101 results on '"A. Popescu"'
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2. Elementos de religiosidad indígena en la visión mestiza novohispana del siglo XVI
- Author
Liviu Popescu
- Subjects
imaginario ,mestizo ,indígena ,Nueva España ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform ,HN1-995 ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
El presente artículo plantea el problema del camino que sigue el imaginario del cronista mestizo del siglo XVI respecto al pensamiento religioso indígena; por lo que se analizan las obras de Diego Muñoz Camargo, Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxóchitl y Juan Bautista Pomar, explorando cómo se refleja el sentimiento religioso indígena en el imaginario de estos tres autores. Con esto, se identifica una visión híbrida específica, inclinada a valorar el pensamiento religioso indígena en el registro cristiano.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Veronica Tatiana POPESCU
- Subjects
palimpsestuous interpretation ,appropriation ,Fahrenheit 451 ,Ramin Bahrani ,Ray Bradbury ,dystopia ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
A Palimpsestuous Interpretation of Ramin Bahrani’s Fahrenheit 451. Drawing on a poststructuralist approach to adaptation as an instance of intertextuality (Stam 2000) and Linda Hutcheon’s metaphorical description of adaptations as palimpsests (2006), this paper will analyse the ways in which Ramin Bahrani, director and co-writer of the script of Fahrenheit 451 (2018, HBO), rewrote Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel by the same name, leaving only traces of the source text visible in his appropriation. Supposedly reimagining Bradbury’s text for a new generation of viewers, digital natives of the online virtual worlds, the film reads more like a heavy-handed filmic palimpsest that allows only some of the book’s ideas and memorable lines to resurface from underneath the new writing. Relying mostly on visual spectacle and the screenwriter-director’s own concerns about the fragility of civil rights, democracy and humaneness in a world increasingly controlled by certain interest groups through the internet and social media, the film leaves audiences wondering about the appropriateness of the title—an anchoring device promising a straightforward adaptation of the text—and the film’s actual relation with Bradbury’s novel. Interpretarea filmului lui Ramin Bahrani Fahrenheit 451 ca palimpsest. Pornind de la abordarea poststructuralistă a adaptării ca manifestare a intertextualitățiii (Stam 2000) și descrierea metaforică a adaptării ca palimpsest pe care o face Linda Hutcheon (2006), această lucrare va analiza modalitățile prin care Ramin Bahrani, regizorul și coscenaristul filmului Fahrenheit 451 (2018, HBO), a rescris romanul distopic cu același titlu al lui Ray Bradbury păstrând în ecranizarea sa doar urme ale textului sursă. Anunțat ca o reimaginare a textului lui Bradbury pentru o nouă generație de spectatori, nativi digitali ai realităților virtuale online, filmul se prezintă mai degrabă ca un palimpsest cinematografic stângaci care permite ca doar o parte dintre ideile și pasajele binecunoscute ale romanului să fie vizibile în noul text. Bazându-se preponderent pe spectacolul vizual și pe preocuparea regizorului-scenarist pentru fragilitatea drepturilor civile, a democrației și umanității într-o lume controlată din ce în ce mai mult de către grupuri de interese prin internet și platforme sociale, filmul îi face pe spectatori să se întrebe dacă păstrarea titlului romanului—care promite o adaptare cinematografică convențională—este potrivită și care este de fapt natura relației dintre film și romanul lui Bradbury. Cuvinte-cheie: interpretare palimpsestică, apropriere, Fahrenheit 451, Ramin Bahrani, Ray Bradbury, distopie, tehnologie Article history: Received 15 March 2024; Revised 5 August 2024; Accepted 01 September 2024; Available online 30 September 2024; Available print 30 September 2024.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Resumen: Consenso internacional para la nomenclatura y clasificación de la válvula aórtica bicúspide congénita y su aortopatía, con fines clínicos, quirúrgicos, intervencionistas y de investigación
- Author
Hector I. Michelena, Alessandro della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J. Maleszewski, William D. Edwards, Mary J. Roman, Richard B. Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M. Asch, Alex J. Barker, Lilia M. Sierra-Galán, Laurent de Kerchove, Susan M. Fernandes, Paul W.M. Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K. Prakash, Malenka M. Bissell, Bogdan A. Popescu, Michael D. Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H. Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A. Borger, John K. Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M. Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B. Leon, Stephen P. Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A. Ferrari, William C. Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S. White, Samuel Siu, Lars G. Svensson, Alan C. Braverman, Joseph Bavaria, Thoralf M. Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero de Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J. Bax, Catherine M. Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers
- Subjects
Válvula aórtica bicúspide. Aortopatía. Nomenclatura. Clasificación. VAB. Válvula aórtica bivalva. ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Este consenso de nomenclatura y clasificación para la válvula aórtica bicúspide congénita y su aortopatía está basado en la evidencia y destinado a ser utilizado universalmente por médicos (tanto pediatras como de adultos), médicos ecocardiografistas, especialistas en imágenes avanzadas cardiovasculares, cardiólogos intervencionistas, cirujanos cardiovasculares, patólogos, genetistas e investigadores que abarcan estas áreas de investigación clínica y básica. Siempre y cuando se disponga de nueva investigación clave y de referencia, este consenso internacional puede estar sujeto a cambios de acuerdo con datos basados en la evidencia1.
- Published
- 2024
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5. La economía informal: un análisis sobre sus causas y consecuencias en el mercado de Rocafuerte-Ecuador
- Author
Arturo Luque González, Cinthya Estefanía Garofalo Cedeño, Sara Katherine Vinces Martínez, and Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu
- Subjects
Economía informal ,desempleo ,trabajo digno ,Ecuador ,ODS ,indígenas ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
El presente documento tiene como objetivo analizar los derechos, garantías económicas y ambientales recogidas en el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir 2017-2021 como elementos vehiculares para el desarrollo sustentable y sostenible del país. Para ello, una vez analizados los lineamientos de trabajo digno amplificados por los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible ODS impulsados por Naciones Unidas, se analiza el comercio informal en el cantón Rocafuerte, provincia de Manabí demostrando que estos procesos forman parte de la realidad social y económica actual complejizando los procesos de inclusión y desarrollo social. Para ello se realizan entrevistas en profundidad a personas que ejercen este tipo de actividad junto a sujetos activos de la vida institucional partiendo de un exhaustivo análisis de la legislación vigente evidenciando la gran brecha social existente entre las estadísticas y la realidad existente.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Grammatical and stylistic particularities in Livy’s work
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- Subjects
metonymy ,alliteration ,polyptoton ,antithesis ,parataxis ,partitive genitive ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
In this article we have conducted a number of grammatical and stylistic analyses on representative fragments from the monumental work of Livy. This analysis aims at discovering the particularities of construction in different types of texts, such as: Praefatio –the appeal to method, individual and collective portraits, discourses and battle scenes.
