16 results on '"Wilhelm, Jan"'
Search Results
2. Posición del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología en relación a los cuestionamientos de las vacunas y su obligatoriedad
- Author
Wilhelm, Jan, Calvo, Ximena, Escobar, Carola, Moreno, Gabriela, Veliz, Liliana, Villena, Rodolfo, and Potin, Marcela
- Subjects
Vacunas ,mandatory ,herd immunity ,vaccines ,inmunidad comunitaria ,immunization ,inmunización ,obligatoriedad - Abstract
Resumen: A pesar del enorme impacto de las vacunas en la salud de la población, estas han sido y son objeto de cuestionamientos por grupos que las consideran innecesarias o inseguras y argumentan que las personas tienen el derecho a decidir sobre si estas deben ser administradas o no. Sin embargo el uso de vacunas tiene connotaciones distintas a otras decisiones en salud, ya que no vacunar impacta no solo al individuo, sino también a la comunidad que lo rodea. El inmunizar a un alto porcentaje de la población permite limitar la circulación de los agentes infecciosos, logrando la llamada inmunidad comunitaria que protege a los no vacunados por razones médicas o porque son muy pequeños. Por esta razón muchos países han definido las vacunas como obligatorias. Como Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones nos parece que esta estrategia es correcta sin embargo debe ser acompañada por una política de educación de la población y personal de salud sobre los beneficios y riesgos reales de las va cunas. Así mismo es necesario introducir mejoras en el sistema de notificación de reacciones adversas a vacunas haciéndolo más accesible. Adicionalmente se debe dar respuesta oportuna a los afectados por supuestas o reales reacciones a vacunas y en los casos de eventos adversos graves efectivamente asociados a vacunas. Entregar cobertura económica y acompañamiento. Finalmente es esencial la coordinación entre los diferentes actores y comunicadores para transmitir mensajes que generen confianza y respondan a las inquietudes de la población de hoy en día. Abstract: Although vaccines have had a tremendous impact in public health they are questioned by certain groups that consider them unnecessary or unsafe and argue in favor of the right to decide to be vacci nated or not. However vaccines must have special considerations because unlike other medical deci sions, not vaccinating has consequences not only for the individual but also for other members of the community. Immunizing a high proportion of the population limits the circulation of an infectious agent attaining what is called community or herd immunity that protects the susceptible members of the group. For this reason many countries consider vaccination mandatory as a responsibility of every citizen. This committee agrees with this view but thinks other strategies should be implemented as well, such as special educational efforts for the public and parents addressing benefits and real risks of vaccinating. Also health care professionals should be trained in vaccines. The notification system for adverse events currently available should be improved and be more accessible. Persons truly affected by adverse events due to vaccination should receive on time responses and be offered psychological and financial support. Finally all stakeholders should make coordinated efforts to work together to deliver messages that answer concerns on vaccines and bring confidence back to the public.
- Published
- 2019
3. Escherichia vulneris como agente etiológico de artritis séptica en una niña
- Author
Pérez, Carla, Melo, Paulo, Besomi, Javier, Porte, Lorena, and Wilhelm, Jan Paul
- Subjects
artritis séptica ,Escherichia vulneris ,Septic arthritis ,vegetable spine ,espina vegetal - Abstract
Resumen Escherichia vulneris es un bacilo gramnegativo, perteneciente a la familia Enterobacteriaceae, cuyo rol patógeno ha sido cuestionado. Sin embargo, se ha confirmado principalmente como causante de infecciones de heridas. Presentamos el caso de una niña de 12 años, previamente sana, con diagnóstico de una artritis séptica de rodilla derecha secundaria a una lesión con espina vegetal. En el estudio del líquido articular se aisló E. vulneris, una etiología poco habitual de artritis séptica en niños. Es uno de los primeros casos de artritis séptica por E. vulneris, secundaria a un cuerpo extraño vegetal en un niño, descritos en la literatura médica. Se enfatiza la importancia de realizar el estudio microbiológico del líquido articular en pacientes con artritis séptica originada por un cuerpo extraño de origen vegetal. Escherichia vulneris is a gram-negative bacillus that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, with a questioned pathogenic role. However, it has been confirmed as the cause of wound infections. We report the case of a 12-year-old girl, previously healthy, with a diagnosis of septic arthritis of the right knee, secondary to a spinal lesion. Escherichia vulneris, an unusual etiology of septic arthritis in children, was isolated in the joint fluid. This case is one of the first cases of septic arthritis due to E. vulneris, secondary to a plant-derived foreign body in a child, described in the medical literature. The importance of performing the microbiological study of joint fluid in patients with septic arthritis caused by a foreign body of plant-derived origin is emphasized.
