pm I ÖZET YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ ŞEYH MUSTAFA ZEKAyTNIN HAYATI. EDESİ KİŞİLİ?İ. DİVANI 0NCELEME-TENKIDLI METİN) Bu çalışma, 18. yüzyılda yaşamış olan divan şairimiz Şeyh Mustafa Zekâyı bin ibrahim üsküdarî ve O'nun tesbit edilebilen tek eseri olan `Divan`ı üzerinedir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde; şairin hayatı, yetişme tarzı, çevresi, Divan'ından hareketle edebi şahsiyeti, dil özellikleri, Divan' in da kullandığı deyimler ve vezinler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. ikinci bölümde ise Zekâyı Efendi Divan'ının; insan, cemiyet, din- tasavvuf, tabiat, edebi sanatlar olmak üzere beş kısımdan ibaret olan incelemesi yer almıştır. ülkemizde bulunan çeşitli kütüphanelerde yapılan araştırmalar sonucu, Şeyh Mustafa Zekâyı Divan'ının 10 yazma nüshası tesbit edilmiştir. Nüshalara ilişkin bilgiler; hangi kütüphanelerde bulunduğu, içinde yer alan manzumelerin türlere göre tasnifi şeklindeki hususlar yapılan araştırmanın üçüncü bölümünde dikkatlere sunulmuştur. Bu nüs'halardan beş tanesi; manzume sayılarının çokluğu, tarihlerinin eskiliği gibi nedenlerle müellif hatlı nüshaya yakın olma ihtimalleri göz önünde bulundurularak, dördüncü bölümde yer alan tenkidli metnin oluşturulmasında esas alınmıştır. Bazı kaynaklarda Şeyh Nasühi'nin Risâletü'n-Velediyye isimli eserini şerh ettiğine dair verilen malumata rağmen yapılan kütüphane çalışmalarında bu eseri ele geçmeyen Şeyh Mustafa ZekâyI'nin görülen tek eseri olan Divan'ının ve Divan'ından hareketle kendinin edebiyat tarihindeki yeri hakkında yapılan tesbitler `Sonuç` bölümünde genel çizgileri Ue ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır. II ABSTRACT Ph. D. Thesis THE LIFE OF ŞEYH MUSTAFA ZEKAYÎ. HIS UTERARY PERSONALITY, HIS DIVAN, AND A CRITICAL TRANSLATION OF IT This work Is about the only one Divan of Zekâyı who was a poet of 18th. century. The life of the poet, his education, his environment, his literary character, the characteristics of his expression, the idioms, the meters that he used, is the base of the first section. In the second the study of Zekâyı Efendi's Divan contains five parts, human, the society, religion and Islamic mysticism, the nature and the literary art. The information about the characteristics of copies creates the third chapter. 10 manuscriptions have been had after a study in many different libraries in our country. Five of them are the base of the criticism of the text in the fourth section because of the amount the poems and oldness of the dates and reasons like theese. The studies about Zekâyi Efendi and his work take part in the last section with its details. Zekâyi Efendi who we don't know his birth date certainly, was a poet of Divan literature in 18th century. We have just one work of him; his Divan. First he was educated by Seyh Hasan and Nasûhîzâde Fazlulah, and then he was appointed as a Seyh to `ümrni Sinan Tekkesf.He was there to the end of his lifcZekeyi Efendi had a sensitive character. He wasn't interested in society. He was a real müslim with faithfulness to God, respect to Hz.Muhammed, was to become a haughty man and not to be worthy to them.In this reason he wasn't interested in society much, because of his contradiction himself Esentially he believed that he was alone in the society. All these expression are from his Divan that we have Divan of Zekâyi Efendi Is about `vahdet-i vücud nazariyeX` Zekâyı Efendi had strong descriptions and he drowed his imaginations in the lines of he poetry. He couldn't forget his anxiety about Hz Ali and Hz. Hüseyin and also 72 people died in the battle for Islam in Kerbeli. The signs of this happening are in his Divan from the beginning to the end of it.Ill Life never answered his wishes. Also, the death of his son Ibrahim proved this once again. His D ivan has lyrical character in the around of `human and God` theme. He ended his Divan in the tradition of Divan literature. It's imposible to get more knowledge about him in sources. The knowledge In the sources that we have is nearly the same with the others. First we thought that we would meet a second class character during the investigation about this 18th century's humble man. But his style of writing, sincere expression, simple language ended our thought To use the same expressions repeaüy is the defect of him. If means that his imagination word is not enough for a poet of Divan literature. In his Divan the signs of a new literature (Tanzimat and the rest) were seen. He was a fairly good poet with his right and wrong sides. According to the sources Zekâyi Efendi who lived with Nedim, Şeyh Galib, Koca Ragıb Pasa, Sünbülzâde Vehbi, Fıtnat Hanım in the same century wasn't influenced by them. Also if s said that he didn't influence anyone. A tahmis that we noticed from one of the Divans that we investigated, changed that thought A poet named Hamdi, wrote this tahmis for a ghazel of Zekâyı Efendi and the tahmis is a positive point for him, so there were poets that Zekâyi influenced and also it means he had readers in his time. Also we noticed in the sources that he examined Risaletü'1-Velediyye of Seyh Nasûhizide Fazlullah. But we couldn't find a book about it belongs to Zekâyi in any library. Seyh Mustafa Zekâyi bin Ibrahim Uskidari died in Istanbul in 18 12. If s said that his grave is in Üsküdar. 397