In this study, it is aimed to reveal pre-service Turkish Language teachers' perceptions about reading and reading education. This study is descriptive in nature. To collect data, a questionnaire developed by researchers was used and the data analyzed by survey method. 156 pre- service Turkish Language Teachers who were taught in 3rd and 4th grade participated. The questionnaire was applied to participants in 2011, spring term. Mean, percent, frequencies, t-test, one-way ANOVA statistical procedures were used to acquire the results. According to results, all pre-service teachers believed that "reading books are beneficial". On the other hand, they found themselves partly adequate about "To be sensitive for importance of gaining reading habit" and "to be aware of objective and subjective notions". There is no statistical difference between men and women pre-service teachers' preconceptions about reading education and reading proficiency. It is understood from statistical analysis that 4th grade pre-service teachers found themselves more adequate than 3rd grade pre-service teachers. Additionally, pre-service teachers who were taught in evening education found themselves more adequate than the others in formal education. Finally, there is no statistical difference about pre-service teachers' perceptions reading proficiency and reading education as to high schools which they graduated [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]