- Published
- 2018
4. Declaración del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de Sociedad Chilena de Infectología en relación a los cuestionamientos de las vacunas y su obligatoriedad
- Author
Wilhelm, Jan, Calvo, Ximena, Escobar, Carola, Moreno, Gabriela, Véliz, Liliana, Villena, Rodolfo, and Potin, Marcela
- Subjects
Vacunas ,Vaccines ,mandatory ,herd immunity ,inmunidad comunitaria ,immunization ,inmunización ,obligatoriedad - Abstract
Resumen A pesar del enorme impacto de las vacunas en la salud de la población, éstas han sido y son objeto de cuestionamientos por grupos que las consideran innecesarias o inseguras y argumentan que las personas tienen el derecho a decidir sobre si éstas deben ser administradas o no. Sin embargo, el uso de vacunas tiene connotaciones distintas a otras decisiones en salud, ya que no vacunar impacta no sólo al individuo, sino también a la comunidad que lo rodea. El inmunizar a un alto porcentaje de la población permite limitar la circulación de los agentes infecciosos, logrando la llamada inmunidad comunitaria que protege a los no vacunados por razones médicas o porque son muy pequeños. Por esta razón muchos países han definido las vacunas como obligatorias. Como Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones nos parece que esta estrategia es correcta; sin embargo, debe ser acompañada por una política de educación de la población y personal de salud sobre los beneficios y riesgos reales de las vacunas. Así mismo es necesario introducir mejoras en el sistema de notificación de reacciones adversas a vacunas haciéndolo más accesible. Adicionalmente, se debe dar respuesta oportuna a los afectados por supuestas o reales reacciones a vacunas, y en los casos de eventos adversos graves efectivamente asociados a vacunas. entregar cobertura económica y acompañamiento. Finalmente, es esencial la coordinación entre los diferentes actores y comunicadores para transmitir mensajes que generen confianza y respondan a las inquietudes de la población de hoy en día. Although vaccines have had a tremendous impact in public health they are questioned by certain groups that consider them unnecessary or unsafe and argue in favor of the right to decide to be vaccinated or not. However vaccines must have special considerations because unlike other medical decisions, not vaccinating has consequences not only for the individual but also for other members of the community. Immunizing a high proportion of the population limits the circulation of an infectious agent attaining what is called herd immunity that protects the susceptible members of the group. For this reason many countries consider vaccination mandatory as a responsibility of every citizen. This committee agrees with this view but thinks other strategies should be implemented as well, such as special educational efforts for the public and parents addressing benefits and real risks of vaccinating. Also health care professionals should be trained in vaccines. The notification system for adverse events currently available should be improved and be more accessible. Persons truly affected by adverse events due to vaccination should receive on time responses and be offered psychological and financial support. Finally all stakeholders should make coordinated efforts to work together to deliver messages that answer concerns on vaccines and bring confidence back to the public.
