17 results on '"Güriz, Haluk"'
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2. Sağlıklı Çocuklarda Konjuge Pnömokok Aşısı Uygulaması Sonrası Pnömokokal Menenjit ve Bakteriyemi Hastalık Yükü, Serotip Dağılımı ve Antibiyotik Direnci: Tek Merkez Deneyimi
- Author
ÖZDEMİR, Halil, EKİN DAĞ, Nihal, ÇAKMAK TAŞKIN, Esra, KONCA, Hatice Kübra, ARGA, Gül, NAR ÖTGÜN, Selin, GÜRİZ, Haluk, ELHAN, Atilla, ÇİFTÇİ, Ergin, and İNCE, Erdal
- Published
- 2021
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3. Göğüs hastalıkları yoğun bakım ünitesinde mikroorganizmaların dağılımı ve antibiyotik direnç profili: Tek merkezli çalışma.
- Author
HASANZADE, Hasan, GÜRÜN KAYA, Aslıhan, ÇİLEDAĞ, Aydın, EROL, Serhat, ÇİFTÇİ, Fatma, GÜRİZ, Haluk, and KAYA, Akın
- Published
- 2021
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4. Evaluation of 2015-2016 MOTAKK HBV DNA and HCV RNA external quality assessment national program results
- Author
Karataylı, Ersin, Soydemir, Ege, Aksoy, Zeynep Büşra, Kızılpınar, Mehtap, Altay Koçak, Aylin, Karataylı, Senem Ceren, Yurdcu, Esra, Yıldırım, Umut, Güriz, Haluk, Bozdayı, Gülendam, Yurdaydın, Cihan, İlhan, Osman, Yıldırım, Yasin, Bozdayı, A. Mithat, Yalçıntaş Oğuz, Açelya, Barış, Ahmet, Alp, Alpaslan, Aksözek, Alper, Sayıner, Arzu, Karagül, Aydan, Ordu, Aylin, İstanbullu, Ayşe, Otlu, Barış, Arıdoğan, Buket, Aksu, Burak, Buruk, C. Kurtuluş, Karahan, Ceren, Güney, Çakır, Toksöz, Devrim, Yıldırım, Dilara, Çolak, Dilek, Eren Dağlar, Duygu, Fındık, Duygu, Kaş, Elif, Çalışkan, Emel, Zeyrek, Fadile Yıldız, Arslan, Fatma, Demir, Feyza, Milletli, Fikriye, Kibar, Filiz, Özdinçer, Furkan, Dündar, Gülnur, Arslan, Hande, Ağca, Harun, Alışkan, Hikmet Eda, Güdücüoğlu, Hüseyin, Fidan, Işıl, Akyar, Işın, Afşar, İlhan, Kaleli, İlknur, Dönmez, İsmail, Yanık, Kemalettin, Midilli, Kenan, Çubukçu, Kıvanç, Özdemir, Mehmet, Acar, Melek, Yalınay, Meltem, Kuşkucu, Mert Ahmet, Bakıcı, Mustafa Zahir, Aydın, Neriman, Yılmaz, Neziha, Çeken, Nihan, Ziyade, Nihan, Yılmaz, Nisel, Özgümüş, Osman Birol, Gitmişoğlu, Özlem, Demirgan, Recep, Keşli, Recep, Güçkan, Rıdvan, Sertoz, Ruchan, Akgün, Sadık, Aksaray, Sebahat, Bayık, Seyit Ahmet, Akçalı, Sinem, Gürcan, Şaban, Karslıgil, Tekin, Us, Tercan, Özekinci, Tuncer, Pılgır, Tülin, Aslan, Uğur, Dinç, Uğur, Say Coşkun, Umut Safiye, Çetinkol, Yeliz, Keskin, Yusuf, Ayaydın, Zeynep, and Aşçı Toraman, Zulal
- Subjects
Viral Yük ,HBV DNA ,HCV RNA ,Dış Kalite Kontrol ,External Quality Control ,Viral Load - Abstract
Ülkemizde, moleküler mikrobiyoloji tanı laboratuvarlarında yapılan HBV DNA ve HCV RNA viral yük saptama testlerinin ulusal bir dış kalite kontrol programında değerlendirilmesi amacıyla MOTAKK (Moleküler Tanıda Kalite Kontrol) Ulusal Programı başlatılmıştır. ISO 17043:2010 (Uygunluk değerlendirmesi- Yeterlilik deneyi için genel şartlar) standartlarına uyularak hazırlanan bu program, ülkemizde yapılan moleküler tanı testlerinin, daha standart ve doğru yapılmasına katkıda bulunarak, yurt dışından sağlanan dış kalite kontrol (DKK) programlarının yerini almayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, MOTAKK DKK Programı kapsamındaki HBV DNA ve HCV RNA viral yük 2015 ve 2016 sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan çağrılar MOTAKK web sayfası (www.motakk.org) üzerinden ilan edilmiştir. Web sayfası üzerinden kayıt olan katılımcı laboratuvarlara, 2015 ve 2016 yıllarında birer kalite kontrol paneli gönderilmiştir. Çevrimlerde kullanılan paneller, HBV, HCV, HIV, HAV, Parvovirüs B19 ve CMV serolojik belirteçleri negatif olan plazma ile dilüsyon yapılan değişik viral yüklere sahip örnekler ile hazırlanmış, negatif örneklerle beraber soğuk zincirde katılımcı laboratuvarlara ulaştırılmıştır. Laboratuvarlar ilgili testleri 2-3 hafta içerisinde sonuçlandırarak, MOTAKK web sayfasına sonuçlarını girmiştir. MOTAKK tarafından geliştirilen bir yazılım ile katılımcı laboratuvarların sonuçları ISO 13528’e uygun olarak analiz edilerek sonuç raporları oluşturulmuş ve web sayfasına yüklenerek katılımcılara