- Published
- 2020
7. Explanation in the written didactic discourse
- Author
Simona Victoria POPESCU CAUCĂ
- Subjects
explanation ,written didactic speech ,didactic communication ,scientific-didactic discourse ,descriptive explanation ,demonstrative explanation ,deductive-nomological explanation ,deductive-statistical explanation. ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Our work deals with a very important aspect of the scientific-didactic discourse, namely the explanation, which gives specificity to this type of communication, along with the interrogation system and the exemplification system. The explanation includes everything, including demonstration, logical and rhetorical argumentation, experiment, case study, etc.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Cecilia Mihaela POPESCU
- Subjects
causality relation, subjectivity, causality markers, cohesion, coherence, Latin and Romance languages ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
The Expression of Causality in Latin and in Romance Languages: Formal Frames and Intentional Gradation. This approach proposes a reflection on the expression of “causality” in Latin and in Romance languages. First, we will study the ontology and the multiple nature of the notion of “causality”, as well as the formal matrices of the realization of the causal link between two propositions, between two sentences or between two communication situations. We will then take into consideration the relationship between “causality” and “subjectivity” and we will exemplify this relationship by reviewing some causal connectors with an argumentative and/or metadiscursive function. At this point, we will also review the syntactic and semantic functioning of the explicative causal constructions introduced by the prototypical connectors: Lat. NAM, Fr. car and Rom. căci, in order to indicate the similarities and especially the differences in the behaviour of these lexical and grammatical units. Article history: Received 25 September 2021; Revised 10 October 2021; Accepted 5 November 2021; Available online 31 March 2022; Available print 31 March 2022. REZUMAT. Exprimarea cauzalităţii în latină și în limbile romanice: tipare formale și gradație intensională. Articolul de față își propune să facă câteva observații cu privire la modalitățile de exprimare a cauzalității în latină și în limbile romanice. Într-o primă etapă, ne vom ocupa de ontologia și natura multiplă a cauzalității, dar și de descrierea tiparelor formale de actualizare a raportului cauzal ce se poate realiza între două propoziții, două enunțuri sau două situații de comunicare. Apoi, vom analiza relația care se stabilește între cauzalitate și subiectivitate și vom ilustra acest tip de relaționare cu ajutorul unor conectori cauzali cu funcție argumentativă și/sau metadiscursivă. De fapt, în această etapă, vom face o descriere succintă a funcționării sintactice și semantice a construcțiilor cauzale cu valoare explicativă, introduse de conectorii prototipici: (lat.) NAM, (fr.) car și (rom.) căci, pentru a pune în valoare asemănările și, mai cu seamă, diferențierile de funcționare dintre aceste unități lexico-gramaticale. Cuvinte-cheie: relația de cauzalitate, subiectivitate, conectori cauzali, coeziune, coerență, latină, limbi romanice
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Veronica Tatiana POPESCU
- Subjects
Fidel Castro, dictatorship, machismo, Cuban American community, satire, tragicomic mode ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Dictatorship, Machismo, and the Cuban Exile Drama in a Tragicomic Mode: Cristina García’s King of Cuba. Three years before the death of Fidel Castro, Cuban American author Cristina García published a fictional account of the Cuban dictator’s death in a darkly funny and sentimental story of intertwined destinies, ironies of fate, machismo, failure and suffering. With El Comandante and a fellow octogenarian émigré as protagonists, García launches into a fictional exploration of Cuban masculinity, machismo, the dictator’s fate, vanity, and failure. Written in what I will argue is a tragicomic mode, balancing the tragic and the comic, the horrendous and the laughable, the pitiful and the ridiculous, the novel reflects different perspectives on sensitive topics for Cubans on both sides of the Florida Straits, challenging preconceived ideas and inviting the reader to reflect on the relativity of truth. REZUMAT. Dictatură, machism și drama comunității cubaneze din Statele Unite în manieră tragi-comică: King of Cuba de Cristina García. Cu trei ani înaintea morții lui Fidel Castro, autoarea americană de origine cubaneză, Cristina García, publica o întruchipare imaginară a morții dictatorului cubanez într-o poveste sentimentală, scrisă cu umor negru, în care găsim destine încrucișate, ironii ale sorții, machism, ratare și suferință. Protagoniștii sunt doi octogenari: El Comandante și un cubanez care trăiește în exil. Cu ajutorul lor García abordează teme precum masculinitate cubaneză, machism, condiția dictatorului, vanitate și ratare. Scrisă într-o manieră tragi-comică, alternând în mod echilibrat tragicul și comicul, oribilul și rizibilul, jalnicul și ridicolul, romanul reflectă diferite perspective asupra unor teme sensibile pentru comunitățile cubaneze de o parte și de alta a Strâmtorii Florida, atacând ideile preconcepute și invitându-l pe cititor să reflecteze asupra relativității adevărului. Cuvinte-cheie: Fidel Castro, dictatură, machism, comunitate cubanezo-americană, satiră, manieră tragi-comică
- Published
- 2021
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10. ¿Qué hacer con la nueva Rusia?
- Author
Leonard, Mark and Popescu, Nicu
- Published
- 2008
- Author
Cecilia Mihaela POPESCU
- Subjects
Romanian particle așa, pragmaticalization, discursive and/or pragmatic markers, intradiscursive and interdiscursive analysis. ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Pragmaticalization and Polysemy of the Particle așa in Contemporary Romanian Language. A Typological and Contrastive Approach. This article pursues the series of studies we have previously devoted to the pragmaticalization and discursive functioning of (spatial, temporal or modal) adverbs in contemporary Romanian language (atunci, altfel, de altfel, apoi, etc.). This time, our approach aims at outlining the discursive status of the particle așa in contemporary Romanian, in order to emphasize that this lexical item frequently acquires – by itself or in more or less fixed, lexicalized expressions – complex pragmatic and discursive values, often hard to distinguish from one another. This semantic-pragmatic behaviour (which, surprisingly, has not been extensively debated by Romanian linguists) could be explained, from our point of view, by the fact that the deictic and anaphoric core meaning of this lexical item has a much wider abstract content than the temporal or spatial adverbs we have previously analysed, as such a meaning often needs, in the communicative process, a non-verbal informative “addition” (frequently, an indicative gesture). Thus, this core meaning is the one that allows and favours the numerous discursive-pragmatic values of the analysed particle in contemporary Romanian. REZUMAT. Pragmaticalizare și polisemie în cazul particulei așa din limba română contemporană. O perspectivă tipologică și contrastivă. Articolul de față își propune să continue seria studiilor pe care le-am dedicat anterior procesului de pragmaticalizare și funcționării discursive a unor adverbe (spațiale, temporale sau modale) din limba română contemporană (atunci, altfel, de altfel, apoi etc.). De această dată, prin demersul nostru, ne propunem să atragem atenția asupra statutului discursiv al particulei așa din limba română actuală, pentru a sublinia faptul că acest item lexical capătă frecvent, singur sau în expresii mai mult sau mai puțin fixe, lexicalizate, valori pragmatice și discursive complexe, adesea dificil de distins unele de celelalte. Acest comportament semantico-pragmatic (care, surprinzător, a atras foarte puțin atenția lingviștilor români) ar putea fi explicitat, din punctul nostru de vedere, prin faptul că semnificația originară de natură deictică și anaforică a acestui item lexical (adică, the core meaning) are un conținut abstract mult mai mare în raport cu adverbele temporale sau spațiale pe care le-am analizat anterior, o astfel de semnificație necesitând adesea în procesul comunicativ un „adaos” informativ de natură nonverbală (frecvent un gest indicativ). Această semnificație bazică este așadar cea care permite și favorizează numeroasele valori discursiv-pragmatice cu care particula analizată apare frecvent în limba română actuală. Cuvinte-cheie: particula românească așa, pragmaticalizare, marcatori discursivi și/sau pragmatici, analiză intradiscursivă și interdiscursivă.
