The expectations of retirement in this country are increasingly distant under the unusual reforms suffered by the pension system and make burdensome the opportunity to access the labor and social law respectively, for reasons including the lack of economic sustainability, does not guarantee any Colombian citizen through the state or private funds, may have during her old age a happy and peaceful experience. With so many legal and administrative ramblings to implement a real pension system in Colombia, after the reform of the ICSS, as a result of corruption, inefficient application of the law 100 of 1993 which created the General System of Integrated Social Security, suppression and liquidation of social security institutions and the systematic tramitomania difficult process, it is unattainable this right belongs to every worker, having worked for about 25 years. Worryingly, only one in ten Colombian citizens reach retirement, ie the remaining 90%, stay out of this opportunity. Also, concerned the knowledge that 83% of those receiving pension in this country from private funds fail to obtain two minimum wages, than the precarious Colombian pensioner lives is concluded. Enlarge repeatedly age and contribution period has been becoming a systematic mockery of the dependent worker and utopia achieving a pension after many years of work and saving. The celebrated philosopher, politician and visionary Greek teacher Plato, pose in their series of writings that "an ideal world in which all members were living happy and satisfied was only possible if the world was a just world, as a state is ideal if he reigns in righteousness. Unfortunately today in Colombia these principles became inoperative, because the notion of social justice was also lost. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]