iletilmiştir. Katılımcılar, çalışma sonucunu diğer laboratuvar sonuçları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirme imkanına sahip olmuş ve referans değerlere ve ortalama sonuçla ilgili farklılıkları görerek kullandıkları testleri tekrar değerlendirmiştir. HBV DNA ve HCV RNA DKK programına, 2015-2016 yıllarında 70-73 laboratuvar katılmıştır. Katılımcılar, program araçlarına yüksek uyum göstererek kayıt, sonuç girme ve sonuç raporlarının alınmasını aksaksız olarak gerçekleştirmişlerdir. HBV panelinde; 2015 yılında katılımcı laboratuvarların %72.6-89.1’inin, 2016 yılında ise %84.7-90.3’ünün 1 standart sapma (SS) aralığında yer aldığı görülmüştür. HCV panelinde ise; katılımcıların %70.8-89.1’i 1 SS’de, ikinci çağrının yapıldığı 2016 yılında ise, %84.7-90.3’ünün 1 SS’nin içerisinde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Bu proje ile Türkiye’de HBV DNA ve HCV RNA ile ilgili ilk kez ulusal bir DKK programı hazırlanmış ve başarıyla uygulanmıştır. MOTAKK, DKK programı sonuç raporlarında sağlanan bilgiler, yurt dışından sağlanan kalite kontrol programı sonuç raporlarının sağladığı tüm bilgileri karşılamakta; ek olarak kullanılan teknolojilerin ve ticari ürünlerin sağlıklı karşılaştırmalarına olanak sağlamaktadır. MOTAKK, as a national external quality control program has been launched to evaluate the molecular detection of viral infections including HBV DNA and HCV RNA in molecular microbiology diagnostic laboratories in Turkey. This program is prepared in compliance with ISO 17043:2010 (Conformity assessment general requirements for proficiency testing) standards, and aims to take the place of external quality control programs from abroad, contributing to standardization and accuracy of molecular diagnostic tests in our country. The aim of this study was to evaluate 2015 and 2016 results of the MOTAKK External Quality Control Program for HBV DNA and HCV RNA viral load . The calls were announced on the web page of MOTAKK (www.motakk.org). The quality control samples were sent to participating laboratories in 2015 and 2016. Main stocks were prepared from patients with chronic hepatitis B and C who had viral load detection with reference methods according to WHO reference materials for viral load studies to improve quality control sera. From these main stocks, samples with different viral loads were prepared from dilutions of plasma with HBV, HCV, HAV, HIV, Parvovirus B19 and CMV negative serologic markers. Quality control samples were sent to the participating laboratories along with the negative samples in the cold chain. The laboratories accomplished the related tests within 2-3 weeks and entered their results on the MOTAKK web page. These results were analysed according to ISO 13528 (Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison) and scoring reports were created by a software developed by MOTAKK and sent to participating labs. Each laboratory evaluated their own results in comparison with the other laboratory results, reassessed the tests via observing the distance from the mean result and the reference values. The number of laboratories participating in the HBV DNA and HCV RNA external quality control program was 70-73 in 2015-2016. Participants were able to comply with the program tools, registering, entering results and receiving the results reports without problem. In HBV panel, 72.6-89.1% and 84.7-90.3% of the participant laboratories were in 1 standard deviation (SD) in 2015-2016, respectively. In HCV panel, 70.8-89.1% and 84.7-90.3% of the participant laboratories were in 1 SD in 2015-2016, respectively. A national external quality control program for HBV DNA and HCV RNA in Turkey has been prepared for the first time with this project and implemented successfully. All the data provided in the MOTAKK external quality control program final report, compensate all the data provided by the quality control program final reports from abroad; additionally, the report allows comparison of used technologies and commercial products.