- Published
- 2020
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12. Melodrama and the Production of Empathy in Manuel Puig’s El Beso de la mujer araña
- Author
Irina Popescu
- Subjects
Manuel Puig ,empathy ,melodrama ,the body ,excess ,identity ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Manuel Puig’s 1974 novel, El Beso de la mujer araña, investigates how empathy can be incrementally learned through a melodramatic storytelling pratice and, eventually, mobilized to effect political and social change. As Molina and Valentín, the two protagonists, coinhabit the same jail cell in Buenos Aires, Puig uses the sentimental, aesthetic and formal qualities of nineteenth-century melodrama, seen primarily through the Hollywood B-film, Cat People, to structure the reader’s understanding of how political, sexual, and class-based empathy is constructed inside Argentina’s first “Dirty War novel.” Puig employs the structure of melodrama as a means of mobilizing empathy vis-à-vis the psychological and physical body of the other. What develops in El Beso is a model for narrative empathy centering on the body as a vehicle for empathetic connection. Empathy, therefore, becomes a space for political action. This empathy is constructed through reading and the excess of identification, which in turn diminishes the self/other divide, and enables the surrender to touch and desire which subsequently shapes a new identity.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Cecilia Mihaela POPESCU and Oana-Adriana DUȚĂ
- Subjects
Rom. atunci, Sp. Entonces, discourse markers, argumentative value, metatextual function, intradiscursive and interdiscursive analysis. ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Rom. Atunci and Sp. entonces: from adverbs to discourse markers. Some convergences and divergences. This study describes the semantic and functional behaviour of the Romanian adverb atunci and the Spanish adverb entonces. Our contrastive approach puts forward a common typology for the discursive values of these two lexemes which share the same etymon and shows that, across the times, they have followed a similar evolution path, from a temporal adverb to a polyfunctional discursive marker. Using examples from the CoRoLa corpus for Romanian and the CORPES corpus for Spanish, the study outlines that atunci and entonces cover a mostly similar range of discursive functions, but with different degrees of development. REZUMAT. Rom. atunci și sp. entonces: de la adverbe la marcatori discursivi. Convergențe și divergențe. Studiul de față descrie comportamentul semantic și funcțional al adverbului românesc atunci și al adverbului spaniol entonces. Această abordare contrastivă propune o tipologie comună pentru valorile discursive ale acestor două elemente lexicale cu etimon comun și arată că evoluția lor a fost una similară, de la adverb temporal la marcator discursiv polifuncțional. Utilizând exemple din corpusul CoRoLa pentru limba română și din corpusul CORPES pentru limba spaniolă, studiul evidențiază faptul că atunci și entonces acoperă o gamă în mare parte asemănătoare de funcții discursive, însă cu diferite grade de dezvoltare. Cuvinte-cheie: rom. atunci, sp. entonces, marcatori discursivi, valori argumentative, funcție metatextuală, analiză intradiscursivă și interdiscursivă
- Published
- 2020
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14. Proxemica uman-robot în Planète sauvage / Human-Robot Proxemics in 'Planète Sauvage'
- Author
Mădălina-Elena Popescu
- Subjects
proxetic ,proxemics ,the war of civilizations ,virtual reality ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Our presentation has as starting point the distinction operated by Edward T. Hall (“The Hidden Dimension”, 1966; “Handbook for Proxemic Research”, 1974) between proxetics, or the physics of our universal spatial patterns, and proxemics, or our subjective perception of the culturally constructed spatial relationships which often modify or distort the former. The “Planète Sauvage”animated movie, a screening of the novel“Oms en série” (1957) by Stefan Wul, inspired an original intepretation in a review of the time. A subtle combination of two scenographic directions is involved: on one hand, the defamatory effect of mankind’s repositioning in the chain of creation (being now carried about as a puppet by the giants of an interplanetary cybersystem), on the other hand, the diminution of the distance between the two civilizations at war with each other through the moment of discontinuity in which a giant female approaches an orphaned human child, this transfer of a relationship from the social sphere into a private one accompanying the achievement of a connection of the little one to the non-human masters’ sources of information and knowledge. The female giant is trying to get closer to the child by giving him access to her knowledge. By accessing the culture of the other (the child becomes a sort of Trojanhorse, the saviour child, a Messiah), people get into their space and fatally interfere with them.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Raluca Alina POPESCU
- Subjects
Commercial names ,portmanteau words ,blending ,advertising language ,lexical creations ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
This paper samples the dynamic phenomenon of the portmanteau words frequently occurring in the current Romanian advertising speech: more exactly, those portmanteau words that are based on commercial names (i.e. brand, and product names respectively, which should be distinguished one from the other). Thus, we noticed that in advertisements not only commercial names themselves could often be formed by the same lexical and/or phonetic processes as the portmanteaus, but also most of them have, in turn, a brand name as one of the forming constituents, whilst the other category, based on product names, are less frequent
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Corina Daniela POPESCU
- Subjects
Alien ,imagology ,representation ,culture ,alterity ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
From the perspective of the anthropology of space, the problem of perception and representation of the alien remains a fertile subject of research, nevertheless inevitably interfering with imagology, in the sense assigned to the concept of image as any representation of a cultural r eality through which the individual or the group translate the cultural, social, ideological space in which they are located Identity does not justify an existence in itself, but only in relation to alterity The imagological perspective of the foreigner in Romanian traditional culture proves rich in categories of representation dictated inevitably by reference to spatiality
- Published
- 2015
17. 10 - Insuficiencia cardíaca y miocardiopatías
- Author
Freed, Julie K., Pagel, Paul S., Popescu, Wanda, and Tawil, Justin
- Published
- 2023
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18. Millora de la qualitat turística mitjançant la professionalització del sector. Investigació i anàlisi
- Author
Popescu, Denisa Maria
- Subjects
Grado en Turismo-Grau en Turisme ,Sector Polarizado ,Professional Intrusiveness ,Tourism Especialización ,Deontology ,Especialización Turística ,ECONOMIA FINANCIERA Y CONTABILIDAD ,Intrusismo Profesional ,Deontología ,Polarized Sector ,Turismo de Calidad ,Quality Tourism - Abstract
[ES] La profesionalización del sector turístico es un factor clave para la mejora de la calidad del producto ofertado a los turistas. Son numerosas las causas que han llevado a esta industria, la que más aporte económico tiene al país, a una situación de crisis laboral. Podemos situar como comienzo el propio sistema educativo, pasando por la desmotivación y la baja demanda de especialización en el ámbito, que desemboca en un elevado intrusismo profesional. La promoción turística entre alumnos marcará la calidad futura del turismo. La vocación es imprescindible para poder transmitir el mensaje adecuado a las nuevas generaciones y, con ella, profesionalizar un sector que precisa de actuaciones inmediatas para mejorar su competitividad internacional. Asimismo, el nuevo modelo turístico toma protagonismo y se enfoca en las pequeñas y medianas empresas, que son las que van a definir el rumbo y el poder de este sector. Un cliente, en búsqueda de lo original y de la tradición, prefiere dejar atrás el todo incluido y buscar la calidad de sus vacaciones en todo el conjunto de servicios que hacen posible su experiencia en el destino elegido. Por ello mismo, la cultura empresarial, la formación y la calidad de los puestos de trabajo definirán en gran parte la satisfacción de los futuros clientes, la cual será transmitida a través de la participación de todos los trabajadores, tanto en altos cargos como en la línea de operaciones. El peso del turismo repercute en todos, por ello es importante que el rumbo de este sector se encuentre en manos de profesionales que sepan dirigir y mejorar el beneficio tanto económico como social. La profesionalidad del sector resultará fundamental en alcanzar un sector altamente cualificado y, como consecuencia, competitivo en una de las industrias más dinámicas y activas de la economía., [EN] The professionalization of the tourism sector is a key factor in improving the quality of the product offered to tourists. There are numerous causes that have led this industry, the one that has the greatest economic contribution to the country, to a situation of labor crisis. We can start with the educational system itself, passing through the lack of motivation and the low demand for specialization in the field, which leads to a high level of professional intrusion. Tourism promotion among students will mark the future quality of tourism. Vocation is essential to be able to transmit the right message to the new generations and, with it, to professionalize a sector that needs immediate action to improve its international competitiveness. Likewise, the new tourism model takes center stage and focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the ones that will define the direction and power of this sector. A client, in search of originality and tradition, prefers to leave behind the all-inclusive and look for the quality of their vacations in the whole set of services that make possible their experience in the chosen destination. For this reason, corporate culture, training and the quality of workplaces will largely define the satisfaction of future customers, which will be transmitted through the participation of all employees, both in senior positions and in the operations line. The weight of tourism affects everyone, so it is important that the direction of this sector is in the hands of professionals who know how to manage and improve both economic and social benefits. The professionalism of the sector will be fundamental in achieving a highly qualified and, as a consequence, competitive sector in one of the most dynamic and active industries in the economy.
- Published
- 2022
19. Epilogue: Archive Matters
- Author
Gómez-Popescu, Liliana
- Published
- 2015
20. Towards a History through Photography: An Introduction
- Author
Gómez-Popescu, Liliana
- Published
- 2015
21. ¿Cómo debe la UE tratar con una Rusia post-BRIC?
