olarak çok nadir görülürler. MM patogenezi tam olarak bilinmemekle beraber bizimçalışmamızda olduğu gibi kadınlarda daha sık görülmesi nedeniyle hormonal faktörlerin etkili olabileceği iddiaedilmektedir, The objective of this study is to investigate the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized Tomography (CT) characteristics of multiple meningiomas (MM) which are rarely seen except with Recklinghausen disease. Seven female patients (average age: 49.28 years) with MM who have no family history of Recklinghausen disease are included in this study. All patients were scanned with MRI and one patient was also scanned with CT. Localization, intensity, contrast pattern (dural enhancement), and invasion characteristics were analyzed.Localizations of the tumors were as follows: 4 lesions in convexity, 3 lesions in parasagittal, 1 lesion in olfactorial groove, 1 lesion in tentorium and 1 lesion in sellar region. Multiple tumors were hypo intense in T1 weighted images, hyper intense in T2 weighted images and homogen contrast pattern (dural tail) in all cases. CT characteristics were similar to MRI. Meningiomas are the most common extra axial brain tumors which arise from the durameter and rarely seen in multiples except in Recklinghausen disease. Pathogenesis for multiplicity is largely unknown. Because they are mostly seen in females, as ours role of hormonal factors are speculated.
- Published
- 2006
7. Tavşanlarda deneysel üçlü subaraknoid kanama modelinde resveratrol'ün vazospazm üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Torun, Fuat, Egemen, Nihat, and Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Neurosurgery ,Nöroşirürji - Abstract
ÖZET Serebral vazospazm anevrizma! subaraknoid kanamanın (SAK) fatal seyirli olabilen bir sonucudur ve bir çok olguda prognozu etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmadaki amaç tavşanlarda üçlü subaraknoid kanama modeli ile oluşturulan serebral vazospazmda sistemik yolla uygulanan resveratrolün, vazospazm üzerini etkisinin anjiorafik olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Tavşanlarda sistema magna'ya otolog kan enjeksiyonu ile eksperimental subaraknoid kanama oluşturularak tüm tavşanlarda subaraknoid kanama öncesinde ve subaraknoid kanama sonrası 5. dakikada, 72. saatte serebral angiografileri yapılarak baziler arterlerin çap ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Deneklere birinci SAK'ı takiben 24 ve 48. saatlerde intrasisternal kan enjeksiyonu tekrarlanmıştır. Resveratrol ve çözücüsü DMSO uygulamaları, ilk SAK geliştirilmesinden itibaren 24., 36. ve 48. saatte intravenöz olarak uygulanmıştır. Baziler arter anjiografik çap ölçümlerinde elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilip resveratrolün akut fazda baziler arter vazospazmı üzerine iyileştirici etkisinin olduğu gösterilmiştir. 36 SUMMARY Cerebral vasospasm is a probable mortal outcome of subarachnoid hemorragia (SAH), which also effects prognosis in most cases. The aim of the study is to asses the effect of sistemically administered resveratrol on vasospasm in rabbit models by angiographic methods, in which vasospasm was performed by triple SAH. Experimental SAH achieved by autolog blood injection to cisterna magna, before SAH and after blood injection at 5. minute and 72. hour, basiler arterial diameter measurements were obtained angiographically. After the first SAH, subsequently at 24 and 48. hour, intracisternal injection repeated, intravenous resveratrol and DMSO4 adminisrations were performed after first SAH at 24, 36 and 48. hour. Our angiographic findings showed that, resveratrol is effective on basiler arterial vasospasm in acute phase. WlircevJuj* D*'nD 36
- Published
- 2003
8. Şizofreninin Ruhsal Toplumsal Tedavisinde Sosyal Beceri Eğitimi Belirtilerle Baş etme ve İlaç Tedavisi Yaklaşımının Türkiye’de Çok Merkezli Bir Uygulaması
- Author
- Published
- 2002
9. Olgu sunumu. Hipofizer Makroadenom Tanısı Konulan Primer Hipotiroidizme Bağlı Hipofizer Hiperplazi.
- Author
Torun, Ayşe Nur, Çeçe, Hasan, Eren, Mehmet Ali, Torun, Fuat, and Sabuncu, Tevfik
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty / Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi is the property of Harran University Medical Faculty and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
