When education is considered as a system, teacher, student and curriculum constitute the most important inputs of this system. The discussions on improving the quality of education are locked at the point of success in teacher training and teacher competence, due to both the high impact on the teaching process and the outputs of the system as well as their high controllability. Considering the social changes, the Ministry of National Education (MONE) has determined 3 basic competency areas with the update on teaching competencies. Accordingly, under the general headings of professional knowledge, professional skills, attitudes and values, teachers are expected to have knowledge about their field, professional skills to transfer this knowledge accurately, to follow the legal regulations related to their duties, to be committed to national, spiritual and universal values, and to be open to evaluating and improving their personal and professional development accurately.A teacher who has basic knowledge and skills in his/her field, but whose teaching skills are inadequate and whose communication skills need to be developed, will not be able to fulfill his/her profession effectively. For this reason, courses are given in teacher training faculties to improve the teaching, classroom management and communication skills of prospective teachers. Supporting the theoretical knowledge given in teacher training faculties with practices and increasing the teaching experience of prospective teachers in artificial and real classroom environments are important for their professional development. Micro-teaching is a preferred method for transferring theoretical knowledge into practice and improving the teaching skills of candidate teachers. In a specially organized classroom environment and for a limited time, the teaching processes of the candidates who make a course presentation are evaluated and their professional development is supported. In our research, in order to measure the effectiveness of microteaching in the preparation of religious education teachers for the profession, a microteaching process was carried out with the 4th grade students of the Faculty of Theology within the scope of the "Special Teaching Methods" course and a video recording was taken. After watching the video recording, the candidate teacher made a self-evaluation of his/her own performance. This process was evaluated by the candidate teachers and the results of the observation form prepared by the lecturer taking into account the MONE teaching practice evaluation form were interpreted together with the results. According to the data obtained in our study, which was conducted with qualitative research method, the micro-teaching process made many contributions to the personal and professional development of candidate teachers. One of the most important of these contributions is that it provides the candidate teacher with the opportunity to discover his/her strengths and weaknesses and to gain experience for the profession. It was observed that the candidate teachers had difficulties in using time efficiently, classroom management, applying the method effectively, drawing attention to the lesson and communication during the microteaching process, and some of the candidate teachers were over-excited. Although the participants considered the fact that the class was more crowded than expected, the shortness of the lesson duration and the stress experienced during the microteaching process as negative factors, they believe that it would be beneficial to implement this experience starting from lower grades. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]