- Author
Judah, Ben, Kobzova, Jana, and Popescu, Nicu
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Veronica POPESCU
- Subjects
Cristina García, Cuban American fiction, hyphenation, identity, trauma, ethnicity, “1.5” generation. ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Hyphenated Identities in Cristina García’s Dreaming in Cuban and The Agüero Sisters. The two novels analysed here are organically connected by their exploration of the effects of the Cuban Revolution on the families divided by their political allegiances and their experience of that revolution. The present study investigates the author’s personal journey towards understanding her own hyphenated identity as a “1.5er” reconciling her own conflicting impulses and cultural identities, using writing as a means to heal herself and others through an on-going interrogation of all aspects that help configure communal and personal identity and exploring their interdependence, in fascinating and intriguing tales of survival and atonement. REZUMAT. Identități cratimate în romanele Dreaming in Cuban și The Agüero Sisters ale Cristinei García. Cele două romane analizate aici sunt legate organic prin explorarea efectelor Revoluției Cubaneze asupra familiilor divizate de loialitățile lor politice și modul în care au trecut prin revoluție. Studiul de față investighează călătoria personală a autoarei către definirea propriei identități împărțite ca reprezentantă a generației „1,5”, reconciliind propriile impulsuri și identități culturale conflictuale, folosindu-se de scris ca modalitate de a se vindeca și a-i vindeca și pe alții printr-o interogare continuă a tuturor aspectelor care conturează identitatea personală și pe cea a comunității, explorându-le interdependența, în povești fascinante și provocatoare despre supraviețuire și împăcare. Cuvinte cheie: Cristina García, literatura cubanezilor americani, cratimare, identitate, traumă, etnicitate, generația „1,5”.
- Published
- 2017
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23. The 'future in the past' in contemporary Romanian. A semantic-pragmatic insight/'Viitorul in trecut' in limba romana contemporana. Un punct de vedere semantico-pragmatic
- Author
Popescu, Mihaela
- Published
- 2014
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24. Guía ESC 2016 sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular, desarrollada en colaboración con la EACTS
- Author
Kirchhof, Paulus, Benussi, Stefano, Kotecha, Dipak, Ahlsson, Anders, Atar, Dan, Casadei, Barbara, Castellá, Manuel, Diener, Hans-Christoph, Heidbuchel, Hein, Hendriks, Jeroen, Hindricks, Gerhard, Manolis, Antonis S., Oldgren, Jonas, Alexandru Popescu, Bogdan, Schotten, Ulrich, Van Putte, Bart, Vardas, Panagiotis, Agewall, Stefan, Camm, John, Barón Esquivias, Gonzalo, Budts, Werner, Carerj, Scipione, Casselman, Filip, Coca, Antonio, De Caterina, Raffaele, Deftereos, Spiridon, Dobrev, Dobromir, Ferro, José M., Filippatos, Gerasimos, Fitzsimons, Donna, Gorenek, Bulent, Guenoun, Maxine, Hohnloser, Stefan H., Kolh, Philippe, Lip, Gregory Y.H., Manolis, Athanasios, McMurray, John, Ponikowski, Piotr, Rosenhek, Raphael, Ruschitzka, Frank, Savelieva, Irina, Sharma, Sanjay, Suwalski, Piotr, Luis Tamargo, Juan, Taylor, Clare J., Van Gelder, Isabelle C., Voors, Adriaan A., Windecker, Stephan, Luis Zamorano, José, and Zeppenfeld, Katja
- Published
- 2017
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25. La doctrina industrialista de Carlos Pellegrini
- Author
Oreste Popescu
- Subjects
industrialización ,modelos económicos ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
The author presents a global view of the literature on Carlos Pellegrini (1846-1906) with special reference to Pellegriní's doctrine of industrialism developed as a member of the school of thougllt that was led by Vicente Fidel López (1815-1903). He considers the relation of Pellegrini's ideas with E.C. Carey's and Federico List's theories as well as the influence of Emilio de Alvear's (1817-1882) and Enrique Richelot's (1811-1864) work. The study also refers to the XXth century ecunomists Alejandro Bunge (1880-1943) and Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986).
- Published
- 2014
26. Factores de riesgo cardiovascular y su control en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 según el género subestudio iberican (Iberican-CV) Comunidad Valenciana
- Author
Popescu, Ana Alina, Pallares Carratala, Vicente José, Universitat Jaume I. Unitat Predepartamental de Medicina., and Mechó Carregui, María Dolores
- Subjects
diabetes type 2 ,enfermedades cardiovasculares ,Grado en Medicina ,lifestyles ,cardiovascular diseases ,multifactorial therapy ,Grau en Medicina ,Bachelor's Degree in Medicine ,estilo de vida ,gender ,factores de riesgo ,diabetes tipo 2 ,risk factors ,género - Abstract
Treball Final de Grau en Medicina. Codi: MD1158. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020 Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares (FRCV) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) atendidos en consultas de Atención Primaria de la Comunidad Valenciana en función del género. Metodología: Estudio observacional y transversal, llevado a cabo en población que acude a consultas de Atención Primaria de la Comunidad Valenciana, subestudio IBERICAN-CV. Los participantes fueron mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión del presente estudio. Se evaluaron variables cuantitativas y cualitativas por género. Resultados. De un total de 777 pacientes incluidos, 132 (16.98%) tienen DM2. De los casos con DM2, se analizaron variables relacionadas con el riesgo cardiovascular, metabólico y renal, la exploración física y los hábitos psicobiológicos. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos sexos en peso y talla, con valores más altos en hombres ( 86,17±12,65 y 1,69±0,07 respectivamente), si bien el IMC fue más alto en mujeres ( 31,32±5,66) sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El género masculino mostró valores más altos de ácido úrico ( 5,85) y creatinina ( 1,03), si bien la función renal estuvo preservada y el riesgo de enfermedad renal fue bajo en ambos grupos. Los FRCV arrojaron una mayor frecuencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA) (83,8%) y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) (14,7%) en hombres, mientras que la dislipidemia (79,70%) fue más frecuente en mujeres, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. La mayor presencia de hábito tabáquico (67,60%) en hombres fue estadísticamente significativa. Ambos grupos mostraron adecuado control de los FRCV, siendo que los hombres presentaban mejor control de al menos dos de estos y las mujeres de tres, sin diferencias significativas entre los grupos, aunque en el control general de la DM2, el género masculino mostró un mejor nivel. Las mujeres presentaron mayor obesidad (grado I y II), dislipidemia y sedentarismo (84,1%) que los hombres; los hombres presentaron mayor frecuencia de antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular (14,7%), aunque las diferencias entre géneros no fueron estadísticamente significativas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre géneros con respecto a los tratamientos de hipertensión, dislipidemia, diabetes, antiagregantes, anticoagulantes y antitrombóticos. Conclusiones: Este estudio encontró que no hay diferencias importantes en términos de género para los parámetros analizados, excepto en el peso y talla, hábito tabáquico, ácido úrico, siendo todos mayores en hombres; en cuanto a los hábitos y factores de riesgo, las mujeres mostraron tendencia mayor a la obesidad, dislipidemia y sedentarismo. En ambos grupos el riesgo de enfermedad renal fue bajo. Hombres y mujeres mostraron adecuado control de sus factores de riesgo y no hubo diferencias significativas por género en el uso de medicamentos. Objective: To analyze cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) prevalence according to gender, in type 2 diabetes (DM2) patients treated in the Valencian Community’s Primary Care Clinics. Methodology: Observational and cross-sectional study, carried out in individuals attending Primary Care consultations in the Valencian Community, as part of an IBERICAN-CV sub-study. Participants were over 18 years of age, of both sexes, who met inclusion and exclusion criteria for the present study. Quantitative and qualitative variables analyzed by gender were evaluated. Results: From a total of 777 patients included in the study, 132 (16.98%) had DM2. Of the DM2 cases, variables related to cardiovascular and renal risk, physical examination and psychobiological habits were analyzed. A statistically significant difference was observed between both sexes in weight and height, with higher average values in men ( 86.17 ± 12.65 and 1.69 ± 0.07 respectively), although BMI was higher in women ( 31.32 ± 5.66) without statistically significant differences. Male participants showed higher values of uric acid ( 5.85) and creatinine ( 1.03), although kidney function was preserved, and kidney disease risk was deemed low in both groups. Assessing cardiovascular risk factors, the sample showed a higher frequency of hypertension (83.8%) and CVD (14.7%) in men, while dyslipidemia (79.70%) was more frequent in women, with statistically non-significant differences. Smoking (67.60%) was a more common practice in men, and the gender difference was statistically significant. Both groups showed adequate CVRF control, being that the men presented better control of at least 2 of these factors and women higher control of 3 factors, without significant differences between the groups, although in general control of DM, man showed better performance. Women presented higher frequency of obesity (grade I and II), dyslipidemia, and sedentary lifestyle (84.1%) than men; the later presented a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease history (14.7%), although the differences between genders were not statistically significant. No significant differences gender-related were found regarding hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, antiplatelet, anticoagulant and antithrombotic treatments. Conclusions: The study found that there are no important differences, in terms of gender, for most of the analyzed parameters, except for weight and height, smoking and uric acid, all being greater in men, while in terms of habits and risk factors, women showed a greater tendency to obesity, dyslipidemia and sedentary lifestyle. In both groups the risk of kidney disease was low. Men and women showed adequate control of their risk factors and there were no significant differences in the use of medications by gender.