10. Ebeveyn Yabancılaştırma Sendromu.
- Author
Torun, Fuat
- Subjects
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PARENTAL alienation syndrome , *CUSTODY of children , *BRAINWASHING , *MENTAL health practitioners , *CHILD abuse , *JUSTIFICATION (Theory of knowledge) - Abstract
Children who have been programmed by one parent to be alienated from the other parent are commonly seen in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child's campaign of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. It is said to result from a combination of a programming (brainwashing) parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the targeted parent. Many evaluators use the term parental alienation syndrome to refer to the disorder engendered in such children. However, there is significant controversy going on about the validity of parental alienation syndrome. The purpose of this article has been to describe and help to differentiate parental alienation syndrome and abuse for mental health professionals working in the field, and discuss the arguments about the validity of this syndrome. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
11. Tek Doz Ketiapin Kullanımı Sonrasında Ortaya Çıkan Priapizm: Olgu Sunumu.
- Author
Torun, Fuat, Yilmaz, Elif, and Gümüş, Eyüp
- Subjects
PRIAPISM ,PENILE erection ,DRUG side effects ,PAIN ,PSYCHIATRIC drugs ,ANTIPSYCHOTIC agents ,IDIOSYNCRATIC drug reactions - Abstract
Copyright of Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi is the property of Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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12. Erkeklerde Cinsel Mitlere İnanma Oranları ve Mitlere İnanmayı Etkileyen Faktôrler.
- Author
Torun, Fuat, Torun, Sebahat Dilek, and Özaydın, A. Nilüfer
- Subjects
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MEN'S sexual behavior , *HUMAN sexuality , *MYTHOLOGY , *SEX education for youth , *SEX education for teenagers - Abstract
Objective: Sexual myths are often exaggerated, incorrect and unscientific ideas on sexuality that people believe to be true. The aim of this study is to determine the acceptance rate of common sexual myths and related factors among men. Method: Data was collected from 167 voluntary males (18-67 years). A structured interview including sociodemographic characteristics and sexual myth questionnaire investigating 30 common sexual myths was carried out with the participants. Result: There are numerous myths regarding sexuality in our study population. It was found that marital status, educational level, region lived until adolescence (sub-district and village or province and district), first source for sexual information and result of the first sexual relationship influence rates of belief for sexual myths. Conclusion: High levels of belief in sexual myths among males in our study group can be interpreted as a result of inadequate sexual education in the society. We believe that further larger scale population studies might be beneficial for planning sexual education in our society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Full Text
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13. MenLT<GT>GT<GT>'s belief in sexual myths and factors effecting these myths.
- Author
Torun, Fuat, Torun, Sebahat D, and Özaydin, A. Nilüfer
- Abstract
Objective: Sexual myths are often exaggerated, incorrect and unscientific ideas on sexuality that people believe to be true. The aim of this study is to determine the acceptance rate of common sexual myths and related factors among men. Method: Data was collected from 167 voluntary males (18-67 years). A structured interview including sociodemographic characteristics and sexual myth questionnaire investigating 30 common sexual myths was carried out with the participants. Result: There are numerous myths regarding sexuality in our study population. It was found that marital status, educational level, region lived until adolescence (sub-district and village or province and district), first source for sexual information and result of the first sexual relationship influence rates of belief for sexual myths. Conclusion: High levels of belief in sexual myths among males in our study group can be interpreted as a result of inadequate sexual education in the society. We believe that further larger scale population studies might be beneficial for planning sexual education in our society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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14. Adil Dünya İnancı.
- Author
Kılınç, Sibel and Torun, Fuat
- Subjects
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PSYCHOLOGY of belief & doubt , *MENTAL health , *ILLUSION (Philosophy) , *SOCIAL injustice , *MORAL realism , *QUALITY of life - Abstract
Belief in a just world hypothesis is defined as the belief that the world is a just place where people generally get what they deserve. It states that individuals have a need to believe that they live in a just world; they believe in a world where people get what they deserve and where people deserve what they get. Individuals believe that who work hard or who perform good acts obtain rewards for their actions, while the sinners and the laggards receive punishments instead. Similarly, individuals want to believe that positive outcomes, whether money, success, or happiness, are obtained only by good people and, conversely, that negative outcomes only happen to bad persons. Justice beliefs have been hypothesized as adaptive for dealing with day-to-day stres. Just world beliefs protect individuals from the daily negative psychological consequences of living in what is realistically an unjust world. In addition, just world beliefs are thought to enhance feelings of security to the extent that if the individual satisfies the conditions for being "good," he or she is protected from injustice. The belief in a just world, like other positive illusions, should contribute to the maintenance of one's mental health. Belief in a just world's is discussed in two ways: personal belief in a just world's answers the question "how much justly is the world to me?", whereas the belief in a just world's in general answers the question "how much justly is the world?". [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
