1. Animación sociocultural, a intervención comunitaria e organizativa nun espazo de aldea da mau matriarcal
- Author
González Barreiro, Alicia, Lopes, Marcelino de Sousa, and Cid, Xosé Manuel
- Subjects
Feminismo ,Cultura ,Educação ,316.73(043) ,Igualdade ,Animação sociocultural ,Meio rural ,37.017(043) ,Intervenção comunitária ,Associações - Abstract
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, Especialização em Animação Sociocultural Este proxecto de investigación de Mestrado busca describir a Animación Sociocultural, a intervención cultura e organizativa nun espazo de aldea (Rural) a través das mulleres (matriarcas), dun xeito evolutivo dende comezos do século XX. Tratándose dunha investigación onde se busca aliar e visibilizar; por un lado, a historia das mulleres que habitaron os espazos de aldea da Galicia de interior, e por outro, o xeito de encarar o asociacionismo nestes entornos. Nun percorrido cara a situación actual, na que se ollan cambios no social, político e económico de toda a sociedade ó que as mulleres non son alleas. Nun tempo, no que a demografía e a xeografía de decrecemento que na actualidade do século XXI se vive, confórmanse novas situacións e indicacións dunha nova etapa de cambios, para unha rexeneración e renovación dos espazos a nivel das propias entidades e institucións. O proxecto de investigación atopase estruturado en sete partes. Nunha primeira abordaxe do capítulo I, os contextos de encadramento e localización desta investigación buscan situar a persoas alleas o espazo no que se aborda está investigación; pasando nos seguintes capítulos II e III a clarificar o que é a ASC os conceptos e o entendemento da intervención no asociacionismo. A evolución da labor que a muller dentro da intervención comunitaria en espazos de aldea ten desenvolto, a importancia deste xénero no afianzamento e mantemento dos mesmo. No capítulo IV estamos a falar da introdución do asociacionismo nas aldeas, e a evolución cara a xestión e burocratización a nivel de administración, de todo o que conleva asociacionismo no rural; e por tanto da animación, no intre en que Europa entraba na hexemonía. Nun capitulo V o proceso de desenvolvemento evolutivo que ten xurdido no asociacionismo das matriarcas, a mellora en canto a busqueda dun tempo e espazo recoñecido como propio, non tanto no referente estrutural, senón na consideración de momento gardado para elas mesmas. Pasando no capítulo VI a dar conta da situación mais actual, na que a parte cualitativa deu paso a obtención de variables cuantitativas que nos informan de preferencias, desgastes e complicacións da actualidade do asociacionismo feminino no rural, e de xeitos de encarar o futuro nun contexto de desgaste, dado ben por un proceso evolutivo habitual no que todo ten un comezo e un fin, ou polas circunstancias poboacionais e de novas determinacións, dos espazos de aldea. Coa visón obtida dende as propias asociacións e as súas xuntas directivas participantes nesta investigación. Rematamos coas conclusións as que chegamos nesta investigación de cara a obtención do mestrado, na consideración de que un ciclo é outro paso, e que grandes finais poden dar lugar a novos comezos. A labor desenvolta polas matriarcas, é de máxima importancia en canto a garda e mantemento da cultura tradicional, así como a forma mostrada polo asociacionismo das mesmas; nun tempo de xubilo e outro de decadencia, no que o fin pode ser outro xeito de comezar, á espera de que o rural “as aldeas” cheguen a rexurdir, e pode só pode, que as mulleres teñan nesto algo que ver ou facer. This project of research of Mestrado looks for describing the Sociocultural Animation, the culture intervention and organizational in a space of hamlet (Rural) through the women (matriarchs), in an evolutionary way from beginnings of the 20th century. It being about a research where it looks to ally and visibilizar; on the one hand, the history of the women that lived the spaces of hamlet of the Galicia of interior, and for another, the encaramento of the associationism that in these entornos was carried out. In one gone towards the current location, in which if vislumbran changes in the social, political and economic one of all the society, which the women are not foreign. In a time, in which the demography and the geography of decrease that at present of the 21st century is lived, form new locations and indications of a new stage of changes, for a regeneration and renewal, of the spaces as for the entities themselves and institutions. The project of research found parts structured in seven. In a first boarding of chapter I, the contexts of framing and location of this research they look for situating foreign people the space in which if it approaches research is; passing in the following chapters II and III to clarify the one that the ASC is the concepts and the understanding of the intervention in the associationism. The evolution of the work that the woman in the community intervention in spaces of hamlet has confident, the importance of this gender in the strengthen and maintenance of the same. In the chapters IV we are talking of the introduction of the associationism in the hamlets and the evolution towards management and bureaucratization as for administration of everything the that associationism con cam in the rural one; in for so much of the animation, in the instant in which Europe entered the hegemony. In an I capitulate V the process of evolutionary development that has risen in the associationism of the matriarchs, the improvement as for busqueda of a time and space recognized as own, not so much in the structural referent, but in the consideration of kept moment for them. Passing in the chapter VI to give account of the location but current, in which the qualitative part led on the obtaining of quantitative variables that us inform about locations as for preferences, wears and complications in view of the current and future encaramento, in a context of wear, given well, for a usual evolutionary process in which all has a beginning and an end, or for the populational circumstances and of new determinations of the spaces of hamlet. With the mink obtained from the Associations themselves and his directive joints participants in this research. We finish off with the conclusions those that arrive in this research in view of the obtaining of the mestrado, in the consideration that a cycle is another step, and that great ends can give place to new beginnings. To work confident for the matriarchs, is of maximum importance as for the guard and maintenance of the traditional culture, as well as the form shown by the associationism of them; in a time of I retire and another of decay, in what the end can be another way of starting, awaiting the rural "the hamlets" get to reappear, and can only can, that the women have something in this that to see or to do.
- Published
- 2014