- Published
- 2020
27. Colaboradores
- Author
Akhtar, Shamsuddin, Bose, Ruma, Charchaflieh, Jean Gabriel, Chaudhary, Connie W., Choudhury, Nadim, Conte, Antonio Hernandez, Coppes, Oscar, Daxon, Benjamin T., Deshpande, Ranjit, Dillman, Dawn, Diu, Michelle W., Fontes, Manuel, Freed, Julie K., Grecu, Loreta, Guevara, Lindsay R. Hunter, Heerdt, Paul M., Hickey, Thomas R., Hines, Roberta L., Holt, Natalie F., Jones, Stephanie B., Kurup, Viji, Maerz, Linda L., Mahmood, Feroze, McSwain, Julie R., Meng, Marie-Louise, Merritt, William T., Montealegre-Gallegos, Mario, Moon, Tiffany Sun, Oprea, Adriana D., Pagel, Paul S., Pasternak, Jeffrey J., Popescu, Wanda, Pustavoitau, Aliaksei, Rana, Maunak, Rosenbaum, Stanley H., Schonberger, Robert B., Selzer, Angela, Sharkey, Aidan, Simmons, Flora, Smiley, Richard, Steppan, Jochen, Szabo, Christopher, Tantawy, Hossam, Tao, Jing, Tawil, Justin, Wadia, Rajeev S., Walker, Kathryn K., Watson, Kelley Teed, Weimer, Melissa B., and Zuo, Leila
- Published
- 2023
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28. Getting ready for Generation Z students - considerations on 3D printing curriculum
- Author
Popescu, Diana, Popa, Diana Mariana, and Cotet, Beatrice Gabriela
- Subjects
3D Printing ,Impresión 3D ,Engineering ,Educación ,Gen Y ,Ingeniería ,Gen Z ,Currículo ,Curriculum ,Education - Abstract
Debido a que en todo el mundo se ha adoptado la impresión 3D (3DP) en muchas áreas de actividades, la educación formal se ha convertido en una solución obligatoria para adquirir el conocimiento teórico y a las habilidades prácticas para un uso eficiente, para brindar contribuciones reales al desarrollo de esta tecnología y sus aplicaciones. Los verdaderos nativos digitales, los estudiantes de la generación Z acceden ahora a la universidad. Los universitarios de la Generación Z reciben instrucción por parte de profesores que pertenecen a la Generación X y a los primeros representantes de la Generación Y. Estos profesores tienen que hacer frente al diferente conjunto de habilidades y mentalidades de la nueva generación de estudiantes, al igual que, en el caso de la impresión 3D, a una sobreexposición mediática de esta tecnología que genera una tendencia cada vez mayor de los jóvenes a la adquisición rápida de conocimientos superficiales y a la autosuficiencia. En este contexto, nuestras investigaciones examinan los retos y las implicaciones inherentes a los aspectos curriculares de la impresión 3D, ofreciendo una serie de consideraciones y análisis basados en el estudio de la literatura y en una larga experiencia en la enseñanza de esta materia en el ámbito de la ingeniería. Se presentaron también los resultados de un estudio que persigue comprender las expectativas de los estudiantes de la Generación Z de Rumania en relación con el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la impresión 3D. Estamos de acuerdo con la idea de que la enseñanza debe ser adaptada a los conocimientos anteriores del estudiante, pues la personalización de esta en función de los rasgos de los alumnos no resulta ni práctica ni eficaz. Al mismo tiempo, consideramos que el conocimiento de las características de las nuevas generaciones, de sus hábitos de estudio y de sus preferencias como grupo, pueden, sin lugar a duda, orientar a los profesores a la hora de elegir las herramientas y los métodos adecuados en aras de mejorar la transmisión correcta del contenido y de garantizar que este llegue eficazmente a la audiencia. As there is a worldwide adoption of 3D printing (3DP) in many activity areas, formal education becomes mandatory for acquiring theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills for an efficient use, for bringing real contributions to the development of this technology and its applications. Truly digitally natives, Gen Z students are now entering higher forms of education. They are trained by Gen X and early Gen Y professors who should be able to cope not only with students’ different set of skills and mind-set, but also, in case of 3D printing, with the media overexposure of this technology and, consequently, with a tendency of fast acquiring shallow knowledge and being auto-sufficient with this. In this context, our research examines the challenges and implications raised by 3DP curriculum aspects, providing a series of considerations and analyses based on literature review and on a long experience of teaching this topic in an engineering environment. Results of a survey aimed to understand Gen Z Romanian students’ expectations on learning and teaching 3DP are also presented. We agree the idea that teaching should be adapted to student prior knowledge, not being practical and efficient to customize it to student trait. In the same time, we consider that knowing new generation characteristics, learning habits and preferences, as a group, can definitely support teachers in choosing the right tools and methods so that to improve correct content delivery and to ensure that this content efficiently reaches audience.
- Published
- 2019
29. Guía de práctica clínica de la ESC para el manejo del infarto agudo de miocardio en pacientes con elevación del segmento ST: Grupo de Trabajo para el manejo del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC)
- Author
Steg, Gabriel, James, Stefan K., Atar, Dan, Badano, Luigi P., Blomstrom Lundqvist, Carina, A. Borger, Michael, di Mario, Carlo, Dickstein, Kenneth, Ducrocq, Gregory, Fernández-Avilés, Francisco, H. Gershlick, Anthony, Giannuzzi, Pantaleo, Halvorsen, Sigrun, Huber, Kurt, Juni, Peter, Kastrati, Adnan, Knuuti, Juhani, J. Lenzen, Mattie, W. Mahaffey, Kenneth, Valgimigli, Marco, van’t Hof, Arnoud, Widimsky, Petr, Zahger, Doron, J. Bax, Jeroen, Baumgartner, Helmut, Ceconi, Claudio, Dean, Veronica, Deaton, Christi, Fagard, Robert, Funck-Brentano, Christian, Hasdai, David, Hoes, Arno, Kirchhof, Paulus, Kolh, Philippe, McDonagh, Theresa, Moulin, Cyril, Popescu, Bogdan A., Reiner, Zeljko, Sechtem, Udo, Sirnes, Per Anton, Tendera, Michal, Torbicki, Adam, Vahanian, Alec, Windecker, Stephan, Astin, Felicity, Astrom-Olsson, Karin, Budaj, Andrzej, Clemmensen, Peter, Collet, Jean-Philippe, Fox, Keith A., Fuat, Ahmet, Gustiene, Olivija, Hamm, Christian W., Kala, Petr, Lancellotti, Patrizio, Pietro Maggioni, Aldo, Merkely, Béla, Neumann, Franz-Josef, Piepoli, Massimo F., Werf, Frans van de, Verheugt, Freek, and Wallentin, Lars
- Published
- 2013
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30. Actualización detallada de las guías de la ESC para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2012: Actualización de las guías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC) para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2010 Elaborada en colaboración con la Asociación Europea del Ritmo Cardiaco
- Author
Camm, A. John, Lip, Gregory Y.H., Caterina, Raffaele De, Savelieva, Irene, Atar, Dan, Hohnloser, Stefan H., Hindricks, Gerhard, Kirchhof, Paulus, Bax, Jeroen J., Baumgartner, Helmut, Ceconi, Claudio, Dean, Veronica, Deaton, Christi, Fagard, Robert, Funck-Brentano, Christian, Hasdai, David, Hoes, Arno, Knuuti, Juhani, Kolh, Philippe, McDonagh, Theresa, Moulin, Cyril, Popescu, Bogdan A., Reiner, Željko, Sechtem, Udo, Anton Sirnes, Per, Tendera, Michal, Torbicki, Adam, Vahanian, Alec, Windecker, Stephan, Vardas, Panos, Al-Attar, Nawwar, Alfieri, Ottavio, Angelini, Annalisa, Blömstrom-Lundqvist, Carina, Colonna, Paolo, De Sutter, Johan, Ernst, Sabine, Goette, Andreas, Gorenek, Bulent, Hatala, Robert, Heidbüchel, Hein, Heldal, Magnus, Dalby Kristensen, Steen, Le Heuzey, Jean-Yves, Mavrakis, Hercules, Mont, Lluís, Perrone Filardi, Pasquale, Ponikowski, Piotr, Prendergast, Bernard, Rutten, Frans H., Schotten, Ulrich, Van Gelder, Isabelle C., and Verheugt, Freek W.A.
