Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011, Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011, Endokrin bozucu bileşikler sağlıklı canlılarda veya onların gelecekteki jenerasyonlarında endokrin sistemin çalışmasını değiştirerek sağlık problemlerine sebep olan madde ve/veya karışımlar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu deneysel çalışmada, endokrin bozucu özellikleri nedeniyle kullanımlarına yasal düzenlemeler getirilmiş, özellikle kanserojenik etkiye sahip olması nedeni ile tehlikeli kirleticiler arasında yer alan fenol (Fn) ve dimetil fitalat (DMF) model kirleticilerinin etkin arıtımını (ana madde giderimi ve mineralizasyon) sağlayabilmek için sülfat radikali (SO4-•) bazlı fotokimyasal ileri oksidasyon proseslerinin (İOP) (persülfat/UV-C ve peroksimonosülfat/UV-C) kullanılabilirliği araştırılmış ve proses performansları H2O2/UV-C prosesinin performası ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada aynı zamanda DMF’nin SO4-• ile ikinci derece reaksiyon hız sabitinin belirlenmesi ve DMF ve fenolün arıtımları sırasında ve sonunda oluşan oksidasyon ara ve son ürünlerinin tespiti gerçekleştirilmiştir. DMF model kirleticisinin oksidasyonu için, incelenen tüm fotokimyasal İOP’inde 5 mM oksidan konsantrasyonu kullanımı ile en yüksek DMF ve toplam organik karbon giderimi persülfat/UV-C prosesi ile sağlanmıştır. Fn model kirleticisi için ise çalışılan 5 mM oksidan konsantrasyonunda en verimli prosesin H2O2/UV-C olduğu belirlenmiştir. Oksidan konsantrasyonunun 30 mM değerine yükseltilmesi ile çalışılan her üç proseste gerek DMF ve Fn model kirleticileri giderim/ileri oksidasyon hızları gerekse mineralizasyon mertebeleri belirgin şekilde artmıştır. DMF model kirleticisinin SO4-• ile ikinci derece reaksiyon hız sabiti 1,32x109 M-1 s-1 olarak bulunmuştur. DMF ve Fn model kirleticilerinin arıtımları sırasında ve sonunda oluşan oksidasyon ara ve son ürünlerinin tespiti için gerçekleştirilen araştırmalar sonucunda, DMF model kirleticisinin oksidasyonunun alkil zincirinden başlayarak gerçekleştiği ve ilk aşama oksidasyon ara ürünü olarak fitalik asitin oluştuğu görülmüştür. Fn model kirleticisinin oksidasyonu sırasında oluşan ara ürünler ise benzokinon, hidrokinon ve katekhol olarak belirlenmiştir., Natural or industrial endocrine disrupters, which are taken to the living organism externally, are risk factors against health because of their potential of imitating the hormonal activity in natural life. Endocrine disrupting compounds are defined as health threatening substances and/or mixtures that change the endocrine system(by inhibition of normal synthesis and hormonal functions by imitating the natural hormons, release of stock hormons, inhibition of secretion and transport machanisms, combining and inactivate natural hormons etc.) of healthy living organisms or their future generations. In recent years, sulphate radical based photochemical advanced oxidation processes gain importamce for the removal of endocrine distrupters and their decomposition products. In this experimental study, dimethyl phthalate (DMP) and phenol, whichwere regulated world wide due to their carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting effects, were chosen as the model compounds. This study was devoted to investigate the treatability of DMP and phenol by sulphate radical based photochemical advanced oxidation processes (persulphate/UV-C and peroxymonosulphate/UV-C) and to compare the process performance with hydroxyl radical based photochemical advanced oxidation process (H2O2/UV-C). In addition, the changes in advanced oxidation rates, parent compound and TOC removal efficiencieswere also investigated when they exist together in the reaction medium. Within the aim of this study, the calculation of second order reaction rates of DMP with sulphate and hydroxyl radicals and the identification of oxidation intermediates were also performed. In this experimental work, complete removal of DMP and phenol with high mineralization degrees were realized by the use of sulphate radical based photochemical advanced oxidation processes.Persulphate/UV-C oxidation experiments have been conducted at various initial persulphate concentrations (0–40 mM) in order toevaluate the effect of initial oxidant dosage on DMP removal performance. Persulphate/UV-C treatment at 5 mM initial persulphate concentration, complete DMP removals were achieved after 60 min treatment, whereas only 50% TOC removal was obtained after 120 minutes. The highest DMP and TOC removal rates and efficiencies was achieved by persulphate/UV-C process for the initial oxidant concentration of 5 mM where H2O2/UV-C process was found as the most effective treatment system for phenol removal. Increasing the initial oxidant concentration to 30 mM increased the DMP/phenol and TOC removal rates and efficiencies for all examined processes. Kineticalstudies indicated that the removal of DMP and phenol using all three oxidants in photochemical oxidation process fits to first order reaction kinetics. In the case of DMP and phenol mixture experiments(DMPo = Fno = 0.515 mM), the calculated removal rates of DMP and phenol for all process (persulphate/UV-C, kDMP = 0,0192 min-1; peroxymonosulphate/UV-C, kDMP = 0,0529 min-1; H2O2/UV-C, kDMP = 0,05 min-1) was found lowerthen that of removal rates found for single compound systems (persulphate/UV-C, kDMF = 0,0715 min-1; peroxymonossulphate/UV-C, kDMF = 0,071 min-1; H2O2/UV-C, kDMF = 0,0765 min-1). Moreover, in mixture experiments, the phenol removal rates for H2O2/UV-C and peroxymonossulphate/UV-C processes were found similar to each other (kPhenol 0,075) whereas an increased observed for persulphate/UV-C process (kPhenol 0,108). The second order reaction rates of DMP with sulphate and hydroxyl radicals were calculated as 1,32x109 M-1 s-1 and 3,37x109 M-1 s-1, respectively. According to the results of the experimental studies conducted to identify the oxidation intermediates formed during the treatment of DMP and phenol by photochemical oxidation processes, phthalic acid was found as the primary intermediate product for DMP oxidation whereas catechol, hydroquinone and benzoquinone were the intermediates indentified for phenol oxidation., Yüksek Lisans, M.Sc.