- Published
- 2018
5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa'ya bağlı ventrikülitli bir olgu
- Author
KENDİRLİ, Tanıl, ÇİFÇİ, Ergin, İNCE, Erdal, ÜNLÜ, Ağahan, FİLÖZ, Suat, GÜRİZ, Haluk, and DOĞRU, Ülker
- Subjects
ventrikülit,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,ventriküloperitoneal şant - Abstract
Ventriküloperitoneal şant, hidrosefalisi olan hastaların intrakranial basıncını azaltmak amacıyla sıklıkla kullanılır. Şant enfeksiyonları ventriküloperitoneal şantı olan hastaların %7-9’unda görülür ve mortalite oranı %10-13’tür. En sık etken koagülaz-negatif staŞlokoklardır. Ventrikülit ise vent- riküllerin enfeksiyonu olup, şant enfeksiyonlarının en ciddi, morbidite ve mortalitesi en yüksek komplikasyonudur. Burada meningosel ve hidrosefali nedeniyle ventriküloperitoneal şant konu- lan bir hastada gelişen Pseudomonas aeruginosa’nın neden olduğu ventrikülit olgusu sunulmaktadır
- Published
- 2014
6. Invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infections in children Case Report
- Author
ÇİFTÇİ, Ergin, OYGAR, Pembe Derin, GENÇ, Çiğdem, İNCE, Erdal, TUTAR, Ercan, GÜRİZ, Haluk, AYSEV, Ahmet, and DOĞRU, Ülker
- Abstract
Haemophilus influenzae tip b suşları menenjit pnömoni ampiyem epiglottit sellülit septik artrit perikardit ve bakteriyemi gibi ciddi enfeksiyonlara yol açmaktadır Burada invaziv H influenzae tip b enfeksiyonu olan beş çocuk hasta sunulmaktadır Hastaların hepsi de 2 yaşın altındaydı Hiçbir hastaya H influenzae tip b aşısı yapılmamıştı Uygun antibiyotik ve cerrahi girişim ile bütün hastalar sekelsiz olarak iyileşmiştir Ülkemizde H influenzae tip b enfeksiyonlarının önlenmesi için H influenzae tip b aşılamasının rutin aşı takvimine alınması gereklidir Anahtar Kelimeler: Haemophilus influenzae tip b menenjit pnömoni ampiyem bakteriyemi preseptal sellülit, Haemophilus influenzae type b strains cause severe infections such as meningitis pneumonia empyema epiglottitis cellulitis septic arthritis pericarditis and bacteremia In this report five children with invasive H influenzae type b infection are presented All patients were younger than two years None of the patients was immunized with H influenzae type b vaccine All of the patients treated with appropriate antibiotics and surgical interventions recovered without sequel H influenzae type b vaccination must be added to routine vaccination schedule in order to prevent H influenzae type b infections in our country Key words: Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis pneumonia empyema bacteremia preseptal cellulitis
- Published
- 2014
7. Sağlıklı çocuklarda antistreptolizin O ve anti deoksiribonükleaz B düzeyleri Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
İnce, Erdal, Yalçınkaya, Fatoş, GÜRİZ, Haluk, Aysev, Ahmet, Elhan, Atilla, UÇAR, Tayfun, GÖKDEMİR, Refik, Örün, Emel, KENDİRLİ, Tanıl, and DOĞRU, Ülker
- Abstract