- Published
- 2013
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31. Guía de práctica clínica de la ESC sobre diagnóstico y tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda y crónica 2012: Grupo de Trabajo de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Insuficiencia Cardiaca Aguda y Crónica 2012 de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología. Elaborada en colaboración con la Asociación de Insuficiencia Cardiaca (ICA) de la ESC
- Author
McMurray, John J.V., Adamopoulos, Stamatis, Anker, Stefan D., Auricchio, Angelo, Böhm, Michael, Dickstein, Kenneth, Falk, Volkmar, Filippatos, Gerasimos, Fonseca, Cândida, Gomez Sanchez, Miguel Angel, Jaarsma, Tiny, Køber, Lars, Lip, Gregory Y.H., Maggioni, Aldo Pietro, Parkhomenko, Alexander, Pieske, Burkert M., Popescu, Bogdan A., Rønnevik, Per K., Rutten, Frans H., Schwitter, Juerg, Seferovic, Petar, Stepinska, Janina, Trindade, Pedro T., Voors, Adriaan A., Zannad, Faiez, Zeiher, Andreas, Bax, Jeroen J., Baumgartner, Helmut, Ceconi, Claudio, Dean, Veronica, Deaton, Christi, Fagard, Robert, Funck-Brentano, Christian, Hasdai, David, Hoes, Arno, Kirchhof, Paulus, Knuuti, Juhani, Kolh, Philippe, h, Theresa, Moulin, Cyril, Reiner, Zeljko, Sechtem, Udo, Sirnes, Per Anton, Tendera, Michal, Torbicki, Adam, Vahanian, Alec, Windecker, Stephan, McDonagh, Theresa, Almenar Bonet, Luis, Avraamides, Panayiotis, Ben Lamin, Hisham A., Brignole, Michele, Coca, Antonio, Cowburn, Peter, Dargie, Henry, Elliott, Perry, Arnold Flachskampf, Frank, Francesco Guida, Guido, Hardman, Suzanna, Iung, Bernard, Merkely, Bela, Mueller, Christian, Nanas, John N., Nielsen, Olav Wendelboe, Ørn, Stein, Parissis, John T., and Ponikowski, Piotr
- Published
- 2012
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32. La imagen del sacrificio indígena en la Nueva España : la vision española del siglo XVI
- Author
Liviu Popescu, Olivier, Guilhem, Taracena Arriola, Arturo, Guilhem Olivier Duránd, and Jorge Arturo Taracena Arriola
- Subjects
4 [cti] ,Humanidades y Artes - Abstract
- Published
- 2019
33. ¿Cómo podemos mejorar el registro de mortalidad en la atención primaria?
- Author
Quesada Sabaté, M., Font Roura, P., López Arpí, C., Maset Viader, C., and Popescu, D.
- Published
- 2002
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34. Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo del síncope (versión 2009)
- Author
Moya, Ángel, Sutton, Richard, Ammirati, Fabrizio, Blanc, Jean-Jacques, Brignole, Michele, Dahm, Johannes B., Deharo, Jean-Claude, Gajek, Jacek, Gjesdal, Knut, Krahn, Andrew, Massin, Martial, Pepi, Mauro, Pezawas, Thomas, Granell, Ricardo Ruiz, Sarasin, Francois, Ungar, Andrea, Gert van Dijk, J., Walma, Edmond P., Wieling, Wouter, Abe, Haruhiko, Benditt, David G., Decker, Wyatt W., Grubb, Blair P., Kaufmann, Horacio, Morillo, Carlos, Olshansky, Brian, Parry, Steve W., Sheldon, Robert, Shen, Win K., Vahanian, Alec, Auricchio, Angelo, Bax, Jeroen, Ceconi, Claudio, Dean, Veronica, Filippatos, Gerasimos, Funck-Brentano, Christian, Hobbs, Richard, Kearney, Peter, McDonagh, Theresa, McGregor, Keith, Popescu, Bogdan A., Reiner, Zeljko, Sechtem, Udo, Sirnes, Per Anton, Tendera, Michal, Vardas, Panos, Widimsky, Petr, Acarturk, Esmeray, Andreotti, Felicita, Asteggiano, Riccardo, Bauersfeld, Urs, Bellou, Abdelouahab, Benetos, Athanase, Brandt, Johan, Chung, Mina K., Cortelli, Pietro, Costa, Antoine Da, Extramiana, Fabrice, Ferro, José, Gorenek, Bulent, Hedman, Antti, Hirsch, Rafael, Kaliska, Gabriela, Kenny, Rose Anne, Kjeldse, Keld Per, Lampert, Rachel, Mølgard, Henning, Paju, Rain, Puodziukynas, Aras, Raviele, Antonio, Roman, Pilar, Scherer, Martin, Schondorf, Ronald, Sicari, Rosa, Vanbrabant, Peter, Wolpert, Christian, and Zamorano, José Luis
- Published
- 2009
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35. Fischer 'salva' a Schröder: los comicios más reñidos de la historia alemana. Schröder, gracias a los votos de un reforzado Fischer, sigue en la CancillerÃa y Stoiber, en la oposición. (el mundo)
- Author
Popescu, ValentÃn
- Published
- 2002
36. Stoiber-Schröder:duelo en el Elba
- Author
Popescu, ValentÃn
- Published
- 2002
37. Proyecto docente innovador desarrollado en Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Producto para la consecución de un Prototipo Funcional mediante trabajo en equipo
- Author
Aroca Martínez, Antonio, Calles Díaz, Héctor, Chisbert Victory, Daniel, Cremades Navarro, Miguel Ángel, Diago de Rozas, Rodrigo, Esplugues Calabuig, David, Férez Navarro, Mario, González Simón, Francisco Javier, Morera Gilabert, Óscar, Munguía Lozano, María Fernanda, Ortiz Castillo, Álvaro, Ortuño Ayuso, Pablo, Pérez Montoya, Sergio, Popescu, Gabriel, and Requena Felis, Ángel
- Subjects
Innovación educativa ,Diseño ,CIENCIA DE LOS MATERIALES E INGENIERIA METALURGICA ,Educación superior ,Arduino ,Prototipado ,Enseñanza superior ,Prototipo funcional ,Tecnologías y educación ,Código abierto - Abstract
Se propone un método docente innovador para fomentar el trabajo en equipo a la vez que se adquiere habilidades en nuevas tecnologías de interés para el ingeniero de diseño industrial y del producto. Inicialmente a los estudiantes se les propone realizar una investigación siguiendo una metodología de aprendizaje inverso, invitándoles a analizar experimentalmente cómo funcionan muchos de los aparatos tecnológicos que los rodean. Se trata de redescubrir la curiosidad innata de aprendizaje desmontando un producto para ver de qué está hecho y qué mecanismos lo hacen funcionar. Además, durante estas jornadas teórico-prácticas se les muestra materiales, instrumentos y metodologías para realizar prototipos funcionales, como son materiales luminiscentes, escáneres 3D, arcillas de modelado y tecnologías novedosas de código abierto dedicadas al prototipado. Las posteriores evaluaciones y la experiencia adquirida con esta metodología demuestra que la metodología implantada consigue favorecer el trabajo en equipo a la vez que se recupera el entusiasmo por un aprendizaje nutrido desde la curiosidad. La mayoría de los estudiantes coincidieron en lo valioso que les resultó el conocimiento adquirido, incluso han podido aprovechar estas experiencias para desarrollar un modelo funcional para sus respectivos PFG.