- Published
- 2017
5. Opinión del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología en relación a los brotes de hepatitis A en Chile
- Author
Villena, Rodolfo, Wilhelm, Jan, Calvo, Ximena, Cerda, Jaime, Escobar, Carola, Moreno, Gabriela, Veliz, Liliana, and Potin, Marcela
- Subjects
Outbreaks ,vacunas ,vaccines ,Brotes ,hepatitis A ,control - Abstract
Resumen El presente documento corresponde a la opinión del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, en relación a los brotes de hepatitis A en Chile. Las recomendaciones emitidas se basan en antecedentes epidemiológicos, características de la infección por virus hepatitis A(VHA) y en la experiencia mundial con las vacunas disponibles En relación a la infección por virus hepatitis A, Chile ha transitado de una endemia alta a una endemia intermedia, concentrándose actualmente los casos en personas mayores de 15 años, con brotes frequentes, uno de ellos este año causado por el genotipo 1A del VHA que se concentró en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). La endemia actual, la presencia de brotes regulares, la frecuencia de desastres naturales en el país como terremotos e inundaciones sumado a la disponibilidad de vacunas eficaces, seguras y con estudios de costo efectividad locales, nos llevan a plantear medidas para el control de brotes, medidas focalizadas en grupos de riesgo y especialmente medidas a mediano y largo plazo, que incluyen la vacunación universal de niños contra esta enfermedad. This document represents the position of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices regarding hepatitis A epidemiological situation in Chile. The recommendations are based on local epidemiological data, the hepatitis A virus infection characteristics and the global experience with the available vaccines. In relation to hepatitis A, Chile is no longer a highly endemic area but actually an intermediate one, currently concentrating cases in individuals over 15 years of age, with frequent outbreaks. In 2017 we have seen an important outbreak of genotype 1A in men who have sex with men (MSM). The current endemic, the presence of regular outbreaks, the frequency of natural disasters in Chile, together with the availability of safe, effective vaccines and local cost-effectiveness studies led us to propose measures for outbreak control for high risk groups protection and mid and long term, including a more definitive solution which is universal vaccination against this disease in small children.
- Published
- 2017
6. Estrategias para proteger al recién nacido y lactante menor de 6 meses de la coqueluche: Posición del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología (CCI)
- Author
Potin, Marcela, Fica, Alberto, Véliz, Liliana, Moreno, Gabriela, Wilhelm, Jan, and Cerda, Jaime
- Subjects
Pertussis infection ,vacunación materna ,whooping cough ,maternal immunization ,tos ferina ,Coqueluche - Abstract
En los últimos años se han observado brotes de coqueluche no vistos en 50 años, afectando a adultos, adolescentes y escolares y provocando muertes en lactantes pequeños aún no vacunados. En Chile, en 2011 se inicia un brote con 16 lactantes bajo 3 meses de edad, fallecidos ese año el doble de muertes de un año no epidémico. Estos niños se infectan antes de recibir las vacunas programáticas de los 2, 4 y 6 meses de edad, a partir de contactos cercanos, en especial de su propia madre. El control de la coqueluche no ha sido posible por varias razones, como la duración acotada de la inmunidad de las vacunas disponibles y su escaso impacto en la portación nasofaríngea que mantiene la circulación y trasmisión del agente, con frecuencia en forma asintomática o no reconocida. Adicionalmente, el uso de las vacunas acelulares pareciera ser un factor determinante pues inducen una respuesta inmune con una pobre memoria inmunológica y por ello de duración más breve. La disponibilidad de vacunas acelulares de contenido antigénico reducido para adolescentes y adultos ha permitido ensayar diversas estrategias, pero ninguna ha logrado reducir la mortalidad de los lactantes. Más recientemente se ha ensayado la vacunación de la madre en el 2° o 3er trimestre del embarazo con resultados notables pues ha disminuido en más de 90% las muertes de lactantes por coqueluche. Esta medida evita la infección de la madre y con ello su transmisión por vía respiratoria al niño y permite transferir anticuerpos por vía placentaria. En espera de mejores vacunas, este comité considera que la inmunización de la mujer embarazada, idealmente entre las 27 y 36 semanas, con vacuna anti-coqueluche acelular debiera ser incluida en nuestro país en forma programática. In recent years there have been Pertussis outbreaks not seen in the last 50 years affecting adults, adolescents and children and causing deaths in young unvaccinated infants. In Chile an outbreak of Pertussis started in year 2011, leaving 16 infants less than 3 months dead during this year, twice the number seen in a non epidemic year. These children were infected before receiving the programmatic vaccines indicated at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, usually from close contacts, especially their mothers. Pertussis control has not been possible for several reasons, such as limited immunity duration of available vaccines and their poor impact on nasopharyngeal carriage, situation that keeps the agent's circulation and transmission, condition often asymptomatic or unrecognized. Additionally, the use of acellular vaccines appears to be a determining factor because they induce an immune response with poor immune memory and consequently a short time duration. The acellular vaccines with reduced antigen content, available for adolescents and adults, has allowed the evaluation of various strategies but none has succeeded in reducing infant mortality. Recently a new strategy of vaccinating pregnant women against Pertussis in the second or third semester has shown remarkable results reducing up to 90% infant deaths due to Pertussis infection. This strategy prevents mother's infection avoiding child infection through respiratory droplets and also provides the child with antibodies from placental transmission. Improved pertussis vaccines are required, in the meantime the Committee considers that the pregnant immunization strategy, between the 27 and 36 weeks, with acellular pertussis vaccine should be included in our national vaccine program.