Normal levels of antistreptolysin O ASO and anti deoxyribonuclease B anti DNAse B antibodies change with age Levels vary from population to population and according to different methods Every population should define their own normal standards according to different methods As the titers might vary with time such studies should be repeated intermittently In this study age specific normal values for the mean and upper limit of normal ULN for ASO and anti DNAse B levels of Turkish children were evaluated The study group consisted of 230 healthy children age range from 6 months to 16 years with no history or clinical evidence of streptococcal throat or skin infection for the last four months Sera were obtained between August 1999 and August 2000 None of the patients had positive throat cultures ASO titers were determined by Nephelometric technique and anti DNAse B titers were measured by inhibition of the enzymatic cleavage of DNA Arithmetic and geometric means for ASO and anti DNAse B were calculated respectively and the results were determined for seven different age groups Both ASO and anti DNAse B levels increase with age till 12 years and a little decrease was observed for older children The mean titers of ASO and anti DNase B for the entire group were 86 Todd Units and 72 Units respectively The ULN of ASO and anti DNase B for the entire group were found 131 Todd Units and 200 Units respectively Key words: Group A beta hemolytic streptococci antistreptolysin O anti deoxyribonuclease B streptococcal antibody upper limits of normal, Antistreptolizin O ASO ve anti deoksiribonükleaz B anti DNAse B düzeyleri toplumdan topluma farklı yaş gruplarına ve kullanılan ölçüm yöntemine göre farklılık gösterir Aynı toplumda streptokok enfeksiyonun epidemiolojisindeki değişime bağlı olarak zaman içinde bu değerlerde değişiklik olabilir Her toplum kendi normal değerlerini farklı yaş gruplarına farklı ölçüm yöntemlerine göre belirlemeli ve bu değerler belli zaman aralıkları ile yeniden değerlendirilmelidir Bu çalışmada sağlıklı Türk çocuklarında normal ASO ve anti DNAse B titrelerin ölçülmesi yaş gruplarına göre pratik uygulamada kullanılabilecek ortalama ve normalin üst sınır değerlerinin hesaplanması amaçlandı Çalışma grubunu son 4 ay içinde geçirilmiş boğaz ve deri enfeksiyonu öyküsü ve klinik bulgusu olmayan 6 ay 16 yaş arasındaki 230 sağlıklı çocuk oluşturdu Çalışma grubunu oluşturan olgulardan ASO ve anti DNAse B düzeyleri ve eş zamanlı boğaz kültürleri alındı Örnek toplama işlemi Ağustos 1999 Ağustos 2000 tarihleri arasında 1 yıl sürdürüldü Boğaz kültürlerinde üreme olmayan 230 çocuğun ASO titreleri Nefelometrik yöntemle anti DNAse B titreleri DNA’nın enzimatik bölünmesi yöntemiyle ölçüldü ASO ortalamaları aritmetik ortalama anti DNAse B ortalamaları geometrik ortalama kullanılarak hesaplandı Çalışma grubunu oluşturan çocuklar ikili yaş gruplarına ayrıldı ve sonuçlar yedi grupta incelendi Hem ASO hemde anti DNAse B titrelerin ortalamasının 12 yaşa kadar arttığı ve 12 yaştan sonra hafif bir düşüş gösterdiği görüldü En yüksek düzeyler 10 12 yaş grubunda saptandı Tüm yaş grupları birlikte değerlendirildiğinde; ASO ortalaması 86 Todd ünitesi normalin üst sınır değeri 131 Todd ünitesi anti DNAse B geometrik ortalaması 72 ünite normalin üst sınır değeri 200 ünite bulundu Anahtar Kelimeler: A grubu beta hemolitik streptokok antistreptolizin O anti deoksiribonükleaz B streptokok antikorları normalin üst limiti
- Published
- 2014
8. MOTAKK HBV DNA ve HCV RNA Dış Kalite Kontrol Ulusal Programı 2015-2016 Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi.