- Published
- 2016
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38. Applications of synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction in hydrated cements: high-resolution and high-pressure studies
- Author
Cuesta, Ana, De la Torre, Angeles G., Santacruz, Isabel, Popescu, Catalin, and Aranda, Miguel A. G.
- Subjects
Synchrotron radiation ,High-pressure ,Cemento -- Industria ,Hydrated cements ,Bulk moduli - Abstract
The main aim of this study is to apply synchrotron radiation techniques for the study of hydrated cement pastes. In particular, the tetracalcium aluminoferrite phase, C4AF in cement nomenclature, is the major iron-containing phase in Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and in iron rich belite calcium sulfoaluminate cements. In a first study, the hydration mechanism of pure tetracalcium aluminoferrite phase with water-to-solid ratio of 1.0 has been investigated by HR-SXRPD (high resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction). C4AF in the presence of water hydrates to form mainly an iron-containing hydrogarnet-type (katoite) phase, C3A0.84F0.16H6, as single crystalline phase. Its crystal structure and stoichiometry were determined by the Rietveld method and the final disagreement factors were RWP=8.1% and RF=4.8% [1]. As the iron content in the product is lower than that in C4AF, it is assumed that part of the iron also goes to an amorphous iron rich gel, like the hydrated alumina-type gel, as hydration proceeds. Further results from the high-resolution study will be discussed. In a second study, the behavior of pure and iron-containing katoites (C3AH6 and C3A0.84F0.16H6) under pressure have been analyzed by SXRPD using a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and then their bulk moduli were determined. The role of the pressure transmitting medium (PTM) has also been studied. In this case, silicone oil as well as methanol/ethanol mixtures have been used as PTM. Some “new peaks” were detected in the pattern for C3A0.84F0.16H6 as pressure increases, when using ethanol/methanol as PTM. These new peaks were still present at ambient pressure after releasing the applied pressure. They may correspond to crystalline nordstrandite or doyleite from the crystallization of amorphous aluminium hydroxide. The results from the high-pressure study will also be discussed. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Acknowledgments: We thank CELLS-ALBA (Barcelona, Spain) for providing synchrotron beam time. We also thank the financial support by BIA2014-57658-C2-1-R and BIA2014-57658-C2-2-R (FEDER) .
- Published
- 2016
39. Diseño exterior de un automóvil de turismo deportivo
- Author
Popescu, Gabriel
- Subjects
Diseño ,Design ,INGENIERIA MECANICA ,CAD ,Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos-Grau en Enginyeria en Disseny Industrial i Desenvolupament de Productes ,CFD ,Sport car tourism ,Turismo Sport - Abstract
[EN] In this project is intended to develop the exterior design concept of a sports car tourism. For this, CAD and CFD techniques will be used to calculate the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle, comparing it with others of the same range., [ES] En este proyecto se pretende desarrollar el diseño exterior de concepto de un automóvil turismo de características deportivas. Para ello, se utilizarán técnicas CAD y CFD para el calculo del arrastre aerodinámico del vehículo comparándolo con otros de su misma gama.
- Published
- 2016
40. Factores de éxito en el sector del aceite de oliva
- Author
Popescu , Andrei
- Published
- 2015
41. La doctrina industrialista de Carlos Pellegrini
- Author
Popescu, Oreste
- Subjects
industrialización ,Ciencias Económicas ,modelos económicos - Abstract
The author presents a global view of the literature on Carlos Pellegrini (1846-1906) with special reference to Pellegriní's doctrine of industrialism developed as a member of the school of thougllt that was led by Vicente Fidel López (1815-1903). He considers the relation of Pellegrini's ideas with E.C. Carey's and Federico List's theories as well as the influence of Emilio de Alvear's (1817-1882) and Enrique Richelot's (1811-1864) work. The study also refers to the XXth century ecunomists Alejandro Bunge (1880-1943) and Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986)., Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
- Published
- 2014
42. Martínez de Castilla Muñoz, Nuria, Una biblioteca morisca entre dos tapas
- Author
Popescu, Lorena
- Published
- 2011
43. Actualización de las guías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC) para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2010 Elaborada en colaboración con la Asociación Europea del Ritmo Cardiaco
- Author
Camm, Aj, Lip, Gy, Caterina, Rd, Savelieva, I, Atar, D, Hohnloser, Sh, Hindricks, G, Kirchhof, P, Bax, Jj, Baumgartner, H, Ceconi, C, Dean, V, Deaton, C, Fagard, R, Funck Brentano, C, Hasdai, D, Hoes, A, Knuuti, J, Kolh, P, Mcdonagh, T, Moulin, C, Popescu, Ba, Reiner, Z, Sechtem, U, Anton Sirnes, P, Tendera, M, Torbicki, A, Vahanian, A, Windecker, S, Vardas, P, Al Attar, N, Alfieri, O, Angelini, Annalisa, Blömstrom Lundqvist, C, Colonna, P, De Sutter, J, Ernst, S, Goette, A, Gorenek, B, Hatala, R, Heidbüchel, H, Heldal, M, Dalby Kristensen, S, Le Heuzey JY, Mavrakis, H, Mont, L, Perrone Filardi, P, Ponikowski, P, Prendergast, B, Rutten, Fh, Schotten, U, Van Gelder IC, Verheugt, Fw, Autores/miembros del Grupo de Trabajo, Comité de la ESC de Guías para la Práctica Clínica, and Revisores del documento
- Published
- 2013
44. Les rapports entre le Droit International des droits de l’homme et le Droit roumain
- Author
Popescu, Corneliu-Liviu
- Subjects
Derecho - Abstract
- Published
- 2008
45. Púrpura trombótica trombocitopenica en adultos
- Author
Pepermans, María, Buchovsky, Gregorio, and Popescu, Bogdan Mihai
- Subjects
microangiopática ,Plasmaféresis ,Anemia hemolítica ,Púrpura - Abstract
Fil: Pepermans, María. Universidad Nacional Del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Fil: Buchovsky, Gregorio. Universidad Nacional Del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Fil: Popescu, Bogdan Mihai. Universidad Nacional Del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Se revisa la presentación de 6 pacientes adultos con púrpura trombótica trombocitopénica (PTT), que fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Clínica Médica del Hospital Escuela de Corrientes durante un período de 11 años. La púrpura trombótica trombocitopénica es una anemia hemolítica microangiopática caracterizada por una pentada clínica típica: trombocitopenia, anemia hemolítica microan giopática, fallo renal, fiebre y manifestaciones neurológicas. Todos los pacientes presentaron trombocitopenia y anemia hemolítica microangiopática. El compromiso neurológico fue la segunda característica más frecuente. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados con plasmaféresis. Tres pacientes se recuperaron completamente y 3 fallecieron. El pilar del tratamiento es la transfusión de plasma y la plasmaféresis. Se hace hincapié en su implementación inmediata dada la alta mortalidad de esta patología.