- Published
- 2016
7. Razones para recomendar la vacunación contra el dengue en Isla de Pascua: Opinión del Comité de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología
- Author
Fica, Alberto, Potin, Marcela, Moreno, Gabriela, Véliz, Liliana, Cerda, Jaime, Escobar, Carola, and Wilhelm, Jan
- Subjects
Dengue ,prevention ,prevención ,Rapa Nui ,Isla de Pascua ,Easter Island ,vacunas de dengue ,dengue vaccines - Abstract
El dengue surgió el año 2002 en Isla de Pascua y se ha presentado en brotes intercurrentes desde entonces con aparición de diferentes serotipos. El vector Aedes aegypti no ha logrado ser eliminado a pesar del pequeño tamaño de la isla y las condiciones del hospital local no permiten el manejo de casos graves por ausencia de una unidad de cuidados intensivos y disponibilidad de transfusiones de plaquetas o plasma fresco congelado. Además, el traslado de pacientes graves hacia el continente no es inmediato y es muy costoso. En este escenario, es aconsejable vacunar selectivamente a la población residente con la vacuna cuadrivalente atenuada para disminuir la probabilidad de dengue grave. Esta estrategia no debe reemplazar los esfuerzos para el control de basurales, fuentes de agua, vigilancia del vector y educación de la población. Dengue was first diagnosed on Easter Island on year 2002 and thereafter recurrent outbreaks have occurred involving different serotypes of dengue virus. Its vector, Aedes aegypti has not been eliminated despite the small size of the island. Conditions at the local hospital preclude adequate management of severe and hemorrhagic cases due to the absence of a Critical Care Unit as well as no availability of platelets, or plasma units for transfusion. Besides, transfer, of severely affected patients to continental Chile is cumbersome, slow and expensive. In this scenario, it is advisable to implement selective vaccination of Easter Island habitants with an available quadrivalent attenuated dengue vaccine with the aim to reduce hemorrhagic and severe dengue cases. This strategy should not replace permanent efforts to control waste disposal sites, water sources, maintain vector surveillance and increase education of the population.
- Published
- 2016
8. Evaluación de la sensibilidad diagnóstica de tres técnicas de laboratorio para la infección por influenza A: inmunocromatografía, IFD e IFD con citocentrifugado versus RPC-TR
- Author
Wilhelm, Jan, Yubero, Joao, Fuentes, Constanza, Ríos, Paulina, Leyton, Oscar, and Reyes, Felipe
- Subjects
inmunofluorescencia directa ,citocentrifugado ,inmunocromatografía ,immunochromatography ,RT-PCR ,cytocentrifugation ,Influenza A ,direct fluorescent assay - Abstract
Introducción: El diagnóstico específico de influenza permite controlar la diseminación de la enfermedad, disminuir el uso de antimicrobianos, procedimientos clínicos y exámenes, e identificar rápidamente brotes. Diferentes tecnologías están actualmente disponibles en Chile para este propósito. Objetivo: Comparar la sensibilidad diagnóstica para la infección por el virus influenza A de las técnicas inmunocromatografía, inmunofluorescencia directa-IFD e IFD con citocentrifugado contra el estándar de oro, RPC-TR. Materiales y Método: En 175 muestras de hisopado nasofaríngeo se realizó inmunocromatografía y RPC-TR para influenza A. Otras 1.689 muestras de hisopado nasofaríngeo fueron procesadas mediante IFD y RPC-TR para influenza A. Finalmente, en 29 muestras de hisopado nasofaríngeo, confirmadas positivas para influenza A mediante RPC-TR, se realizó IFD con citocentrifugado. Resultados: La sensibilidad de la inmunocromatografía, IFD e IFD + citocentrifugado fue de 47,3%, 57,2% y 72,4%, respectivamente. Discusión y Conclusión: El menor costo y tiempo de respuesta de las técnicas rápidas (inmunocomatografía e IFD) en relación a la RPC-TR hacen que se mantengan como exámenes de rutina en los laboratorios diagnósticos del país. Sin embargo, su baja sensibilidad y VPN, especialmente durante períodos de baja prevalencia, obligaría a confirmar los resultados negativos con técnicas más sensibles. En nuestra comparación la citocentrifugación mejoró la sensibilidad de la IFD de 57% a 72%. Introduction: The specific diagnosis of influenza A infection makes it possible to control