- Author
KARATAYLI, Ersin, SOYDEMİR, Ege, AKSOY, Zeynep Büşra, KIZILPINAR, Mehtap, KOÇAK, Aylin ALTAY, KARATAYLI, Senem Ceren, YURDCU, Esra, YILDIRIM, Umut, GÜRİZ, Haluk, BOZDAYI, Gülendam, YURDAYDIN, Cihan, İLHAN, Osman, YILDIRIM, Yasin, and BOZDAYI, A. Mithat
- Published
- 2018
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9. Akut Çocukluk Çağı Gastroenteritlerindeki Salmonella-Shîgella Sıklığı ve Antibiyotik Direnç Durumları.
- Author
Kara, Tuğçe Tural, Özdemir, Halil, Kurt, Funda, Güriz, Haluk, Çiftçi, Ergin, Ayşev, Ahmet Derya, Suskan, Emine Zeliha, and İnce, Erdal
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Çocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi is the property of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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10. Beş Yaş Altı Çocuklarda Gastroenterite Neden Olan Yedi Farklı RNA Virusunun Araştırılması.
- Author
AKHTER, Shamim, TÜREGÜN, Buse, KIYAN, Mehmet, GERÇEKER, Devran, GÜRİZ, Haluk, and ŞAHİN, Fikret
- Published
- 2014
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11. Çocuklarda Pseudomonas aeruginosa Enfeksiyonları.
- Author
Azık, Tansel Erdem, Doğru, Ülker, Güriz, Haluk, Aysev, Ahmet Derya, İnce, Erdal, and Çiftçi, Ergin
- Published
- 2007
12. Haemophilus influenzae tip b Aşılaması Yapılan İki Çocukta İnvaziv Haemophilus influenzae Enfeksiyonları.
- Author
Ödek, Çağlar, Özdemir, Halil, Tapısız, Anıl, Çiftçi, Ergin, Doğu, Figen, Güriz, Haluk, İnce, Erdal, and Doğru, Ülker
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Çocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi is the property of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
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13. Diyarbakır Asker Hastanesi'nde Bir Yıl İçinde Saptanan 130 Sıtma Olgusunun Değerlendirilmesi.
- Author
Ersan, Gürsel and Güriz, Haluk
- Published
- 1998
14. [Burden of Pneumococcal Meningitis and Bacteremia, Serotype Distribution and Antibiotic Resistance in Healthy Children After Conjugated Pneumococcal Vaccine Implementation: Single Center Experience].
- Author
Özdemir H, Ekin Dağ N, Çakmak Taşkın E, Konca HK, Arga G, Nar Ötgün S, Güriz H, Elhan A, Çiftçi E, and İnce E
- Subjects
- Child, Drug Resistance, Microbial, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Pneumococcal Vaccines, Retrospective Studies, Serogroup, Serotyping, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bacteremia epidemiology, Meningitis, Pneumococcal epidemiology, Pneumococcal Infections epidemiology, Pneumococcal Infections prevention & control
- Abstract
In Turkey, the seven-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine (PCV7) was included in the childhood national immunization programme in April 2008 and was replaced by the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine (PCV13) in April 2011. In this retrospective, single-center study, it was aimed to determine the serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates of pediatric patients with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) after the introduction of PVC7 and PVC13. Fifty pediatric patients diagnosed with meningitis and sepsis/bacteremia between October 2009 and October 2019 were included in the study. The pediatric patient group consisted of previously healthy patients diagnosed with meningitis and sepsis/bacteremia with S.pneumoniae isolated in their blood or cerebrospinal fluids. Patients with pneumonia-associated bacteremia and empyema were not included in the study. Serotyping of the isolates was performed by Quellung reaction using specific antisera (Statens Serum Institute, Denmark) and antibiotic (penicillin and ceftriaxone) susceptibility was determined by antibiotic gradient method based on Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) criteria. Of the children, 29 (58%) were boys and 21 (42%) were girls. The median age of the patients was 19 months (1 month-18 year). When the children under the age of five were evaluated, it was found that 30 (79%) patients were diagnosed with occult bacteremia/sepsis and 8 (21%) with meningitis. The overall annual incidence rate of IPD among the healthy children aged <5 years decreased significantly from 9.35/100000 to 0.83/100000 (p< 0.001). Serotype identification was determined for 44 of 50 pneumococcal isolates . However, since six patients with underlying disease were not included in the evaluation, the remaining 38 isolates were found to be one of the serotypes included in PCV7 and PCV13 at a rate of 28.9% (n= 11) and 44.7% (n= 17), respectively. While the rate of PCV13 serotypes seen in the PCV7 period was 81.8%, this rate decreased to 29.6% within eight years after PCV13 administration. The rate of non-vaccine serotypes was determined as 54.5% in PCV7 period and 70.3% in PCV13 period. The rate of non-vaccine serotypes in patients under 5 years was 60% in the period of PCV7 and 75% in the period of PCV13. The proportion of non-vaccine serotypes has increased over time. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p> 0.05). The most common serotypes detected in isolates were 19F, 23F, 7F, 31 and 24B. According to the minimum inhibitory concentration values of the isolates recovered from patients with meningitis, penicillin and ceftriaxone resistance rates were found as 43.9% and 9.8%, respectively. In conclusion, our study showed that there was a 91.1% decrease in the incidence of IPD in healthy children aged under five years after the implementation of PCV7 and PCV13. It was determined that while the rate of serotypes in vaccine content decreased, there was an increase in non-vaccine serotypes. In addition no significant change was observed in antibiotic resistance rates over the years.
- Published
- 2021
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15. [The distribution of microorganisms and antibiotic resistance profile in pulmonary critical care unit patients: A single-centre study].
- Author
Hasanzade H, Gürün Kaya A, Çiledağ A, Erol S, Çiftçi F, Güriz H, and Kaya A
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Gram-Negative Bacteria drug effects, Gram-Negative Bacteria isolation & purification, Humans, Intensive Care Units, Male, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Middle Aged, Pseudomonas aeruginosa drug effects, Staphylococcus aureus drug effects, Staphylococcus aureus isolation & purification, Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Critical Care organization & administration, Drug Resistance, Bacterial drug effects, Drug Resistance, Microbial
- Abstract
Introduction: The patients in the intensive care unit have a higher risk of infections because of the poor general condition of these patients and the frequent application of invasive procedures with longer hospitalization length. Also, this group of patients tend to have resistant infections due to empirically widespread and uncontrolled use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Hence, data are needed to determine appropriate empirical antibiotic therapy in intensive care patients. In this study, it was aimed to assess the distribution of microorganisms and antibiotic resistance profile from the samples taken from the patients in the intensive care unit., Materials and Methods: Patients who were hospitalized in Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Chest Diseases Intensive Care Unit for more than 24 hours between December 2016 and December 2017 were included in our study. Demographic characteristics, comorbid diseases, clinical findings, results of sputum, tracheal aspirate, blood, urine, gaita and pus culture samples and antibiotic susceptibility test results were recorded prospectively., Result: A total of 287 patients, 150 males and 137 females, were included in the study. The mean age of all patients was 69.96 ± 14.4 years. Two hundred twenty-three positive cultures were detected in 1053 samples taken from 287 patients. Gram-negative bacilli constituted 55.1% of the 223 positive cultures. The most common microorganisms were Acinetobacter (16.6%), Staphylococcus (14.8%) and Klebsiella (10.8%). Colistin resistance was found to be 8.3% in the Acinetobacter strains and resistance rates of 97-100% were observed to other antibiotic groups. Thirty-three staphylococcus were isolated, 17 were S. aureus and 16 were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. While 29.4% of S. aureus were resistant to methicillin (MRSA), vancomycin resistance was not detected. Meanwhile, the MRSA ratio was 62.5%, there was no vancomycin resistance among the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Klebsiella was the third most common microorganism and beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella strain was 62.5%. Gentamycin was found to be the most susceptible antibiotic in Klebsiella strains with a resistance rate of 20.8%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa constituted 9.4% of the cultures. While the resistance to colistin was not detected, resistance to piperacillin/tazobactam 42.8%, tobramycin, imipenem and meropenem 50% and ceftazidime 61.9%. The duration of hospitalization in patients with Acinetobacter isolated (23 [10-34] days vs 12.5 [5-24] days, p= 0.011) and the mortality rate (62.5% vs 37.5%, p= 0.008) were significantly higher than those who were not Acinetobacter isolated., Conclusions: In conclusion, gram-negative bacilli constitute the majority of the patients in intensive care unit. Acinetobacter, the most common microorganism, has a high resistance rate and has been associated with prolonged hospitalization and mortality.