- Published
- 2008
46. Meningoencefalitis criptocóccica en SIDA asociada a síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune
- Author
Perrotti, Pedro Pablo, Corrales, José Luis, and Popescu, Bogdan Mihai
- Subjects
Meningoencefalitis criptocóccica ,Síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune - Abstract
Fil: Perrotti, Pedro Pablo. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Fil: Corrales, José Luis. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Fil: Popescu, Bogdan Mihai. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 25 años de edad con diagnóstico de síndrome de inmuno-deficiencia adquirida (SIDA) que cumple criterios para una meningoencefalitis criptocóccica asociada a un síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune (SIRI), de evolución aguda, que debuta con un cuadro de encefalitis, mejorando la misma luego de 48 horas de iniciado el tratamiento. El objetivo de la presentación de este caso es resaltar la asociación entre la meningoencefalitis por Cryptococcus neoformans y el SIRI, descripta con poca frecuencia en la literatura y que se empieza a observar con más frecuencia desde la utilización del tratamiento de alto impacto.
- Published
- 2007
47. Hacia un Sistema Inteligente basado en Mapas Conceptuales Evolucionados para la Automatización de un Aprendizaje Significativo. Aplicación a la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Jerarquía de Memoria
- Author
Moreno, Lorenzo, González, Evelio, Piñeiro, J.D., Popescu, B., Hamilton, Alberto, Sigut, J., Torres, J., Toledo, Jonay, Merino, J., and González, C.
- Subjects
Informática ,Enseñanza universitaria - Abstract
El principal objetivo de esta ponencia consiste en plasmar la búsqueda de un sistema inteligente para apoyo a la docencia en un proceso de aprendizaje significativo [9]. Como dominio concreto, hemos elegido el campo de la jerarquía de memoria por su complejidad limitada pero que a la vez constituye un dominio lo suficientemente general para ser enseñado en diferentes asignaturas y grados de detalle. Además, los autores hemos desarrollado varios trabajos en esta área, incluyendo varios simuladores que han sido empleados como recursos docentes. Buscando la mejora continua de la docencia, se llevó a cabo un proceso de investigación-acción, dando como fruto la idea de elaborar el mencionado sistema inteligente, incluso para ser independiente del dominio de aplicación. Para esta aplicación, hemos desarrollado una variación de los tradicionales mapas conceptuales, a la que hemos denominado Grafo Instruccional Conceptual Pedagógico (Pedagogical Concept Instructional Graph, PCIG) que permite la planificación del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de un tema específico. Después de que el profesor haya diseñado el PCIG específico de la materia a enseñar, el sistema experto hará uso de un test adaptivo que generará una serie de preguntas siguiendo la estructura jerárquica descrita en el PCIG. De la respuesta obtenida por cada estudiante se puede obtener un mapa conceptual individualizado que describe lo que cada alumno conoce a priori de la materia a aprender.
- Published
- 2007
48. Conquistadores y frailes frente al sacrificio idolátrico en la Nueva España: el primer contacto
- Author
Popescu, Liviu, Guilhem Olivier Duránd, and Guilhem Durand, Olivier
- Subjects
4 [cti] ,Humanidades y Artes - Abstract
- Published
- 2007
49. La unidad diversificada del pensamiento humano y sus creaciones artísticas
- Author
Popescu, Gabriela
- Subjects
Revista Cifra Nueva ,Cultura ,Centro de Investigaciones Literarias y Lingüísticas Mario Briceño Iragorry ,Revistas ,Artículos [Revista Cifra Nueva] ,Literature ,Culture ,Literatura ,Arte ,Núcleo Rafael Rangel (NURR) ,Art ,Music ,Música - Abstract
SUMARIO Territorios de la palabra. Villegas Villegas, Alberto La unidad diversificada del pensamiento humano y sus creaciones artísticas. Popescu, Gabriela Arte y lenguaje. Gollo Chávez, Américo El uso del lenguaje en la elaboración historiográfica. Rengifo, Diana Las espigas del espíritu: Entre la desdicha y la resistencia. Barreto González, Juan José El discurso escolar de la ciudadanía: Una mirada desde la hermenéutica. Graterol, Aura Amalivacá en Cuba. Rodríguez Carucci, Alberto Sócrates en el siglo XXI, ¿Utopía como ejemplo de vida?. D’Elia, Pierina Ariadna en el laberinto: Una lectura de la casa de asterión. Vásquez M., Víctor J. Bolívar, imaginario social. Mora García, José Pascual Reseñas Las hendiduras del sueño de Pedro Cuartín. Reseñado por: Barreto González, Juan José Niños creadores: Experiencias de un taller de Pena T., Mercedes A. Reseñado por: Urribarrí, Raisa Contra la muerte de Gonzalo Rojas. Reseñado por: Urrutia, María Eugenia 19-36 semestral Nivel analítico
- Published
- 2006
50. Comparación del aprendizaje en internet con la clase convencional en estudiantes de medicina, en Argentina
- Author
Popescu, Bogdan Mihai and Navarro, Viviana
- Subjects
Internet-Lectures ,Web based learning-online learning ,Educación de pregrado en Medicina ,Medical Undergraduate Education ,Métodos ,Estudio comparativo ,Comparative study ,Instrucción por computación - Abstract
Se considera que los estudiantes aprenden igual o mejor en la web que en clases tradicionales. Sin embargo no abundan ensayos randomizados que brinden evidencia al respecto, especialmente en Argentina. Objetivo: Comparar el aprendizaje sobre tratamiento de la diabetes(TD)entre dos grupos de estudiantes avanzados de medicina, uno con clase tradicional y otro utilizando Internet. Materiales y métodos: 120 estudiantes de una Cátedra de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina, contestaron un cuestionario con 20 preguntas sobre TD. Tres meses después, fueron randomizados en 2 grupos para participar en una clase o en un foro de Internet sobre (TD). Los estudiantes no conocían el objetivo del estudio. Todos utilizaron la misma bibliografía. La clase tuvo una duración de 2 horas, conectándose al mismo tiempo el grupo de Internet a un foro habilitado durante 48 hs. 70 horas después de finalizada la actividad realizaron el mismo cuestionario inicial sobre TD. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 107 estudiantes (13 fueron excluidos por no completar alguno de los 2 cuestionarios). La puntuación promedio del grupo clase, antes, fue de 8.30 ± 2.48 y después de 9.76 ± 2.17. El grupo Internet obtuvo una puntuación antes de 8.39 ± 2.14 y después de 9.76 ±2.8, p >0.10 en la comparación de los grupos. Conclusión: Se demuestra que el aprendizaje de un tema de terapéutica para estudiantes de medicina argentinos fue igualmente efectivo por Internet que con una clase convencional. It is not known if medical students can learn better or not with online methods than with traditional lectures. There are not many randomized studies that substantiate this belief, especially in Latin American settings. Purpose: To compare two different methods of learning diabetes’ treatments (DT) in two groups of advanced medical students. One group used an online forum, the other group a traditional lecture. Method: We conducted surveys among 120 medical students of the Northeastern National University of Argentina. The first survey was a questionnaire of 20 items about DT. The students were then randomized to two groups: one assigned to traditional lecture, and another assigned to an online Forum about DT. The students were not aware of the study’s purpose. The same guidelines were provided to both groups. Duration of the lecture was 2 hours. The group working online was connected at the same time to the Web forum for 48h. 70 hours after the lecture and the on line exposure all students repeated the initial questionnaire. Results: 107 students were included (13 were excluded because they didn’t complete one of the questionnaires). The average performance of the lecture’s group was 8.30+/-2.48 points before, and 9.76+/- 2.17 after the educational intervention. In the Web program group it was 8.39 +/- 2.14 points initially, and 9.76 +/- 2.8 after. The p was >0.10 comparing the lectures and the internet groups. Conclusion: Learning a therapeutic subject by Argentinean students was equally as effective with Web based learning as with traditional lectures.
- Published
- 2005
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