its spread, decreases the unnecessary use of antibiotics, clinical procedures and laboratory test, and allows early recognition of outbreaks. Different technologies are currently available in Chile for this purpose. Objective: The study presented here compares the sensitivity for influenza A virus detection of immunocromatography (RIDT), direct fluorescent antibodies-DFA and DFA with cytocentrifugation against the gold standard, RT-PCR. Material and Methods: In 175 nasal swab samples influenza A RIDT and RT-PCR were performed. Another 1689 nasal swab samples were tested by DFA and RT-PCR for influenza A. Finally, 29 nasal swab samples confirmed as Influenza A positive by RT-PCR were tested by DFA with cytocentrifugation. Results: The RIDT, DFA and DFA + cytocentrifugation sensitivity was 47,3%, 57,2% and 72,4%, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Their lower cost and faster turnaround time when compared to PCR make RIDT and DFA the tests of choice in diagnostic laboratories in Chile. However, their low sensitivity and NPV, especially during low season, makes more sensitive diagnostic tools necessary to confirm the results. In our study cytocentrifugation increased DFA sensitivity from 57% to 72%.
- Published
- 2014
9. [Thoraco-abdominal pseudotumor associated with Bartonella henselae and Eikenella corrodens in an immunocompetent patient].
- Author
Silva P, Jaldin D, Wilden N, Conca N, and Wilhelm J
- Subjects
- Child, Eikenella corrodens, Humans, Male, Bartonella henselae, Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
- Abstract
Inflammatory pseudotumors are a rare pathology and scarcely reported in the literature and have been associated with polymicrobial infections. Here, we present the case of a 9 years old boy from Bolivia, who presented with abdominal pain, weight loss and vomiting, who was diagnosed with a thoraco-abdominal pseudotumor. The micro-biology and molecular laboratories in tissue allowed the identification of one of the probable etiological agents.
- Published
- 2021
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10. [Statement from the Immunization Committee of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society in reference to vaccine refusal and mandatory policy on vaccination].
- Author
Wilhelm J, Calvo X, Escobar C, Moreno G, Veliz L, Villena R, and Potin M
- Subjects
- Chile, Health Education methods, Health Personnel organization & administration, Humans, Immunity, Herd immunology, Parents psychology, Public Health, Vaccination legislation & jurisprudence, Vaccination Refusal legislation & jurisprudence, Health Policy, Vaccination statistics & numerical data, Vaccination Refusal psychology, Vaccines administration & dosage
- Abstract
Although vaccines have had a tremendous impact in public health they are questioned by certain groups that consider them unnecessary or unsafe and argue in favor of the right to decide to be vacci nated or not. However vaccines must have special considerations because unlike other medical deci sions, not vaccinating has consequences not only for the individual but also for other members of the community. Immunizing a high proportion of the population limits the circulation of an infectious agent attaining what is called community or herd immunity that protects the susceptible members of the group. For this reason many countries consider vaccination mandatory as a responsibility of every citizen. This committee agrees with this view but thinks other strategies should be implemented as well, such as special educational efforts for the public and parents addressing benefits and real risks of vaccinating. Also health care professionals should be trained in vaccines. The notification system for adverse events currently available should be improved and be more accessible. Persons truly affected by adverse events due to vaccination should receive on time responses and be offered psychological and financial support. Finally all stakeholders should make coordinated efforts to work together to deliver messages that answer concerns on vaccines and bring confidence back to the public.
- Published
- 2019
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11. [Escherichia vulneris etiologic agent of septic arthritis in a child].