- Published
- 2021
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16. [Evaluation of 2015-2016 MOTAKK HBV DNA and HCV RNA external quality assessment national program results].
- Author
Karataylı E, Soydemir E, Aksoy ZB, Kızılpınar M, Altay Koçak A, Karataylı SC, Yurdcu E, Yıldırım U, Güriz H, Bozdayı G, Yurdaydın C, İlhan O, Yıldırım Y, and Bozdayı AM
- Subjects
- DNA, Viral genetics, Hepacivirus genetics, Hepatitis B virus genetics, Humans, RNA, Viral genetics, Turkey, Clinical Laboratory Techniques standards, HIV-1, Hepatitis B diagnosis, Hepatitis C diagnosis, Quality Control
- Abstract
MOTAKK, as a national external quality control program has been launched to evaluate the molecular detection of viral infections including HBV DNA and HCV RNA in molecular microbiology diagnostic laboratories in Turkey. This program is prepared in compliance with ISO 17043:2010 (Conformity assessment general requirements for proficiency testing) standards, and aims to take the place of external quality control programs from abroad, contributing to standardization and accuracy of molecular diagnostic tests in our country. The aim of this study was to evaluate 2015 and 2016 results of the MOTAKK External Quality Control Program for HBV DNA and HCV RNA viral load . The calls were announced on the web page of MOTAKK (www.motakk.org). The quality control samples were sent to participating laboratories in 2015 and 2016. Main stocks were prepared from patients with chronic hepatitis B and C who had viral load detection with reference methods according to WHO reference materials for viral load studies to improve quality control sera. From these main stocks, samples with different viral loads were prepared from dilutions of plasma with HBV, HCV, HAV, HIV, Parvovirus B19 and CMV negative serologic markers. Quality control samples were sent to the participating laboratories along with the negative samples in the cold chain. The laboratories accomplished the related tests within 2-3 weeks and entered their results on the MOTAKK web page. These results were analysed according to ISO 13528 (Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison) and scoring reports were created by a software developed by MOTAKK and sent to participating labs. Each laboratory evaluated their own results in comparison with the other laboratory results, reassessed the tests via observing the distance from the mean result and the reference values. The number of laboratories participating in the HBV DNA and HCV RNA external quality control program was 70-73 in 2015-2016. Participants were able to comply with the program tools, registering, entering results and receiving the results reports without problem. In HBV panel, 72.6-89.1% and 84.7-90.3% of the participant laboratories were in 1 standard deviation (SD) in 2015-2016, respectively. In HCV panel, 70.8-89.1% and 84.7-90.3% of the participant laboratories were in 1 SD in 2015-2016, respectively. A national external quality control program for HBV DNA and HCV RNA in Turkey has been prepared for the first time with this project and implemented successfully. All the data provided in the MOTAKK external quality control program final report, compensate all the data provided by the quality control program final reports from abroad; additionally, the report allows comparison of used technologies and commercial products.
- Published
- 2018
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17. [Penicillin tolerance in group A beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from throat cultures of children with tonsillopharyngitis].
- Author
Ciftçi E, Doğru U, Güriz H, Aysev AD, and Ince E
- Subjects
- Child, Drug Resistance, Bacterial, Humans, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Penicillin G pharmacology, Penicillins pharmacology, Pharyngitis microbiology, Streptococcal Infections microbiology, Streptococcus pyogenes drug effects, Tonsillitis microbiology
- Abstract
The most common bacterial cause of tonsillopharyngitis is group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) and penicillin is the drug of choice for the treatment of these infections. However, a disturbing trend toward penicillin failure has developed in some communities. It has been proposed that penicillin tolerance is a possible explanation for this failure. In this study, penicillin tolerance of GABHS strains isolated from 263 children with tonsillopharyngitis, was investigated between December 2000-March 2001. As a result, none of the isolated strains was found to be penicillin resistant or penicillin tolerant according to minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration values for penicillin G, determined by microdilution method.
- Published
- 2002
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