Este articulo muestra ciertos elementos axiológicos presentes en la obra El Triunfo de la Libertad sobre el Despotismo, escrita en 1817 por Juan Germán Roscio, insigne pensador venezolano, cuya vida estuvo profundamente marcada por momentos de transición entre dos corrientes de pensamiento opuestas: la Teológica y la Ilustrada, a raíz de la influencia en él, de ésta ultima. Su obra confrontaba algunas ideas políticas arraigadas en la Venezuela Absolutista de entonces y representaba un claro intento de romper con las ‘falsas ideas’ que sustentaban una concepción teológica del poder aún predominante en la realidad político-social de esa Venezuela pre-independentista This one I articulate sample certain elements axiológicos present in the work The Victory of the Freedom on the Despotism, written in 1817 by Juan Germán Roscio, celebrated Venezuelan thinker, whose life was deeply marked by moments of transition between (among) two currents of thought objected: the Theological one and the Illustrated(Erudite) one, immediately after influence in him(it) of last this one. His(her,your) work was confronting some political ideas established in the Absolutist Venezuela of then and was representing a clear attempt of breaking with the ‘ false ideas ‘ that were sustaining a theological conception of the still predominant power in the political - social reality of this pre-independence Venezuela 133-149 Semestral Nivel analítico