- Author
Pérez C, Melo P, Besomi J, Porte L, and Wilhelm JP
- Subjects
- Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Arthritis, Infectious drug therapy, Biopsy, Needle, Child, Enterobacteriaceae Infections drug therapy, Escherichia pathogenicity, Female, Foreign Bodies microbiology, Humans, Treatment Outcome, Arthritis, Infectious microbiology, Enterobacteriaceae Infections microbiology, Escherichia isolation & purification, Knee Joint microbiology
- Abstract
Escherichia vulneris is a gram-negative bacillus that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, with a questioned pathogenic role. However, it has been confirmed as the cause of wound infections. We report the case of a 12-year-old girl, previously healthy, with a diagnosis of septic arthritis of the right knee, secondary to a spinal lesion. Escherichia vulneris, an unusual etiology of septic arthritis in children, was isolated in the joint fluid. This case is one of the first cases of septic arthritis due to E. vulneris, secondary to a plant-derived foreign body in a child, described in the medical literature. The importance of performing the microbiological study of joint fluid in patients with septic arthritis caused by a foreign body of plant-derived origin is emphasized.
- Published
- 2018
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12. [Statement from the Immunization Committee of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society in reference to vaccine refusal and mandatory policy on vaccination].
- Author
Wilhelm J, Calvo X, Escobar C, Moreno G, Véliz L, Villena R, and Potin M
- Subjects
- Chile, Communicable Disease Control legislation & jurisprudence, Communicable Disease Control standards, Health Policy, Humans, Immunization Programs legislation & jurisprudence, Mandatory Programs legislation & jurisprudence, Risk Factors, Vaccination legislation & jurisprudence, Immunization Programs standards, Mandatory Programs standards, Societies, Medical, Vaccination standards, Vaccination Refusal legislation & jurisprudence
- Abstract
Although vaccines have had a tremendous impact in public health they are questioned by certain groups that consider them unnecessary or unsafe and argue in favor of the right to decide to be vaccinated or not. However vaccines must have special considerations because unlike other medical decisions, not vaccinating has consequences not only for the individual but also for other members of the community. Immunizing a high proportion of the population limits the circulation of an infectious agent attaining what is called herd immunity that protects the susceptible members of the group. For this reason many countries consider vaccination mandatory as a responsibility of every citizen. This committee agrees with this view but thinks other strategies should be implemented as well, such as special educational efforts for the public and parents addressing benefits and real risks of vaccinating. Also health care professionals should be trained in vaccines. The notification system for adverse events currently available should be improved and be more accessible. Persons truly affected by adverse events due to vaccination should receive on time responses and be offered psychological and financial support. Finally all stakeholders should make coordinated efforts to work together to deliver messages that answer concerns on vaccines and bring confidence back to the public.
- Published
- 2017
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13. [Statement of the Advisory Committee on Immunizations of Sociedad Chilena de Infectología about outbreaks of hepatitis A in Chile].
- Author
Villena R, Wilhelm J, Calvo X, Cerda J, Escobar C, Moreno G, Veliz L, and Potin M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Advisory Committees, Child, Preschool, Chile epidemiology, Female, Hepatitis A epidemiology, Humans, Infant, Male, Societies, Medical, Young Adult, Disease Outbreaks, Hepatitis A prevention & control, Hepatitis A Vaccines administration & dosage, Vaccination
- Abstract
This document represents the position of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices regarding hepatitis A epidemiological situation in Chile. The recommendations are based on local epidemiological data, the hepatitis A virus infection characteristics and the global experience with the available vaccines. In relation to hepatitis A, Chile is no longer a highly endemic area but actually an intermediate one, currently concentrating cases in individuals over 15 years of age, with frequent outbreaks. In 2017 we have seen an important outbreak of genotype 1A in men who have sex with men (MSM). The current endemic, the presence of regular outbreaks, the frequency of natural disasters in Chile, together with the availability of safe, effective vaccines and local cost-effectiveness studies led us to propose measures for outbreak control for high risk groups protection and mid and long term, including a more definitive solution which is universal vaccination against this disease in small children.
- Published
- 2017
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14. [Strategies to protect the newborn and infants under 6 months of age against pertussis: Statement of the Advisory Committee for Immunizations of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society].
