This set of seven instructional units on the metric system application in business and office occupations is one of three metric education modules designed for use with bilingual (Spanish and English) students in postsecondary and adult vocational programs. (Both the Spanish and English versions of this set are provided in the document.) Each unit focuses on one of seven occupational fields: mail clerk, proofreader, clerk-typist, secretary, bookkeeper, office manager, and word processor. Contained in each unit is a statement of objectives, suggested activities for instructor and student, information sheets, assignment and job sheets, transparency masters, and a unit test with answer key. The appendices contain a matrix of common metric multiples and submultiples, a list of common terms and definitions, and brief descriptions of the seven occupational areas. (The first section of this document, entitled "Metric Systems of Weights and Measures," is available as CE 022 166. It contains five core units on the metric system and is designed to be used as the first section of each set of instructional units.) (JH)