15. Pituitary Hyperplasia Due to Primary Hypothyroidism Which Diagnosed as Pituitary Macroadenoma
- Author
TORUN, Ayşe Nur, ÇEÇE, Hasan, EREN, Mehmet Ali, TORUN, Fuat, and SABUNCU, Tevfik
- Subjects
Hashimoto thyroiditis,primary hypothyroidism,pitutiary macroadenoma,pituitary hyperplasia ,endocrine system ,endocrine system diseases ,Hashimoto tiroiditi,primer hipotiroidizm,hipofizer makroadenom,hipofizer hiperplazi ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists - Abstract
Primer hipotiroidizm ile hipofizer hiperplazi, arasındaki ilişki oldukça iyi bilinse de, hipotiroid bir olgunun hipofiz hiperplazisine bağlı klİnik semptomları ile fark edilmesi nadir bir durumdur. Yazımızda baş ağrısı nedeniyle değerlendirilirken hipofizer kitle saptanan ve sonrasında hipotiroid de olduğu fark edildiğinden hipofizer hiperplazi olası tanısı ile izlenen bir olgu sunulmuştur. Olguda saptanan hipofizer kitlenin levotiroksin tedavisi ile radyolojik olarak küçüldüğü gösterilmiştir. Primer hipotiroidizme bağlı hipofizer hiperplazi ko-insidental hipofiz adenomları ile karışabilir. Radyolojik olarak hipofiz adenomu-hiperplazisi ayırımı yapmak oldukça güçtür. Ayırıcı tanıda hastanın klinik öyküsü, hormonal parametreler ve kitlenin levotiroksin replasmanı ile küçüldüğünün radyolojik olarak gösterilmesi önemlidir, Although the association of pituitary hyperplasia and primary hypothyroidism is well known, recognition of hypothyroidism due to pituitary hyperplasia is a rare occurence.We report a case of a probable pituitary hyperplasia who complaint with headache, and found to have pituitary hyperplasia during evaluation of headache and co-incidental hypothyroidism. Pituitary mass image has been shrinked with levothyroxin therapy.Pituitary hyperplasia due to primary hypothyroidism can be confused with coincidental pituitary adenomas. Radiological distinction between hyperplasia and adenomas is difficult. Patient history, hormonal parameters and radiological regression of the mass image with levothyroxin therapy are important clues in differential diagnosis
16. Bir olgu üzerinden ebeveyn yabancılaştırma sendromu.
- Author
Torun, Fuat
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Ünlü, Cihan, Erdogan, Gürkan, Torun, Fuat, Vural, Eæ Turan, Balta, Tülin Bozkurt, and Bayramlar, Hüseyin
- Subjects
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AMBLYOPIA , *BENDER-Gestalt Test , *VISUAL perception , *MOTOR ability , *STATISTICAL correlation , *VISUAL acuity , *PATIENTS - Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the visual motor skills in amblyopic children with Bender Gestalt test and determine whether there is an association between amblyopia and test results. Material and Method: Bender Gestalt test was administered to 23 amblyopic children and 13 control subjects. The error scores and error types were noted and converted to visual maturation age. The developmental percentile was determined to compare the groups. Results: The mean percentile level of the amblyopic patients was 38.26%. Bilateral amblyopes performed significantly poorer than unilateral amblyopes and controls. (24.44% vs. 47.14% and 60%). There was a significant correlation between the logMAR visual acuity of the better seeing eye and the test performance. Conclusion: This study shows that visuomotor functions were negatively affected in bilateral amblyopia. Unilateral amblyopes seem to respond to the test as normal as healthy subjects. The vision of the better seeing eye is an important topic in the interpretation of test results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
18. Priapism due to a single dose of quetiapine: a case report.
- Author
Torun F, Yılmaz E, and Gümüş E
- Subjects
- Administration, Oral, Depressive Disorder drug therapy, Drug Administration Schedule, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Priapism diagnosis, Quetiapine Fumarate, Antipsychotic Agents adverse effects, Dibenzothiazepines adverse effects, Priapism chemically induced
- Abstract
Priapism is characterized by a prolonged and painful erection in the absence of sexual desire and arousal. Priapism is a rare and serious side effect of psychotropic drugs, and is thought to be attributable to blockage of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors in the corpus cavernosum. Although priapism is commonly associated with typical antipsychotics, there are some (but not many) case reports of priapism due to atypical antipsychotics. This side effect has been reported in patients taking ziprasidone, risperidone, clozapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole, and olanzapine. Not all antipsychotics bind to alpha-1 adrenergic receptors with the same intensity; as compared to other antipsychotics, quetiapine has an intermediate affinity. Priapism could be considered an idiosyncratic reaction, because it is correlated neither with the dose nor duration of psychotropic drug use. Herein we present a case of priapism caused by a single 300-mg dose of quetiapine, and a brief review priapism in the light of this case.
- Published
- 2011
19. [Treatment of vaginismus with EMDR: a report of two cases].