- Author
Potin M, Fica A, Véliz L, Moreno G, Wilhelm J, and Cerda J
- Subjects
- Chile, Female, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Trimester, Second, Pregnancy Trimester, Third, Societies, Medical, Whooping Cough epidemiology, Immunization Schedule, Pertussis Vaccine administration & dosage, Whooping Cough prevention & control
- Abstract
In recent years there have been Pertussis outbreaks not seen in the last 50 years affecting adults, adolescents and children and causing deaths in young unvaccinated infants. In Chile an outbreak of Pertussis started in year 2011, leaving 16 infants less than 3 months dead during this year, twice the number seen in a non epidemic year. These children were infected before receiving the programmatic vaccines indicated at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, usually from close contacts, especially their mothers. Pertussis control has not been possible for several reasons, such as limited immunity duration of available vaccines and their poor impact on nasopharyngeal carriage, situation that keeps the agent's circulation and transmission, condition often asymptomatic or unrecognized. Additionally, the use of acellular vaccines appears to be a determining factor because they induce an immune response with poor immune memory and consequently a short time duration. The acellular vaccines with reduced antigen content, available for adolescents and adults, has allowed the evaluation of various strategies but none has succeeded in reducing infant mortality. Recently a new strategy of vaccinating pregnant women against Pertussis in the second or third semester has shown remarkable results reducing up to 90% infant deaths due to Pertussis infection. This strategy prevents mother's infection avoiding child infection through respiratory droplets and also provides the child with antibodies from placental transmission. Improved pertussis vaccines are required, in the meantime the Committee considers that the pregnant immunization strategy, between the 27 and 36 weeks, with acellular pertussis vaccine should be included in our national vaccine program.
- Published
- 2016
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15. [Reasons to recommend vaccination against dengue in Easter Island: Immunization Advisory Committee of Sociedad Chilena de Infectología].
- Author
Fica A, Potin M, Moreno G, Véliz L, Cerda J, Escobar C, and Wilhelm J
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Advisory Committees, Animals, Child, Dengue epidemiology, Dengue transmission, Dengue Virus immunology, Female, Humans, Insect Vectors virology, Male, Middle Aged, Polynesia epidemiology, Young Adult, Dengue prevention & control, Dengue Vaccines therapeutic use, Vaccination
- Abstract
Dengue was first diagnosed on Easter Island on year 2002 and thereafter recurrent outbreaks have occurred involving different serotypes of dengue virus. Its vector, Aedes aegypti has not been eliminated despite the small size of the island. Conditions at the local hospital preclude adequate management of severe and hemorrhagic cases due to the absence of a Critical Care Unit as well as no availability of platelets, or plasma units for transfusion. Besides, transfer, of severely affected patients to continental Chile is cumbersome, slow and expensive. In this scenario, it is advisable to implement selective vaccination of Easter Island habitants with an available quadrivalent attenuated dengue vaccine with the aim to reduce hemorrhagic and severe dengue cases. This strategy should not replace permanent efforts to control waste disposal sites, water sources, maintain vector surveillance and increase education of the population.
- Published
- 2016
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16. [Evaluation of three laboratory methods diagnostic sensitivity in influenza A infection: RIDT, DFA and DFA with cytocentrifugation versus RT-PCR].
- Author
Wilhelm J, Yubero J, Fuentes C, Ríos P, Leyton O, and Reyes F
- Subjects
- Chromatography, Affinity, Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct methods, Humans, Sensitivity and Specificity, Influenza, Human diagnosis, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Abstract
Introduction: The specific diagnosis of influenza A infection makes it possible to control its spread, decreases the unnecessary use of antibiotics, clinical procedures and laboratory test, and allows early recognition of outbreaks. Different technologies are currently available in Chile for this purpose., Objective: The study presented here compares the sensitivity for influenza A virus detection of immunocromatography (RIDT), direct fluorescent antibodies-DFA and DFA with cytocentrifugation against the gold standard, RT-PCR., Material and Methods: In 175 nasal swab samples influenza A RIDT and RT-PCR were performed. Another 1689 nasal swab samples were tested by DFA and RT-PCR for influenza A. Finally, 29 nasal swab samples confirmed as Influenza A positive by RT-PCR were tested by DFA with cytocentrifugation., Results: The RIDT, DFA and DFA + cytocentrifugation sensitivity was 47,3%, 57,2% and 72,4%, respectively., Discussion and Conclusion: Their lower cost and faster turnaround time when compared to PCR make RIDT and DFA the tests of choice in diagnostic laboratories in Chile. However, their low sensitivity and NPV, especially during low season, makes more sensitive diagnostic tools necessary to confirm the results. In our study cytocentrifugation increased DFA sensitivity from 57% to 72%.
- Published
- 2014
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