- Author
Torun F
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Sexual Behavior, Vaginismus etiology, Vaginismus psychology, Vaginismus therapy, Wounds and Injuries psychology, Desensitization, Psychologic methods, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing methods, Wounds and Injuries complications
- Abstract
Vaginismus is a type of sexual dysfunction in which spasm of the vaginal musculature prevents penetrative intercourse. The main diagnostic criterion is the presence of recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse. In many cases associated pain or the fear of pain may contribute to its persistence. Herein we report 2 patients that presented with vaginismus that developed secondary to childhood sexual trauma, which was treated with the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) technique. EMDR is a non-pharmacologic treatment for psychological trauma. Randomized controlled trials with posttraumatic stress disorder patients and with victims of sexual abuse have shown that EMDR is effective. The standard 8-phase EMDR protocol was used in both of the presented cases. Following 3 sessions of EMDR, the patients exhibited a substantial reduction in self-reported and clinician-rated anxiety, and a reduction in the credibility of dysfunctional beliefs concerning sexual intercourse. These findings support the notion that EMDR could be an effective treatment alternative for patients with vaginismus of traumatic etiology.
- Published
- 2010
20. [A case report of factitious disorder with hallucinations].
- Author
Yildiz M and Torun F
- Subjects
- Adult, Antipsychotic Agents therapeutic use, Diagnosis, Differential, Factitious Disorders complications, Factitious Disorders drug therapy, Female, Humans, Factitious Disorders diagnosis, Hallucinations etiology
- Abstract
Although factitious disorder has been known for a long time, its diagnosis and treatment continue to be a problem. It is an uncommon condition associated with considerable morbidity and health care expenditure. We present a case of factitious disorder with hallucinations. A 37 year-old single woman has had auditory and olfactory hallucinations for six years. She had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized for a short term, taking classical antipsychotic drugs for years. She has been performing her job as a teacher and living with her family. A suitable dose of atypical antipsychotic drugs was administered at a convenient time for her illness (Psychotic Disorder NOS) in psychiatric outpatient clinic of Kocaeli University. She was admitted to inpatient clinic twice in order to allow a clear diagnosis to be made. Psychotic disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy were ruled out. Borderline and histrionic personality traits were determined. Her complaints were unchanged over the course of treatment taking three years. She later started to come into the emergency department with anxiety symptoms, conversion like fits and suicide attempts; hospitalized for these complaints in another hospital. She was diagnosed with factitious disorder because of her unchanged complaints, her adding new complaints to the old ones, her complaints unrelated to psychosocial stressors, her ambitions to come to hospital, her increasing hospital dependence and having no prominent secondary gain. This case emphasizes the need for the careful observation of patients to prevent unnecessary investigations at the diagnosis and treatment stage and to establish a specific management strategy for the patients.
- Published
- 2003
21. [Social skills training in psychosocial therapy of schizophrenia: a multicenter study for symptom management and medication management modules].
- Author
Yildiz M, Yazici A, Unal S, Aker T, Ozgen G, Ekmekçi H, Duy B, Torun F, Unsal G, Coşkun S, Sipahi B, Cakil G, and Eryildiz M
- Abstract
Objective: It is known that psychosocial skills training programs increase the efficacy of schizophrenia treatment. The aim of this study was to carry out the Turkish version of two modules of a commonly used program, Social Skills Training (Medication Management and Symptom Management Modules), and to determine its possible benefits., Method: The study was carried out at three sites. Fifty schizophrenic patients who were at least literate and who did not have language problems or organic mental diseases, aged 18-60, using antipsychotic agents in a standard dose and in a stable phase were included in the study. Eight training groups were formed. Each group consisted of 5-7 individuals and the study took approximately eight months. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Quality of Life Scale: an instrument for rating the schizophrenic deficit syndrome, the Drug Treatment Compliance Scale and Pre- and Post-Tests of Social Skills Training were applied to the patients before and after the group education The scores of the rating scales were compared., Results: Thirty-eight (76%) patients completed the study. The mean age of the patients was 32 +/- 7, 84% were men, 58% had received less than 11 years, of education 84% had never married, and 97% were living with their families. The mean age of illness onset was 20 +/- 5 years, and the mean duration of the illness was 12 +/- 7 years. At the end of the study, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores (baseline 42.0, after the training 37.1, p<0.02), and the Quality of Life Scale scores (baseline 67.5, after the training 75.3, p<0.01) were significantly changed. The level of knowledge of the patients about the medication and symptoms of schizophrenia increased 20.6%. Drug treatment compliance had also increased by the end of the study., Conclusion: The results show that this program contributed to the treatment compliance and treatment efficacy in schizophrenia. Increased treatment efficacy might have played a role in increasing of the quality of life a long with the group milieu. It may be concluded that this social skills training program, which did not encounter any problems in application, may contribute significantly to the treatment of schizophrenia.
- Published
- 2002
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